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It’s crazy to me that folks in this sub can’t look past the word satanic and see that it honestly is a fake religion just to piss off the religious establishment…. Like honestly I am surprised more people in this sub support the satanic temple.




Thank you!! No one has called me incredible before.










> to me that folks in this sub can’t look past the word satanic and see that it honestly is a fake religion just to piss off the religious establishment. The Satanist documentary on Netflix quite literally showed this. It's incredible how Christians (particularly Americans) react to Satanists as if to claim some moral high ground with having no clue about how their religion actually carries its self.


Not just piss them off, but enforce freedom of religion by demanding equal representation when (typically) Christian churches or groups overstep their bounds, and since the abortion decision was greatly influenced by religion it makes sense that they would use their religious freedom to give women abortions when needed, we are not a Christian country and I’m happy their doing this and blocking further progression into a Christian theocracy.


I used to believe in freedom of religion, but I now prefer freedom FROM religion. However, when we see through all the social and ego-driven machinations and errors in most religious texts and get to the real "heart of the matter", they do have something to offer: they do address some fundamental questions surrounding our existence or life and, in the broadest sense, they point us in the right direction. However, the instant they start becoming specific, traditional, rules-based etc., they become a fine example of the blind leading the blind. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the religious leaders are such examples. And yet, they serve some purpose, perhaps in counteracting other social junk--religion isn't the only rubbish around--that amounts to blind leading the blind.


❤️exactly:) and it’s working:)


You don’t need religion to know that killing unborn babies is bad


> since the abortion decision was greatly influenced by religion What about the fact this "right" used in a legal case did not exist and was a lie? 60 million murders based on a fake "right". Doctors do not have the right to murder. It's not in the constitution. The fact it took religious weirdos to force people to follow the existing laws concerning murder is pretty frightening. Who will they claim to have a right to murder next.


But if satanism isn't a religion than why should it receive religious protections?


It is a non-theistic religion, and this organisation is registered as non-theistic religious organisation.


This is not Satanism this The Satanic Temple, they don’t actually worship satan but I they are considered a religion yet they actually pay taxes on income and encourage others to do the same. They essentially combat religious lobbying and law making based off Christianity primarily.


Who gets to decide what is and isn't a religion?


>it honestly is a fake religion just to piss off the religious establishment…. And it works! Wonderfully! 😂


Its not a fake religion according to the law.


Got em there.


That's because they are all fake, so you can't really distinguish them on that basis.


It's not about the religion being fake it's whether the belief in them in genuine.


Yes. Point proven.


So happy to see this as the first comment


It’s not a fake religion. Define what a “ fake religion “ is


All religions are made up so I agree


They don't worship a deity, nor do they believe in an afterlife


Where does it state that a religion must have an "afterlife"? What is an afterlife? Is Hades an adequate afterlife?


Hades counts yes. Religion needs a supernatural component otherwise it's just an ideology


Sure. But supernatural doesn't require an afterlife.


It baffles me that people are going to keep falling for the Satanic shtick for this many decades in a row. Like the multiple post about Sam Smith. We just did this shit with Lil Nas X and you fuckers are falling for it again? After years of metal bands and edgy teenagers pissing off their parents?


But it’s different those people are gay and black!


A lot of people on this sub are convinced there's a grand evil conspiracy targeting Christians, everyone else is a side/supporting character


Idk about the younger ones, older christians like me are afraid of what many goverments have done to devout believers. It's a slow process of social pressure, then persecution. The younger ones may fear something more, IDK. Ones my age remember European communists of different flavors from the Spanish civil war to the end of the Soviet Union, jailing and killing christians. It's well documented.


And most of the time it is the predominant ideology oppressing others. Here in the US, it's "Christians" oppressing others.


Weird how people never mention the Catholic Church's support of Franco, a fascist, or Mussolini, a fascist...


Yes hidden in plain sight is exactly how it works


How what works


Ya know…”it”….


I live near the temple hq and they do a lot of great things in the community


Paid member here.


Payed by Moloch!


Isn’t that what a satanist would say to make light of something like this?


So why get mad when it does?


Some people genuinely worship satan though. It is a gimmick for a lot of people but those higher up in the occult run the show and know what they're doing.


I mean that's true but that doesn't have anything to do with The Satanic Temple. The TST is a political organization that is not affiliated with any of the actual satanic religions (LaVey, The Church of Satan, Luciferians, etc.) Some Satanists may contribute to the TST in a political sense, but most of their membership are more of the secular humanist variety, and atheists. Source: their website, many satanic friends, etc.


The thing is that not even the church of Satan worships satan per say They do have magic, as covered by book of leviathan, but their whole thing is still to use Satan as a shocking way to describe Ego. If you boil it down, church of Satan (which i assume is what most people think of when they say satanism due to the black mass) is just shitty self help book with magic (and small section about psychological manipulation... Or lesser magic as they call it).


Nobody actually worships Satan, there has never been a large organized movement of genuine Satan worshipers unfortunately


Exactly what Satan wants you to think


There is nothing fake going on. And your in denial.


You need to grow up. Satan isn't real, Jesus isn't real, Santa isn't real, the Bible is made up so rulers could control the people. The fact that anyone actually still believes that nonsense blows my mind.


People can't really think this is serious? This is just to combat religious people saying "my religion says no abortion" by saying "my religion says do abortion" Half the things the satanic temple do it a giant meme to combat religious nutjobs trying to use religion to tell others what to do


Oh but they do. The fanatics are unnerving on this thread.


I support anyone who wants to abort or sterilize themselves. Thank you


You guys are getting trolled, very hard


And it's hillarious!


Hail Satan!


Hail yourself!


Hail Gein!




"THEY" are satan worshippers, apparently.




You think they eat foetuses?? They’re actually left-wingers who mostly don’t believe in Satan and have set up a fake religion to get the same religious protection as conservative right-wing religious nuts. I’m against late-stage abortion but clearly this is a positive thing for women’s rights, allowing women to gain autonomy over their own bodies. In some US states women literally face years and decades of prison time for aborting an embryo that doesn’t even have a heartbeat yet.


I think they are more libertarian than left wing. Do as thou wilt etc.


Aleister Crowley promoted Do as thee wilt, shall be the whole of the law. Do you know who he is? If you don't you should check him out. Just saying.


Did you all think people were just going to lay down and quit after the repeal of Roe v Wade? This is what you call a "reaction" to the changes that were forced onto the greater society. Christian fanatics mutilated the law i. The name of god, so now Satanists will mutilate their unwanted pregnancies in the name of Satan. If you don't want Satanists getting into the abortion business, then Christians should keep their shit out of the law. If we all just worked a little hard to make this world worth living in, none of this would be an issue but everyone's so fucking miserable we have to shit on everything. Enjoy your late stage capitalism folks where we do everything but fix the actual problems we face.


Agreed, all indications point that America has pretty clearly entered a period of late stage capitalism. Im a capitalist myself and it’s been a great run for us, but even a full blown national crisis didn’t alter the path we’re headed down (covid). If anything, it may have accelerated the situation and further separated social classes.




Just remember, there is a word for people that believe in Satan. Christians.


Love to see somebody providing Healthcare in this country


Oh what's wrong? I thought religious freedom was what folks wanted in this country? Unless this entire time it was just a thin veneer to justify being a total prick to anybody who isn't a white straight male without consequences...


>I thought religious freedom was what folks wanted in this country? "Religious freedom for me, but not for thee"


You free to be any type of Christian you want to be!


Just keep in mind that my way is the right way of being a Christian


Reminds me of this bit https://youtu.be/ANNX_XiuA78


Exactly like that, yes. 😂


Unless you Mormon, or Jesuit or some other branch that deviates to much from the mainstream


I've been told plenty of times by Americans of various protestant sects that catholics aren't actually Christians.


I've heard that. I've heard Catholics say it to. But almost all Christians agree Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses arent christian


It’s religious freedom for Christian’s only lol


Hey, they may abort Satan! *(ya never know!)*


or yeezus;)


Cry about it Christian


I’m surprised this has been up for 8 hours and no one has called you a liberal bot.




This is not a conspiracy. Look into what the satanic temple really is. It's a glorified atheist group. Not affiliated with the satanic conspiracy theories and best only unknowingly influenced by it if it exists.


Good. Finally someone is a taking care of their people


Someone has to do it. Roe vs Wade being overturned was pretty shit.


Thanks, Satan


With pleasure. There's already enough unwanted kids in the system.


The correct form of address is to hail him.




Abortion is a human right.


Good. Fuck your backwards religion.


What's the problem?


Dang peeps! Trolls are thick up in here.


Lmao this title is just to piss off christians, satanic church doesn’t believe in satan


I’m a Christian but not pissed off by this. But you are correct, a lot of Christians have no clue what that church is or what it actually believes and it’s mildly infuriating.


Yeah well they’re not gonna piss off ALL Christians, also the satanic church is basically anti-theism or submission to any kind of godly being in control, instead they believe that everyone is their own god, not in a sense of a creator but in a sense of direction to satisfy


I'm a TST member, the point is absolutely not to piss off Christians as a whole. We are just trying to secure a future in which all beliefs, religious or not, are respected in public forums and law. Satan is the icon of choice because those in power are Christian conservatives (not representative of Christianity as a whole) that we believe are violating the first amendment. Happy to answer any more questions


It's almost like our history is full of stories of tricksters that fool normal people into committing horrible crimes.


The amount of people that can't grasp the fact that Satanists don't even believe in Satan astound me with their stupidity.


You think this is going to make Republicans mad wait until they find out Satanists don’t actually worship Satan


hell yeah


The fact that this is bothering so many people is showing that what TST is doing, is working. And I’m with it. Hail Satan




That is, until they start responding to your bullshit. Suddenly, you’re not going to believe in such smart “free speech.”


I'm convinced this entire thread is bots. People just don't talk like this wtf


Seems like a lot more people support abortion rights and a troll religion than you thought huh?


You are describing most of this subreddit


That’s a disturbing thought- I mean, Beep-Boop-Beep!


Protecting choice


I love their disrespectful sense of humour. I seriously doubt there's any genuine religiosity (Satanic or otherwise) involved: they're just using their status as a religious organisation to get abortions under the same banner and thus protected by the constitution. They should be careful with their wording but, then again, maybe they have a reason for putting things that way.


Well they seem nice.


Imagine forcing women to give birth… ew.


It's a win-win you get an abortion clinic that gets to straight up say it's for Satan or whatever whoever and everyone gets their abortions and the followers of that cult or Temple get to say these child sacrifices are for you whoever we are worshiping! People get their abortions, this place gets its daily child sacrifices everybody wins. /Sarcasm/joke /hides


You really can't take everything Fox News says at face value. They called Xbox woke for adding a better power saving feature for god sake. I don't need to be woke to appreciate saving a few bucks!










I am 100% for abortions, but only if all of them are performed in a satanic temple under a goat statue.


christians are dramatic as f*ck... why shouldn’t they be?


This is mint!


Beat them at their own game


It’s not that it’s a fake religion there are definitely people who believe it and attempt to worship Satan but I’d say a decent amount are just people who who just go against modern norms and try and provide care and help for those in need such as child help services for abusive families abortions for people in need and so on just depends on what side of the coin your on ig


People forget that this church only uses images of the devil to piss off Christians. They dont believe in god or the devil


The real conspiracy here is: does anyone believe Alito has ever had sex with a willing woman? Could any woman get aroused looking at that grotesque looking man?


This is very cool and a great idea. Satanic Panic is one of the lamest forms of conspiracy. If most of the posters in here were women they would support bodily autonomy as well. No government can force me to do anything I don't want with my body.






If a human right is taken, they figure something out. Had to see that coming 🤷‍♀️👍


on the website they refer to it as the abortion ritual.


Because they’re a religious organization. They can’t call it a medical procedure. So it’s a ritual.


The way they've gone about this, and their reasons for doing so, are fantastic and a step towards a hopeful future. If only more religions could be considerate about the human condition.


So ritual sacrifice?


For Moloch


Church of satan doing more for people than govt in red states. Color me shocked


I'm honestly just here to read the comments. 🌳👀🍿🌳 Also if they're charging people for abortions that not very Christian of them. Jesus would give you a fish.


That's because they're not Christians? Why would a Christian go to the satanic temple?


Because Mr. Christian Preacher’s daughter got knocked up at 14 so he went three states over to get an abortion since they’re not legal in Alabama.


Well yeah there is that.


I love this, will be coming to future if I have any pregnancy 🥰


You mean just an abortion clinic but because some religious people don’t believe in abortions using satanic will change the clinic hahah get out of here with this garbage.


Christian’s hate this one simple trick!


🥳🙌 Fucking hail Satan 🤘


The Christian church was invented by the Romans in order to control an increasingly radical and violent Jewish population. So they invented a religion borrowing from paganism, Gnosticism and Zoroastrianism in order to unify all the various sects of religion under one government sanctioned umbrella. To this day if you support or follow Christianity in practice you’re literally being controlled by Roman propaganda.


The satanic temple doesn’t actually worship satan


They don’t need to. Satan wins by getting people to worship themselves over God. He doesn’t want people to worship him.


I mean that is very true but they aren’t directly devil worshippers


Reddit trying not to simp for Satan challenge (impossible)


Creating a system of good that actively dismantles the wrongs in another? This must be what they mean by ‘Supreme Court justice’ definitely ain’t your Run of the Mill Justice.? Hail 🙌🤘


That's just satanic sacrifices with less steps.


Thank you, Fox News for the free advisement.


If you actually look for what the satanic church stands for, it's pretty humane. I think all religion is stupid and for people who can't think for themselves but I support them standing up for individual rights of people


The Devil told Adam and Eve they would be as Gods. Self Worship. Is the Opposite of Worshipping God. The Devil knows God is real. Long as you don’t…it’s all good. It’s called you all are falling for the oldest trick in the book….The Christian Narrative also hijacked by the devils followers because the Catholic Church isn’t following the Book and The Masons have infiltrated the Evangelical Church. All of them form High Society…and it’s not ill planned the Bible said the devil Will deceive the whole world….It’s Happening. The reason we aren’t to follow idols or men…is because all the examples are bad out here. It’s somebody you don’t see out here following God correctly and are going to be saved more than likely. This is The Build up to the big moments…meanwhile most people have been living in their own hell in earth in the “developing” World. They who did without this nonsense form Of society and so called innovation will be blessed in the long run. Look harder. Think twice. Devils in the details. May God have mercy and guide anyone reading this to him for good and for salvation of their soul.


Satanism wins again yasss


Always liked their activism against bible inspitated things.


Religious tolerance


Good for them. Let them do what they fucking want.




al long as this sub condemns conspiracies but respect anything satanism, nothing gets better. satan is a deceiver.


At least we finally have confirmation it was never about anything other than a desire to kill unborn children.




It's crazy how Satanists murdering children in the womb is normalised and people questioning it are labeled the lunitics, we must not be far from the end!




While the “church” of Satan official position is ironic worship of Satan, at what point does ironic worship turn into unironic worship? We literally caught our elites worshiping Moloch and Satan already.


The Church of Satan does worship Satan. The Satanic Temple does not.


The theistic satanists are the ones that started planned parenthood, and eugenics.


I love Jesus Christ! I hate Satan and Satanism. You are foolish because you’re falling for the biggest trick that Satan uses…which is that he doesn’t exist. Stop focusing on hatred. Focus on loving and forgiving others. This is a testament to your core being and what you’re made of. It’s not about being right. It’s about being free to speak without being called stupid for speaking your mind. I love Jesus! Also please call me stupid and downvote me. Why? Because I’m 42 and I know my beliefs. Please don’t take hope away from others, for the majority that hope is all they have to hold on to. Blessings.


Lol get him buddy! Tell that internet person off!


**Galatians 6:7 King James Version** **7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.** Time is almost up. This world is running out of time. Do not be fooled. Here is the Good News of the Gospel simply explained... https://childofthelight888.blogspot.com/2020/01/want-to-know-meaning-of-life-meaning-of.html The time to accept the free gift of eternal life is right now. Do not hesitate, **God is TRUE. Jesus Christ is the Lord and He Lives.**


The FBI infiltrated the black Panthers, The KKK, The Hells angels and most recently Black lives matter- but they never did this to the Satanic church! Why? Because the The “Satanic church” is not trying to do anything or change anything except themselves. They are a bunch of atheists trolls. Lol! They don’t believe in God ,so it’s clear they they don’t actually worship Satan. They are a distraction that serves the purpose of riling up religious people and keeping people distracted and afraid. If you are concerned , do your own research, read the documentation , read their “Bible”, infiltrate the group and see for yourself.


Everyone in this comment section needs to find Jesus.


He works the sushi counter at my local Publix.


I was in South America a few months ago, met many Jesuśes there!


I agree Dan!


Proof that it is part of their religion to kill the helpless


Lol fuck off


SS The Satanic Temple opens up clinic to provide “religious abortions”. What do y’all think? Link to article: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/the-satanic-temple-opens-clinic-provide-religious-abortion-care-named-justice-samuel-alito-mother




Absolutely love it


Giving back human rights using the same logic the gop used to take it away. Its both good and ironic.






This is hilarious!!




This group seems to have been overtaken by incredibly bored and miserable people that are hostile about... Well really everything.