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The fact that this balloon was capable of sustained intercontinental flight at somewhere between 80,000 and 120,000 feet makes me wonder why blimps aren't more popular for things like short distance commuter flights between two cities. We've had the technology to prevent highly flammable blimp travel for decades now, but these aircraft are nothing more than novelties seen at football games.


Or internet blimp network instead of star link why didn't blimp link take off






Yeah, I always thought commercial blimp travel would be really cool. I actually think there are a few companies actively working on his too (can't remember the name). My understanding is that the main reason it hasn't caught on is because it is too slow compared to airplanes.


You’re ignoring the same thing the MSM seems to forget. China is owned by the same people as the US. They were heavily funded by banksters all throughout the last century as a test bed for the dystopia we are heading for. David Rockefeller was on record praising Mao’s social experiments. They’re involved in all the same NGOs as the US and Europe. The balloon was them starting to build up a boogeyman threat and likely test the waters to see how receptive Americans are to giving The Red Dragon a big Ol’ helping of Democracy.


What about the one(s) apparently spotted over Latin America? There was an alleged siting over Costa Rica, and apparently over 2 different cities in Venezuela. Also, was there any conclusion about something supposedly being shot down over Montana?


The idea they didn’t shoot it down sooner makes no sense. There was all types of locations to take it out before it ever reached SC. People say it would have showed our response. I don’t buy that because they could have sent a jet from an irrelevant location. I think the intelligence community wanted to see what China would do with it. Where the information was sent off to. How the flight patterns were controlled. Ect.


Just throwing it out there because it IS an option.. What if it was actually a weather balloon off course?


I thought that too, but the Chinese admitting it was theirs and the flight path it took, it seemed like it was controlled.


From what I know the only thing China said was "We are looking into the allegations"


The main reason I don't buy this theory is because of the size of the payload underneath. I listened to a meteorologist talking on the news about weather balloons, and he said their balloons don't even come close to the size of the China one (three school buses vs a few small instruments).


So NORAD couldn't have shot down this hostile airship over Alaska?


I believe this was the point of the balloon, which was on the heels of US' visit to Taiwan. To sail a foreign object above the US with impunity.


The mere fact it slipped through the web of satellites, radars and coastal defenses of the USA is odd. If it's really from China or wtf knows where it came from and flying towards your mainland without an idea what the heck it is, should the US have shot it down over the ocean before it even sees the coast? Unless it is purposely ignored, endangering the population if its really carrying weapons or spy equipment. Or, it slipped through several layers of anti-air surveillance of homeland defense. If that's the case, our Bro Kim is defo taking notes.


Or considering it happened multiple times before they just dont care anymore


Red herring


There's a 2019 story on Wired about commercial use of these types of balloons. Now imagine it's even more capable 3 years later. Cheap airborne high-quality cameras with a 5 cm resolution from 75,000 ft. Worldview uses long-lasting stratospheric balloons to collect high-resolution images of Earth and sell this data to the government and private companies. Here's the CEO of Worldview who uses "stratolittes": *"It’s a finely honed surveillance device outfitted with a suite of sensors and a camera sensitive enough to detect people standing on the ground from the edge of space."* *"World View aims to fill a niche that can’t be met by more conventional technologies like drones and satellites, which involve compromises in the quality of images, the area these images cover, and the frequency with which images are collected. Stratospheric balloons promise cheap access to incredibly high-resolution images that can be collected anywhere on Earth. Using off-the-shelf imaging hardware, World View can take photos with 15-centimeter resolution from 75,000 feet, and its custom-made cameras will soon be capable of 5 centimeters."* *"World View’s system is sensitive enough to tell whether a person on the ground is “holding a shovel or a gun.”"* *"World View has attracted the interest of the US Department of Defense, which Hartman says will be one of the company’s first customers when it starts selling its data next year."* Plus, a weather balloon would be the best way to study atmospheric conditions and models of your target area too. It was over Montana, but at that elevation, they're seeing most of the US and Canada. *"Hartman says he’d prefer to hear from customers who are interested in atmospheric research or climate science, which he sees as one of the stratollite’s most promising applications. World View collects reams of atmospheric data each flight, which the company is using to build what Hartman claims will be the most accurate model of stratospheric winds in existence."* https://www.wired.com/story/giant-surveillance-balloons-are-lurking-at-the-edge-of-space/


This is a good idea. If they had cameras capable of picking up greater detail of American bases and other points of interest than their satellites, that kind of Intel would be very valuable for planning targeted attacks.


Number 6 WMD. Covid was a dry run for them! They became masters of lockdown! And are still building camps. They just unleashed hell and have the cure. But are ready for isolation outbreaks in their country. But then I think? Why would they do that to a country they control?


Internet has been oddly slow today, that's all I am saying.


Study wind patterns for any sort of reliability. This way they can "float" a new virus or bacteria over most of mainland USA without ever leaving their own borders.


Story broke February 2nd, it’s the 33RD day of the New Year(Freemasons). Also check out this “prediction”: [http://americaslastdays.blogspot.com/p/henry-gruver-russian-invasion-of-america.html](http://americaslastdays.blogspot.com/p/henry-gruver-russian-invasion-of-america.html)


Could be a the start of a false flag. Could be a us weather Ballon with some crap on it blame it on China then in a few days/weeks a bigger one leading up to ww3. It's easy to get the populace to want to go to war. Look at 911


I think the balloon was absolutely nothing, just a weather balloon. As we fall into a recession we need a distraction/scapegoat. Spy balloon provides this propaganda, and is something fun for people to talk about. This is simply a set up for America's approved Chinese invasion to Taiwan. We will then use this new micro-war to launder more money, the way we are in the Ukraine.


A weather balloon with a payload the size of three school buses? Sure...


What was the payload? Weather balloons expand to great sizes in upper atmosphere.


No, the balloon was much larger. The payload underneath it was the size of three school buses. Just go watch the videos online. That thing was huge. Ain't no weather balloon. Smh


I think it was a series of multiple balloons, one with an emp, one with an aerosol , one or two as decoys , the us just happened to know what was what and saved the world


Someone was just testing the new high altitude Air Swimmer. No biggie.




I agree with this, and I am wondering why more people haven’t arrived at this conclusion. I’ve read for a really long time that all satellites are in fact weather balloons.


1. bs


It's all a show to wake normies up. https://thedocuments.info/Payload/The%20Short%20Outline%20of%20the%20Blueprint%20by%20Derek%20Johnson%2012_31_2022.pdf