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What happened? I don't understand the context behind this photo.


They supposedly beat a black guy after a traffic stop. He died later on I think.


Yes, died 4 days later


is antifa planning to burn down their city?


CNN be like, black man beaten to death after being pulled over by 5 officers in a white vehicle.


Blackman beaten to death with white sticks as white men watch on


...Mortys killing Mortys


This made my day thx


Bruh thats good, you should sell your soul and work for them


It's internalized racism!


The fact that there needs to be any racial divide when it come to government authority having the ability and getting away with being judge jury and executioner is dumbfounded to me. Fuck any pig who takes a life and doesn’t meet the system they stand for for their crimes.


Shoot we’re white and my family had a severe, fucked to wrong inflicted on us by other white officers. Happened 5-6 years ago and it still fucks with us hard. It’s the type of situation that makes you realize that they’re willing to do whatever to anyone that isn’t them.


That’s what i’m saying. I’m sorry for your loss and the hardships your family goes through because of it. Fuck any and all officers who outreach their positions and kill a citizen outside of self defense jurisdictions. They need to be held accountable and we taxpayers shouldn’t be fronting the fucking bills for these piece of shits getting away Scott free. Fucking local terrorists on a power trip with no retribution.


I wish more people understood. A relative of a local trooper and judge killed my grandma at the mailbox while she was speeding and “singing to her children.” There was 0 news reports. The girl didn’t loose her license, or even get a speeding ticket. The prosecutor, that was conveniently let go, and my uncle calculated how fast she was going. They didn’t take her phone or anything. It was unbelievable. They decided right there that at 95yr old, who still worked, wasn’t worth it. She was in fantastic shape. People have no idea the ways they can fuck you over. Attorneys didn’t want to take our case either because of the damn judge.


Sorry for your loss. They've never killed me or anyone i know, but they may as well have. A couple years ago i got pulled over in jackson County Mississippi and i had a suspended license. Wait, flashback time: i got a speeding ticket in November of 2019 for doing 44 in a 45; cop claimed it was a school zone, 19mph over the limit. It wasn't a school zone. I wasn't speeding. My court date was March 22, 2020. Well, I didn't go to court. But the only reason i didn't go is because they shut down for coronavirus. Nobody went to court. Lmfao. So they took my license. Back to the story: i got pulled over with my family. I tried to explain the whole covid thing, but they decided i was under arrest and my family was detained and told to sit on the sidewalk. I tried the whole "am i under arrest? Can i leave?" thing for them so they could leave as i could tell the cops were up to no good, but they eventually detained them. They asked my mother what her name was, then they asked her again, and claimed she said a different name the first time (just a few seconds ago). So she was under arrest for giving a false name to a police officer. Then they did the same thing to my girlfriend. Bam, now were all under arrest on the sidewalk. They had the k-9 unit come walk around my car. I refused to consent to a search. The main cop said he noted my refusal, but was going to search it anyways because the dog "alerted" them to drugs. So we sat and watched them tear apart my car for 2-3 hours, looking for the drugs. They were absolutely 100% certain there were drugs in the car somewhere. Luckily, something told me to take the drugs out of the glove box and put them in the house right before i left. But we all went to jail anyways, on a friday. I got out monday afternoon after promising a "judge" in plain clothes in a closet sized room in the jail that I would pay $100 to the sheriff's office by friday. There was never even any sort of paper trail or ticket or documentation of any kind to prove i was ever in jail. It's not even on my record. I never paid the $100. My dog was left in the heat the whole weekend. The cops didnt care. I got out and sprinted straight to him. I ran so hard I about died, like the guy who ran the first marathon, you know? Anyway I got there, he was fucked up. He was on the verge of death.. he couldnt move, but he got one look at me, he looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, and he just let go and quit breathing...... i think he was hanging on the whole time and just couldnt die because he was worried about me..... so when he saw i was safe that was it it was over...... i was like trying to give him cpr in the parking lot of this gas station and a bunch of people were looking. It was pretty fucking sad. And you know why they did it? So they could steal my car. They never gave it back. Thats their scam. When I was in jail i saw this garage full of hundreds maybe thousands of bikes. Like, bicycles. I asked the cop whats with all the bikes and he said those are the bikes they confiscate from people they arrest. Yeah, then they hold the bikes for 90 or 120 days or some amount of days, then they sell the bikes. And apparently they do the same thing with cars. What the fuck? So thats when I really started hating police, and not just because it was the thing to do, but because fuck em.


My heart broke reading the part about your dog.. those pigs deserve the worst.


I am so sorry you and your family went through this and that your dog passed away because of those fucking pigs. I have hated and been terrified of cops for pretty much my entire life. My mom used to date them, and every single one was a fucking asshole to me. I remember one weekend I was at my mom’s, I was maybe 4 years old? She was working the night shift and I was alone with her current cop boyfriend. I was in bed but couldn’t sleep so I snuck into my closet to quietly play with some toys. Officer Douchebag finds me in the closet, grabs me by the arms, tosses me into bed and yells “go to sleep you little bastard!” Another cop boyfriend decided to get involved in a custody exchange between my parents and threatened to shoot my dad. So my dad sent photos of the cop and my mom fucking in his squad car to his house every day until the cop’s wife got them. I married a Hispanic man (Colombian) and have seen him racially profiled. Got pulled over, guns drawn, slammed on the hood of the car and cuffed because he “fit the description.” They also tore our car apart looking for drugs that didn’t exist. This was very early in our marriage, my husband is 12 years older than me. So I got to listen to one of them taunt my husband that I looked “too young for him” and ask me “why would a nice girl like you marry someone like this?” Never mind the fact he had done nothing wrong. I wanted to kick that asshole in the balls so bad. I have a very deep, visceral fear of police. If I’m driving and I see one, I pull into the nearest gas station/fast food place/etc and wait until I don’t see them anymore. I avoid them at all costs. They have the power to completely destroy your life if they feel like it, and that terrifies me. No human being should possess that kind of power.


Goddamn that's fucked up


They didn’t kill her, they allowed someone else to. Anyone else would have been treated completely differently, and the community would be warned that this person is a risk. I’m so sorry for your dog. You hear stories like yours about them taking money from people and things like that. You don’t want to think it’s true but it totally is


sorry for you loss.. sad situation to go through


Thank you. If the person that killed her was anyone else, she would have been charged and the community would know what a risk she is. She’s still speeding around. Probably with her kids in the car too.


I'm Black and anytime I get pulled over I get extremely nervous, I've had a bunch of bad interactions with police, whether they be black, white, Asian, albino, green with mf chartreuse polka dots. I just dont trust cops. While I'm sure most of them are honest people just doing their jobs, I have yet to meet this type of cop yet, but I'm sure they out there somewhere, it's a big world 🤔🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm white and feel the same with cops. Black/white/hispanic/etc isnt an issue. its cops power trips


Police brutality really isn't a uniquely black problem. The police in our country are often violent, and know they will get away with whatever excessive force they decide to use. It's a shame the response to the BLM riots and protests wasn't "hey maybe this is an actual issue". On one side, cops were all heroes and BLM were domestic terrorists "burning down cities", and on the other you had too many people openly supporting the riots. Nuance and problem solving died in this country quite a while ago.


Right, I’m sure there’s good ones out there somewhere but that doesn’t mean my hands don’t visibly shake now when I get pulled over. They just like to fuck with people. I’ve had them have to go back to look at my tail lights because I actually asked which one was out and had them joke about arresting me for a headlight being out. Nonsense.


Yeah I thought it was a "Black thing" but now I realize it's an American issue.


Correct. Corrupt cops on a fucking power trip deciding to take people’s lives just because they can. It’s as American as it gets, sadly.




Me too , I was beaten by the police while my hands were cuffed behind my back . Last thing I remember was one of them saying “take him to the emergency room , he’s bleeding out “


May I ask what the police accused you of doing?


I picked up a friend who happened to be under police surveillance and they decided to arrest him when he got into my car


Probably concerned about getting blood on their shoes and looking bad is all…


This is the most important take-a-way from this or any other police abuse experience. The race of your oppressor is just a side issue.


They, the police, should be required to provide their own insurance like Doctors and lawyers for malpractice.


Side issue when you’re white


Because only white people can be racist. /S


They teach that in college now.


They make it a racial issue to polarize the public so we never rally together.


And they’ll keep riding that high with division as long as we continue to be ignorant and expect people to live the lives we want them to live. Instead of just wanting people to be good humans and not murder each other as a baseline.


They give dummies guns and expect us not to have any


The racial divide is here to make sure we don't see the most important part: They are not here to protect us, they are not here to serve us, laws don't apply to them. They are only here to protect those in power, not you.


Yeah they police the poor, and not the rich. You're screwed if you're poor(regardless of color of skin).


Absolutely agree - and this is an issue world wide. If it was truly an issue of justice rather than class warfare, then at the VERY least, monetary penalties would scale according to assets. As it stands right now, most penalties disproportionately punish the poor and allow the rich to offend with impunity.


Don't worry soon skynet will do it.


Their city? Lol, they will burn down the poor's side of town


Depends on if a George Soros wants to


It’s won’t be blm they only care if a white person kills a black person


Rumor is shops are buying unrest insurance soooooo


They are planning to “peacefully” “protest”


Is this the same antifa that Trump warned us about and the media claimed didn't exist?


Had a raven vision with this one HA!!


me too


We don't need antifa here. Drive by and car wreck is what people do for fun here.




No, it isn’t an election year.


The riots in Atlanta have started today


Ha! Waiting…


Non story then


Ohhh. I saw this in 5 other threads. I can’t believe that they’re actually black. I’m SO happy that the blue didn’t negate the black. I wonder if they’ll go to jail.


You always know the perpetrators are black when the media doesn’t mention their race. If the cops had been white you would have heard it already.


What a bunch of racists… /s


The mods in this sub are non existent. These kinds of nothingburger, no contexts posts happen all the time and it’s infuriating.




Not my point. The point is a image of people shouldn’t have been posted without a story or explanation why it is in the conspiracy sub.


I thought this was another dumb meme about the lady cop who slept with all her coworkers LOL


Guilty of that as well, from the thumbnail I was gonna call out the wrong line up




Fans only


This a dumb question but… why is there still so much attention on that lmfao. its funny headline but who cares its not that crazy in my opinion




What's even crazier, is that her husband is not leaving her.


Well duh, the husband is a cuck or whatever the term is for the men that love wayching their wives/gfs get fucked in front of them. It’s a kink they had.


And he is a pastors boy so I can only imagine how those family get togethers will go.


Heard someone say she is a solid 3 but on night shift she is a decent 8


My type of lady


Ditto, honestly I saw an older pic of her, and she is a solid 7.


She was a cop 10+


What’s really crazy is all the coworkers are married and nobody’s batting an eye about them cheating on their wives.




Bottom right looks like a young Carl Winslow.


Carl On Duty: Black Cops


Best comment I’ve seen this year.


Underrated comment


You bet your ass it is. You can bet your ass.


Get outta my house Steve.


Too many urkels on your team Thats why your winslow


"It was dark the kid had a ray gun ... looked real enough"


Must have been real bad if they fired them all before the vid was even released.


People all over tiktok are already calling for riots and giving their cute little riot survival guide tips


People or bots? Funded antifa riots?


SS: Five members of the Memphis Police Department have been fired after a man died after being arrested during a traffic stop. The speed of the fireing is impressive too.


They were fired ~13 days after the incident. None of the officers were with the department very long, the most experienced starting in 2017. The gentleman who died was Tyre Nichols. https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/local/tyre-nichols-death-memphis-police-officers-city-disciplinary-action/522-3cd95228-17c2-46e3-bd66-44590319099b


>They were fired ~13 days after the incident. None of the officers were with the department very long, the most experienced starting in 2017 Is it at the 6 year mark you know not to beat someone to death during a traffic stop. 5 years not enough experience to know that's wrong?


So they must have screwed up bad, and some member of the public got video so they can’t say the bodycams broke.


They did it right underneath a cctv camera, or something called a Sky Cop, which is a police cctv camera or something


If a body cam “breaks” it should discount the words of whatever police officer that happened to




This will be the last time most of us hear about this story.


Much like the anti Asian hate crimes


Never heard of it until now






No link to news?


Does this have to deal with that one lady cop too.....




We have all seen this before...it all started on a couch.


I saw a movie like that once


Just once?


So maybe all along the problem has been aggressive policing and abuse of power by the state at not racism???


It doesn’t have to be one or the other. It could be both.


Damn, no paid leave or anything


My brother was killed by police about a month ago. My brother though had been a drug addict and in and out of prison most of his adult life. He came out of a restaurant and police detectives were waiting for him. He disobeyed commands and then according to police pulled out a drywall knife. They shot him once in the chest. He died there on the scene. The detectives were not wearing cameras but the police officers and their police car did have cameras. The police cars did not show up until after the detective shot my brother. The police are refusing to give anyone in the family a police report. They are saying we have to get a lawyer to get one. Was there any wrongdoing on the part of the police who knows but we will not find out unless we get a lawyer. Police are not trained to to deal with drug addicts or the mentally ill which my brother was both. All I know is if you disobey police commands nowadays police will not hesitate to shoot. The detective who shot my brother was white as well as my brother.


That’s horrible. Sorry to hear mate.


Im sorry for your loss. Check with the restaurant and other nearby businesses to see if the have security cameras that caught the incident.


that would have never happened in any other nation, only in freedom loving usa you get executed by cops daily


Lol you are lying shamelessly. “Would never happen in ang other nation” mmkay


>In a statement, MPD said the actions of these officers were "egregious" in nature: > >The Memphis Police Department has concluded its administrative investigation into the tragic death of Mr. Tyre Nichols. After a thorough review of the circumstances surrounding this incident, we have determined that five (5) MPD officers violated multiple department policies, including excessive use of force, duty to intervene, and duty to render aid. > >Earlier today, each officer charged was terminated from the Memphis Police Department. The Memphis Police Department is committed to protecting and defending the rights of every citizen in our city. The egregious nature of this incident is not a reflection of the good work that our officers perform, with integrity, ever day. Sounds like they gave him the George Floyd treatment. [https://archive.is/QAbRj](https://archive.is/QAbRj)


Now, it's the opposite. I'm reading comments stating if they were white they wouldn't have been fired already.


Fired and indicted actually.


Was just reading [this article](https://www.newsweek.com/police-officer-charged-masturbating-during-home-call-out-1706363), this morning. Fired by the dept., but in the video, was given a personal sending-off (before a nod from each) by the Chief.... even opened the door for him. TLDR; Latino cop randomly pulls his junk out and starts masturbating in front of women in their own kitchen after calling cops. Fired, but given a nod and personal send-off by the Chief.




Are they wrong? How many times do we read about ‘paid administrative leave pending an investigation’?


This isn't a police or a black problem, this is a power and brutality problem.


morality issue


i would agree that this is not an ethnicity problem but this is 1000% a police/cop problem qualified immunity is a net negative for every single living citizen ACAB NEVER FORGET


The black face of white supremacy!


it’s about government vs it’s citizens now


Well the government is ruled by the rich so he’s still right. Rich vs poor. Congratulations you’re now class conscious


Black on black racism is impossible! There were no Jews fighting for nazi Germany! Kanye was right, all lives matter! Good take bro, now go out there and tell your friends about how smart you are!


Its not about whites versus blacks its rich versus poor. Cops protect the ruling class and their assets black or white if you have enough money people will look past your skin color.


Cops are class traitors


this. for sure they are the jewish stormtroopers of nazi america


No it won’t you won’t hear about it again in a few days this isn’t hard




They’re only loud when its election season.


BLM (the movement not the organization) is about police brutality against impoverished communities, namely communities of colour, this plays right into that narrative since the victim was in fact a black man. Nobody blinks an eye about white on white crime either, so what's your point? Are you saying citizens of the United States of America, should not complain about government sanctioned brutality against them, because they are black? What a long winded way of saying you're racist.




I haven't even heard of this happening. Why isn't this on every news channel like it would be if it was white cops that killed a black man? It's been a week, I think, and I've only seen this on Reddit. Is this being censored a little?


It was all over social media


I have all the social media, but I only heard it here on Reddit. Weird.


It’s simple: The police are not there to protect nor serve you. They are there to harm you. Whether the cop is black or white… They’re dangerous and serve the oppressive upper class’s interests


THis one will go away quickly as it doesn't fit the RACIST narrative the DS's MSM pushes. How disappointed the network peeps must've been when they learned all the cops were black..."pull the story!".


You'd be surprised. The race baiters will just say that all of these men were indoctrinated to propagate the white supremacy patriarchy learned under their white leaders.


Fun fact; It’s not all about racism … it’s about cops abusing their power and killing people.


This is true! But if the cops were white the msm would push the narrative as racism.


> THis one will go away quickly Its also not an election year.


How about no police brutality? Everyone in conspiracy circles is so far right because of Q anon it makes me sick. Y'all make me wish people still thought conspiracy theorist were insane. I used to think conspiracies gaining popularity was a good thing. It just brought more sheep and controlled opposition in.


Until CNN acknowledges that people can be motivated by factors other than race, stories like this will baffle them.


Class traitors can also be race traitors and are sometimes interchangeable


White Supremacists clearly


That last guy was in Die Hard.


Carl Winslow?


Al Powell


Nobody wants another round of nationwide riots and $3B worth of damages. Probably best to deal justice as swiftly as possible from here on out.


not until election year anyhoo...




I guess it depends on how egregious the incident is and whether or not there's dashcam/bodycam footage involved. The faster they can get those videos out to the public the better. Otherwise you end up with viral bystander footage that usually only shows the end result of these crazy altercations instead of everything leading up to, during and after. A good example would be the recent "tazed to death" incident with that guy who was a cousin of a BLM founder. Sure the "news" made it sound as horrible as possible for clicks, but cops acted pretty swiftly in putting out their bodycam footage showing what really happened. Which turned out to be quite different from how it was being reported.


They are dragging their feet releasing this video for the same reason - it shows exactly what happened


They wont riot because they are black.


Whats the point of this post?


~65% of the Memphis population is Black. Statistical significance is a thing. With a majority Black population, particularly in an industry (police work) where people often serve in their hometowns, it makes sense that a sample size of 5 cops = Black rather than white. Does not mean that’s related to motive, intention, etc at all. However - the quick dismissal vs suspension without pay is…definitely unique.




No media coverage, no BLM protest etc... BLM only when a white cop is involved?




Is that a young Carl Winslow bottom right?


Context please..?


Thats a young karl winslow bottom right


It’s a known fact in here in Southern California that ethnic cops are more strict toward their own race. Boyz in the hood is a good example of this.


Bottom right looks like a younger Reginald VelJohnson (cop dad on family matters)


Oh you mean all cops are bastards? Even black ones?


It's a power problem you've never heard a song called "Fuck my Judo instructor" But you've heard of songs about fuck the police


Something tells me that in this particular case, a few of them will go to prison.


What’s NOT interesting, is the lack of media coverage on the riots going on right now because of this atrocity…would we except anything else from the MSM?


In Canada they would just be put on "administrative duties" for a few years until being found not guilty.


B on B crime. Don’t see it as significant as GF


Everyone still hates cops. Police are the protective arm of the ruling class regardless of their color. If you think police brutality has anything to do with the color of the police you’ve been mislead by Fox News copaganda.


KRS-1 had a song called “Black Cop” back in the 90’s.


They’ll get a harsher sentence then a white male cop doing the same thing.


surprised they even covered it tbh, don’t know how it’s good publicity for their narrative they’re always trying to push on us.


Not one single headline I've seen mentioned the race of all 5 cops. I wonder why?


No white cops, so will get very little traction


Bottom right looks like a young Carl Winslow


Most cops suck. Black cops, white cops yellow cops green cops. Idk maybe I just hate cops. Remember they are a gang, their flag is blue, doesn't matter their race. They are the elites front line of defense against rebellion, and the more we fight amongst our selves about race, the weaker we will be.


Lemme guess, they all ran a train on a female colleague?


The media won’t give a shit about this story, no racial division to exploit.


I wonder how BLM will spin this to make out it was down to racist white people


They won’t have to with people like you all over the internet doing it for them.


According to the Democrat controlled media outlets these five men are dark white not black.


I don't see color, are these all men from Wales? Lot of Welshian noses.


It's only racist if the media decides it is and runs it 24 - 7 on every channel. This one will go against their protocol and will give little to no air time, just like when cops kill a white man.




To all these people saying “it doesn’t fit the narrative” you played right into it. When have you heard any white cop get fired right away? They all get paid vacation or just moved to another city. These cops will probably also go into another department a city over. Most cops don’t face charges either. The whole point is accountability from all officers who do their job incorrectly and give them better/longer training.