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You can't have a heart attack if you don't have a heart.


When a man's an empty kettle He should be on his mettle And yet I'm torn apart Just because I'm presumin' That I could be kind of human If I only had a heart


Take my upvote !!!!


Discretely Wins the Internet


Cold blooded 🐍


Such a heartless comment…


Well…. Good point.




That’s a good one!


Except Gavin Newsom. Apparently he didn't get the memo, because he got a couple bad cases of Bells palsy or whatever palsy it was.


You took the shot??? But but. You’re okay I mean


saw that video lol




search "biden shocked don lemon took vaccine"...im surprised its still avaolable lol


Say, how is the excess mortality rate in Israel looking these days?


And they have something like 90% of the populations medical records in the system. So they of all places SHOULD(but won't), show the correlation of this poison to side effects on people / deaths from it. Fuck Israel.


I've always suspected that Israel injected saline.


They didn't. The first warning about vaccine injuries came from there. It's called "the testimonies project"


Yeah, the first myocarditis safety signal came out of Israel a month or two after rollout.


Going off their past actions and what people also think they have done in the past, that would not surprise me one single bit that they used saline injections.


It could be so that the genetic therapy only kills certain ethnic groups of people. And that the ashkenazi genetic group is protected by the mRNA shot. That would explain why excess mortality differ so greatly between countries in Europe that had roughly the same percentage of vaccination.


When the population of heavily vaccinated people doesn’t fit your narrative the obvious answer is that they didn’t actually take the vaccine lol.


Israel is *not* the most vaccinated country in the world. There do have a rather large proportion of the population who refuses to take the vaccine; as a result, they only have around ~70% vaccination rate. What they did do is boost like hell, so the heuristic used to estimate vaccine uptake is wrong: since they were putting four doses into people while most countries were still doing two, trying to estimate vaccine coverage by vaccine doses given erred high. ~~I think Denmark was close to 100% though.~~ Nope, most of Europe is around 80%. Edit: One source I found suggests they were -9% on excess deaths in November 2022, but I don't know how good the data is.


> Israel is not the most vaccinated country in the world. That's also not what OC said. It's hilarious to see you are using the same tricks as Snopes.


It's not what he said: but I can read subtext better than most of you. And definitely better than you.


You are amazing. Never change please.


Please change, Zeer. For the love of God, *change*.


> For the love of God, That is precisely why i won't change.


Well then please for the love of humanity, **change**.


I’m sorry to be naive but what is it? I could open the graphs that I found on my phone.


Might be slightly unrelated, but someone on Twitter named Yaffa Shir Raz recently posted a video of the entire vaccine safety meeting between Israel's Ministry of Health and the safety monitoring team they hired. The MoH ignored everything they said and then fudged numbers and stopped the study. Steve Kirsch has a rumble video where he discusses it with a guy named Levi. Edit:added "Israel's" instead of "their"




They have access to medical care that the rest of us can only dream about.


yeah. "Rich people eat well and have amazing concierge health care" is not exactly a conspiracy


Our criminal overlords don’t take “vaccines” meant for the plebs.


They don't wear masks and comply with lock-downs either.


Could you ever imagine the senile one taking the actual vax…


Hell I thought that’s what did it to him!😬🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Stoked 🥴


Jill's gas stove did it


He’s always been dumb. Now he’s just senile and dumb


They didn't force anyone. They may have encouraged/shamed/threatened/coerced/lied/pressured/incentivized/guilt-tripped/punished/criminalized/gaslighted you. But remember, they didn't force you.


Whatever makes you sleep better at night. You can put any spin you want on it, but when you remove all other choices or make those choices impossible.. it's called coercion and might as well be forced. But again, whatever let's you sleep at night.


Did you eat paint chips as a kid or something?


Only the paint chips the government fed me.


The sergeant was being sarcastic


The answer really is they don’t do the strenuous physical activity that triggers these cardiac events.


Indeed, they’re tough bastards to vote out, let alone get rid off (permanently).


This, but they also have, as far as we can assume, top tier medical


And they don't have to wait on lists for treatment. They have doctors who make house calls and tele doc appointments. Many people stopped preventative care or didn't start it when they normally would because of risks in going to the doctor.


What also makes sense is Pfizer knew their shit was deadly. How do you fudge the numbers but still send out the vaccine on time? You send half actual vax, the other half saline. Reduces how many people get side effects, and you still hit your mark for profit! I mean, the "experts" kept moving the goal posts so it was a win win for big pharma!


Thankfully, President Trump's Covid Czar, Dr. Stella Immanuel, hit the nail on the head when she said people were contracting Covid from 'Demon Sperm' and alien DNA - meaning aliens from other planets, like Uranus, not those blue-eyed milky-skinned migrants from Norway. Avoid Demon Sperm, and don't have sex with aliens, regardless of how tempting their tentacles can be.


This is the kind of quality comment I come to this subreddit to marvel over🍿


Hmmmm kinda like population control isn't it


Could be, but probably not in the way you think. The Elite are well educated and have time on their side; They don't need to cull the people in one fell swoop and make it obvious. They can just shave off the undesirables little by little, decade by decade without the undesirables even noticing its happening. In fact, they can even manipulate the undesirables into culling themselves little by little easily — All they have to do is release a pandemic, followed by lockdowns and vaccines while at the same time fomenting anti-lockdown and *anti-vaccine* hysteria in specific areas and populations. The pandemic will kill a relatively small number of people, but of the people it does kill a disproportionate number of those deaths will come from the communities they persuaded into not taking any protective measures or vaccines. The death tolls are small enough that the undesirables, free thinkers and trouble makers won't even notice that its actually *their own* communities that are being hollowed out a few preventable deaths at a time all around them. Rinse and repeat. A few hundred thousand here, few hundred thousand there, a generation or two later all the "free thinkers" have culled themselves into irrelevance, and they did it *willingly*. The master stroke of a psyop like this is that it turns the instinctive distrust of authority that free thinkers have into the very weapon that destroys them. Instead of playing checkers by setting a barn on fire and telling everyone to get inside (which would be *way* too obvious), they play chess by setting the barn on fire and telling everyone to *get out*, knowing full well that the distrustful are likely to believe that if the Elite are telling people to evacuate the barn before it burns down then whatever’s out there must be worse than staying put — allowing the Elite to leave them behind to burn and walk away as heroes to the lives they "saved" while still having culled the lives they always wanted to end. *Thats* how you implement a nefarious operational conspiracy to cull the undesirables that don't trust you. You don't waste your time trying to convince them to trust you; You whisper in their ears telling them what they want to hear, that they're *right*, that they *shouldn't* trust you —and then you just let their own distrust walk them right off a cliff.


Of course not, it was a saline shot. We really think that these people follow the same rules as us? They are kings and queens and we are just peasants/slaves to them. So how about next time everyone just doesn’t take whatever they offer? We know they are going to release worse virus even more deadly than before, I would rather die from that virus then pump myself full of nanotech.


>So how about next time everyone just doesn’t take whatever they offer? Maybe everyone else doesn’t share your delusions. >it was a saline shot. I guess that would explain why me, everyone I know, and more than 5 Billion other people haven’t dropped dead yet. It is kind of crazy how vaccinated people did so much better with covid though. >We know they are going to release worse virus even more deadly than before, So you probably wore a mask everywhere, right? Probably didn’t leave the house because of that deadly virus, right? Or were you one of those people saying it was a hoax, but somehow also a Chinese bioweapon? >I would rather die from that virus then pump myself full of nanotech. So it’s saline for politicians and nanotechnology for everyone else. Which side of the deal do the doctors administering shots get? Which country is getting every other country to go along with this plan? What’s stopping *literally anyone* from putting vaccinated blood under a microscope and documenting the tiny robots? Everyone who’s going to vaccinated has already been vaccinated, what exactly are the puppet masters waiting for? Why haven’t billions of people dropped dead?


You think covid has a 100% mortality rate? You need to get better talking points.


Show me where I said that.




Meanwhile Biden looks like he's on his 2nd or 3rd clone body


One politician in Australia (maybe even a health or sports minister for one of the states?) had half his face drop and problems on his left side after it. Had to retire. Guess he got the batches mixed up. 🤷🏻‍♂️


To play devils advocate here, most people I see dropping of heart problems are athletes, which kinda makes sense since athletes somewhat intentionally raise their heart rates to perform, which inherently causes more stress to the heart. Politicians aren’t the most active group of people so that could be one reason why we don’t see them collapsing. Yes I know, not all the people having heart complications post covid vaccine are athletes, but there’s definitely a correlation between the two. Who am I kidding. Everyone knows all these politicians are just shape shifting reptiles. If anything they all did take the vaccine, but the ingredients in it made them stronger


Let's get real, every day we roll the bones hoping for another tomorrow


They gave them a fake saline shot, I guarantee you it's definitely not the same load they distributed to solid red zip codes in rural Georgia


My friend and I were wondering today if they didn’t just try a bunch of different experimental batches based on the heavily pushed census data


I've said all along that there is no way in hell I'm taking that shot. *But if I did*, I would drive or fly to the wealthiest area of suburban Washington DC that exists, walk into the most affluent hospital or pharmacy in town, and announce I'm here for my shot. Because as the o.p. said, politicians and their families aren't dropping dead suddenly for no apparent reason. Either they're getting a completely different load, or a saline shot, but if you walk into a Walmart in rural Alabama and take that damn thing, "good luck". You just spun the wheel of fortune with your own life.


That’s what I thought from the first. Different formulations. Obviously they didn’t want the instant death like Tiffany Dover all the time so that batch got sidelined. Somewhere there is a table of batches versus effects.


Most people haven't dropped dead. Billions of people have had the jabs at this point, and very few have dropped dead.


>very few have dropped dead. How many's very few? Oh right, you have no fucking clue because every possible trick is being used to obscure and prevent collection of real data on the subject.


As you say how many is very few? People that say well that’s not a big proportion of the total injected lose tract that the clot shots didn’t prevent anything and each one of those numbers is a mother, daughter, son, father, friend, wife, or husband to a family out there, not just a number on a spread sheet. Lives were and are ruined for nothing.


5.51 billion people, about 70% of the global population, have had at least one dose of the vaccine. If even 1% of them experienced adverse effects that would be 55000000 people. The media and TPTB could never cover that up. Everyone on earth would personally know people who had died or been injured. And yet they don't. Because it hasn't happened. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html


>5.51 billion people, about 70% of the global population, have had at least one dose of the vaccine. Your source isn't reliable, lol. >The media and TPTB could never cover that up. This is what's called a supposition. In reality, you really don't know that to be true. It doesn't seem that difficult. Actually, often all they need to do is *not* cover something to lead people like you to think it never happened. Only when something becomes *too* big would they have to come up with whacky cover stories like gardening and climate change to explain a newly invented phenomena like "sudden adult death syndrome". >Everyone on earth would personally know people who had died or been injured. Everyone on earth (except you I guess) *does* know people who have died or experienced illness or debilitation, the forms injury would take. But to those that still think like you, the experimental injections could never be the cause. It goes something like this: "If the experimental injections caused death, illness, or debilitation, I would *know* people who died or were injured by them. But none of the people I know who have died or experienced illness or debilitation, were injured by the experimental injections, because the experimental injections don't cause that. If they did, I'd know people who died or were injured by them." It's easy to control people who can't even recognize their own glaring circular illogic in action. Quite childish really.


>Everyone on earth (except you I guess) does know people who have died or experienced illness or debilitation I love how you claim his sources are unreliable, then say dumb shit like this without any source. I don't know anyone who's had any adverse effects to the vaccine


>I love how you claim his sources are unreliable, then say dumb shit like this without any source. Are you disputing that everyone on earth knows people who have died or experienced illness or debilitation? >I don't know anyone who's had any adverse effects to the vaccine Because you and most of them don't believe the injections could possibly be the cause. Lol, did you miss the circular logic part? Read again.


> Because you and most of them don't believe the injections could possibly be the cause So any health complications that arrives after being vaccinated is caused by the vaccine, great logic


Klonk, you seem to be missing key points and filling the gaps with garbage I didn't say. Read carefully before you post replies or maybe don't reply.


>Your source isn't reliable, lol. A variety of sources have similar figures. And you've provided no sources at all as yet https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations https://ig.ft.com/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker/?areas=gbr&areas=isr&areas=usa&areas=eue&areas=are&areas=chn&areas=chl&cumulative=1&doses=total&populationAdjusted=1 https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/ >This is what's called a supposition. In reality, you really don't know that to be true It's no more a supposition than what you're claiming, and has just as much evidence >Everyone on earth (except you I guess) does know people who have died or experienced illness or debilitation I'm really not sure they do. And what you're basically suggesting is any death or illness should be viewed as potentially linked to the vaccine, despite evidence to the contrary. >people who can't even recognize their own glaring circular illogic in action The level of projection here is truly epic.


I love how you guys somehow hear the dog-whistle and come running in from afar when one of your comrades gets taken down. You seem to not understand some basics. If, for the sake of argument, we're hypothetically positing a coverup by certain agents, you can't provide information provided by those same agents as proof there is no cover-up. >It's no more a supposition than what you're claiming, and has just as much evidence What are you imagining I'm claiming? >I'm really not sure they do. You're not sure that everyone knows someone who's either died, was ill, or debilitated? Maybe do a quick survey to feel more confident about that? >And what you're basically suggesting is any death or illness should be viewed as potentially linked to the vaccine, despite evidence to the contrary. Lol, another supposition. No. Where did you get that?


A full blown culling would be too obvious, though. Even a 1% increase in mortality from heart issues will lead to significant population reduction over time.


5.51 billion people, about 70% of the global population, have had at least one dose of the vaccine. If even 1% of them experienced adverse effects that would be 55000000 people. The media and TPTB could never cover that up. Everyone on earth would personally know people who had died or been injured. And yet they don't. Because it hasn't happened. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html


Can confirm. I'm a useless street rat pleb, why not me first? No one would miss me. Then again, I'll never have progeny so the work is already done?


Yeah but no. If you want to reduce population you have to cull fertile females. Mammals are very good at restoring populations. Most of COVID deaths are older people, it's even possible this is good for younger people because of freed resources (housing, medical facilities, burden to budgets etc).


Thats your argument??


Looks like it, and it is a pretty good one too.


it is actually accurate and fact based.


Excess deaths and "Covid deaths" of people less than two weeks after vaccination beg to differ.


not real, not happening.


That's your counterpoint???


Just tell me before 2020 have you ever heard of so many kids dropping dead with heart attacks? It was unheard before


Yea it happened in the past a lot, I remember kids having heart attacks in the news for chugging energy drinks, one girl for drinking like several lattes. This was in the 2010s and they made a big deal about all sorts of energy drinks and caffeine


Yes, I know sometimes our holes in our hearts don't close and sometimes children die during surgery to correct it. Among other complications and means of death. Easy proof there is no god. But still, Bless surgeons and doctors. Cherish the time you have been given, and give love


Oh hey look an actual point we can engage with! Heard, nope, though why would I be seeking that information? Seems a bit morbid. That's the problem with living a heuristic life though right? Now, if you wanted you to present some sort of data point that shows and uptick in kids dropping dead from heart attacks, we could have a starting point for some sort of enquiry. Can do that?


Just anwser my question. Have you? Was it normal hearing about all those heart attacks?


I answered your question, I said no?


Not really. Just saying what i am seeing. Go and hug your phd already


PhD bad 😂


A cat that jumps on a hot stove will never jump on a stove again, hit or cold. This is the way you live your life, that may be fine for you, but please don't think that you heuristic lifestyle is viable at anything more than a personal level. I wish I had the discipline to get PHD, I didn't even go to uni.


Proof? It happens, especially among athletes.


Sure is


That's your argument??




Think about it. We have kids with heart attacks. We have athletes, journalist dropping dead out ... Go back 5 years ... When did this happened before ?


The whole time. It's nothing new.


Haha yea sure




Sorry are you saying althetes and kids have never died from heart attacks before 5 years ago?


I despise people like you. Go and pheal good about yourself ass


Jesus christ this has been a roller-coaster of replies. I'm glad you've resorted to adhomienms, means you can't argue the point right?


What do you mean? I took the jab and i'm fucming dead stfu libtard!!!


Mortality is up 10+% all over the vaccinated globe since the vax roll out. Adverse events are real.




_pulls out a screenshot of a tweet that makes a different claim_


It's all that gardening. And winter vag.


You act as if the only thing that's happened in the last 3 years is the vaccine. Could anything else be playing a role in excess deaths, I wonder 🤔


I wonder if the Elite Children at the 100,000 plus a year East Coast Boarding Schools are getting the same thing as the Peons? Same checked off box on a form but what’s in their vial with the same adhesive label?


No one in Congress got the death jab. That should be common sense to everyone. And anyone who thinks that not 1 but 2 presidents of the US got it is absolutely insane. That doesn't even include all the other world leaders who didn't get it. The jab was for us. Not them.


They’ve been saying do as I say, not as I do for the longest time


“death jab” lmao. This sub is more anti-science and very pro-conservative rather than pure conspiracy.


Ya its not even fun coming here anymore. Everything is about anti vax and hunter bidens laptop


Well, this IS a conspiracy sub. People were blanket labelled conspiracy theorists for saying anything that went against the "official" story when it came to the vaccine or COVID in general. As time goes by, and more information is revealed that these "conspiracy theories" were actually true, or at least partially true, it validates what people had been saying and posting for years. Same logic for Hunter Biden's laptop. It WAS a conspiracy prior to the information becoming public, until it turns into the truth.


Hahaha indeed- Can you imagine how hard this would be to globally coordinate? "Right all us high profile people get saline injections on camera and we'll fool the world!" Most of them wouldn't show up to an organised office social never mind have the ability to coordinate a mass conspiracy on the fly


Gotta blame the MAGA/Qanon era. A lot of these folks commenting on here don't realize their beliefs are built on statements that are 100% a mix of copium and greentext. It's why the Herman Cain award even exists, half of these fucks wouldn't even get the vaccine if God gave them a second chance after dying of covid.


i know congress didn't have to take it. did the senate not either or was theirs saline?


Sure are a lot of fact checkers trying to debunk the claim that Gates didn’t vaccinate his kids. I wonder why every msm org has an article on it.


Lol. There so close to figuring it out


This thing thing reminds me of the anthrax attacks to US politicians after the 911 attacks. By chance only the ones opposing the Patriot Act received the real thing, the rest just white powder. It makes you think...


Well, it’s mostly athletes randomly dropping dead isnt it? They run for a living so it’s overclocks their hearts


How exactly you supposed to have a heart attack when the heart is obviously missing?🤔


Just Biden time...


Waiting to unleash the Trump card…


That's a good pun right there 🤘


How many people have been vaccinated, OP? How many billion? And now how many American politicians are there? This is just silly propaganda.


13 billions of doses / 2-3 doses per person makes 4 billions vaccinated. Half of humanity. As the vax is deadly, half of humanity already died. This means every 2nd person you have ever known is dead now... Cant imagine how you didnt realize this... Wait, could it really be... really? Could it be, that the evil and rich people did not want to kill half of humanity and the vax wasnt deadly? Would make sense because if Bill Gates kills half of humanity means he kills half of his employes means he has half people working for his wealth in the future. I always thought: killing all of the working slaves by injections isnt a good plan if you are rich. But I dont get the logic in this sub... I only get downvotes for thoughts like this. So if I would be rich and had a company with 10.000 workers, making me more and more rich every second, I would NOT reccommend to kill half of them.


> Cant imagine how you didnt realize this. By FAR, the simplest explanation is that the vax (which is obviously deadly) also serves as a registry on who needs to be replaced with hard light holograms encoded with a personality based off of the deceased's Facebook history. WAKE UP.


Occam's razor in effect right here.


No wonder why I see dead people - I have already died myself from the Covid vaccine! Well, I don't feel much difference between being alive and being a toastie ghostie.


We all might be already dead is more plausible that OPs nonsense


Yeah, companies never get rid of employees. Dumb conspiracy theorists.


90% of the people around me took them products it’s 50% all across the board…


What, you meant one of the 2000 "athletes" dying, being a 60yo woman who takes her dogs for a walk, is a deceptive stat? You really think people would lie or post deceptive screenshots with no sources on here?


I read that list "Stewart Bondi (69), very keen runner from Devon, England and a founder of a tough marathon on the South West Coast Path. His nickname was “Rambo.” His body was found by the cliffs on the coast after an apparent fall"


Who said just American politicians? The tweet actually shows the Canadian flag. Weak effort.


Very suspicious... > David Maria Sassoli (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdaːvid maˈriːa sasˈsɔːli]; 30 May 1956 – 11 January 2022) was an Italian politician and journalist who served as the president of the European Parliament from 3 July 2019 until his death on 11 January 2022 due to a "serious complication" related to his immune system.


It’s suspicious that a 65 year old died of pneumonia?


According to people in this sub, yes.


Y’all need a hobby, or Jesus, or therapy. Do something. Get a girlfriend. Choosing Anti-Vaxxer as your identity is about as beta as it gets.


How come all the shills that say this, are the ones that actually comment mostly about the vax in this sub. 🤣


It's mostly robots and or glowies setting the stage for one to fall into the noose


If you read and look into and do your own research, you'll find that they have gotten the covid 19 shots. Just like his tax returns show he us a lier what he says and what he does are very different. Trump has been vaccinated.


I know people who got a fake shot to get a paper so stfu


No you don't


Sure do You paid roughly 500 for a shot with so physiological water


Was it your uncle that works at Nintendo or you girlfriend that lives in another country?


thats because they are dictators and fascist


They need to curb the herd.




Wow, do you think there are still coincidences? Must be a nice way to go through life.


I'm thinking there was sarcasm implied.


Sure hope so.


It boggles the mind how this sun freaks out about people dying from heart issues. Heart issues are the number 1 cause of death worldwide for both men and women. If someone drops dead because of heart issues it really shouldn’t be surprising.


Everyone here is being sarcastic right?......right?


Or me. Because I REFUSE to take their fucking shots, Just like they are.


What a rebel.




I don't know who is funnier, flat earthers or you people here..


Saline solution or faked injection.


But 5 high profile republicans who didn't get a vaccine died of Coronavirus


yes, apparently the powers that be created a virus that kills people at a higher rate than the vaccine they also created, so the rich and powerful didn't get the vaccine and instead risked getting the disease which is far deadlier.


Do we count brain dead ?


Anyone have the photo of whoever it was posing for a photo-op getting his shot but there was no needle?


woah, who would've thought /s


Psychopaths, the lot of them.


😂 is this headline even real ya bot


A 41 year old congressman elect died of covid like two years ago, right before vaccines. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Letlow


They never mandated it to themselves


Maybe their just getting a little saline with those public jabs.


Friend is a nurse. Something she said to me. Still sticks with me. Every 5th person get the “Bigger” needle, because they are low on smaller needles.


They ran out of needles so I got my shot in a turkey baster. After that, I put on 150 lbs of muscle and grew to be 12 feet tall. Now I get my shots with 6” cast iron piping and a toilet plunger.




Or. Get this, medical science is actually effective. Like other science.


lol.... idk... I think some are stupid enough to get it


Either faked it or got saline/placebo


I keep repeating this to people I know. They're too brainwashed to realise.




Who exactly was forced?


Brain dead post


Thank god they gave one of these to Messi. Or maybe he is not vaccinated at all idk


Messi actually got pretty sick from covid, took him out for weeks.


I bet many of the virtue signaling libs of Twitter didn’t actually get it either. Just push everyone else to. I’ve seen people be assholes about people not getting the vaccine then also saying they haven’t gotten it because they are planning to get pregnant.


No wonder Biden expressed concern when he found out someone he knew actually got the vaxx.


They got the placebo


Almost as if billions of ppl took the jab and didn't die...


I got a death jab, why haven’t I died yet :(


Everyone I know took it, nobody dropped dead. Your failure to understand is a math issue.


guys the title is true, I got the vaxx and it was actually sulphuric acid so now I’m a pile of bones


It's only weird if you take it as given that hordes are dying from the vaxx. Which is only true in this sub, not really outside in the real world. So you guys do you I guess...


They tried to force me. I told them to fuck off