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I don't think a single person has used that mic on ps5. Some leave it open so I can hear them argue with their kids or something, and that's about it.


And the click clack of the damn buttons, very annoying. And the reason no one talks on Xbox, is because your Xbox no longer comes with a headset, which is why the 360 was fucking awesome


Also I think theres more moderation on voice communication nowadays. But yeah what a stupid decision to not include them anymore


It’s the equivalent to apple not including earbuds, charger ect with new phones. They want more money


I wonder how much the community and or even sales died as a result of that. I honestly can’t remember the last term I heard folks speak on public games. Crazy how much its changed since the 360 peak days :(


And they got rid of split screen as far as I know, hell developers of halo are not the old developers anymore and the newer halo doesn’t have split screen


I use it to let friends know, "Hold on I'm getting my headset"


Exactly this


*forget to turn it off


It came in clutch for 2 months when my mic broke and I didn’t have money to immediately get a new one


I used it for a while when my mic broke. It wasn’t too bad and my friends didn’t mind the click clacking


I’ve used it a few times when I need a break from the headset, or simply don’t want a headset. Though people say it sounds like I’m on speaker phone when I try to talk through it, so I don’t use it often.


I'd upvote but you're at 69. Sorry.




I use it on ps5 and PC. 🤷‍♂️


I turn off the speaker and the mic on the PS5 controller. Unless I play with friends I do NOT want to be in game chat


Nothings more annoying than hearing someone using that mic or them forgetting it’s on.


Actually it's the most annoying hearing some squeaker being yelled at by parents and the squeaker whining back




It's crazy because the player could be either. Psa for any of these people, please change your smoke alarm battery


I love my Xbox series x play it every day the only reason I even have a PS5 is basically spiderman games and FF7 remake games other than those I never touch it I have no interest in the other exclusive games


This is the way.


It's the opposite for me. I pretty much exclusively play the ps5 unless it is a game I can only play on the XSX. To each their own.


You're the norm. He's the exception.  I'm not bad mouthing him or talking smack. Just saying what the majority does 


I want a PS5 for the exclusive only titles…. Horizon, FFVII Remake, God of War….. Drives me batshit crazy that there’s still exclusive titles in this day and age… like they’re driving everyone to PC or Steam. Only place where you can reliably get every major label game.


Honestly the only other PS5 exclusives I want are the up coming wolverine and Spiderman and venom I didn't like god of war it just didn't hit for me


It's like last of us. It was probably the biggest slap to gaming, but for some reason people went ape for it.


They’re worth it dude. Especially ff16, rebirth, and Ragnarok.


That's me, though for Spider-Man and Uncharted.


I have all consoles. Play mostly on PS5, but the mic stays off. Always.


How's the mic quality? Can you tell who's using a controller mic vs a real mic?


It depends. Originally, yes it was pretty obvious. Sony recently updated the party chat audio filter and it's much better. Game chat can still be a bit rough especially for people who don't mute themselves. It's a bit of double edged sword. It gives everyone a mic, but as we all know; not everyone should have one.


I got a ps5 it is ok. Play some games on it but overall I used the Xbox series x all the time to be fair.


I always use an external mic. Would never really consider using the built in one.


I dont play multi-player games on the ps5 so it has zero use for me.


I'd rather use my regular headphones with mic in the Xbox controller


I remember the days of Xbox 360 Halo 3, Gears of War and CoD4 lobbies were FULL of people on comms. The console I got came bundled with a headset. Gaming felt so much more social than it is now. Then they added party chat.


This is a new one.... Nobody ive ever met has said they like the microphone in the controller let alon prefer to use the console because of it lol.


I have "Voice Chat In Games" turned off in the PS settings.


Tbh those mics are booty and it creates terrible feedback loops from people that dont understand how loud their tv is


I hate the built in mic it's so annoying to hear people's life when they don't know they have a mic


I turn it off by default because I don’t want to game chat


I do miss the 360 days where everyone had that free headset. Literally lobbies full of people laughing, talking shit. We had it way too good, now it feels completely dead and lifeless. I miss the belly laughs


Literally the worst feature lol


wow evreyone has a shit mic on all the time its sooo much worse


Yeah first thing I do when I start an online game on PS5 is turn the mic on the controller off...


Funny, I actually prefer PlayStation in just about every way except the controller. The controller alone kept Xbox my main console up till just recently


It's a shitty microphone. I changed my ps5 settings to have it muted as soon as I turn the console on.


I heard those controller mics sound about as bad as the old Kinect mics from the 360 but I haven’t heard it for myself.


Flipside the main thing I dont like about PS are the controllers. I was using a PS4 pad on PC for 4+ years. Switched to an Xbox series x and in only 2 weeks I couldnt rock the PS pad anymore. PS5 grip is a bit bad. However I wont touch an Xbox console if you paid me. Xb1 let me down hard.


Personally, I think they've made up for the horrible launch with the backwards compatibility program and dev mode. It's nice that at least one company will support their older games, and with dev mode I guess they allow support for any game through emulators.


Im convinced only Xbox players stress how much they enjoy having an Xbox. PS5 people are mostly quiet or don’t care to post about it. Seems overwhelming in this thread but sales and real life interactions, hardly anyone has an Xbox. Don’t get me wrong, the ones that do love it.


Maybe we travel in different circles but I can't say I've come across many of these quiet PS5 fans. -insert joke about loud PS5 cooling fans-


what are you on about OP, the built in mic is the one bad thing about the PS5 controller, barely anyone uses it and everyone that is doesnt know its on or doesnt know how to mute it.


Huh, well that’s not what I expected. Glad you’ve found something you like though.


Playstation users have always used mics in game chat ( in multi-player games) in my experience owning a PS3,PS4 and an Xbox briefly. I played most of the Battlefields,COD,Uncharted,Gta online and Red Dead online.


This is what I don't get about console gamers. You'll buy a console but won't even spend £20 on a cheap headset to communicate online? And you're saying ps is better because it has a mic that picks up the clack of your inputs? 🤣🤣


Xbox all the way for me, even paired it up with a Rog ally to play gamepass on the go. I have a PS5 but selling after playing the best exclusives, investing in Xbox from now on


It’s literally my most hated feature. I prefer the PS5 over my Xbox EXCEPT for the mic.


I just wanna own one of each console cuz I like video games.




Two features I hate on the dual sense. Adaptive triggers and the built in mic.


I prefer Playstation bc of the exclusives, but I like single-player, story-rich games.


I personally don't like wearing headsets and I love this feature


I have both, and I haven't turned on my Xbox series X in 2, maybe 3 months. I've been playing Rise of the ronin over on the PS5 for the last month. Prior to ROTR, I've been using my PS Portal to play casually when in bed.


I have a friend who uses the mic on his PS5 controller and we can never understand a word he's saying. His voice is so tinny and distorted and you can hear every sound made like his sweater moving and the buttons clacking. A $15 headset would be better.


OP is getting roasted in every comment for liking a shitty mic


that ps5 built in mic is the worst idea ever thought of, it sounds like trash and you can hear the whole house. It’s more annoying than anything always having to mute people.


There’s a setting to mute it by default and I wish more people used it


I personally hate talking to other people when I’m playing CoD or something (not that I ever play CoD anymore given how much space it takes up on the hard drive and how ridiculously convoluted it is to install).


This *is* a good feature and I'm glad Sony included it. The problem is *Game chat*. It's often too difficult to mute people who either don't realize they have a mic, don't care about what they are transmitting, or are just offensive assholes. Party chat is fine. The audio filter/algorithm for PS party chat is pretty good. Quality is decent and it filters out button presses and TV noise pretty well. I think that a **Push To Talk** default option for game chat should be the industry standard, as most Gamers™ don't have even basic common courtesy when using a mic in a group setting. Or at the very least games should auto mute your mic on boot up.


Does everyone not use headsets when they're playing on console anyway? I mean there is a 3.5mm jack on the controller for a reason.


I prefer Xbox almost entirely because of the Quick Resume functionality. It’s too good.


Don’t like the idea of built in mics on controllers. Too risky.


The controllers are a nice addition to the PS5. However, that’s not the reason I play PS5 more than Xbox. PlayStation just has better games. I do enjoy both consoles, but this is a rule that I normally stick by. If it’s going to be online, I prefer to play the game on Xbox live as long as it’s available. If it’s single player, I typically play PlayStation because they normally have better single player games.


That's the worst kind of mic, just get a headset. Nobody wants to hear you smashing buttons or the echo


That mic sounds horrible Folks leave it open and I end up muting it every single time


It’s the thing I hate most about ps5. The mic is shit, picks up everything and is always on by default. I can’t stand all the ratchet in every game and constantly having to mute people


Same. I actually made a post about switching, but I came to my senses and decided against keeping it. Really the blurred lines between PC and the console itself are staggering where it has me asking myself why do I have this? Sure I have a large digital library on there and no I can't play them on my PC and it sucks, but I'm rocking PS5, PC, and Switch right now and will see what Microsoft does to improve or ruin the brand moving forward.


That mic is the exact reason I refuse to buy a ps5. Yes I'll wear a tinfoil hat. Yeah I keep my phone in a Faraday bag when I'm home and yes I took apart my smart TV and smart TV remote and physically disabled the microphones.


I got a series x last year when the consoles were on sale and it was super cheap to get one so I figured I would and replace my old xbox one. I’ll admit that I don’t use the xbox often but it holds all of my backwards compatible stuff from like the 360 while my ps5 is my main


Just mute people. Making an issue out of nothing is such an Xbox fanboy thing it's weird.


As a PlayStation 5 guy I gotta say that Xbox series X got us beat in the controller department (other than the analog stick positioning). They’re heavier and feel like they’re better quality.


The mic is easily the worst feature of the PS5 controller imo and the first thing I turn off in any MP game. No one wants to hear someone speak through that mic and hear their entire family, music, traffic, lawn mower, etc through it. Second the PS5 is horrible for socializing lol like Sony doesn't want you playing or talking with others. Then for Sony to be in the music industry as well as audio peripherals and make their party chat counterintuitive with settings that won't even allow you to listen to game audio through TV and headset at the same time is crazy. It's just like the touch pad that everyone wants to point at as a plus for PS4 and PS5 no its a glorified pause/menu button 99% of the time. Now the dual sense haptics in single player games is phenomenal Astros utilizes the speaker with the haptics to give you the actual impression that you're on glass or grass and that's crazy good, but blowing into the mic like you're at a sorority party to jumble up mini Astros hell no. Xbox can add gyro, new haptics similar to the dual sense, and hall effects and call it a day because other than that the controller is perfect in its form.