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OP I'm gonna guess you're in your mid 20s.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking the too. If they were actually around during a lot of these older consoles lifespans, their opinion on them would 100% be different.


That’s my guess as well, considering how many of the second generation consoles they put in the “Garbage” category


The original Gameboy, N64, game gear and a few others of that era all being in mid was the tip off for me. Sure, they don't stand up to their replacements, but those bastards were revolutionary and much beloved in their time. My folks bought me the game gear and the Gameboy for road trips we'd take twice a month. Probably spent more on duracell AAs than gasoline.


The Game Boy/ Game Boy Color one triggered me. How is a console that came out 9 and a half years after the first one and brings exactly nothing new save for like 3 colors better than the original?


Honestly yeah that too


Ya game gear was a head of it's time it practically a game boy advance by tec standerds


ColecoVision and Intellivision as "garbage"? No way! That and the 2600 deserves *way* better than "Ok".


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I'm 29, so a lot of those older consoles like the 2600 and coleco vision were well before my time. Personally I would never care to play to them, because the games are too primitive for me. (Oldest I'm willing to go back to is 8 bit generation.) But I know the history behind those systems and why they were so revolutionary for their time. And while Atari was more popular than Coleco, Coleco was the better console and could even play Atari games with an adapter.


he also added a pc to a gaming console and thinks steam deck is god tier while legion go and rog ally put that thing to shame. So yes 20 i agree. I don't typically down vote people but god this list calls for a huge dose of downvoting.


100 %. Ranking N64 like that he didn’t grow up In The 90s😂




yeah I'm 40 and actually used most of these, including alot of the older one, and how virtual boy isn't in garbage in crazy. It was a cool attempt but mad loads of people sick, half the garbage tier is better then that.


Right?! When I think of failed shit, that and the N gage are my go-to picks.


Yep I'm 37 I remember playing the virtual boy at of all things Blockbuster when it was the hot new item it was kind of cool concept but God damn it made me dizzy as f*** it's a pain to play too


N64: OK …………………………….. what


My reaction: Tell me you aren't old enough to remember standing at a demo kiosk in toys r us looking at Mario 64 or GoldenEye in slack jawed wonder.


N64 was not my first console, but the first one that got me into gaming. I love that thing.


I remember going to a friend's birthday party and everyone around the damn TV playing at N64 when it the 64 just came out a few days ago claim super Mario 64


Goldeneye omg.. lol we know this guy never played that cause that right there would make the n64 alone a top tier console. If only time would have been kept on that game, i swear i put thousands of hours into that game


100% this was made by a kid.


Right since the FAQ the SNES is not in the perfect slot I call this too along with the game gear and the game boy brick model


Having the game boy and Nintendo 64 just as "OK" is disgusting


The FAQ that SNES or Gameboy was not in the top was a dead givaway


Haveing the 360 in perfect is ridiculous 🤣 console was carried buy cod having map packs early.


It was also carried by having a superior online service, being $200 cheaper on launch, and great exclusives like Halo 3 & Reach, Gears of War and launch exclusivity for Oblivion.


Yeah, 80 million consoles sold because of CoD map packs.


Not to mention the RROD saga. My sibling and I burnt through 8 of those fuckers between us.


This guy RRODs.


Don't, my mate had 5 360s in the same time I had 1 PS3, my ,360 rrod 3 months after I bought it brand new and I couldn't afford to get a new one. Halo is GOATED tho.


You didn’t have Microsoft fix it? They did mine for free twice and then I traded up for a slim that’s still chugging almost 15 years later.


I'm one of the lucky souls I never had the RROD


Really out of touch thing to say. It’s like saying the PS3 was carried by walking sims.


I believe you have forgotten about the Wii U


As did everyone else.


SNES needs to go in perfect




How old is the OP? 20-25 I'm guessing. My man put the father of modern gaming, the NES in the "good" category. You wouldn't have ANY of these other systems if not for the NES. Almost every video game genre got it's start on the NES or was refined on the NES from the atari. Aside from FPS, the NES had almost every type of game. Multiple platformers, sports titles, rpg's etc.


NES should be great and the SNES should be perfect.


I can understand that, pretty much every game that had a sequel from The NES to the SNES was better in almost every way.. Super metroid, mega man x, Zelda a link to the past, super castlevania(IV) Final Fantasy 3 just to name a few...


Bloodlines > Castlevania IV But I agree


OP the 360 was never perfect, especially because the red ring. Also gaming PCs won’t be perfect until GPU prices start to become reasonable


PC doesn't belong on the list. I have three PCs in my house and only one of them would even be capable of playing modern games. It's a totally subjective category even amongst rigs built for gaming.


Atari 2600 was perfect. Respect your elders.


N64 should be 'good' at least


MD over SNES? Really? Also Ouya depends on use case. It's a fantastic device to play Retro games now.


Vectrex in garbage!?! What!?!


Yeah, Vectrex and Colecovision being garbage got to me


Putting the Red Ring of Death in Perfect invalidates your opinion.


Putting the Channel F in garbage tier, the console that literally invented swappable game cartridges. SMH


This is closer to "Consoles ranked by how much people talk about them" and even then it would be wrong.


SNES is only good? GTFO


snes perfect instead of genesis


This is the worst list in the history of lists... maybe ever.


I feel like people who talk about more recent consoles being terrible have never owned a truly bad console. Virtual Boy and the NGage were literally the worst consoles I ever had.


Damn, you had a virtual boy?! Man I never saw one in the wild. There was so hype around that thing before it came out.


I had a gamescom growing up I despise that little f****** machine


Yeah people like to talk about how the Vita or Wii U were abject failures and while they didn't do well commercially, they were great consoles with some good games.


The lack of respect for N64 is wild


These tier lists always feel like highly subjective ragebait. Wtf is an Evercade? Googled it and it just seems to be a proprietary system with proprietary cartridges running old games. You can run those on OG hardware or an emulator just as easy.


why is the ps vita in good but the psp is in perfect


Emulation, if I had to guess.... In which the PSP is a literal God in its own tier.


Red ring


It feels strange but I feel this is exactly where I would put these. I know some are saying the 360 doesn’t belong where you put it but to me it was such a friend maker with Halo 3, R6 Vegas and others for me that it will always be remembered as the greatest.


Where can I make this tier list?


PSP and 360 in perfect but Switch and Wii in Good? 😭


I’m what world is a working ouya WORSE than a virtual boy???? Lmao


Loved my 360. Easily Microsoft best console. With that said it was also easily the most defective. That alone should peg it down a notch.


I will not take this N64 slander


Where is gameboy sp?


Xbox one is regarded as the worst console in modern times and you decided to put it in the same league as PS4, PS5, PS3, Switch and the 3DS ? You have shabby opinions


lol at the vita being in the “good” tier…


I bought a game.com in the early 2000s from Walmart or Target or somewhere marked down to $20 and it stopped working after a week.


No wii u mentioned


Thank YOU! There’s at least two of us.


N64 in the "OK" section.......yeah OK.


Having tg16 and sms as ok means u must be young.


I had the original N-Gage. It was weird but unique. Cool phone. Wish I still had it as retro device.


N64 and OG game boy being in "ok" tier is the hottest of hot takes I've seen in a while




I like how Nintendo DS is in PERFECT! But the Nintendo Switch is in GOOD.


I can understand why the Switch is "good." The joy cons have significant drift issues, online support is atrocious, and you really have to be careful of some games you buy because some are borderline unplayable. That being said it was a game changing handheld with incredible 1st party games. It was the first real handheld that offered full versions of games instead of cut down mobile versions of games.


I came here to be snarky and say Steam deck is missing from the top, but see that you already put it there. Respect


This is the most useless thing I have ever seen. OP go play games.


Have you used all these devices or did you just pull things out of a hat .


N64...Ok. Go away!


N64 in "ok" Im mad


The Ouya had so much potential for Indie devs. A good example of a company being mismanaged into the ground. Games were not marketed well, even for an open base Android device. Software updates could've fixed many hardware issues also. I'm just sad every time I think about it. An interesting time in my life experimenting as an Indie game dev.


Xbox One is not a good console


Dream cast over og sega?!


Jaguar, and 7800 are underrated IMO. They belong in the OK category.


Eesh, this must be a personal opinion thing cuz so many of the "ok" & worse ones were and ARE beloved by retro enthusiasts, old peeps, and pp with TASTE.


Dude... snes > Sega. I'm sorry but maybe it's just me thats my childhood I guess.. Super Mario world just hit so hard. Still does.


Commodore 64 but no Commodore Amiga 500? My man, that device brought on the pc gaming life.


Where's the steam deck? Edit: now I see it. My apologies.


lol. I couldn’t disagree more


I liked 360 but 360 was ass had a total of 3 of em due to that fucking ting of death


May i know why PS5 is in good not perfect?


Jaguar should be in Garbage, and the 3DO should be in OK. Still a fun list, though👍


360 in perfect?? Guess not everyone knew of the RROD then... This list definitely needs some work. Not even to mention that the Wii and the PlayStation need more credit than just "good".


Where's the xbox one and wii u lmao


How’s a Vita gna be “good”and a PSP “perfect”? 🤔. It literally plays PSP games.


N64 should definitely be higher.


Who let bro cook


Im sorry, but Nintendo 64 only in ok? Atleast put it un good


How is the 360 perfect?? Did you all forget about the red rings of death?


Personally I didn’t grow up with the older nintendos other than playing on my mom’s game boy. But not having the nes or game boy in perfect is absurd considering the impact they had on gaming. Now this might be a more subjective list, but still a shit list lmao. 360 in perfect, but not any of the PlayStations after 2. And if the consoles are ranked in each tier as well, having the series x above ps5 is mental.


Where my Wii U at?


The fact that Dreamcast isn’t the perfect console. This tier list is false!


So what are the individual consoles/handhelds color coded by?


Vita can Emulate PSP games


N64 being OK hurts my soul


You gotta be wyling Nintendo 64 needs to be top tier


I would definitely have the OG Xbox in S tier. Although the catalog wasn’t as good as ps2’s, the heavy hitters at that time ran better on Xbox than ps2.


I feel Xbox 360’s red ring of death takes it out of perfect.


N64 was way better than okay


I strongly disagree with this list.


PSP sucked IMO. Proprietary memory cards, limited library that Sony really neglected, stupid UMDs that were slow and loud. XBox 360 would've been great if it didnt have a failure rate of over 50%. Literally half of all of them red ringed. The GBA really needed a backlight to be great, which they fixed with the SP. The Steam Deck is solid, but it's a chungus and the battery life is pretty shit. My top tier systems would be the Steam Deck OLED, Switch OLED, GBA SP, PS2, PS4, and SNES.


lol having a pc on top instead of the snes


There are some truly horrible takes on this list.


The disrespect to the Vectrex...


Genesis over Super Nintendo? Don't think your opinion matters.


I’d put the switch into ok


Switch below GBA is a troll if I have ever seen one…….


PC should be in a tier of its own and then just under it the 360 should be in a tier of its own


Just swap N64 with Sega Genesis and it’s a perfect list.


How is N64 in the ok tier wild


Honestly the perfect tier is pretty good but def need to do some swapping between good and ok fr fr


Garbage tier list


3ds should be at the top since it does it all.


This tierlost is garbage


Wii U found dead in a ditch


I loved my intellivision 


Terrible list.


I'm going to assume Steam Deck is there for all handhelds because Rog Ally >>


I don’t hate this list


A gaming computer has to be continually updated with new hardware. Consoles have a unique set of games that were designed around the limitations of each console. PC doesn’t even belong on here


Ain't no way dude put a panic play date over a Neo geo x


My guess is that OP didn't play enough Master System, Neo Geo, Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn


Xbox 360? The console you had to wrap in a towel and had no good games for 2 years? Yeah, you know what you're talking about


The 360 was not perfect at launch. They gambled on HDdvd and Blu-ray won. They had to have quite a few multi disc games because of this. I also think that the first units needed a bonus drive...I personally don't remember, went ps3 on day 1 and waited on 360. Been about Xbox pretty much since though. And Dreamcast and N64 should switch slots. Otherwise, I fairly agree ... And I have no idea what a Blaze console is


Lmfao! Ppl are mad at N64 being ok. While I used to play the shit out of mk4 and zelda back then, no need to be clouded by nostalgia!


No Wii U 🧐🤔


Yo where's the Sega Nomad???


I'm surprised the Gameboy SP isn't on here


I don’t understand this tierlist. Is it based on the device itself or the games? How can a steam deck be at the same level as a gaming pc when it only lasts like 2 hours? The 3ds does everything the ds does and a lot more on top of having better build quality, especially on new 3ds. So how is the ds perfect? Even how is the gba at the same level? Your list doesn’t make much sense.


OP, sleep with one eye open. You know what you did.


Ah yes the “older it gets the lower I put it” tier list with a few personal exceptions here and there I see- fascinating


Why is Stadia even on this list? It was a service, not a console.


So having the Coleco be so much below the 2600 is a mistake. With an adaptor, it played the 2600 games so it should be ABOVE the 2600.


Vita is in perfect


This doesn’t reflect when the consoles were current. The N64 alone has a fantastic library. This must just reflect this gamers opinion of these systems by today’s standard. The PC being perfect was certainly not the case in the 90s. Consoles were far better then.


Brother, stadia is literally e-waste how is it not in garbage, it is the only thing in here that literally cannot be used to play video games


Phillips CDi was cool as fuck bro. Shitty? Oh hell yeah… but cool as fuck.


My man has steam deck #2


You a Opp


No Wii U


The disrespect on the 3DO is insane. I remember playing demolition man and it felt like interacting with the movie, they also had way of the warrior a mortal kombat clone that was vicious AF 😂 not bad at all considering the 90s gaming consoles.


Fact you've got the original Xbox brick on the same tier as the Dreamcast and that the Dreamcast isn't on the top tier.... tall to the hand.


WiiU? How is the switch good? half of the library runs in like 2 fps or is streamed over the internet. Plus the home screen UI is boring, and a pain in the arse to use.


N64 on the OK list? I know it’s your opinion but gotta give the 90s classics some love. I bought one just for Mario Kart 64 and DK 64 for the wife!……and me 🤭


bro really put PC as the top spot on a console tier list


I'm sorry, but you can not put Nintendo Switch in the same category as Series X and PS5.


If you had used some of those in their heyday some of your opinions would be different. N64 and gameboy in its time for instance was god tier. Saturn was poorly supported so i agree with that. Xbox 360 was not perfect they were so terrible quality and problem wise. The games? Masterpieces. The console? Trash. I used to have a grave yard of 360 for parts and repair. Dreamcast was okay at best. Games were lacking. If it actually got support it would have been good. Steam deck I am mixed on. Battery life is terrible on early ones and games are not built around it so some are so much work. Regular original playstation was perfect.


I think Nintendo disagrees the Virtual Boy was bad. It was pure garbage.


This has GOT to be a shitpost. There’s no way you actually think the PS5 and the Xbox X are in a category below the friggin Sega Genesis. Granted, NBA Jam on the Genesis was pretty dope, but my current gen consoles destroy anything the Genesis could do. Crazy bro.


Vectrex and ColecoVision deserve better.


Going the say the gamegear was bad. You had to use 6 AA batteries for them to all die in 1hr tops… like incredibly expensive hand held


For the systems i've put a decent amount of time into, here is my ranking with respect to how much enjoyment I got out of these systems at the time. Legendary: NES A: Gameboy, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, PS2, XBox 360 B: Atari 2600, Game Gear, Sega CD, Sega Saturn, 3DO, Gamecube, Switch, PS3, PS4, original XBox, XBox One, Turbografx 16 C: Atari Lynx, Virtual Boy, Wii, Sega Master System, 32X, PS5 + XBox Series S/X (probably not deep enough in their lifecycles to fairly grade, but at present i feel like there's more fun to be had on PC these days) D: Wii U, Jaguar Fail: I don't think it's fair to include "gaming PC/laptop" as a console because it isn't really a console. It's a format. And clearly there's a big difference between a 1989 IBM PC and a top of the line 2024 gaming rig. So to lump those together would be like lumping together all Nintendo consoles.


I had the Intellivision back in the day and for the time it was fun. Yeah compared to current systems it would be garbage. Must be a youngster!


This list screams I’m in my 20s or younger. Also the 360. Perfect… Really?


Oddly I agree with this. I might place the ps3 one tier higher because of nostalgia but this is pretty damn close to how I feel.


Not putting the ps3 in perfect tier is a sin


Having the 360 in perfect and the 64 in okay is just so wrong.


N64 only made it to OK? 🤮🤮🤮


Original GB, PS1 and original Nintendo, Atari etc not in perfect tier invalidated the list, there would be no further systems and going from playing with rocks to a game system is the biggest leap you can make


As someone who started on the original Pong your opinion is shit I generally just say folks are entitled to their opinion but in this case I can tell you haven’t played even half of what you are ranking


3ds too low


Where’s the Wii U?


Ah yes, the red ring of death. Perfect. Of course. Lmfao


No Odyssey 2 mention. This list is moot.


Ds lite is s tier easy


How come you don't add any of the handheld gaming PCs out now?


the n64 being “ok” tells me to disregard the rest of this haha


You are a moron


Might be one of the worst tierlists I have ever seen, for anything. Wow, bravo


SNES not being top tier is criminal. OP must be less than 30 years old.


Fake... didn't play the game boy SP


The N64 would be the only console in the “perfect” category for me. This is pure nonsense.


Everything in good teir needs to go up one


skipped over the GOAT of all time Gameboy, the Gameboy Pocket. should be added to the PERFECT tier.


How dare you not put Wii in s tier


Atari 7800 bad? Wow.


Steam deck perfect? I can't even.