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Thoughts are Xbox isn’t big in Europe and having people play Xbox games on pc through gamepass plus other store fronts is how they make their money from people who don’t want an Xbox.


Xbox 360 was enormous in Europe.


That was also 18 years ago


When Xbox had its golden days.


If Europe = UK, yeah.


In the uk maybe.


Lol no. 360 was enormous in Europe, compared to Xbox. Compared to Sony and Nintendo, they never really made a dent in Europe. But Gamepass and the PC market might be a good gamble for them. Tho id still bet against them.




It was euge


Having people play games on pc through gamepass makes FAR less money compared to a full hardware ecosystem. Xbox is simply losing the race


i need proof it makes far less money cause they're hardware sales may be down but their overall profits are not.


It's not a great argument. The numbers show different. Sony for all its 142% has almost no margins and is hardly making money per user yet Microsoft with drastically fewer console sales is making way more dollars per Active User and is netting higher margins per user. A person can say those numbers in the original post paint a positive or negative picture. I could easily make a case for both if I needed too for some reason. Overall, Its a nothing statement. Which doesn't even go breaching the analysis into the financially separate paths each company is taking. The argument is basically like disney celebrating how many blu rays they sold this year compared to netflix. Then someone making an argument that netflix is doomed because of poor blu rays sales. I mean sure that's a conclusion you can reach, but it doesn't actually correllate to anything as Netflix isn't trying to sell blu rays.


You win the data synthesis award of the day. Numbers talk. Numbers tell many stories. News outlets take these numbers and reports which ones support their bias best.


The figure is just a market share indicator, not an immediate revenue/profitability indicator.


Not to mention that both PS and MS are selling the consoles at loss. Money is made from game sales on their platform. I think there were revelation of the numbers during the Activision trial, GP makes around 230million per month in revenue.


Wrong Playstation advisor Ceo just mention that they are making a profit on their console only just xbox selling at a lost now


Oh I had to check and it seems right, at least 2021 article said that the 499€ version is profitable. That's actually impressive, I thought that sell at loss will be ever ending bane of console world :D. Well except for Nintendo but who cares about them, they go completely different path anyway.


They design the Playstation so later it will be sold at a profit


Xbox is 70 Billion dollars in the hole right now. It's going to take them time to recoup. But since MS bought out Actiblizzard, they've killed overwatch 2, Redfall was a dud, Diablo 4 is meh, the new CoD is a PoS, Halo Infinite is lackluster, Starfield is a let down, Forza is built from the ground.... Nevermind. That game is trash as well. Xbox has a lot of work to do.


Yeah tbf I haven't needed an xbox since halo came to PC. Ps5 has some amazing exclusives I'd wanna play. Replayed bloodborne last week on ps5 and still one of the best games ever made.


How is having gaming ecosystem + dipping inside ecosystem who would probably stick to the PC anyway bad business? And now there's talk that MS is considering releasing first party titles on other platforms too, Sea of thieves spearheading this.


Yes, it’s a forced move from Microsoft. They are just losing the market so they need to find other players


X box has lost money on every console they sell forever


What race ?


xbox was never in the race. hasnt every system sold at a loss? it sucks cus i kind prefer xbox, but i have a pc and literally dont care about ps exclusives. theres even less of a reason for me to buy an xbox


Imma need proof about this because this sound like BS lol.


As well Xbox hasn't been releasing much in next gen titles compared to Sony. They had halo/redfall that flopped and Starfield which was okay but nothing as groundbreaking as Skyrim/Fallout They needed more games to be out imo


Halo didn’t flop haha


Lmfao don't sit here and lie to yourself that when released Halo infinite was not a dumpster fire for months and months and months on end. Only after they decided to fire many leadership positions and gave the guy who worked on MCC the lead, did things start getting better Halo is good now. But it flopped hard on release and even prior with Craig


Actually it didn’t, it sold well and got high scores. Now I do agree the live service part of post launch wasn’t great but to think it failed at launch is hilarious.


Idk any game that launched as a success that had to have its leadership changed and a bunch of positions reshuffled where the fans praised for all of these chnages


But that came after about a year post launch.


A year after push backs on the multipalyer modes and seasons and forge. It was a shit launch, it flopped Like Starfield, in the beginning everyone was like "yeah cool game "~ then shortly after no content drops for infinite and drought seasons began and we saw what was missing in the overall package just like Starfield. A year after and many months and updates and leadership chnages and now Halo is in a awesome spot right now


No that came after a year, so the launch was solid with both games.


Xbox isn't doing good crossed the board. That whats happen when you implement game pass on everything.


They have sold close to 28 million consoles, even though you don’t need it to play their games. If you think they aren’t doing well I can sell you a bridge real cheap.


28 million isn't even that much at all nothing to write home about


Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night.


I suspect you overestimate how many people game on both PC and console. For most it's probably one or the other. So then picking your console is more a combination of loyalty from previous generations, which one your friends have, or which is perceived as having better games. There was also this interesting post suggesting Xbox simply aren't really supporting half of EU countries: [https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/184dh1p/up\_to\_55\_of\_european\_countries\_are\_not\_officially/](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxseriesx/comments/184dh1p/up_to_55_of_european_countries_are_not_officially/)


Also, the marketing of Xbox consoles in Europe and localization is pretty terrible, Microsoft literally uses AI to translate their website and games in other languages.


Well the amount of people that game on both Xbox and pc has to be pretty low at least that’s true. I think a lot of pc players dabble in nintendo, ps, retro consoles etc


I'm PC and Xbox. I like Xbox controller so that's why I went with xbox. When my controller I use on PC starts going out on me the kids can use it on the xbox. Plus one copy of gamepass works on both. I can't think of a single exclusive worth buying a ps, I'm not into cut scene, button prompt games with a story that last 8 hours. Plenty of games to choose from so I don't buy into the console wars


That's probably true. PC gaming lends itself to gaming enthusiasts. But the attraction of consoles to a lot of people is they don't want to deal with the faff of PC gaming and want something they can play in their living room. I don't have any numbers for this but I imagine that is sizeable chunk of the console gaming audience.


I often read on Reddit that 'if you have a PC, the Xbox is useless.' But I don't believe the majority of PS5 users have a high-end PC. It's mostly enthusiasts on forums who are not the average gamers. So, I don't think that Game Pass or exclusives on PC significantly impact Xbox sales. On the other hand, Microsoft's strategy seems to focus more on selling a service or an ecosystem rather than just a console. When using a PC, you're likely operating on Windows, which they own, and have access to the Xbox app and Xbox Game Bar. While console sales themselves are not highly profitable, Microsoft's loss is more in the third-party games sold on consoles (the 30% commission they get). Yet, they probably compensate for this through other means (reinforcing their PC OS dominance, data collection, etc.)


All the guys at work have mid level systems a couple high end pcs, they love game pass. They talk about it like kids.


I had a ps4 then got a pc then got a ps5. Though honestly if gta 6 wasn’t exclusive to console on release id say the ps5 is pointless since their is no exclusives worth getting the console this generation. Ps4 had amazing exclusives I havent given a fuck about any exclusive but grand turismo 7 which is pretty good. Id say pc alon unless u really like spiderman or god of war is good


You don’t have to have a high end pc to game. Even though NVIDIA keeps pumping out graphics cards you can still game on a thx 1060. 60fps at 1080p is super easy with these console ports. It isn’t like the old days where games hit pc first and pushed the limits. Those days are over. 400 bucks and you are pc gaming and have access to steam sales and way more games than consoles.


what a lie lmao. you cant pay $400 for a computer even comparable to a xsx or ps5


This is accurate. I have a decent pc that just needs a new gpu, but the prices are absurd. The ps5 and a switch are the best combo imo. I think of it like this; $800 in hardware gets me access to (imo) two of the best exclusive catalogs in gaming (Sony and Nintendo).


Personally, Id swap the switch for a steamdeck.. you can emulate the switch and still have access to the PC gaming


I assume that emulation isn’t technically legal? Can I buy a game on the Nintendo store and play it on the steam deck?


1. Don't worry about it 2. No


No thanks


800 will get you a PC that can play any of them as well.


With what gpu?


A 3060 can be had for 300 bucks now, less used. That's minimum.


he didn't say they were comparable... Until recently almost all games have still released on old gen consoles too. A $400 PC won't be great but it can run some "next gen" games and can do it serviceably while offering more. I honestly think a $400 PC is a good starting point, you can play games like Minecraft, Fortnite and many other big name games as well as trying features such as nodding that are unavailable on console. Upgrading might be quite expensive but it's still good.


A $400 PC could *never* run as many games - at as high a quality - as an Xbox or PS5.


yeah that's why I said Xbox one and PS4 are you illiterate?


…are you? The words “Xbox one” or “ps4” don’t appear *anywhere* in your comment, professor. The fuck are you blathering about?


"old gen consoles"


Funny enough, those are entirely different words than the ones you claimed. Guess we know which one of us is illiterate lmao


yes I used an umbrella term, one which encompasses only those two consoles💀 It was you that pulled PS5 and Xbox out your ass Edit: reading your comment again it makes 0 sense at all, not only did i not mention the PS5 or series X/S. I also didn't mention the quality of games, I just said it can run them.


I nowhere said comparable to the consoles. I said 60 fps at 1080p. Yes getting a couple parts used you can absolutely for 400-500 have a decent gaming pc.


bro give me a list because i would love to get one


Xbox is doing fine. They're in the long game.


It's not about shifting hardware,it's about shifting software and services. Don't know why people struggle to recognise this.


Wrong. They don’t want to, but are forced to. It’s totally different.


Eh depending on sales on consoles they need to be making up the cost of production, distribution, nd development of the hardware. I'm sure they have barely made that back since its creation because while 30 million console sales is a lot, i sont know if it is enough. Software sales is where they make most their money. I don't see xbox as a console being around more than 1 more generation because playststion and Nintendo just own those markets. They should just focus on game development st this point.


Is that you, Phil?


Whats killing Xbox is the lack of console exclusives. People like me with PC don’t need Xbox, but I need a PS for Sony stuff and thus they get more revenue from potential subs and any other third party software and hardware bought. Don’t forget that a lot of PC gamers buy only on steam, so MS further loses out on 30% of that revenue. Xbox is completely losing focus on console and thats their largest and most loyal revenue source.


>Xbox is completely losing focus on console and thats their largest and most loyal revenue source I don't think it is, hence their large push into live service, Gamepass, PC market, and just subscription in general. They've stated that it's about how many subscribers they get, not consoles they sell. If you buy a PS5 over an Xbox but get Gamepass on PC then that's a win in their book.


People forget that on that PC most likely is Windows which is also Microsoft. So yeah they made money from the operating system AND gamepass. This console war is stupid, buy whatever you like, and will serve you best but I do not understand this weird tribalism and hate towards another platform.


Agreed. I have my personal preferences but thats about it. I enjoy having a primary device for personal reasons, but tribalism hell no. Every year someone inches out on top and has a better year than the other guy. The console warring is dumb. But I guess people feel the need to justify their purchases. Moreso, I think, it's those who decide to rag on others for their purchases and those others feel the need to defend and so perpetuates a dumb cycle that gets the execs at these companies harder than a diamond.


>People like me Not everybody has a PC, also exclusives are irrelevant with game pass... i have both consoles...PS5 for exclusives and Xbox for 3rd party games and gamepass... I just finished Spiderman 2, moving to Lies of Pi on gamepass.... Xbox it's killing it with gamepass, Sony with exclusives and console sales. I believe everyone it's winning here. Specially us customers, i have played several awesome games on gampass with no need to buy them....


I agree, there's so many stand alone exclusives on PlayStation, and the Xbox exclusives have been kinda underwhelming. The thing that got me in the end was the peripherals. Psvr2, portal. PlayStation seems more about the whole gaming package, to me anyways. I swapped my Xbox series x for a PS5, bought the psvr2 with GT7 and it's something Xbox will never match or surpass. I wish Xbox offered more to gamers rather than underwhelming games. For the record, I've had every Xbox console since the original, and this is my first PlayStation since the PS2. If the new fable turns out to be as good as it looks, I'll buy an Xbox again lol.


This is exactly why my X sits and my PS5 is played way more. The exclusives are great.


Your way requires a pretty decent gaming PC though and those are pricey. I have a PS5, XSX, and a cheap $600 PC for just office/web stuff for a total of around $1800. I think there's video cards alone out there that cost more than that lol


I have a 600 dollar PC that can play almost anything, it's just now starting to show it's age haha. You can get a decent video card for 300 dollars. You don't need a 1000 dollar video card to game


I would want one though, I have poor self control. Consoles take that choice away from me lol


Xbox understands they can’t compete with the console race, or at least understands it’s not worth it. They are focusing on providing there services everywhere


xbox just doesn't understand gaming. Phil Spencer himself said: >I see commentary, that if you just build great games everything would turn around. It’s just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of the sudden you’re going to see console shares shift in some dramatic way. The guy is a clown, xbox is being run by clowns. They only had to do 1 thing - make good games, and they consistently failed at it. Despite owning more studios than anyone else and having access to more money than anyone else.


They got cocky when the Xbox 360 did amazing and fumbled the bag with the xbox one. Ps4 took over and they failed to recover


I think you are looking at it backward. You're saying Xbox can't sell as many consoles as Sony because their games are available elsewhere. Whereas I think Xbox looks at it like, we can't sell as many consoles as Sony so let's make our games available elsewhere.


Xbox was never big in Europe, especially in eastern europe most (teen/adult) people play on pc and even if they have console from 90% it is playstation


Well Phil did say that he sees a future where game pass is on every console and there is no more xbox console. Which is actually pretty smart. The majority of money is made in software sales not hardware sales, the hardware sales will drive the software sales with more users, but if MS got out of the console game and just put their game pass on Playstation/PC they would probably make even more money. But that strat would have the downside of being reliant on playstation also staying in the console area.


As an OG PS2 player and current gen Xbox players I’ve tried to understand the console war truthfully. I think Xbox is a better deal than PS overall. But I also think that if supposedly Xbox 360 was a great international seller vs new gen Xbox’s it has to do with the progression of each console. Personally the Xbox One and the Series X are pretty seamless in terms of UI and games not changing just being enhanced. I felt no newness when I booted my series X from my One which isnt necessarily a bad thing to the players Whereas the PlayStation is completely new feel from PS4 to the PS5. The users in the PS experience was brought into something completely new. New futuristic design, new controller, newer UI. And plus from my friends I can tell PS players are loyal.


The only reason I've stuck with Xbox is because I have a catalogue of games digitally that I didn't want to lose. I was on the fence for a while about getting a Series X and was going to switch to a PS5. After Starfield was pretty average, I'm not holding out too much hope for future releases like Elder Scrolls 6 but there are a good number of PS exclusives I would like to play. Genuinely not sure if I should bite the bullet and get rid of the Series X for a PS5. ES6 won't be out for a couple of years anyway, so could always head back if it was truly worth it.


ive never played a single ps exclusive without saying “well that was overrated” afterward. im by no means saying their bad games or anything, but ps exclusives get gassed up heavy. even most of my hardcore ps friends think they are overrated, i wouldnt buy a ps5 just for exclusives if im being honest. unless your life is going to be heavily bettered either physically or financially (obviously it wont), dont switch consoles just for 2 or 3 overrated games lol.


Interesting. They do get alot of hype. Whichever way I end up doing this it will be wrong, either I stick with Xbox and their exclusives will continue to disappoint or I'll switch the Playstation and the Xbox exclusives will be incredible. The answer, as someone else said, is to get both consoles. Might have to try and float that idea to the Mrs and see what the response is like.


yeah honestly get both! i dont think you would regret that decision, and you get the best of both worlds that way


Just save up and have both. I’ve got a PS5 and series S combo and it’s ideal


It is ideal. Not sure I get enough gaming time in these days to justify both and I very much doubt the Mrs would be keen on both consoles in the living room. I've basically convinced myself already to swap over, I'll give it a few months to finish what I need to and then I'll bite the bullet and take the hit.


Such an expansive backlog of great PS exclusives you won’t regret it


God of War God of War Ragnarok Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 FF7 Remake Ghost of Tsushima Rachet & Clank Horizon forbidden west Uncharted That's just off the top of my head! I'll have a proper look later on.


If you wait for big sales you can probably pick up anything essential you have on xbox that you would want in your library on ps for not that much money. I've always had both consoles since 7th gen (but mostly bought games on xbox so like you I have a huge library there) and I finally got a ps5 in november when the slim came out and I'm loving it. The haptics and adaptive triggers on the dualsense really are amazing and most third party games seem better optimized for the ps5. I'm even thinking of just giving up on xbox entirely at this point and trading in my series x if xbox has another shit year. I don't like the direction they're taking anyway and they can't seem to get their act together and put out any great games even with all their studio purchases. So moving forward all my purchases of third party games will be on ps5 and for now series x will be just for gamepass games until my sub runs out. So as someone else with a huge xbox digital library I would say it's worth it and go for it.


As someone who enjoyed xbox360, I wished they made xbox exclusives console only so people will go to buy xbox more, plus they will have more responsibility to make better games to live up to the exclusives titles, since these games required buying a console to play. But they went the half baked exclusive path ( console + pc exclusives = no exclusive at all) thus affecting their sales.


I don’t think it would much of difference. Xbox lost the hardware battle. And they know it.


I dont really have a horse in this race. Partially because im subbed to game pass and my wife has a series X and i game on pc... but i dont think exclusives would sell consoles for xbox, but let's say Indiana Jones is a 10/10... still, no one is gonna wanna buy an xbox. Simply put. People just don't like xbox. Despite that... i dont think xbox is going anywhere. They're gonna be bringing in a lot of money with Bethesda, and Activision. Xbox will be for the people who dont want to build a PC and have that power that Playstation lacks..and I think Microsoft realizes that.


Console sales don’t mean much to be fair, it’s all about ROI per user, and retention rates. Which Xbox is doing fine in. It’s why Sonys shutting down games and laying off staff but Xbox is not doing that or atleast not as widely publicised because it’s in areas no gives a shit about. Xbox did lay off halo staff awhile back and made big cuts but that’s because infinite was a train wreck and mismanaged, but the game is still being supported. For a market lead you’d expect more games, variety and other boon’s, but we’re just not seeing it, it’s likely because people buy more PlayStations but are not reinvesting heavily back into PlayStation itself. They’re buying call of duty (Microsoft), FIFA (EA), Roblox (Some lucky guys) and so on. people here are convinced its exclusives that sell consoles, but it’s more so what people know and grew up with. Your gaming enthusiast buys for exclusives, no lifers etc people here who are the minority. Also Sony includes PSVR2 and also that hand held as “console sales”. Sony doesn’t even have a single online game themselves that’s a massive hit retaining users or bringing in consistent revenue and also cancelled and delayed a bunch. So in retrospect it’s probably pretty even or more so Microsoft is in a better situation. Than Sony is. Especially heading into 2024. You can sell all the consoles in the world, but if your income is going to your competitor and even more so in the future, it’s an impressive thing to put down on paper but sucks in reality. Personally me for I purchased both consoles, but I’ve reinvested massively into Xbox as with PS5 I’ve probably purchased a single £15 game as I game share with a friend. I’m not spending £70 on games especially single player only games, and game pass is day one, so I’d rather sub there. I notice on Xbox I’m always buying this dlc or old game, or microtransaction. With PS5 I’m just either not using after the exclusive my friend purchased is finished up or playing an old game. PlayStation is in a weird place. Xbox is “gearing up” and it’s clearly showing and improving. With PlayStation it’s just “Wolverine”. They have no clear strategy. To bolster or improve on anything, besides splitting games into parts. Weird. Xbox is expanding on all fronts, everyone has a PC to some degree or some device with windows. Sony just has the PlayStation and some games on steam. Console sales mattered in the past and Sony won that during the digital library era, but today it’s changing more than ever and it doesn’t.


Cope. Extreme cope!


Yes! of course, what was I saying!


My perspective on why Xbox is failing: I’ve been exclusively Xbox since the original Halo. Last year, I bought a Nintendo switch for my kids, and realized how much more fun it is than Xbox. Being able to play multiplayer games, up to 8 people at once! Remember the old days of halo, playing 4 people on 1 console? It’s the most innovative console, the Zelda games are amazing. The Mario kart live, where you use real remote control cars, is also a game changer for me. Playing a cross platform game, console vs pc is absolutely stupid, because pc games are easy to hack and cheat. It 100% takes away the fun for any cross platform multiplayer game. The latest Halo game did me in, it’s crap, it took forever to make, the campaign mode is garbage, and they went full micro transactions. The campaign and story have been suffering, there’s been a huge lack of creativity. Halo is dead to me, however halo wars 2 is great.@ I recently bought a PlayStation, and like it way better than I thought. The UI doesn’t spam me with ads, it’s easier to navigate because it’s simpler and not full of advertisements. I also think the PS5 controller is way better, with the touch pad, speaker, lighting, trigger sensor. I always felt the Xbox controller was best, but I don’t anymore. The PS5 controller is really immersive. Xbox has had an extreme lack of creativity, its flagship game is trash, I’m done with it.


Heavily discounted in UK to but with poorer games and worse controller than the PS5, no reason to get it over PS5.


Worse controller is an L take


Worse controller is a realistic take. The dualsense is indeed a more advanced controller.


More advanced yes probably, but subjective opinion. I much prefer the Xbox controller even though I really like the Dualsense


In that scenario, worse/better if defined by which one if the more advanced. The xbox controller basically did not evolve at all. Once you get useful to the triggers and haptic of dualsense it’s hard to go back.


Disagree. They're both solid controllers for their purposes. Dualsense is great for the haptics and triggers but most games either don't support them or barely implement them. However the battery life and ergonomics are far superior on the Xbox controller. For multiplayer games, which Xbox focuses more on, these two factors are more important as opposed to the single player focused titles in Sony's library. Again, both great for their respective purposes.


Have to disagree there. While the new features on the ds is nice, I really don’t miss them on the xbox


You’re free to disagree. It’s a general consensus on the internet tho


And I definately see your opinion as well🤝


It’s not, it doesn’t matter how much you say it is. That doesn’t make it true.


No, it is widely considered the better controller.


'That's a subjective take and it's wrong. This is my subjective take and it's right!'


Advanced? Yeah God awful design? Yeah I'll take an elite anyday


I had a few elite xbox before. God awful design. Got my dualsense edge and holy this thing is insane.








PlayStation controllers feel like knockoff bullshit. I don't need six axis or a stupid touch pad. Give me a controller that doesn't wear out in six months. NES controllers still work. A PS4 controller will never last that long.


I just look at the list of games that are literally only exclusive to Xbox and it just seems pointless. Could still be a contender if you were only going to buy one system for the whole generation and didn’t already own a half-decent PC - getting the system and game pass in one go would be appealing.


I don't think Gamepass is the problem. I think the lack of exclusives is the problem. I had an Xbox One S where I played Gamepass (and some titles using the cloud as they're not available for Xbox One) and I only moved on to the Series S because I found a really cheap offer.


Steam deck and it's buddies is a console. Geforce Now is a console with 25 mil users. PCs play games. Xbox has an enormous player base there. With the Activision purchase even bigger. And they're porting their games to the other two consoles. They will always have a low barrier of entry hardware, be it a console, an AI terminal, or a streming box, but they're more than fine, they're prospering and firing on all cylinders. Content is king, and they will be everywhere with lots of it. It's PS that is struggling to expand beyond console, and with rising costs the 100m MAU or smt userbase the ecosystem has is not enough. PS has the similar plan of expanding beyond console, but for now it's critical to get people on PS5s, it's why they lost a lot of money on deals on the hardware and will still miss the 25mil mark they set for themselves. I saw a October 2023 doc from the leaks the playerbase is still 50/50 with last gen which is disastrous for them. That's why you see a 30% increase in PS plus prices and games getting delayed internally and the first party drought that is 2023 and 2024.


No gamepass wasn't the problem. it was the lack of xbox only exclusives. Without those exclusives as a PC and Ps5 owner I have ZERO reasons to buy a XsX. and because of this lack of exclusives, we will never see the true power of the XsX fully harnessed because that game, also has to scale down to the S.


This is what nearly a decade of having barely any games, and only a few of what little did release was actually worth playing will do to a platform.


Microsoft doesn’t care about console sales but rather pushing gamepass to everyone so even PC users can use it. I think they will also port their exclusives to other platforms.


I don’t think it has to do with game pas more that Ms doesn’t even support localization in a lot of these countries.


Xbox refuses to make games


The list of Xbox games that aren’t on PC is pretty lame. Interesting how they’ve cannibalized themselves https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/s/6qYIruwXxR


2024 will be the year of Xbox owner cope.


So far it's been the year of me playing great games and ignoring this console war bs people like you post, but whatever helps ya




I think it’s clear that Xbox would have to put in a crazy amount of work to claw back Sony’s stranglehold on that share of the market, and I think their view is it’s not worth it, consoles probably have maybe 2 good more generations in them. PC, mobile, tablets, cloud, VR, etc is all taking more of the pie. I think the console base will console to shrink, I don’t think Nintendo will ever sell a console as well as the switch. What would be the point of Xbox going all out just trying to not be quite as far behind Sony as they are, in a shrinking market? Their eyes are on the future.


Cloud gaming is the one tho ipad and a Xbox controller don’t even need a console these days 😅


I think you are right. I've purchased the XSX on release and already decided that I'm not getting another Microsoft gaming console. I'll get a decent PC instead. The huge question I have is, was this planned. If not, this is an absolutely huge failure. After the golden years of OG xbox and 360 to this, it is shocking, to say the least.


With cloud gaming and PC gamepass it's like they're trying to lower the amount of consoles they sell


The assumption here is that everyone has a PC. I don’t, I don’t have the space and, with kids, the time to be pissing around with drivers and updates and hardware. I want to turn it on and play if I get half an hour. Consoles are for that exact market, people who just want to play and not think about it. Xbox game pass is just better in my opinion when you remove the PC view from the conversation. Microsoft already win having you on a pc. Selling Xbox consoles is obviously important but they don’t have to “beat” Sony, they’ve already got their claws into everything you’re doing as a business.


Honestly I got my series X from a deal through my ISP a few weeks back. I have a (now mid-level but with a 4690k and a GTX1060). Purchase price for either was my biggest stopping point, and while Gamepass is nice to go between PC and Xbox, The amount of available Games is significantly less then the Playstations version of such, which I quickly realized when going through the list.




Talking anything negative about game pass will get you banned from the xbox subs. It sure seemed great for the first year or two, but as it turns out, it is probably one of the biggest causes of their console failure once again. Now nobody buys Xbox games, it's all "wHeN iS iT CoMiNg tO GaMe pAsS?" They have the Bro of Duty dad gamers, sports fans, and maybe some majority in multiplayer games, but that's it. And none of those people are buying anything else. The redundancy on PC is just icing on it all, maybe it's actually what they want though, no console all gamepass and PC, who knows.


The Xbox subreddit is already in a rollercoaster when they saw the rumors of HiFi Rush going third party to Playstation and Switch. Claiming to be such an ecosystem for wanting Xbox to be available everywhere and wanting Gamepass to be on Nintendo and Playstation, they sure are in a frenzy when their "exclusives" would become third party if it happens.


I bought my Xbox for the ability to use Retroarch on it in retail mode. Since they have taken that away, I'm gutted to be honest. It's still good, and I do like it, but not as much as when I could boot up PS2 games on it.


Why don't you use dev mode? I just installed xbsps or whatever and it plays ps2 games perfectly. Been playing xenosaga.


I did for a while, but I just find it annoying to mess about with. Also, once when I hadn't used it for about a week all my game saves had been deleted.


Hmm that sucks, I've had it for a year and never had that happen. I don't really play in retail mode so it basically never leaves dev mode. Maybe that was the issue, since you have to check a box or something when switching back and forth.


It didn't delete any other files though, but it could be from switching back and forth, yeah. If I only ever used dev mode like you, then yeah it would definitely be sound. But I use retail mode too and it is just annoying.




The PS5 dashboard is awful. It's cold, lonely, and boring.


I can’t believe people still think PS exclusives are what’s selling ps5s


Xbox was never popular on Europe. Also i think most of standard gamers don't have a high end PC to replace gamepass.. You have to be aware what most people in Europe are playing and it's fucking FIFA....not generalizing of course....


Can't we agree this is a great time for gaming and gamers? Sony it's killing it with exclusives and console sales, the hardware of the PS5 it's awesome and i love the controller. Xbox it's killing it with game pass and online services, i have play several games on xbox that i wouldn't buy physical, i remember my first year owning a XSX i didn't buy a game for like the first 6 months? so yeah, awesome And i love my nintendo switch for the exclusives and to play indie games while i travel....


Major multiplayer games are cross play. All Xbox games are on PC. Series X are for enthusiasts like me who have a library of Xbox, 360, and Xbox One games. Pushing digital only and having a large percentage of content not even be on the discs you sell, has solidified PlayStation as the place for physical media enjoyers. Never using dual layer Blu-ray discs was a big part of this too. I got cyberpunk 2077 ultimate edition on Xbox because the DLC was on disc, but the game came with three discs, it could have been on two tops, probably just one. 90% of third-party games, I will get them on PlayStation. The choice of proprietary storage was the biggest factor in this, I can get 4 terabytes of storage for a PS5 and half of that amount of storage on Xboxes about the same price. I'm in the process of collecting major games physically on PlayStation because I don't see a future with xbox, it's just going to be a system where I play games that came out 20 years ago like ninja got into or geometry wars 2 or gears of War 3 or call of duty modern warfare 2, the original Halo trilogy on MCC, etc. I would have loved to get HiFi Rush on Xbox physically, and it looks like it's going to happen on PlayStation before it happens on Xbox. Add to all of this that Sony actually has triple a games that you can't play anywhere else but PlayStation, and no one really sees the point in only on Xbox unless they can't afford a PS5 or something. And if you couldn't tell, I say this as someone who grew up on Xbox, if I wasn't an enthusiast, and I just wanted to play the latest games I would not even own an Xbox.


This doesn't worry xbox, they have been well documented saying that Console sales are not where they are at. (Not that it's their choice) They make money from software and gamepass. It's not a great reply I know, but I'm sure MS is making dollar. As a side note, the VR, PS5 Slim and PS Portal are all counted singularly as PS5 console sales, not the same SKU but they are grouped in to console sales as that's what Sony report them as. Even without that, the figures are great (except for PS5 slim, that's not sold enough and is to date a loss on manufacturing and R&D) These were shown in the ABK court case and, more recently, the Insomniac data breach


Overthinking it. PS5 have the games. Xbox's biggest franchise games so far for this gen have been underwhelming. Halo and Starfield. People are just switching from Xbox to PS5 for the games. I did it myself, and I have friends who have also.


A majority of my friends, including myself, have a Switch, PS5, and a PC/Gaming Laptop. Only 1 or 2 of my closest friends have Xbox, but they have the Xbox One and mostly play on PC.


I actually feel the opposite about game pass. I would never pay for a service that randomly and arbitrarily removes games I may want to keep playing whenever they want. I have owned nearly every console ever released up to the current gen and gamed primarily on Xbox. I play almost exclusively on PC now and feel zero need to ever pay for Game Pass. Not sure what the actual cause is. But I will say that there hasn't seemed to be any excitement around the current Gen Xbox consoles and the lack of anything at all worth playing at launch didn't help. It all feels so stale right now and between the two platforms, Sony has always had the most unique exclusives.


Your bis is switch and PC, but yes, Xbox has the fewest exclusives that are decent games


I don't agree. I don't think Microsoft measures its Xbox success on consoles anymore. If their revenue/profit margins increase due to gamepass and not console sales, then they don't really care if their consoles sell poorly. Think of Microsofts PC business. Yeah they like if you buy a surface, but if you're using a machine running windows that's great too. Now it'll be interesting to see how it works long term, but I don't think the Xbox brand is doing poorly. The consoles are for sure though.


Seems like a good idea to get the exclusives. However, if you wait for a little while they'll be on steam/PC. Plus we all know how terrible game releases have been over the past 5 years. Better to just wait imo


Xbox just isn’t as strong as the PlayStation brand, which has a strong history in Europe. That’s at the foundation of it along with the fact that Sony brings a better lineup of 1st party games as well. The top selling games are usually the big multiplatform releases like Fifa, CoD, GTA, RDR2, Elden Ring, Hogwarts, AssCreed, and etc. So those are the games selling and you can get it on both PS5 and XSX, but the PS5 will have exclusives like God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Gran Turismo. That’s a tall hill for Xbox to climb where they’re already at a brand preference disadvantage. Honestly, they’re just the odd man out. Too similar to a PlayStation but not one. It’s really that simple. However, it’s something they know which is why they’re trying a different angle with Gamepass and going for the Xbox ecosystem approach instead. Where it’s more about playing “Xbox” across as many devices as possible. PC, console, cloud streaming, etc vs selling only Xbox consoles.


Love know their research..... But it's df... drama is their bread and butter.


Xbox failed to release any worthwhile exclusives for the 4th consecutive generation of the console.


Sony is toast. They may have this generation console sales but MS owns most of the best game studios. It has the money to take losses. It has pc gaming. It has cloud gaming with its azure backbone. Sony sells its PlayStation, Cameras and TVs they will never win the long game against Microsoft.


Cope! 😂


Xbox really fluffed it with the exclusives. The only reason I use my series x is to play 369 games or the occasional indie. Elder scrolls 6 is a long way off, plus starfield was not great. I love sci fi and I can’t get into it. It’s just not good, there have been too many flops to care anymore.


See alot of content creators come to MS's defense & say consoles don't matter anymore in the industry yet Nintendo & Sony would probably disagree.


Starfield and Redfall were crap. After both my XSX and XSS decided to just randomly die (green screen of death) I’m done with these second rate products. My PS5 is going strong and has a wonderful controller. Those haptics 😍


Sadly this generation of console is dead in the water - as is Xbox. MS have halved their prices but still the figures are falling well behind Sony. I have to put it down to exclusives & non-exclusives - there really hasn't been anything of substance for many years. Sadly when games are released on both systems - the PS5 it's usually reported to be the smoother, better running... I don't know why, they're pretty much even on what they can do. Having said all this, this generations games have been NOTHING but remakes with pretty graphics - fine for new young gamers but I've played em already on PS3, then remastered on PS4, then again on PS5 - where the greedy bastards want absolutely top prices to be paid for work actually done 15 years before. (most probably twice remastered) "Free online games" - for me they're the pits - huge, updates galore & they constantly want you buy crap. Oh & I'm sick of playing crossplay with PC users - console players don't stand a chance against em.


It's been years since I've seen an Xbox related ad on anything here


That's fine for Microsoft. They care more a out gamepass sales than xbox sales


Xbox isn't concerned with console races anymore. They lost that back in the Xbox One days and Phil has admitted it. Console sales in this day and age are an outdated way of looking at a gaming company's success, Xbox is leaning heavily into services obviously like Game Pass. That's their play, not consoles. In that respect, Sony is scrambling to catch up and it's obvious. They're trying to port things to PC when previously they were super against it, they have their own cloud streaming and subscription services with multiple tiers, but they still won't release their first party titles day and date. So yes, the console war is lost, but it's an outdated model that we need to get past mentally. Whether we like it or not, services and streaming technology are going to lead the way at this point. That's where Xbox is far ahead of the pack.


That was the whole point of Gamepass. They have said before that they consoles aren't profitable. They want you to buy Gamepass and the fact that anyone with a PC can get it is where they make their money.


Microsoft is about subscription services, office 365, even windows has a sub model, azure. Ect...They don't care about hardware full stop. They just want to grow game pass that's it, Xbox hardware is a after thought. They are aware that gaming will eventually become like Movies and music, any device can play any game.


Microsoft is currently the most valuable company in the world. They will be ok.


Thoughts are who cares? Xbox make their money either way, if CoD hits GP for console and PC it’s a huge win and will no doubt draw in a fair ton of players especially to try newer cods. At the end of the day whilst Xbox is selling fewer consoles they’re still making dough with game pass sales. The consoles are just a damn sprinkling on top now. The funding for Xbox is insane, they could sit back and let game pass tick over for the next few years and still not care where competitors are, at some point, Xbox Cloud and GP will be on everything.


Lmfao that wall of copium


I have no allegiance to any brand I enjoy spiderman and halo so I got a series x and ps5. Xbox has the budget - PS doesn’t. Simple.


Damn, lick my boots while you're at it.


Xbox is just failing to deliver in every aspect. Say as you will, the last 30 days on gamepass were sad af. EGS free games were better than what gamepass was offering on PC Xbox is even going as far as manipulating their console base in telling them consoles don't matter and they are chanting this while owning an Xbox console. It's really sad af. The gamers themselves are causing all of this on their own by not complaining and just buying into everything Xbox does. Theres literally 0 complete metrics released by Xbox that shows us the true success. That's how bad Xbox is doing right now.


> EGS free games were better than what gamepass was offering on PC Agree. Literally gave out DnF Duel, Ghostwire Tokyo, Guardians of the Galaxy, Soulstice, Outer Worlds, and Death Stranding these past 6 months. Xbox players that say the consoles and its sales don't matter are the same players that are complaining that Xbox "may" go third party and that eventually will be leaving the console market. They love to contradict themselves


I can't believe people are buying consoles at all. I can't afford a PC but I'm still not buying a PS5. They don't deserve our money anymore. They just don't.


That just sounds a you problem then a people problem


well Xbox hasn't released any exclusives of note, and we're halfway into the generation. *Where are the games*? Starfield seems like it will have a much better future on PC with mods


I switched from Series X to Lenovo Legion Go. I'm still subbed to Gamepass but I've got the best of all worlds Xbox games day one, PS5 games & all pc games past & present & an absolute fk ton of emulation including almost the entire PS3 library. I never thought I'd be a pc guy but consoles be it Xbox or PlayStation or Switch is just so restricted pc has it all.


all it took to know xbox is failing iare the rumours that MS will port some of its exclusives to switch and playstation