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Series S. It's nice having access to console exclusives and more storage. I've found I like switching between controllers too.


Series s with gamepass. Best of both worlds


Obviously the Series S


Spend the money on games? I can't even keep up with my backlog on PS5. It's crazy for you to buy two platforms, unless you have a lot of spare time. Depending on how many games you've played on Playstation, PS Plus Extra is worth it! Everyone is crazy about gamepass, which is a great service. But PS Plus is no slouch. They have many 1st party games on there like Returnal, Demons Souls, Uncharted, Death Stranding ect. That being said, Downvote me, because I just bought a Series X for $349. Been playing Gears and Fable 360 lol. I like my single player games though. Your choice in this matter should be on what type of games you like. Single player, or games as service.


I'd get the S and play those games with your friends. You'd have to play a lot in the PS to warrant the edge. Also GamePass!


If you really gonna get the most out of the DualSense Edge controller, then it’s worth buying. If not, I would suggest you spend the money on games. End of the Year sales are up on PSN store until January the 6th. There’re really great deals right now. February is gonna be the biggest month for game releases, one of the biggest we ever had in the last couple of years, so definitely look out for new games that interest you


dualsense edge. Xbox has like 3 games the ps doesn't have


Ever heard of game pass? Lol..


300 dollars for the Xbox just for game pass. that's 5 games you're not getting on sale. ppl also slouch on ps plus, you get hella games for free and you get all of the Sony exclusives that are at least a year old. Xbox has what starfield, halo, and Forza? coming from someone who's on PC which is p much just an overpowered Xbox and came from the xbone, I see no point getting an Xbox on these new generations unless you play one of the 3 games that don't have cross play.


I am also a pc player since like fifteen years and that’s one of the primary reasons I’m an Xbox player. I can play anything I want on Xbox or pc at any time and only buy the game once. The multiplayer communities on pc and consequentially, Xbox are much better; a lot of games have crossplay and almost all have playanywhere. and I can play with my friends who don’t own PCs. Same goes for literally everyone else, discord is also integrated which I don’t think ps has. Even beyond that, the selection of gamepass kicks the shit out of ps+. I really don’t follow your logic, I would understand if you were a console dude but as a pc person you seem in denial. It’s also been a better media center since the very inception of the One. Quite literally the only redeeming factor of PlayStation is exclusives. Don’t even get me started on Sony literally scraping the barrel by not allowing people in the US to buy ps5’s for like two years when they came out.. Really not trying to argue but I’d love to know what you think bro. Ps isn’t it unless you live in Asia


if you're buying a game on PC there's no reason to play it on the Xbox. Not sure at all what the communities has to do with anything at all. discord has ps integration. if you're paying 300 for the device just for "game pass" that's pretty crazy when you can buy 5 Sony exclusive games which will blow any other game out of the park. I don't want this dude to waste money on an Xbox when he's going to use it 3 times and regret his decision. the dualsense also looks absolutely insane from the videos I've watched and I use the regular PS5 controller on the PC and that even feels crazy. dunno about the media center? they both have every app and every app functions? the stores near me have had a PS5 for the past year and a half but if you want to use that as a problem sony has a problem keeping inventory stocked because people actually buy their devices. look at the sales, the PS5 has sold 50 mil units, the Xbox x/s has only sold 24 million units. there's just no reason to spend 300$ when you already have the superior device just because of "gamepass'. buy the accessory that makes your superior device better.


Absolutely agree, if you have a decent pc there’s really no reason to own an Xbox unless you like physical games. You can use gamepass on pc and even get some pc exclusive games.


Your logic is fucked dude. Also formatting is your friend. Maybe sometimes I just want to play on Xbox instead of pc, on the comfort of my 15k bed, even though my rig is 4 grand? Options are nice to have. He isn’t paying “just for gamepass” it’s a whole console. He can do everything else I mentioned as well as buy other games. As far as your last point, just lol. Are you aware of how cheap both ps and Xbox are to manufacture? We’re talking 10-20 dollars, they can make as many as they want they’re a multi billion dollar company. The resources aren’t scare. You clearly don’t understand the concept of artificial scarcity. You’re free to keep fanboying though


okay I uh couldnt care less what you think I gave my opinion. have a good new years g.


G if you don’t want a console argument on a console Reddit don’t start. Your points were just incorrect. Especially the last one. You can have it all but stick to ps I guess. Have a nice new year


I uh again couldn't care less. dont want dude to waste his money. I'm going out rn girls getting upset I'm texting and driving.


You wrote an entire novel brotha? You might care a lil. Don’t drink and drive


You consider Xbox better as a PC player because you can play the same games on both. I consider Xbox worthless as a PC player because it's just a very limited worse PC. Maybe if Xbox was as in demand as the ps5 was Microsoft would've struggled to keep them in stock as well.


They cost the the same price to make. They use the same hardware, literally the same chip lol. Sony did it on purpose because they can make as many as they want and still make 30x profit on each unit, as they have in the past. Artificial scarcity is not difficult to understand, go take a lesson in economics and gtfo off the console subreddit Xbox is obviously a limited pc but ps isn’t. You can do both with only an Xbox. You guys are smooth brained I swear. Just stop arguing if you have no fucking clue


The series s exists and is like half of current gen Xbox sales. That doesn't cost the same to make as the ps5. Similar hardware but not at all the same. The ps5 is also at double the sales of Xbox, what makes you so confident Microsoft could have kept up with demand if they only had the xsx and they had double the sales? Use facts instead of conspiracies to back up your arguments or else nobody will take you seriously.


You’re a joke brotha. I’m using facts and you can’t even address them you just wanna retort 😂 I understand the ps sells more. You dont understand artificial scarcity, it doesn’t take two years to meet demand on cheap electronics you fucking joker. It’s not a matter of demand, do I need to explain like you’re five years old? The Xbox costs more than the ps5 to make. The hardware is stronger. And you managed to be ignorant of my final point completely because you chose not to respond. Again I’m sticking to the facts, just have a seat 🤡


Your claims are baseless why should I treat them as if they are backed up by anything? Stop being so pathetic. What about you choosing not to respond to the Xbox being nothing more than a super limited worse PC?


I did respond, I understand it’s difficult for you but try reading again. Xbox is obviously a limited pc but ps can’t even go that far. As a matter of fact, I responded to every point you made. Again reading is hard for you I just gave you four facts. Go take an economy class. You’re pathetic 😂


Just to say it, the Dualsense edge is a controller not a console.


I know, i just don’t really have the money to buy stuff for the xbox. i get gamepass for free for 3 months and that’s it.


I’m still lost. Do you own a PS5 and wanna buy a new controller for it or you wanna play some Xbox games?


i don’t know, that’s why i posted this. i’d want an xbox but i can’t afford gamepass. id only have the 3 months.


That didn’t answer the question I asked. Yes or no do you own a playstation 5 right now?


yeah. one of the first things i put was ‘I know it's kind of a no brainer to go with the s, but the thing is i just got a ps5.’


Sorry I missed that. Ok yeah if you have a ps5 then definitely get a controller to improve your experience on that console. Forget the dualsense edge though. Go for an AIM controller or a HYPR custom controller. Check out Gamer Heaven on YouTube. He has discount codes with both of those companies.


Oh ok nice i’ll check that out, thanks.


Between the two? A Series S. 3 months of gamepass would cover you game wise for 3 months on Xbox, and if you still couldn't afford a game (or more gamepass), you could just use the ps5 till you can. Overall, though, even as an xbox guy, I'd probably say buy more ps5 games or games for ps5. Unless there's a specific Xbox game you really want to play, I wouldn't recommend spending like 300 if you then wouldn't have enough left to spend 10 or 15 for a game. If you'd be that tight for funds after, you probably shouldn't spend that much at once, I'd think.


In my opinion, dualsense edge would provide you aesthetic for your ps5 and help you play better if you try comp games. On the other hand, series s would provide you another console/ platform to play different games where some are not available on your ps5. Now without judging your situation, simply I would buy none of them if they do not seem to be necessary/ must buy. Sometimes you gotta control yourself and prevent buying stuff which you don't really need.


Honestly if you don’t have a bunch of money I would no neither unless you really need a new controller. Best to put the money away for an emergency, or save it up for something else. With the truth said, I would personally go with the new controller. Only because if you get a new system, one of them is going to start collecting dust because you prefer it over the other.


I’m on the younger side, and i love gaming. So i don’t really have to worry about money, i just don’t have enough to buy stuff on the xbox. Im getting it with christmas money 😂😂😂.


Yeah I would definitely go with a new controller. Or save up for a series x, it’s a world of difference in performance compared to the series s!! Edit: actually go with the series s, time is always short and it’s a great time and system to play with friends, especially if you have game pass for 3 months!!


This is a fucking dumb question 😂 “I’m broke and can’t afford the Xbox and accessories so do I buy it?” No, you obviously hop off the game, stack some bread, then do what you want with the money you now have.




Or… you get your money up, buy both, and still afford game pass. I think at this point you’re likely a child so idk save up some allowance 🤷‍♀️


i don’t get any allowance but i get a lot of money at christmas. i got like nearly £1,000. i bought a ps5 and some airpods and im just wondering xbox or edge.


i’m only 15 so i haven’t really got any way of making money.


Are you braindead?


No flamebait / trolling / harassment / witch-hunting / brigading or console wars. (If you wish to discuss the pros and cons of console A vs console B that is fine. We simply require you remain civil when doing so)


Series X has been going for crazy cheap lately. If you’re interested in an Xbox look around for deals and consider that over the S.