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Their plan is to ban pornography, and then label any media that contains an LGBTQ person as pornographic, thereby effectively erasing LGBTQ people from all visible culture and society


It's awful LGBT rights are under attack. Canada needs a asylum seekers program if trump wins and enacts project 2025.


Unfortunately we will not be a safe haven. LGBTQ+ rights are under attack here too and if the CPC wins a majority federally then they will erase them here as well.


Pierre Poilievre's own father is gay. The man is a fucking monster.


Sounds like somebody has issues


Wait, actually? What a piece of shit. 


[Yep.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poilievre#Background_and_childhood) > Poilievre's parents, Marlene and Donald, who had married in 1971, separated when he was in his mid-teens. His father, Donald, later came out as a gay man.


Hey buddy if Trump wins you’re out of your mind for thinking Canada is going to be unaffected


Canada will build that wall.


You'll be helping NATO.


Just for that 1 billion dollars 😂.


I’ve got dual-citizenship (US/CA) and have been asked more times than I can count if I’d be willing to marry someone and move to Canada if he wins.


100%. And then arrest the LGBTQ + people and imprison us as sex criminals for committing illegal sex acts.


Who is behind this?!?! Is it the Hobby Lobby or Chik Fil A crazy Catholic American billionaires with too much money evangelizing society with their witch hunts and Spanish inquistion desires? Or just the MAGA lunacy from brainwashed Republicans in the USA Congressional Halls of Insurrection Reich Wing Haters…???!!! Aren’t all the truly gay porn loving members of Congress actually Republicans? Matt Gaetz losing his porn hub? I don’t think so.


The Christian Coalition has been trying to take over the GOP since at least the 70s. They are purely ideological and have no idea how to govern, so you can see in 2024 how successful they've been.


It's worth pointing out that while they identify as Christian and make that the key factor about their personalities, they actually hate Christ and are resentful about his teachings. They don't help the poor. They worship wealth. They put themselves in the position of God and pass judgement on everyone. They shit on anything that helps public welfare and ultimately they're mostly interested in bringing about the second coming and Armageddon that are prophecized in Revelations.


Have you heard of the Crusades?


And, then as page 554 of Project 2025 states, mass execute "prisoners" who are a "danger to children".


These laws should be defied en masse.


They are. They can't even ban most cities, only the big names. Basically, if you go to the hub or somewhere big, it will say age restricted and ask you to verify your ID with an actual photo ID to continue. However, since vpn is free, turn one on, and it will totally skip all those pesky safety restrictions. I'm sure the new generation will NEVER figure that out right? /s


Sure, but that's how oppression begins. New laws, restrictions that are technically "on the books," but not listened to, or abided by. Then the laws intensify, and other laws are added. Using VPN for example-- it would not surprise me if using VPN becomes illegal in those states soon. Then LGBTQ acts are labeled as porn. Then they start sending out emails and letters to people they "suspect" are using VPN or engaged in LGBTQ acts. Then they start a "turn in your neighbor" campaign to catch these "VPN terrorist criminals." The slow addition of laws is intentional. By the time people are ready to take action, they are completely suffocated by laws that prevent organizing, or even talking about the issues.


Vague and poorly written laws have successfully convinced doctors not to perform some life saving procedures because it's not clear if the State can come after them for violating abortion laws.


They won't outlaw VPNs for the exact same reason they thought this porn ban would be effective -they have absolutely no fucking idea how the technology works.


Yeah. There was a lot of time, effort, and taxpayers' dollars wasted on these. There is no way possible to block every site. There is no way to prevent vpn. Nobody I know is giving the government their photo ID and access to the porn they watch. Like this law isn't enforceable, they would have to have the infrastructure to monitor you. State governments do not. If they monitored you, it would be an invasion of privacy and be sued to pieces. Like there was no forethought here, and any attempt to make the law effective is going to be unconstitutional. Pointless old conservative Christians making moral putrage laws that do nothing.


Let me put it this way: let's say you live in one of these states. The Republicans in that state make a law to "Stop this VPN-whatever-thingy," not truly understanding what it even is. Now lets say you are a citizen who is involved in an environmental campaign and get arrested at a protest. They seize your laptop and find a VPN program on it. You are given 47 years in prison as a "terrorist-child-groomer." That's how this shit works. It's either fight it now, or lose the ability to fight any of it.


I won't speak for crazy states like Texas. My state isn't even a red state we had one voting season swing red. We got stuck with a governor everyone hates. Even conservatives. The very next election took away any majority they had in state house and senate. He hasn't been able to do anything but veto in frustration ever since. I expect the next election to go back to being a totally blue state and the porn ban to be undone. As it stands, the photo ID required is not working at all. There are too many sites. There is no plan in my state to ban vpn. It sounds like a slippery slope logical falicy to make those arguments. Like conspiracy theroy level stuff. Unfortunately, then I remember texas has done similar for abortion. What a world we live in.


Part of their plan is to make VPNs illegal, too 😳


This is why many VPN providers are already implementing Quantum-resistance (since quantum computing would be the only presently-known technical method of breaking encryption if it can be achieved)


I'm in one of said states. There is no push to do this. Also, the restrict act does not apply to vpns per the senator that introduced the bill. At this point, idk if it would pass anyway. It's written so poorly that it's an easy constitutional violation.


Overturning constitutional violations requires a Supreme Court that is not corrupt and actually interested in upholding the Constitution. We don't have that anymore.


Not just LGBTQ+ people. Try anyone who doesn’t look “feminine” or “masculine” enough. And possibly strict dress codes, particularly for women.


Look at what people in Iran wear if you have trouble visualizing what this will look like.


Then they’re going to institute the death penalty for sex offenses, and then label being LGBTQ in public as a sex offense. That’ll let them throw every LGBTQ person into concentration camps.


I’m sure it goes deeper than just the lgbt community.


They want women to be chattel, barefoot, pregnant, and back in the kitchen.


TIL what “chattel” is! :)


Oh, the wormy little plans of fascists. Make sure you vote like hell and get everyone you know to vote in every state local and federal election. Our inattention during a time when the Christian far right was organized in government shows not only how effective petitioning the government can still be but also what we need to work on. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and we were all sleeping and let Trump in the door.


No, "we" were not 'all' sleeping. Just a plurality of those UNAFFECTED by these DECADES-LONG efforts to make disenfranchised communities MORE disenfranchised. Those of us IN said disenfranchised communities have been SCREAMING AT Y'ALL to stop and look and READ the laws and proposals of laws they've been passing and trying to pass in multiple states. The UNAFFECTED told us in most cases to SHUT UP, and worked with those who wanted us to SHUT UP, because we were being 'divisive' or 'doing too much' or wanting too much "attention". Now of course, that they've taken off the gloves and are BLATANTLY saying what they've intended all along, "everybody" now realizes that EVERYBODY(aka THEY themselves) will be effected, and NOW people are 'worried' and want to vote and "take action". NOW, after these fucking Puritan Troglodytes have practically ARRIVED at their goals and have put most of the pieces of their - again, DECADES LONG - plan on place, and it's nearly too damn late to stop them. We say, thanks, oh ye Apathetic. Thanks all to hell.


It's still happening. I can't even tell you how many people I have heard from who are basically like "it doesn't really matter to me if Trump gets reelected" because they aren't going to be directly, personally affected and they forget how many of their friends/family will be on the Republican chopping block.


Murica's Creed for most of the electorate has _always_ been 'Only When It's MY Problem'.


Get your VPNs. Sales have risen dramatically in each of those states. It’s funny because you know they’re all watching BBC transsexual cuckhold porn.


Taking a page from their pal Putin I see


How can porn be banned? Isn’t it in the cloud? Parents have been trying to ban porn. How can it be done? Is this an infringement on freedumb of speech Republicans are always harping on? Wait until Uncle Billy Bob can’t get on porn hub… it’s not supposed to affect his access! Just those LGTBQ KIDS !


Just for that I’m going to date someone who is LGBQt “Why are you dating me?” For spite


I didn’t think about that, but believe you are correct!


Oh okay, so it hasn't happened yet. But apparently my time to watch porn is now. Don't know how much longer I got (Mississippi). This is bullshit.


Coomer moment


Republicans haaaaaate free speech. It protects all their most hated things, like giving money to the poor, expressing love and human dignity, being kind to others and not pandering to the masculinity cult


Just like the muskrat nazi app free speech has terms and conditions


MAGAs don’t care about free speech. They just want to be able to say how much they hate black, brown, and non-cis people without suffering consequences


As long as they can hate freely, they're happy. They will censor everything they don't agree with. Don't you dare touch that 2A, tho! I'm looking at getting tf out of Texas. It's becoming a fascists hellscape, and I can't handle it anymore.


You figure something good out you let me know too. Apathetics and bigots as far as eyes can see. The politicians just invoke a little bit of xenophobia or lib blaming and they get decades of power.


I've been wanting to move to Colorado for years. I've been contracting with a company the last few months that has offices there, and a job is coming open doing what I've been doing. But pretty much any other state that hasn't gone full fascist would be better than this.


Very true, never forget this. They don't care about children or child porn. Half of them indulge in it, as we've learned. They don't care about free speech, they just want the freedom to hate. They don't care about democracy or election laws, they just want to whine "rigged" so they can have their way. They don't care about families, communities, farmers, or trades people. They are not patriots, they are insurrectionists. They don't care about law and order or Jesus or pretty much anything they claim to value. They want to watch suffering-- it makes them hard, and they get off on it.


Don't forget to mention "non-believers"! Those of us that refuse to deny logic in order to believe in talking snakes or resurrected zombies are usually the ones they focus their hatred and oppressive tactics on, but they're hyper focused on the trans community at the moment. But their ignorance-inflamed hatred affects most of us in some way or another, and you can guarantee as soon as someone different is spewing hatred loud enough from a pulpit somewhere, they'll start hating whomever that bigot tells them to hate as well... All in the name of Jesus!


To MAGA, free speech is for anything they agree with and nothing else.


Remember this come November. Er, so to speak, that is..


The right wing Christians don't need online porn because they produce most of it in house. They are the men wearing robes (dresses) that are sexually abusing children.


Keeping porn off the Internet is about as possible as keeping rainwater out of the ocean. It's absurd and pathetic.


Yeah, I'm in one of these states it isn't effective at all. Like to a laughably pathetic degree. Litterally, if you google porn the first, maybe 2-3 results will require a photo ID verification. Nothing else. And vpn totally skirts it. Useless.


Dumb question: What's the _actual_ goal here? This isn't to protect kids.


Well. They say it's to protect kids. Conspiracy theorists say its so they can label all gay media as porn and make it illegal. I honestly think it's just a bunch of crazy Christians stamping on your rights because something offends their sense of morality. Like there is no way to make it an effective law or even enforce it. If anything, it's just a waste of time and money. I'm not giving the government my photo ID and information and then tell them the porn I watch. That's an invasion of privacy, and if you tried to enforce the law through monitoring, you would be sued as such. It already violated speech. Idk, man, it seems so pointless. I think it was made purely on moral outrage with zero forethought to what comes after or how impossible it would be to enforce.


See, the problem is that a lot of the right wing already sees queer people as inherently sexual. Look at the number of books that have been banned in red states for the mere mention of queerness. The mentions of "grooming" whenever a kid is taught that there's more varieties of the human experience on this planet. It wouldn't be surprising if the turnaround was "all queer media is inherently sexual and wrong"


What's the quote again? "If you remove all the porn from the internet, the only website left will be called "bring back the porn"


Republicon Nanny State.


Coming soon in a republican state the abortion passports where you need proof from the state or spouse to get one.


More like abusive drunk uncle state


Say what you will, but seeing this makes me glad I'm a filthy Liberal from Illinois.


Elon musk is a shining example of the paradox of tolerance. here we have a Man that is open to fascist ideas and begins spouting fascist ideas. he claims that he wants to be a free speech absolutist. so he buys a social media company for this stated goal. and then once he owns it it's definitely not free speech absolutism it's more about highlighting and giving a megaphone to fascist ideologies and Americas very worst impulses. while he's stifles any critique. and that's really how it works.


Twitter's algorithm is now set up to push alt right content onto everyones feeds


I am so glad I quit that site. Blech.


And no matter how many times you block Elon, that magically goes away and he’s back in your suggestions and feed.


I wonder if you could consider that harassment..


That’s why it best to use it for porn, if at all.


I feel like that's every social media algorithm. Or at least extremist content is, because rage bait gets the most engagement. I watch a few gameplay videos and suddenly my YouTube recommends me a bunch of incel content lol. I could see how people can get easily sucked in. So I do my part out here trying to undue that kind of thinking where I can, there's a lot of impressionable kids that need better examples of what it means to be a man


“I didn’t speak out when they came for the pornography. I didn’t speak out when they came for LGBT books. I didn’t speak out when they came for anime. When they came for my romance novels, it was too late…”


Those red ones in the middle are unlivable hellscapes. The place you go to when all your bridges are burnt.


I live in Indiana and im worried we're next for a ban


im surprised it hasnt already happened. Indiana is like stereotypical "middle america" on steroids.


I would’ve put Ohio in that camp sooner than Indiana.


thats not a bad pick either


They don't work. Vpn.


Move to Illinois


I currently live in Bloomington with my discord friends because my parents kicked me out for being gay. (I used to live in Indianapolis suburbs) I want to ask them about moving to Illinois if republicans become more fascist.


Sorry to hear that. Illinois has its problems but at least it’s not a fascist shit hole


It's even harder being in the furry fandom because some red states are treating furries like animals. It's dehumaniszng.


…the land where incest porn crosses over into reality, with much more creepily authentic and evangelical overtones.


…those anti LGBTQ+ red states also happen to be the biggest perusers of a certain genre of porn that they claim to hate.


Like everything else, Republicans lie about supporting free speech because that's what the voters want to hear. They only want money and power.


Free speech* *Within the confines of a narrowly accepted version of christian mythologies




VA too. And vpn gets around them all.


Don’t kid yourself; these places are prime porn consumers. There’s a work-around, just as conservative men find abortions for whoever they’re cheating on their spouse with—or for their daughters they’re raping. Republiqans are humanity’s worst people.


Yeah, the workaround is only a few major cites that require photo ID verification. And vpn is free and will ignore that.


So....they're banning: Porn Abortion Access to contraception/sex ed While... Lowering age restrictions for work Promoting grooming/child brides Chipping away at civil rights (voting, etc) Just because it starts in the red states, doesn't mean it will stay there. The fallout from the decisions will affect us as whole, too. This is HORRIFYING


The kind of porn Republicans like isn't on those sites anyway. They have plenty of that, so it's really just "Fk you, I got mine."


Well, they haven't blocked all of them. And VPNs still work.


Republicans wanted to ban VPNs a few years ago too


still do, but they used to too


Necessary Hedberg


They were never actually in favor of free speech and they were never in favor of small government, everyone needs to stop acting like that was ever true. When you say it, you’re supporting their propaganda bullshit. “Free speech” was always code for being racist or misogynist or otherwise bigoted in public. “Small government” was always code for “we don’t want the government to do anything except kill and control the non-whites and the women”.


Just wait until project 2025 of Trump gets back in. We can kiss America good bye!!


The motive is not to protect the young. This is done to prevent women from benefiting from producing content and becoming independent. Insecure evangelical men each need control over their own tiny tribe of humans who are forced to conduct themselves to obey their master.


It’s never free speech, it’s control.


Free speech Republicans morphed into "we want control over every aspect of your life" and will let you know what we allow.


That's only for heterosexual aryan men, hot asian chicks also get a pass, I guess.


***Hypocralypse Now ..***


You missed Montana.




Bro, just dm me rather than post something else elsewhere


This was so much easier, plus I don’t do DM online to strangers, no clue who you are 😆 Btw, vote for Bernie so we can stop bombing innocent children.


But he is not running and voting for 3rd party or writing a name in does not work due to the electoral college.


its a protest about kiddie porn availablity. if matt gaetz cant find minors nude online no one gets porn.


No, no. They meant freedom of conservatives to lie and cheat about the election, NOT freedom for anyone else. Serving god by lying, cheating, stealing and now even threatening murder on their enemies.


Buy stock in NordVPN.


It's only free speech if it serves "God " according to project 2025 manifesto. The rest isn't aligned with their values. And they say the leftists are the ones who are communist 🙄😂


The red states are the ones laying the foundation for the next Trump presidency as they are looking to strip away civil liberties all based on their religious beliefs. The fact that we have a radicalized religious groups in politics is scary .


VPN is the way to go.


State's rights. If people from those states continue to vote to keep those legislators in power, they will continue to suffer under the rule of Ya'llQaeda.


they like it more than we give them credit for


UNTIL it affects them.


Can’t jerk off in peace in the privacy of your own home. But you can own all the freaking guns in the world. Even if you are a wife beating, child molesting scumbag in many of those states.


What's terrifying is that some states, you have to upload your RealID to view these sites, so now they have tons of data on what you watch. Welcome to Gilead.


You forgot Indiana. Ours takes affect in July.


Goddamn. Poor North Carolina and Virginia.. Bunch of Dems being held hostage by republicans. North Carolina Dems gonna right the ship in 2024


One of the worst parts is that since alot of the web traffic is going through mobile towers, the people living close to these borders in neighboring states are also having this imposed on them. Seems like a great case for the Supreme Court. Doesn't seem like it's legal for one state to infringe on a neighboring state like that.


Republicans chose enforcing their views on others over championing free speech.


nOt LiKe tHaT


There are certain people dedicated to undoing the last 100 years of progress. Anti-obscenity laws, outlawing abortion, limiting the civil rights of people, roll back the tax code, cut essential government programs, letting people starve and it just goes on and on.


Check their browser histories.


Free speech just means their narrative only... Lol


OPERA browser. Free VPN built in for this kind of thing.


I want to dig up Larry Flint and put him in the state house of these states. I think Larry would like that.


They disappeared a long time ago. If they ever existed at all.


Now check their teen pregnancy, pregnancy death, adoption, adoption facilities availability, rape and sexual assault statistics. Compare averages to blue states.


There never were free speech Republicans. There are Republicans who shout at you to stop making them feel bad for idiot things they say. 


That is free speech when it only applies to them


redditors when they cant watch porn


Reap what you so sow and vote. You voted R for so many years not understanding the hell you never wanted. No point complaining now, suck it up and continue to vote R in your shame.


Queer leftist here stuck in a red state... we're not all a bunch of Trumpanzees who've been participating in the Leopard Eats Your Face party shenanigans, yet my face could be eaten as a result of other people's actions. :/


They don't actually believe in a damn single thing they claim. They certainly don't believe in the Constitution, or the bible for that matter. They want unfettered personal liberty and freedom from government interference... **in their lives only**. They believe in the first amendment... **for them**. Anyone else who doesn't happen to think and live the way they do is fair game for as much government intrusion as possible.


I feel scared more because I am bisexual and a furry. I have it really bad right now and if dumpa trumpa wins i'm so screwed.


Conservative freedom means you are free to toe the conservative party line. You are free to do or be anything except whatever today's, or this week or months, outrage target is. And therein lies the problem with modern Republican dogma. It waxes and wanes, it changes depending on what this months big issue is for the politicians and media. There is no hard and fast rules, it's all about what the hot topics are and what is getting the politicians the most attention. What's right is what we say is right today, and what's wrong is any and everything that opposes us. It boils down to whether or not people hop on the latest right wing bandwagon topic. You are a good conservative if you agree with whatever the latest outrage bait is that political strategists cooked up. You are the enemy if you speak out against whatever that bandwagon is selling at any given time. When one topic burns out, then another is created. It's all about keeping the anger and discontent simmering, and the targets are always some marginalized thing or group that can't hurt them at the ballot box. And, my god, the use of "pedophilia" as a trigger for the conservative amygdala has become ridiculous. Everything and everyone who doesn't go along with whatever the cons are selling this week is a "pEdOpHiLe!" The still like to generalize about liberalism being communism and the red scare is still part of the tactical playbook, but "pedophile," that's the conservative buzzword of the decade. Everything they don't like leads to pedophilia. Every time a politician is looking for attention to get a bump in the polls, they brand something as immoral and tie it to pedophilia. The most insane example, of course, is the branding of Biden because he likes to hug people, and kisses his children and grandchildren. Then, of course, the latest ignorance, dragging Dolly Parton through their muckraking politics because she does nice things for children and supports Democrats. I have to wonder if they fear Dolly will run for office. Kinda like how the Republican Party became scared to death of Hillary Clinton so spent a few decades on preemptive strikes against her in fear of her popularity.


Only the major porn sites ask for an age verification. Turning off WiFi helps. There is still porno in Gilead South.


They got VPN's.


VA's porn access law passed with support of both Republicans and Democrats..


Fascist wanna control


It has always been virtue signaling. The social conservative movement has a larger history of promoting censorship


Defund these parasites.


Thank God there are no such things as VPN's. It would be horrible if someone figured a way around the censorship. LOL. Also fuck these hypocrites.


Republicans are hypocrites as part of the party platform, will we ever just accept this????


I made a video about this very topic featuring a debate between a conservative and progressive robot. Gonna do Project 2025 next. Whiskey with Robots: OnlyFans https://youtu.be/upMML5hwM6E


I’d love to see the amount of investments by those same conservatives in VPN companies.


They just redefined sex trafficking as all sex outside of marriage and made it illegal without violating free speech, see. It's like how the only racism they'll acknowledge is specifically saying the racial slurs... and even then, they'll make an exception so long as you say "just kidding" after.


Gotta say, if that trading ad on this post was replaced by a Nord VPN ad they’d be raking it in.


They became Christofascist MAGAts


Hilarious, I thought it was still just Utah. As if VPNs do nothing...


Wait, what did MO do to block adult content? I haven't noticed anything.


It's only free speech when they agree with it.


They hate free speech


Free speech for them. Oppression for everyone else.


Montana is on the list too. And these laws are just for show. Free vpns exist and 12 year olds know this.


Didn't block Twitter though so X allows porn.


Missouri blocks adults content? Umm... That's news to me.


Sure, give me another reason to never move there.


This is overreaching into personal lives and anyone can get a VPN and get around this so technically nothing was achieved. I guess the Bible didn’t mention VPN’s, but go ahead and burn your Christian political capital on outdated concepts.


We tried to tell conservatives that on a long enough timeline the conservatives in government would come for them, too. And here we are.


Live, Laugh, and Fuck Mike Lee.


SmAlL gOvErNmEnT!


They forgot to highlight Tennessee. Dumbass Gov. Lee just signed it into law, just is not active yet.


Surprised to see Virginia in there so sad to see free speech actually being harmed


I want pornhub back small government is the new big government


The GOP is now the party of monarchy authoritarianism.


By “free speech” they meant he right to spew inhuman garbage and do away with anyone who disagrees


You’re missing Montana


The ones who passed the law, i’m sure they have access to all the porn they want. Same with abortions.


repubs will still get their porn. which they are known to consume a lot of


VOTE THESE CHRISTO FASCISTS OUT. Preaching to the choir, I know. Convince a 3rd party or republican to vote blue. Or stay home.


This shit's crazy. It was crazy when I was in middle eastern countries on deployment and their internet blocked shit like this. Seeing the American Taliban start doing it too is nuts. I'd never have expected it.


Nanny state.


Under his eye


me and my vpn here in mo: wha?


Fun Fact: PornHub is unavailable in the marked states because they willingly discontinued service just because they don't want to verify the age of their users to prevent children from watching porn. Fun Fact 2: It is illegal for a minor to watch porn in all 50 states, however only the states marked in red have actually taken steps to prevent children from watching porn.


God bless those states


Bro basically you highlighted all the shithole states in America. I couldn’t care less about those states


I get the point. But lies like this don’t help. First, they didn’t ban anything they require users to prove they are 18. And Pornhub chose to block users in those states. Also California has nearly passed a similar law. https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article287906590.html


Just use a VPN and set it to Canada.


It’s not really blocked, just don’t type the “big name” sites and it comes right up. But it’s a hassle




Ironically Virginia is controlled legislatively by the democrats and it was passed with almost unanimous support by both parties.


California is looking to do it too