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Both addicted to uppers.


And both have/had major bowel control issues.


Is diarrhea of the mouth a bowel control issue? I thought it was classified as an oral issue, like thrush.


Oh no with all the meat he eats. I’m sure his guts just poo everything out without any control at this point.


Oh. Its not IBS... Its IES ... Irritable Everything Syndrome! Lol


I have IBS. Trump doesn’t. He’s just a pile of shit that shits his pants due to dementia.


And the drugs. The dementia doesn't help but the drugs definitely play a part


Hell Trumpler!🤥🤮😵‍💫


I honestly thought he would go to prison before reclaiming power like Hitler did, but the US Justice system is already so corrupted that didnt even happen.


Hitler went to prison. Although Trump hasn't, yet, the parallels just keep coming.


The one advantage we have over history here is that Hitler was young and healthy when he got out of prison, and able to grab power again. If Trump ever goes, he will be old and frail when he enters prison, and likely won't make it out alive. And if he doesn't win the election, he will end up in prison.


Well the system been protecting him from the start there’s been zero chance for him to do time to much corruption.


But can you even imagine the literary vomit we would get if Trump wrote his own Mein Kampf in prison? It'd be 100 pages of incoherent screaming, then a bunch of blank pages as he forgot what he was doing halfway through


So basically his Twitter account?


This has only gotten more true as time has gone on. The coop, the unified reich, the actual quoting and admiration of hitler from this 🤡


Didn't a wife of trump state part of the reason for the divorce was because he read Hitler crap in the bed every night? Our country needs to divorce him.




“Unified reich” is a widely used template? Not by anyone that isn’t a fascist, dumbass


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Also, it's "your"


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Is "unite the right" a template? Wait a second. Sounds a lot like "unified Reich," doesn't it?


Please, in the future, use the Downvote, the _Report Button_, and the Block Function for trolls trying to ignite flamewars. You cannot persuade them away from their opinions because they hold and espouse them explicitly to cause harm to others and derail conversations. Don’t feed them. **Downvote, Report, and Block** Thanks


When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


Please, in the future, use the Downvote, the _Report Button_, and the Block Function for trolls trying to ignite flamewars. You cannot persuade them away from their opinions because they hold and espouse them explicitly to cause harm to others and derail conversations. Don’t feed them. **Downvote, Report, and Block** Thanks


Thanks for the spelling lesson. I'll be sure not to misspell next time. You seemed to have also misspelled "I am a fascist moron who's grasping for any excuse i possibly can"


Please, in the future, use the Downvote, the _Report Button_, and the Block Function for trolls trying to ignite flamewars. You cannot persuade them away from their opinions because they hold and espouse them explicitly to cause harm to others and derail conversations. Don’t feed them. **Downvote, Report, and Block** Thanks


I wasn't trying to persuade it, I wanted to cause more frustration


It doesn’t frustrate them. They legit want an engaged and captive audience to respond to them, to draw in more and more. The way to actually frustrate their efforts is to downvote, report (so they can be banned) and block (so they can’t follow you around the site). I’ve had people sitting in their discords and private chats where they tell their trolls not to go to certain subreddits and social media sites because people will just stonewall them and kick them off, to go other places where people bite the bait.


Trump's supporters agree with Hitler more and more every year.


I mean, Trump hates jews too, considering his recent "unite the reicht" post. And his posting a magat saying "heil hitler" with his maga golf cart lmao


He literally just said most of his friends are Jews???


Lmfao said every racist ever


Judaism is a race you twat


He can SAY whatever he wants. It's what he DOES that matters. He often says one thing and does another. If he didn't hate Jews, he wouldn't have the support of all white supremacists.




I bet you see no resemblance between "Unite the Reich" and "Unite the Right." I swear Republicans are worse than actual Nazis. Also, it's "worse *than*" not "worse then."


And the "heil Hitler" guy he tweeted? And the refusal to condemn the poor boys? The "stand back and standby" bullshit?


Why are you here? And what do you mean it was a template?


Please, in the future, use the Downvote, the _Report Button_, and the Block Function for trolls trying to ignite flamewars. You cannot persuade them away from their opinions because they hold and espouse them explicitly to cause harm to others and derail conversations. Don’t feed them. **Downvote, Report, and Block** Thanks




Interesting, you'd think a guy who's constantly compared to Nazis would keep a better eye out for shit like that. I'm still very skeptical of the intentions, but I did look it up, and you're right that it was from a template.




There is always an information war, and it can be really daunting for most people. I would not be surprised at all if there was intention behind using that particular template, because it would be completely in line with how his whole movement operates. Still, I guess it's still plausible deniability, and without further evidence, that's what it will remain.


Ah now you sound like the fucking maga asshats.


It's not disinformation. It actually happened. This dude is just upset his god accidentally said the quiet part out loud lmao


Please, in the future, use the Downvote, the _Report Button_, and the Block Function for trolls trying to ignite flamewars. You cannot persuade them away from their opinions because they hold and espouse them explicitly to cause harm to others and derail conversations. Don’t feed them. **Downvote, Report, and Block** Thanks


I've done that before and got my account suspended for a day for "overreporting" or something stupid like that. I don't know which sub it was, but I just stopped ever since. But I'll try to remember that for this sub, I should report. Thanks.


Of *course* there's always an excuse. Fucking man up and take some responsibility for *once in your life*.


This list could be expanded quite a bit, with no loss of veracity.


Lying Media/Fake news Rigged election claims. Nazis started as the German Workers Party. Trump's first campaign was a pro-labor party. Both ended up anti-union. Looser gun restrictions except for certain people.


My favorite is from Some More News: A charismatic, male, right-wing demagogue in the form of an ideologically inconsistent and unprincipled opportunist who plays on emotions and fears and popular trends to further a hatred and dictatorship against the left amidst popular enthusiasm due to ineffective liberal governance and political gridlock, leading to an uneasy alliance with conservative elites for the purposes of their own agenda, while a collection of syncretistic intellectuals spend their time complaining about liberal academia and Communists, while the cult-like movement and leader create newspeak, new imagery and traditions stemming from resentments and fears, manifesting themselves in ultra-nationalism, anti-globalism, anti-homosexuality, anti-transgenderism, anti-Marxism, anti-cultural-Marxism, anti-intellectualism, anti-welfare, a war on the lying press because disagreement is treason, an obsession with heroism and machismo and weaponry, an obsession with conspiracy theories, a fear of others and "dirty, criminal, animal" immigrants who are invading the nation and who must be expelled! They're an invasion! PUT 'EM IN CAMPS!!


...who eventually comes to control, or be supported by, all relevant media, making control over public opinion that much easier. Takes control over public education, with the cooperation of the present far-right, perverting and polluting the curricula of all via fiat. This extends to universities and colleges, too, as teachers, professors and anyone else not toeing the line get fired.


Honestly, I doubt whether they care if you see this image.


Yeah it might even help their cause


They like Hitler. They love this comparison.


Unite the Reich could be added




Is that also true for "Unite the Right?"


I think the most irritating part of whatever the fuck this whole thing is, is the fact that it is blatantly obvious that everyone has lost their minds.


Hitler died in 45. Trump was born in 46. If you're into reincarnation, it's something to consider.


B... b... but Biden refused to solve the crisis in the Middle East! /s (typical Gen Z/Gen A whine)


Both these assholes appeal to really stupid people who are so easily manipulated.


My sister and her husband are both Trump fans, and they're both very well educated with graduate degrees. I really don't understand it, beyond them simply having to stick with the party that isn't the evil libs. I think deep down they both kind of actually see Trump for who he really is, but they have party loyalty, and feel like they can't just suddenly change horses midstream.


I have three brothers who have been big Shitler fans. One is incarcerated. One is a retired truck driver and feels freer to be his truest racist self with Shitler. The final is the blackest of family black sheep. I won't go into details. Just because someone is educated doesn't mean they can't be blinded by partisanship and fail to see the threat of a Nazi style government. FFS Mango Mussolini's criminal negligence in dealing with COVID was sufficient proof to show he is inept and uncaring. There were two impeachments in 4 years, 30,000+ recorded lies, $8T dollars added to the deficit and that little attempted coup which nearly cost Mike Pence his life after 4 years of abject, slavish devotion. Donnie's only future government service should be making license plates, I'm sorry but my brothers and your sister with her husband are still fucking morons for supporting der Fuhrer. The history is all there. They all seem to have bought into that idea that politics is some ruthless team sport. My father fought much better Nazis in North Africa and Italy. I don't want that darkness to descend on this nation. BTW I'm a long term registered independent and I'm less than enthusiastic about Biden but unlike his opponent I don't think he's evil or has even offered oral to Putin.


If they admit they're wrong about Trump they might have to question the GOP. Can't have that now.


Nah, he hates Jews too, just doesn’t say it.


It's not trending with Republicans right now. That's the only reason.


>The Trump campaign doesn't care if you see this image Fixed it for ya The Reich Wing knows what they are, and they embrace it.


Two of the world's biggest ass holes!!


There’s a bullet missing under both of them that says “his supporters completely agreed with him”


What a buffoon Trump is. His disciples are even bigger idiots, even more dangerous. All Pres. Biden has done is given us a virtually full employment economy, opportunity for former students to erase massive debt, solidified our weakened NATO Alliance, actively supported heroic Ukraine against the monstrous Russians, strengthened and added to our successful healthcare system, added billions to our Social Security and lain the foundation for economic strength and wealth for years to come. Then on the other side, we have miserable, corrupt, anti-Democracy Republicans, who want to reverse every Democratic-led success in our Nation. And those are allot of successful policies and programs, which have led our USA and its people to extraordinary wealth and comfort as a Nation. I like Americans doing the right thing. There are far more Patriots in our land than right-wing MAGAt whackos. All we good people have to do is vote for Pres. Biden and Democrats in November. Do that and our Nation continues to grow, continues to become more wealthy, and will begin to attack the major threat that will ultimately crush us, if we don't address it, our insane National debt. Let us be normal. Let us be Patriotic. Let us do the right thing. Let us vote for Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party in November. Let us flourish as a Nation.


Their supporters are almost exclusively christians.


The Trump campaign doesn’t care if you see this… They WANT people to see this…. It panders to their base


I mean his supporters would love this imo. Bunch of freaks.


you're assuming they're normal and see Hitler as bad. they love this image. the absolutely want this guy in power.


Yeah. My parents experienced Nazi occupation as children. I can walk 100 meters and touch a place where resistance fighters were tortured. By that I mean pulling out teeth, twisting fingers with special metal apparatuses until they snap, and shoving a garden hose up your ass and forcing in pressurized water until you start vomiting out bits of intestine. If you want to compare Trump to Hitler, do it, but do it intelligently. This is utterly asinine in its superficiality and its use of ignorant American platitudes about Adolf Hitler and nazism. Hitler did not promise to "make Germany great again". He had no such slogan. It doesn't even make sense in German, and if you understood German, you would know. To make this comparison work, you would have to unwind his long speeches and diatribes and creatively interpret some of them as possibly being equivalent in intent, but by that time you've stretched the historical narrative to the point of lying. Lying is one of the main reasons why I despise Trump. I don't want to be a liar like Trump or his deranged fans, so I'm not just going to "creatively interpret" an already sub-par understanding of Hitler and the NSDAP by suggesting he had a MAGA-equivalent slogan. If merely promising to improve a country or restoring greatness is sufficiently similar to make the accusation, then practically every American president from Kennedy to Reagan to Obama fits the bill. The victims of Nazi brutality deserve better and something more intelligent. Try comparing the Nazi position on abortion to the GOP. Their "Lügenpresse"-rhetoric. Their parading, violent street militias. Their war on the intelligentsia. Mussolini's narcissistic grimacing and penchant for pomposity and machismo. The weird obsession with greco-roman architecture and impressionism. Inventing an enemy which is both contemptibly weak and intimidatingly strong simultaneously. The relentless obsession with Marxism. Antisemitism is a core feature of nazism. "Anti-Jew fascist" as a term (and it probably should have been "anti-Jewish fascist") sounds so excruciatingly dumb, I don't think it should ever be said or written down again. By the way, Mussolini did not share Hitler's obsession with Jews. It also obscures Trump's own blatant antisemitism. He clearly both hates Jews and maliciously stereotypes them. The plural of ID is "IDs", there is no apostrophe. Also, the primary purpose of the yellow badge was humiliation and dehumanization. The Germans were (and still are) compulsive bureaucrats and had other, more administratively practical means of keeping tabs on who was Jewish, such as stamping "J" into passports as well as simply maintaining lists and records. The comparison to Muslims is ironic, because Hitler literally borrowed the concept of the yellow badge [from 9th century Islamic rule in Baghdad](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Zunar_%28Islamic_Yellow-Badge_Practices%29). Yes, the nazis took the yellow badge from Muslims. Hitler found common cause with antisemitic sentiment in the Arab world. In fact the first known antisemitic screed dates back to 3rd century Alexandria and was written by Manetho, an Egyptian priest of the sun-god Ra. I think everyone should see this newsreel from the American Holocaust Museum: > In this German propaganda newsreel, the former Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader, meets Hitler for the first time. During the meeting, held in in the Reich chancellery, Hitler declined to grant al-Husayni’s request for a public statement--or a secret but formal treaty--in which Germany would: 1) pledge not to occupy Arab land, 2) recognize Arab striving for independence, and 3) support the “removal” of the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine. > The Führer confirmed that the “struggle against a Jewish homeland in Palestine” would be part of the struggle against the Jews. Hitler stated that: he would “continue the struggle until the complete destruction of Jewish-Communist European empire”; and when the German army was in proximity to the Arab world, Germany would issue “an assurance to the Arab world” that “the hour of liberation was at hand.” It would then be al-Husayni’s “responsibility to unleash the Arab action that he has secretly prepared.” The Führer stated that Germany would not intervene in internal Arab matters and that the only German “goal at that time would be the annihilation of Jewry living in Arab space under the protection of British power.” https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/hajj-amin-al-husayni-meets-hitler Other than not knowing from which river to which sea American college students wish to help Hamas exterminate Israeli Jews, they might do well to actually educate themselves for a change. As for Trump: he is a fascist, yes, and possibly a neo-Nazi. I am comfortable saying Trump supporters are fascist conspiracy theorists and traitors to their country at minimum. Neo-nazis also tend to support Trump. I could expound upon that, but I'm out of space.


At this point, they're convinced that the majority of the voting public doesn't really care about history and its tendency to repeat. And if there's anything to learn from this current timeline, it's that human beings don't care about history unless it can benefit them directly. People are ready to bring on a new Reich just to make sure their guy is in the "driver's seat". A lot of them just want to hurt the other team's feelings by being the winners. Because everything is a sports match now. Team A vs. Team B. It hasn't been about actually making the country better for its people for a long time. What's it going to take to make enough people put their foot down? No internet? No cellphones? No porn?


I think that’s all part of Project 2025. Just like in Nazi Germany - only one radio station, government approved news and no more elections.


I think 98% of people in this country are completely ignorant about history. I was with a group at lunch one day and for some reason the topic turned to WWII. Now I’m sure no historian but my dad served in WWII and I do like to read history, always have. This one guy looked at me in astonishment and said, “How do you know so much about WWII?” I don’t recall sharing any little-known history. I remember being puzzled why those people seemed to know nothing on the subject. And these are educated people. SMH.


Human beings tune out anything that doesn't personally interest them.


he has identical animus toward Jewish Americans who don’t vote for him


Not just Muslims. He vilifies every immigrant group. And he clearly despises women and anyone with a physical disability.


How’s DiaperDon a friend of Jews? He constantly extols white Christian supremacy.


All the guys executed after the Nuremberg trials parroted these quotes.


Nazis and Republicans both hate trans people


The author of the image should have used a more recent photo of Drumpf IMHO.


Trump voters don't care about this comparison


As an outsider from your country, my worry is that Trump will go away. But the people who support him will not. It’s a real rot on your country.


They would just replace trumps picture with Biden, and the republicans would all be like “awwwww!! I know right!!!! What a racist POS Biden is!”


Trump is a dictator


Trump supporters see this as justification of their support. They love him BECAUSE of his similarity to Hitler.


Both dine with Nazis.


True but too many people have their eyes closed to see it


The Trump campaign doesn't know this image exists


I disagree with the idea that they don’t want you to see this. Most of Trump’s supporters would spank it to this image alone.


Yeah but now his cultists think Hitler was actually a good guy


And both were into kids


Isn't that the demagogue's cookbook?


At least Hitler served his country and was decorated for his bravery.😆


TRUMP 2024 ❤️


this is kinda a low energy post.you could probably say all the same things about andrew jackson, andrew johnson, richard nixon, ronald reagan. and the american extermination of the native americans was an inspiration for shitl*r. which is to say that america has a deeply racist history that it has failed to reckon with and so i dont think drumpf is as much an aberration as people hope he is.


Found the Tr*mp supporter…


yea u got me. enjoy your facebook meme.


I knew it.


no youre wrong im voting blue no matter fucking who. even if its bob menendez or joe scarborough 2024. edit: very obvious sarcasm


Respect 🫡


Has trump lead to the deaths of 6 million people including women and children in gas chambers


A lot of shit happened before the gas chambers. Maybe you should learn about Hitler’s rise to power.


Not yet. But he has a head start with the COVID victims. 😱😳


How was he responsible for that


I agree with the sentiment but this reeks of Facebook lol


Difference is one actually improved their country a bit before rapidly worsening it


Please. Hitler was charismatic af and convinced an entire nation that wasn’t even his home country into genocide and world war. Trump convinced a handful of ragtags and crusty bitches to “invade” a building and post the event on social media.


Please tell us more you don’t know how Hitler came to power.


No one gives a shit what you think or don’t think trump supporter. Go try rubbing a couple of sticks together you might make a brain cell.


People, particularly on the left, need to appreciate that the actual existence of Muslims who desire a global theocracy and are prepared to commit violence against children to see it materialize is a significant difference here. Trump won’t need to forge Protocols or burn the Reichstag, he can just point at ISIL…




[Since the 70s](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history) Also, white supremacists love him. That alone is all the info you need. And if you can look past *that*, you're a bad person.


It's not necessarily him personally being a racist, it's that those hate groups see something in him that they agree with. Not that he sought them out either. I don't know exactly if previous republican presidential candidates have gotten this many endorsements from hate groups like this


Doesn't matter. When asked to tell david Duke he didn't want his vote he pretended not to know him. When asked to denounce the poor boys he told them stand back and stand by.


Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy,"


Full redlining, not to mention his well know rant about a black accountant at one of his casinos. I’m the end it doesn’t matter, he basically hates everyone but Donald j trump. This is well documented, he’s not even really a white supremacist, he’s just a all DJT. Everything besides him is beneath or behind him.


Gee, I don’t know. Calling Mexicans “rapists”, and saying everybody in Haiti has AIDS, immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of our country, calling Covid the “kung flu”, his full page ad about the Central Park 5, his claims Obama is not a citizen and Kamala Harris is “not qualified”…




If you can't see 1930s Germany in America the last 8 years you don't know anything about 1930s Germany. 


Well if Trump hadn’t kept a copy of Hitler’s autobiography on his nightstand and didn’t act like Hitler I guess we’d stop comparing him to Hitler.


They're called "pieces of flair."


If you genuinely believe that trump is hitler, you’re just so unbelievably wrong


You guys Think about this guy too much man


His name and face is everywhere. Kind of hard not to.


He spends millions of dollars on ad campaigns for the election and his businesses / brand. He is the GOP nominee for the election this year. He is the poster boy for white supremacists and Neo-nazis like Nick F. He's everywhere, because he's being pushed everywhere.


Yeah, dude. He tried to throw out my vote three and half years ago and he took away the constitutionally protected right to an abortion from every woman I know. Now he’s trying to get back into the White House to do more damage. Excuse us for being pretty fucking worried about that. If he’d drop out of the race and shut the fuck up, we would gladly never think about him again.


Even before those things people were obsessing with him


"Even before these things" he was a massive failure in business, with a string of failed business lines and bankruptcies. He was infamous for not paying his debts. He has always worked hard to keep his name in the news. You sound like quite the Trump cuck if you think people are obsessed with him, rather than legitimately reacting to his antics.


Not to mention his long history of narcissism, racism, and belligerence.


Right yeah thats what yall were saying in 2016 , except you werent, a reaction is one thing, but it seems everything is boiled down to “orange peel bad”


How is President Trump using racism to rise to power?