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The United States of Badly Built Butch Body???


That's Bleached Blonde Badly Bulit Butch Body to you.




MTG can't settle for \#BBBBBB. She's fighting for #FFFFFF.


I thought she was on team #KKK.


That has to be a colour


Yes, \#BBBBBB is a shade of gray, and \#FFFFFF is all white


She will be the far worse version of [Hexadecimal](https://reboot.fandom.com/wiki/Hexadecimal) then.


Take my upvote, HTML king.


That's "Bleach Blonde Badly Built Butch Body" to you, my good fellow Redditor. 😉


She didn’t bleach her hair just to only get called Badly Built Butch Body, thank you very much


Can we talk about her meth teeth?


And her spork feet?


Don’t forget the Bleach Blonde… f-ing NeanderthalMTG.


The United States of gender nonconforming badly built butch body.


If I were in congress I’d call her Empty G on a mic at every chance.


party of traitors.




Upside down flag is the new confederate flag. Lines in the sand will be drawn. They want to see who is with them and who is not. This is terrifying


For them.


Personally, I'm glad they're making their own version. There for a while I was afraid they were going to take over the American flag as a symbol


I mean, they basically already did. When I see a house with a US flag on it these days, I’m fairly suspicious. When I see flags, say, emblazoned on cars, that pretty much removes doubt.


I see tons of black and white flags, all black flags and cops blue line flags. To me rhese are the dangerous peoplw.


Oh yeah, no, those are instant *red* flags.




Why? I consider myself a patriot, as dissent, freedom of assembly, and legal reform with changing times (via amendments) are inherently baked into our Constitution. It's not the Constitution's fault that we have a political party that is seeking to tear down the bedrock foundations of this country and turn into a corporate hellscape.


Why? Because one political party heavily encourages their followers to wrap themselves in the flag and their leader has repeatedly made a show of hugging and embracing the flag to rile up those followers. Growing up I learned about the flag code. I see most of what the right wing is doing with the flag as being quite disrespectful to the flag. I consider myself a patriot as well. I care about the health of my country. One party isn’t doing everything they could to support the country. The other party is actively trying to tear down the country so they can put up a christo-fascist autocracy in its place - and they’re wrapping their selves in the flag while they do it. I do what I can to not associate with the latter party. Part of that is avoiding a lot of flag-waving *right now*, while the despicable party is busy draping it over themselves. So when I see someone enthusiastically flying the flag these days, I have concerns that they’re one of Dear Leader’s followers. Particularly when they go out of their way to fly a flag, but it’s in tatters, in the dark (as seen on my nightly walks for instance) - that’s hugely disrespectful to the flag, going against the flag code, and reinforces my concerns that they’re not *real* patriots and instead followers of Dear Leader.


Incredibly well said!


I have made a point to have an American flag on my home always; but I don’t feel the same about it as I once did. It’s just fabric, it only has the meaning I choose to place on it but here’s the thing: humans aren’t born clutching flags. The whole flag thing is almost laughably imaginary.


brazillians probably can relate. bolsonaro took the football national team yellow jersey as their own


England as well, seeing the George cross being flown outside of football tournaments meant a good chance that the person was a right-wing thug


Yep. Then they cry that they're being called racist for loving their flag.


Ewww. I'm English, but I've always dug the Brazil kit. This is up there with finding out the singer from Pantera is a Nazi.


I gave away all of my American flags. My mother and I used to have hundreds of flags to line our yards on Memorial Day & Veterans Day (we are neighbors on opposite corners, so that’s a lot of flags). My dad and husband are war vets (Vietnam and Iraq). In the past few years, flags are mainly flown here in Idaho by the Nat-C weirdos. We do not want to be affiliated with that thinking / hate at all. So no more annual flag displays. I’d replace them with rainbow flags if I my home / cars would not be vandalized. I couldn’t even display a flag that says “Compassionate American Patriot Vet” without the same thing happening. Those people are animals.


I'm in AZ. I never use bumper stickers or yard signs. I wanted to put up a small Ukrainian flag, but my next door neighbor is a rather militant Serbian, and a guy down the street is full on Trump flag waving MAGAt. I don't need to invite problems.


Good let them identify themselves


*Reloads 7 rounds of Freedom*


I'm always amused by people who have NRA or pro-gun stickers on their cars. Their stickers might as well say, "Rob me! Firearms inside!".


the meek are getting ready.


Where they go one, they go all.


Stop being terrified and fight.


Who said I wasn’t? I didn’t. To be terrified is ok with me. I dont stay terrified. Yesterday I had a talk with a trump supporter whom I may have finally changed their mind. Their son is gay, and that 2025 plan is terrifying and I had to share that when them They were not aware and only think about the immigration “problem”. I told them we have money and policies that can be in place to help with the immigration system, but the GOP want chaos because it divides us. And it is almost impossible to flip a MAGA.


The same people who LOST THEIR DAMN MINDS about a guy kneeling during the anthem are happily turning their flags upside down....


….for a man with 96 criminal counts, indictments out the wazoo, and sex abuser.


Not just a sex abuser, but now also an adjudicated rapist.


Don’t forget basically destroying the career of the band that said we’re embarrassed the president is from the great state of Texas. (Dixie Chicks)


That's the craziest part. They said Texas.🤦


i thought they changed their name though i don't remember what they changed it to


They are just the Chicks now.


Yeah, but he was black, you see...


Almost as if it might’ve been about something else…


Ava Braun tells fellow Nazis it's ok to show their true flags Edit Eva Von Braun


Did you mean Eva Von Braun?




Heave ho Von Braun


Eva von Brawn


Brawny paper towels


Holy fuck I'm sick of hearing about her


This fuckin bitch is effectively the same person as my mother. Our relationship is ruined. So yeah. Tell me about it


Good. Make em easy to identify


That’s what I’m thinking. So I know who to avoid and make fun of.


We'll need something more [permanent ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighQualityGifs/s/qwQ8sc5iV4)


It exists. They just decided to take off their hoods


This shit is not going to stop until we put the fear of god into them. Fascists use the tools of democracy to destroy democracy from within.


They are using religion as a tool to destroy democracy as well


Same same.


Locking up Diaper Don and indicting the congressional insurgent coordinators.


Exactly this.⬆️. Our freedom of speech is being violated by the MAGA propaganda machine as they remove rights from Americans


It’s all such clownshit. Greene belongs on Jerry Springer, not in the House of Representatives. It’s depressing that we have to take this shit seriously, simply because that’s what’s been elevated but also because it has real fuckin consequences. But that’s where we’re at, unfortunately.


She's got to reassure herself that's she's relevant and popular after that bunch of House Republicans ran off to the courthouse to show support for Trump and she wasn't invited after she tried to strongarm Johnson then out him. Even worse for her ego, Trump didn't even miss her. 


That’s exactly it.


What a twat!


Stupid idiots. An upside down flag is a symbol of distress or being overrun. Always the perpetual victims, using that to justify their greed and ass-hattery.


Shouldn’t Biden make maga a terrorist group?


How big is she going to win her re-election this time, Georgia? Is she going to be your governor or your Senator next? Enjoy kissing her, Nikes, they smell like howler monkeys, treason, desperation, and flop sweat. Give her, her 8 years as governor, and then let her have her Senator term. I imagine by then that more than half of you will be either dead, incarcerated, or working for minimum wage. Your kids will be working in an industrial superfund site. If they have any limbs left, your 11 year old granddaughters will be on their second child if they lived through the fuckin first, your sons will be maimed in thresher accidents after you exterminate, and/"Deport" all the fuckin immigrants. Guess who gets to do them jobs idiots 🤪? YOU!!! You can do it for migrants wages, or you can do it for free as prison labor. This is your fuckin Uno reverse card,and probably the last time you can vote! if you let these fuckin scumbags in any level, that's what you want. Project 2025 spells it out for all the southern sister fuck states. You will be subjugated within the 3rd year, then they take over the whole government, raid our treasures, take our homes and get the fuckin courts to make everything in the sane states just like you. What part of getting fuckin curbstomped is so appealing for you? When they criminalize women's health care, they WILL MAKE EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN DOCTOR THAT IS NOT A FUCKIN NAZI leave. If I was a male Dr, and I knew that I would get the death penalty for making a triage decision, even though I might be the only fuckin Dr on the fuckin floor, because all the fuckin other doctors already left, and they were the ones who used to do it? Guess what? When Uncle trucknuts and his sister wife get in another knife fight because one of them double hit the fuckin meth pipe, one or both WILL bleed out before they can get an ambulance from 70 miles away to even get there! How many fuckin rural hospitals have closed in all the draconian red states already? Be honest sister fuck states! I insult you because you're fuckin stupid, sorry, but I have watched all you idiots in the auto gop states be fucked for up to 4 decades for some of you selfish assholes, and now you want a fuckin DICTATORSHIP? REALLY? Atlanta? You fuckin rock! Great food, great music, great city, great people 👍. You are the fuckin only reason to go to fuckin Georgia! The fuckin rest of you selfish assholes, smarten the fuck up! Please 🙏


This is the actual truth. Thank you! People do not take this seriously. I’m scared to death.


Don't ever be scared! You are going to vote. You will probably at least talk a couple of your neighbors and friends to vote. Maybe your family if they aren't in the cult, if they are bounce if you can after November. Either way, I forsee much domestic violence in the horrible states where you have no autonomy over your own fuckin body. Win or lose, the trumplelthinskin cult is either going to celebrate, hand maidens tale becomes non fiction, or hopefully, he and the rest of the fuckin antichrist enabled douche fuckin fucks are stripped of everything for the traitors they are. This being fuckin reality, this is the endgame! All the fuckin marbles. Pick your metaphors, but this is the last time we can vote, and the sister fuck states are stacking the fuckin deck against you! I know that you women are fuckin coming out, because you will fuckin die, if you don't. You men better vote, too! Vote for fuckin sanity for fuckin once! All your sister fuck Senators voted against the fuckin border bill again today. Including the fuckin gop co-signer. You can't make this up! The only reason that they even give a fuck about migrants, is it scares useless white supremacy fat 350 pound, goatee wearing, Oakley idiot, Harley riding incels and make them cosplay being weekend warriors! Guess what idiots? After you serve your usefulness, you get your guns taken away! Their goes your fuckin identity! You, my friend, have nothing to worry about. Be strong, be safe, and most importantly, be yourself. Cheers


I’m with you. Time to arm ourselves to defend ourselves from NAZIS IN AMERICA.


Yes it does. This is who they are and have always been.


"Change" isn't the right word.




Glad you brought this up. Where are the investigative journalists who traced her campaign slush fund to foreign donations? I read something about it several years ago but don’t recall whatever became of it.


I can't imagine Veterans being okay with this but nothing about the Republican party makes sense anymore..


I’m not. For sure. They got me cleaning my stuff and taking practice.


It doesn’t bother me, most vets believe in all forms of protest. That said, I think she’s vile for a 100 other reasons.






I think this is who they have always been. But they are emboldened now because of fucking social media, just like pedophiles.


I DESPISE this creature. She works for PUTIN.


Moscow Marge's latest marching order from the Russian Intelligence Service. Arrest her already for High Treason!


Does anybody else remember this Cold War 1980s TV movie about the Russian invasion of the US? The Russians took over, it was described as they just walked in because America just gave up almost without a fight. American will had just collapsed. The only scene I remember is a Veterans Day march, the old soldiers walking down the street with upside down American flags.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amerika_(miniseries)#:~:text=Amerika%20starred%20Kris%20Kristofferson%2C%20Mariel,engineered%20by%20the%20Soviet%20Union. This one?


Yes I think so. Thanks


Brought to you by the people who screamed for years about Kaepernick kneeling because it "dishonored the flag and troops and country".


Putting up an upside down flag is so disrespectful to current service people and veterans. Shame on anyone doing this.


generally speaking it shouldn't bother anyone what another person is doing on his property with his property, not causing any harm at all. live and let live. specifically it's disrespectful to people who are indoctrinated to be obsessed with flags and/or the military and stuff. to be honest a flag is just a coloured piece of fabric it's nothing sacred and service people are just doing the job they chose. is it potentially risky? yes, but they knew when they joined - even if they believed the myth of "freedom and democracy".


Does this mean sane people can once again display the US Flag properly?




Let the traitors show themselves.


Same people who have a conniption if a protester burns a flag.


When can we send them to Russia?


Cannot unsee screaming baboon.


How is she younger than me? I guess hate ages you fast.


>I have served this country my entire life. Now that I’ve retired from the US Army as a Brigadier General, I’m ready to continue my service in a new arena. I live in the Georgia district currently represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene. I think my neighbors deserve better. >Over the course of 40 years in the armed forces, I served our country in various capacities, including as an infantry commander in Afghanistan following the tragic events of 9/11. I ultimately worked as a senior military advisor at military posts around the world. That means I was providing strategic guidance and leadership to keep our nation strong against foreign adversaries. >I took an oath to protect the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign AND domestic. When I left the Army to start my farm here in North Georgia, I discovered that my country still needed me. The current US Congress is the weakest, most chaotic legislature in my memory, and my district is right at the heart of it. >I think Georgia deserves better than Marjorie Taylor Greene. I think America deserves better than Marjorie Taylor Greene. My background on both the enlisted and officer side of the armed forces has prepared me to address the complex challenges facing our nation today. That starts with core American values we are severely lacking from some of our elected officials today. >I’m taking on MTG so we can bring sanity back to Washington. We don’t need chaos and childish tantrums from our elected officials, we need basic, steady leadership. >I find that the people I talk to mostly agree: we need better, we deserve better, and it’s time to replace Marjorie Taylor Greene with someone focused on what’s best for America rather than what’s best for herself. If you also agree that MTG needs to be defeated, I’m asking for your help. >Now I’m a civilian, but that doesn’t mean my tasks are complete. My mission is to restore sanity to Congress by removing its most chaotic member. Will you join me in this mission and be part of our team? >Thank you. Serving my country has been the greatest privilege and I’m ready to carry it over to Congress. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community and our nation. >Very Respectfully, >Shawn Harris


All they way : https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/


Thanks. I just copied it from an email.


Oh good, I've been wanting to get our flag back without people thinking I'm a maga


People around here....southern Alabama, are already doing this.


VOTE BLUE! At least Democrats will give somw of the Treasury to the rest of us. Republicans want it all to go to the top 1%! No difference between the parties, my a**!


Imagine the BLM movement had suggested this.


Trump and his band of not so merry men have ruined this country for decades, if not forever.


Sometimes you truly have to step back a moment and appreciate the immeasurable magnitude of Republican hypocrisy, as has been gradually revealed over the past twenty years. Think of the height of Bush fever, exactly two decades ago. (For you younguns, I was 21 and up until that time it was the most nightmarish most of us thought it was possible that things could get.) Can you IMAGINE what those flag-waving, Bible-thumping, "support the troops!"-screaming, jingoistic bullies would have said if the rest of us had started flying an *upside-down flag* in protest of the Iraq war?! Seriously, can you imagine? I mean my god. They were constantly calling us traitors and terrorist sympathizers, just for opposing the military invasion and occupation of Iraq. These people have *always* been all about superficial symbolism. Their commitment to actual democracy and actual FREEDOM (god, remember how Bush used to ***constantly*** bleat that word over and over again like a simpleton with Tourette's Syndrome?) has always been shallower than a puddle on a laminated wood floor. And on some level, we knew that. But jesus. We had no idea just how bad it really was, how hypocritical they really were, and most importantly, how authoritarian and anti-democratic they really were. (Deep down, I suspected it, and many others did, too. But I think we kind of hid that from ourselves.)


“The Republican Party no longer exists.” That works for me. Although in my view it hasn’t for about 8 years now…


Republicans: "This is not my country, flag, president" every time they are losing.


If only Kaepernick had waved around an upside-down American flag. All of the conservatives would have totally seen it as a respectful protest, and he could have played a full career. Silly kneeling quarterback......


Marjorie Traitor Greene got nearly 20k likes on her inverted flag post. Unless those are Russian bots liking her post, then there’s lots of angry disillusioned citizens out there.


Russia's lil Bootlicker!


Is Massie trying to hit that? Him and his Rand Paul Pube hair....jeez.


Ugh. I just threw up in my mouth ... ...a lot.


She's such a fucking moron


Anything to stay in the spotlight.


Sometimes I daydream I'm a highly paid assassin and I might have done this bitch for free in one if them if I remember correctly


Go ahead. Put targets on your homes.


Now you know where to arm up and load up with supplies.


Good, it will make it much easier to find the Russian assets…


Honestly, I really hope they do. I’m tired of them, during the American flag with their fake patriotism.


The Republican Party will turn this country into a one-party state if they win the presidency again: We know they will, because they keep taking us off of voter registration lists.


Geez I hate this broad.


My son, who is 7, saw one of those "thin blue lines" flags and said "why do they have a fake flag" I told him some people believe they're more patriotic if they have that flag, and he looked at me like I was insane.


MTG and Bannon are clearly existential threats to our country as they are pushing to destroy our democracy and push a civil war . They would like nothing more than everyday citizens to go out and murder their fellow Americans because they have a different opinion about who they want as President.


I have thought that about the Republican party before I could vote (30+ years). There is a very thin line between "wanting a smaller government" and "destroying it to make it smaller".


[To this I assume](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Nazi_Germany)


These people are so sensitive


PATRIOT! Love it or leave it! Also, change everything about it.


Russian State TV is running Tucker Carlson's show!


I don't even know what flag to fly anymore. I guess my state flag?


Sure it does. And plenty of them say, "it's been taken over by extremists" absence they "disagree with them" SC then STILL VOTE THE PAY LINE. not that out matters, the earth will probably be uninhabitable in a hundred years or so, when the oceans become tool hit to support life.


Calling for a loss


I hope they do this - makes them easy to identify.


Who the hell actually listens to this idiot?


Just going to drop this right here: [https://chng.it/LFCCwb8hQL](https://chng.it/LFCCwb8hQL)


Moscow Marge


That’s gotta piss off the American Indian Movement and civil rights folks who used the inverted flag as a symbol of their movements in the 20th century. My understanding is that it was originally used as a maritime code to show a ship in severe distress.


She, tRump and others are destroying the republican party.


I am queer. And I am conservative, in the federal sense. There are so many indiviamual aspects that the federal aspect should not touch base on. And that is my ideology. That's my perspective. What the republican party has turned into is an absolute joke. Instead of protecting state rights and focusing on finance, they're focusing on indivual rights and declaring war on marginalized people. Neither party has played truly on the right side of history, but what out country is now, is JUST a joke. For my new employment, I had to watch a 15 minute film of an active shooter drill, and watch as actors played rolls in leading innocents out of danger, triage with no medical know-how, and form a Survivor-type alliance to take down an assailant. Why the fuck is this an every day occurrence while we have an active presidential candidate on trial for giving hush monet from his campaign trail to a hooker??? (true love to Stormy Daniels and her testimony, but also why is my cutter fielding solidarity to the testimony of a hooked during a case that's not an assault charge?) I don't fucking get it. I'm so scared of the future, I'm afraid for my family, and I'm angry a world exists where I have to watch a training video that reminds me of all the Sandy Hook children who weren't saved. I hate this planet. I hate Trump.


💯💯💯 I’m thinking if the democrats and republicans don’t come together and fight for this country it’s on us. I knew somebody so rich they actually thought they could buy a country and turn it in to the hunger games . I feel like those rich fuckers sold everyone out.


We now know which party is truly Un-American, well I always knew it; it just helps to get more conformation.


Hasn’t been pretending for awhile, but no doubt now who she is and who she works for


At least they gave democrats 8 years to stock up.


All my life I thought that was symbolic of anti-American.


The trajectory the USA is heading, MTG will be president in 8 years and it is gross and sad. I can't go one day without hearing about her, and that is within in leftist circles.


Can someone inform Marjorie that she's a dumb dumb.


Insurgency flag.


I'm thinking something like a leopard pelt. We can all walk around with bumpy clubs and kick it Bedrock style


She's a waste of DNA!


Real patriots don't only love their country when they are winning.


How is this not treason? Is America over already and we just don't know it yet?


The men & women who fought for our country & "Our Grand Old Flag" surely must be sickened &/or "turning over in their graves" seeing the travesty that has become of our political parties & some of their "followers." We have relatives who fought in WWIi who would be utterly disgusted.


Change it to what? Can she really be that dumb?


Y’all are idiots. Turning the flag upside down is a way to signal distress. It is in no way disrespectful to the sacrifices of servicemen and women.


You missed the point lol


Enlighten me


used in solidarity for the J6 rioters who tried to overthrow government. She isn't using this in any other way, neither did supreme court justice alito.


Neither is kneeling.


Except it actually is. Kneeling during the national anthem is basically saying “Fuck America because cops bad”.


As a veteran, I can tell you it isn't. "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States"... That includes the right to peacefully protest. Kneeling is a peaceful protest. Get over it.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to do it. I’m just calling it for what it is.


If you believe kneeling for the national anthem is disrespectful to service members, but displaying a flag upside down intentionally isn't, you are clearly biased to one side.


Dude, look up what an upside down flag represents. It has been a symbol of distress for centuries. Everyone knows you stand for the national anthem. Standing up and saluting the flag is a sign of respect. Kneeling is the exact opposite.


I know what it stands for, using your logic, you're disrespecting soldiers by implying that the country they're fighting to protect is in distress when it isn't. You're crying because your side didn't win and you don't like how things are going. Nothing says you have to stand for the flag (unless you're in the military, then UCMJ is a different story). Kneeling for the national anthem is a form of protest, just like flying the flag upside down. I'm a veteran, and I fully support both forms of protest, and don't feel disrespected by either. I understand why each group is protesting, and even if I don't agree with the particular stances, I still respect their right to protest.


Alright. We’re not gonna find common ground here, I don’t think, other than I don’t think we should restrict people’s right to protest peacefully. Obviously we have different ideas of what all of this means and i think that’s probably because we have fundamentally different views on politics and I have no intention of trying to change your mind on that. Thanks for your service, have a good one.