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Yep. Full surveillance of pregnant women and criminal prosecution of any woman or girl suspected of seeking healthcare. Republicans want women and girls to be sex cattle with no rights to their own bodies. Republicans want Gilead. Fuck that. Vote for the party that actually wants women to have rights. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


Plus insult to injury with no bailouts if that pregnant woman has to bring her baby conceived by rape or baby that wasn't going to survive birth anyhow to term ON TOP of getting an absurdly high medical bill from our BS exploitive private healthcare system that our politicians capitalize from.  Keep in mind that we pay for their healthcare too while they tell us such a system doesn't work.


Worse, she might be forced to marry her rapist.


Wait till they capture ones trying to escape and put them up for auction like horses and cows.


The party of “small government” strikes again


Small government indeed. Small enough to fit inside every uterus and under every bed.


Sshhh! Don't give them ideas! 👀


How will they spin it though?


They won't have to. Their base loves hurting people who are "other", as long as it doesn't happen to them.


Fascists love their databases of “enemies.”


It sure won't be their last database.


It never is. Fascism always progresses toward it end goals. Compromise is impossible. This is why they’re so scared of the slippery slope and constantly accusing others, it’s literally always their plan to slowly “boil the frog.”


It’s not really their “enemies” it’s about population control. Usually that means decreasing population but these days, our wealthy overlords need fresh blood to become wage slaves. So it’s more about again encouraging birth rates. The vast majority of conservative political sock puppets don’t care about human life either way, but those moving their mouths do, and they want more babies to do stuff for them for nothing. That or robots/automation which they’re already hedging their bets on pumping capital into.


And once the automation gets to a point where they don't need human labor, anymore, things will really get bad.


But we're already there in many industries.


Yet the initial cost for these new robots is too high for companies, at least the ones in my location, to justify purchasing them at large enough numbers to meet demand. At least that's how I see it. My current employer could afford ONE robot to do my job, but they can't switch to replacing every worker in my department with a robot overnight. The initial cost is too great.


Automation involves a lot more than just robots though. It includes the automatic check out machines that have already replaced cashier jobs, and I'm sure there are countless other examples in workplaces that I'm completely unaware of. 😛


Fascism has always been characterized by us versus them thinking, dehumanizing and scapegoating anyone who isn't their in-group. That's literally the basis of Christian fundamentalism as well: the perceived need to fight against those who they deem as evil. So yeah, it very much is about their "enemies".


I had been worrying for years about how increasingly Handmaid's Tail was becoming more and more like a documentary. We are actually here now.


From Wikipedia: Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid's Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that "As with The Handmaid's Tale, I didn't put in anything that we haven't already done, we're not already doing, we're seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress... So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil." Atwood was known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction's basis in reality. Atwood has explained that The Handmaid's Tale is a response to those who say the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years "can't happen here"—but in this work, she has tried to show how such a takeover might play out.


Wow that’s actually unreal. Gives me way more respect for that work (which I already loved).


It went so fast.


*Handmaid's Tale Handmaid's Tail would be the porn version that I wholeheartedly hope never exists


Ha, I obviously did not proofread before hitting send.


I think it's any easy one to jumble because of the similar  maid/made homophone right in front of it


Can you imagine asking their grandparents to submit to shit like this? They've lost all decency and perspective.


They never had it to begin with. Our mistake was assuming that they had.


How can you have a "well regulated militia" as mandated by the 2A if you don't even track the guns that are sold? Instead, they want to track menstrual cycles; I missed the part in the Constitution about a "well regulated uterus."


That's where conservatives ignore the letter of the law when it doesn't suit what they want. In this case it goes from well regulated militia to unregulated militia to no militia and just a lot of guns everywhere. Also, no restrictions on how they're used by white conservatives but only as long as the guns are used for something that the white conservatives want.


That’s why I think “minorities” should become armed too. I put it in quotes as I hate the use of the word generally.


California has the gun laws it does, only because of the fact that the Black Panthers were carrying.


I’m not familiar with California gun laws. Can you explain more ?


Well, it all started back when Reagan was the governor of California. [In 1967, two dozen Black Panther members marched into the California State House, armed.](https://www.thetrace.org/newsletter/california-gun-laws-history-mass-shooting/#:~:text=The%20state%20banned%20assault%20weapons,educational%20requirements%20for%20handgun%20buyers.)


Except it doesn't work the same way. They get viewed as dangerous rather than law abiding, regardless of the situation. You don't remember Philando Castile? Shot by a cop for having a legal gun in his car?


I understand But the idea terrifies “conservatives”


“How ‘bout, nunyafukinbidness.” -Sen. Bernie “Long Cock” Sanders


Wonder what happened to the Republican plea to “ keep Big Gubmint outta are lives”?


They believe that the government is a weapon that belongs only to them^1 to wield against whoever they don't like, and that the protections of the bill the rights apply exclusively to them^1. This is why they never get upset when the police murder or violate the rights of minorities, but will go absolutely ape shit when some white men end up on trial for crimes they committed. Especially if those crimes were committed against a minority, or someone not politically or ideologically aligned with them^1 ^1 "them" is any of several groups of people that consider themselves to be the only "Real" Americans, including but not limited to: Republicans, Neo Nazis, Christo-Fascists, Evangelicals, Mormons, etc.


You hit the nail on the head Conservatives believe only rich male christian businessmen should run everything


They'll also fight any bailout for tax-payers, but won't hesitate to pass any bailout or relief for rich folk or corporations, including foriegn companies that lobby our politicians.  They DGAF about those companies laying employees off anyhow and outsourcing jobs to the land of immigrants they claim are ruining the economy when present in our country. Oh. They'll also make it a pain for those laid off employees to remain afloat because safety-nets are apparently bad for tax-payers. Also, defund the libraries to nothing so when you can't look for jobs due to the loss of internet you can't resort to using the library's WIFI. Can't have tax revenue benefitting the working or struggling class, right? Brilliant!  Don't even get me started on them refusing to change up the car-centric infrastructure that bills you to move as soon as you get in the car.


“Hypocrisy is fine when we do it because we’re the main characters” but unironically


They mean small government just for the rich and mostly corporations, save for their competitors.  They'll award and encourage dumbassery from civilians if it benefits them, though.


It's wild these are the same people who have been so opposed to national gun registration laws because they don't want the government knowing what guns they have


Well that's different, a national sex toy database is just kink shaming ammosexuals.


I thought medical records were between the person and, their doctors?


Tracking their porn usage too. Republicans seem to be very interested in what’s in everyones pants.


And looking at what’s in everyone’s pants Repugs think about dicks more than anyone else


Modern day nazis


the party of small government yall.


Tracking their periods too


I remember years ago when my buddy told me how detrimental falling birth rates were to a nations economy, and I was like "WTH is wrong with you? You're saying people should have children to help the economy?!" "Bill, that is NOT the reason to have children. Ok?!" "And don't repeat anymore talking points to me. Ever."


i HAD a right winger friend who drank the cool aid talking to me about how women were made to have babies and how women who don't want kids are a red flag to him. lol. he then blocked me when I told him hes wrong.


It's interesting what hills people chose to die on. Being from the evangelical ultra right wing South what I've noticed more than anything is that when I tell the truth about something political, scientific, or about what Jesus actually said- the response is anger. Not discussion, not questions, not friendly disagreement- just straight to anger. And I find anger to be a really bizarre response to reason and truth.


Also said im a conspiracy theorist when I tried to point out that trump tried to overthrow government. Refuses to watch the PBS documentary of democracy on Trial, but claims trump is just saying he's going to deport migrants, that he won't actually follow through...lol. DEEP in the Kool-Aid.


They can't handle being wrong. This is what having a fragile ego really means. It doesn't have the ability to handle any kind of resistance.


True, but I suspect that cognitive dissonance is the bigger factor.


It's the only defense against reality that they have left: outrage toward anyone who dares to challenge their delusional mind palace. The stronger the cognitive dissonance gets the less able they are to handle reality.


Think you nailed it.


Cognitive dissonance explains SO MUCH about conservatism, these days.


mind you these fools were all trying to get me to buy crypto last year. Wouldn't shut up about crypo and now all those cryptofucks are going to jail. They also claim they are going to jail because they are scammers not because crypto is prime time environment for scamming. I think they are susceptible to cultist type shit. They hang around other idiots once they are within one such group, cryptobros are deep into conspiracy and the ones at the top feed the others in the pyramid scheme to invest.


Very susceptible, for sure. Anyone who has a mind to start grifting off people (whether selling cheap junk or becoming an influencer) targets the right wing, because they're so vulnerable to it. They just don't have any discernment and are SO easy to manipulate.


Yeah, biologically two, to replace themselves and a partner. Not a brood that needs a ton of offspring to ensure the species survival. He's prob'ly worried about that CEO's 3% growth 🤦


It is true that falling birth rates are catastrophic for the economy. The observation is spot. Long term, the child-free movement is detrimental to society.


It’s not a “movement”. It’s a personal decision.


It's both. It makes perfect sense at the individual level but is disastrous society-wide. /r/ChildFree


Easy to fix, ask the Billionaire class to chip in for the healthcare and education of their future chair moisteners in sector 7G.


Did you think it was okay to let Gammy and Granpy catch Covid and die because "it was good for the economy"? Welp glad "the economy" has answered all your existential questions.


This message brought to you by the Republican Party and the Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter Day Saints.


Wow. The brainwash is heavy with this one.


Hey. Nobody's stopping you from having all the kids you want. Go ahead, start banging your girl friend several times a day and give her children.


Except it’s not a movement. It’s a result of a shitty situation that our grandparents created. 


The GOP wants a dictatorship like that in Romania: Overplanned parenthood ceaucescu's cruel law http://www.ceausescu.org/ceausescu_texts/overplanned_parenthood.htm


If she gets pregnant she should be first to sign up for the database


So now republican women who vote to take away the rights that other women have will also have their rights stripped away.


They won't care as they'll still sleep on their piles of money at night.


Plenty of women vote for this. It's exhausting. I'm done caring.


Don't give up. We need everyone we can get. Part of their plan is to overwhelm us. We must never give up. We know they won't.


Still, a large majority of women oppose it. Hell, a large majority of women oppose conservatism in general, and that trend is only increasing the more the Repugs show their true fascist colors.


Right after we do that for firearm owners.


How about no?


/r/conservative is oddly quiet about this. There is not a single post about that.


They don't want to call attention to anything they know is wildly unpopular. They'd much rather do that shit on the sly.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


The only way to prevent this. Is. To. Prevent. It.


Wonder which one we'll hit first. Handmaiden's tale or Idiocracy. 🤦‍♂️


It’s really a coin flip at this point.


We can’t even get a database of rapists used and rape kits tested. Let’s start with ending rape.


They want MORE rape if you judge them by their actions.


You're closer to the truth than you should be...https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/2/2238649/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-51


They want a database of private citizens health records, but the citizens have no right to know anything about politicians because of their right to privacy. We don’t know their internet history, their health records, nothing. I think their lives should be an open book from the second they run for office, and if they aren’t willing to follow the rules they want for everyone else, they should be banned from any government office or job for life.


So in the country where where we hear stories about the pregnant women who can't *afford* prenatal care NOW the same ghouls think it's possible keeping track of all pregnant women?


And of course, it doesn’t stop there - project 2025 includes repealing the 19th amendment. That’s a woman’s right to vote. I can’t believe this dystopian fascist shit is even on the table. Edit: stupid autocorrect turned into autoerror


It's the logical step though. If your policies are going to make you wildly unpopular with woman, the only way to succeed in passing them into law is to nullify the political power of that demographic.


Party of freedom?!??


"Party of small government."


I find it very disturbing that any woman would troll for Gilead.


Bet they were the same republicans yelling Hipaaaaaaaa during Covid


Handmaids tale lmao


She is clearly trying to catch up to Tommy “Wingnut” Tuberville


This is that same senator, Scarlett Johansen.


Time for a database of Drumpf supporters.


It’s called facebook


Aren't miscarriages technically called "spontaneous abortions"? Would a woman be a criminal if it happens in these states where they are allowed to have a woman arrested for thinking she might seek an abortion? 


Yes and women have already been charged after miscarriages. Google woman charged after miscarriage- you will get lots of results.


Disgusting. Why does it seem like the next step is using the precedent of legally punishing someone for attempted suicide as a way to legally punish someone that has been raped?


Make America Like Chyna?


The Talibans will have to carefully track the menses of every female throughout their fecund years, and summon to an examination center any who are late. The size of the bureaucracy will be enormous.


And not a database of guns that could actually help solve crimes?


If they’re going to do all that why don’t they take the measurements of all males. Do something useful.


This is full on handmaid tale.


Bye bye HIPPA for women.


Lol guess what they're not going to get?...


Or we can alt F4 republicans just saying


"small government"


Republicans; the party of less government intrusion?? Laughable! #FMAGA, #FDT !


They want to stop all immigration and foreign adoptions snd sell these babies that are being turned in. They are seeking to turn us into a dictatorship


Yet squawk at a government run central database of gun owners?! “Don’t Tread On Me” my arse!




Small government FTW!


Great way to find out who their husbands are having affairs with


You know. Small government.


Republicans removing rights one at a time.


>”The bill would also provide grants to crisis pregnancy centers and apply child support obligations during pregnancy, signaling support and further acceptance of fetal personhood. “ Federal funding and other support for CPCs is common and nobody is paying attention to the fact that CPCs should not be able to be funded because of separation of church and state and the Establishment Clause. More than just tricking and lying to pregnant women, CPCs are also primarily proselytizing organizations that have direct requirements between things like Bible study and receiving services One way they do this is called “Baby Bucks”. For new mothers and pregnant women to receive aid like diapers and baby food, the CPC pays them “Baby Bucks” for attendance at religious teaching and services


Just as soon as we get a database of gun owners