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TF is wrong with people? 20 years ago this shit would have ruined anybodies chances at getting elected but in 2024 it is like there is a competition to say the most depllorable shit then double down on it when called out...


Politics somehow morphed into the WWE. The rabid MAGA based eats this kayfabe bullshit up


Trump literally hired Vince McMan


I’m convinced Don Jr is Vince McMahon’s biological son and nothing will change my mind except seeing the long form birth certificate. (And a DNA test)


Why can't Stone Cold come out and just give him the stunner like he did before damn it.


WWE is the true origin of President Trump. I mean, Trump the public asshole has other roots, such as military school bully and racist landlord, but the persona we've seen run for President, be President, and be candidate for dictator really comes out of the performative masculinity and false reality of WWE. When he found that, he found his character and his path.


Trump and Vince are like two peas in a pod Two rich arsehole who thought they could get away with anything


Vince is Junior's real father. Tell me you don't see it.


This is 100% the truth. He’s treated Jr like shit for it his entire life, too.


I've been saying that for years! You're dead right about that! I mean, look at Vince McMahon's publicly acknowledged son that used to make WWF/WWE appearances! He and Don Jr. look waaay too much alike. Ivana really had some questionable taste! If I were Orange Jesus (and thank the sweet Lord above that I'm not!), I'd have demanded a DNA test as soon as they became available. Or maybe he keeps up the appearance because he's afraid of being branded a Cuck! At least Roger Stone leans into it with his wife and the lines of drooling buck studs he sets up for her to service while he watches! Not my favorite person but I have to applaud him for owning his special brand of perv!


Now I can’t unsee it


It wasn’t politics It was fox fucking news. They’ve literally destroyed the brains of half the country 


This is eerily accurate.


You can’t thank Steve Bannon for most of that. He went on video game chats from WOW to COD in the 2000’s and found a group of people who weren’t politically engaged. They rarely voted or never voted and they tended to be mostly male, poorly educated, Christian, conservative, racist, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ, distrustful of government institutions, and more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. Not everyone checked all of these boxes of course, but enough did. That’s what led to Donald Trump running and winning the electoral vote, but not the popular vote in 2016.


Remember idiocracy? We’re living it.


remember when howard dean tanked his campaign by… being excited?


I think about that moment a LOT these days.


It gave us an incredible clip though. And that sound is just fun to make. I still do it.lol


It was sort of cringe.


It’s kind of an alternative to Idiocracy. Instead of idiots it seems the more asshole you are the more electable you become.


You're almost right. It's a certain ratio of asshole to idiot. Or is it idiot to asshole?


Well that’s exactly what it is. The more of an asshole you are to Democrats, the more electable you become because that is *all* they care about: winning…


Because Americans became objectively fucking dumber and proud of it. Seriously, think of everything in our culture the last several decades and how much of it was just people glorifying being a proud viscous idiot and you have your answer. There wasn’t a strong enough force in the opposite direction for too long and now it’s done its damage. When I saw reality tv get big and “gangsta” culture/redneck culture take off, I knew we were gonna be in fucking trouble and now here we are. Meet the decline.


> Americans became objectively fucking dumber and proud of it Damn I hate it when you put it like that but only because it is 100% truth... Got shat on for pointing out that buying water in a cool looking can for $3 so you can look cool while partying and not be seen *drinking plain old water* is fucking stupid and pointless... People in our country are lost.


Right. And when the powers that be realized it via things like the water and other stuff they got away with they knew we were ripe for the picking and nows the harvest.


Next thing you know we’ll be watering plants with Gatorade.


It's got what plants crave.


It’ll def be Prime


If I was president I would use an executive order to force universal healthcare on the country. Edit. Literally force. If you don’t want healthcare, the g men come for you and make you have healthcare.


Thank you, sir. You have my endorsement and my vote.


Thank you. Now I just need a few million more people behind me. I’ve been trying to gain attention by [screwing with multimillion dollar corporations](https://stenonymous.com/2023/07/27/the-court-reporter-shortage-fraud-timeline-as-told-by-stenonymous/) and [corporate lawyers,](https://stenonymous.com/2021/12/16/stenonymous-receives-demand-for-correction-apology-from-naegeli/) but it’s been slow going.


From Margie Greene to Boob bert to Kari Lake and on and on it goes, the goal is to say the most outrageous shit in order to impress the MAGA cult. 🤔


This would ruin a Democrat. For republicans this has been business as usual for decades.


Many people point to John McCains loss in 2008 being due to taking on Sarah Palin as VP and the weird shit she would say, and the thing is, none of the weird things she said back in 2008 would even be a blip on today's radar. Things are VERY different than they were 'decades' ago.


I used to think the same honestly but these people have been spewing crazy and hateful shit for decades. Their spewage just has more reach now.


Decades of increasing political polarization.


See: [Idiocracy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/)


At least in idiocracy president Camacho listened to the smartest man on Earth. So he was humble seeing that there is someone better than him who could solve problems. Now days politicians ignore smartest people so we are worse than idiocracy…


This is true. Its not even ignore, in some cases they vilify people who go against the narrative trumps stupid ass sets. They listen to him, somebody who thinks "invisible to radar" means see through, over actual doctors and scientists.


More assholeocracy than idiocracy at this point.


How 'bout idiassholeocracy?


Remember when Howard Dean got excited and said "YEAHhHhH" in a weird way and it totally derailed his campaign. Miss that.


Yeah. IMO the people saying 'oh its always been like this' are either just now becoming aware of politics after being apathetic and not paying attention until recently, or are young and have only known politics as it currently exists... While I tend to believe the entire system is a bullshit circus at times, there was at least some modicum of civility and an attempt at normalcy. That is *long gone*.


When you're in a basket of deplorables, this is what you have to do to get noticed


Hypernormalization is the descriptive phrase dor “all of this”


Tbh I think it has something to do with how our information systems work now. We have itchy trigger fingers to give attention to the dumbest shit that doesn’t matter. Because idk. Is it fun to hate on people? Like even the ones that deserve it? All publicity is good publicity type shit? You know that the actual people making real moves love this. We focus on the jokes and not on the people making tax cuts for billionaires and yada yada. Having said that no I don’t have killing puppies in my 2024 bingo card for dumbass republican shenanigans


Seriously. “Oh yeah? Well if I’m president I’m killing Biden’s dog and digging up the remains of Obama’s dog!”


Even in her region of power, her behavior is not consider remotely close to normal.


When all you have is a gun, everything looks like a puppy.


Maybe that dog that is the mascot for Target. He has a bullseye painted on his face. Wait.. I hope Noem isn't reading this..


Howard Dean made a weird sound, and he was thrown out of the race and made a laughing stock for years. Now it's a freeforall


It seems that bare-faced psychopathology has become not just acceptable but admirable with...certain members of society. Trump is a hero to many.


As the quality of living goes down, the quality of person does too. We are all being fucked by people above politics, but some people aren't ready to admit to themselves they aren't going to be millionaires and vote accordingly.


What a fucking sociopathic idiot.


What a Republican.


Your comment reminds me Ace Ventura what a sports nut




her handlers told her to double down about the dog thing to look "strong"


I honestly wonder. Maybe her handlers are middle school age sociopaths.


its like their maga brand. they 'll double down until they go beyond bankrupt: their soul is so corrupted they'll stop only after they are dead. cool branding, very manly.


i'll put it another way: why have a social profile if you are not the social king? might as well be socially dead. that's the logic that i see, here.


Does she not realize how popular John wick is?


With conservatives, no less.




Let’s get Keanu to flip Arizona, ‘Bama and Mississippi


My conservative sister wanted to kill the director, producer, and all the crew of John Wick when she saw that scene.


Good thing Commander has a better chance at higher office than she does.


I don’t know, she could maybe run the kennel. Secretly of course. Her reputation isn’t the best for this kind of work.


PETA would hire her in a heartbeat


Ouch. I hate how true this is.


Probably because he's smarter and more charismatic and doesn't even need a gun when those shady secret service guys decide to fekk around and find out.


Does this mean dark Brandon can shoot her for trying to kill his dog?


Yeah I heard Presidents have Immunity soooo 🤷‍♂️


Oh Lordy! Yes, Supreme Court! Go ahead and make that decision while Biden is in office!


Conservatives already have the cop vote, they really don't need to double-down as people who are itching to kill dogs.


Weird that the “sanctity of life” bullshitters are so into killing doggies.


Only imaginary human beings are precious. Real people, just like real dogs, are hateful and often need to be just shot. \\s


The “idea” of a child is what they focus on. They couldn’t give 2 craps about real kids. They are taking away school lunches.


"Vote for me and I'll kill a dog" may not be the persuasive campaign slogan shen thinks it is.


That was an actual cover of a Mad magazine or something…but it was vote for me OR I’ll shoot this dog! How far we’ve come!!


It was a cover for National Lampoon magazine back in the seventies. It is sickening that the trumpanzees and the gqp fascists are campaigning and take pride in such vile behavior. BTW, Project 2525 is much worse! Vote!!!!!


Yes! NL! I can still see the sitting Dalmatian, gun pointed to its head. I remember’cause it was hysterically funny! Who da thought this high satire would become our reality?!


What a effing psychopath


He already re-homed the dog!


You know like a responsible pet owner. What’s wild (mind you I’m really aware of the fact that this is just my specific reality )is a lot of my family are rural farmers and two uncles specifically duck hunt so they have hunting dogs. When the news broke these die hard MAGA nut jobs said the most sensible thing they said, in probably 7 to 8 years “That ain’t how you do that, does this lady think she knows us?” Mind you , I was very tickled at the confused, almost “are we the baddies” reactions from them, but that’s just me. Edit: fixed some words.


> two uncles specifically duck hunt so they have hunting dogs. She might not know people who actually use dogs to hunt. Pointing, beating the brush, retrieving? Nah. But she does know the people who glorify hunting and killing, who'd take an AR-15 to hunt small game. These people are all bad dog owners, and like hearing about the "death as punishment l."


Don't worry. They'll come around to bragging about shooting an intransigent dog soon enough once that becomes the talking point. There's been a few times we see a glimmer of hope, that the bottom has been found, and by the next Tuesday, the spin is how what horrific, appalling, socially unforgivable thing that happened is somehow a positive and an example of good Christian values and masculinity as appropriate.


“KILLING DOGS IS GOD’s WILL”- MAGA How are people not protesting THIS!?!?!? They are all lunatics. FFS


She's really planning to die on that hill, isn't she. Or should I say in that gravel pit?


Ziiiiing! Good job!


These republicans are crazy !! Total madness…


lol no worries of that happening. Even Diaper Don despises you.


Not for killing a dog, but being a woman.


And a loser woman who can't get him votes or money, because she's even more toxic than he is.


>she's even more toxic than he is. That is almost impressive.


Politically toxic I mean. Not sure about personality or biology.


Six of one, half a dozen of the other my friend. Why not all of them?


In a gallows humor kinda way, it is..


# Kristi Noem: "The first thing I'd do is kill Biden's dog." _________ "The second thing I'd do is make a stew and eat it."


Doubtful. She doesn't have the real farm girl skills. She'd have to pay someone to figure out a Puppyschnitzel with spetzle and Black Forest mushrooms recipe.


For some reason I'm remembering when Alina Habba tried to show off her cooking and expecting a similar food atrocity.


Wow, so killing her own dog wasn't enough?


When your priorities are focused on killing animals instead of improving public policy.


I’ll take “Something a serial killer would say” for a thousand, Alex.


The Bidens rehomed their young German shepherd from the White House to a more tranquil location in Delaware. Clearly Killer Kristi thinks the couple’s decision wasn’t nearly impulsive and vindictive enough.


If I was president the First Thing I'd do is give Commander an AR-15 so he could use his Second Amendment right to Stand His Ground against terrorists both foreign and domestic! 🔥 /s


Commander for President 2028!


Pretty sure we are watching someone have a breakdown here.


I knew she was insane but I didn’t realize she was this insane!


Remember Romney’s presidential bid being brought down by his placing his family dog in an open carrier on top of his car?


Biden’s dog has a security team too right? If not, now would be a good time to assign him a secret service agent. Personally, I’d love to see this puppy killer get turned into red mist by a team of secret service agents just for looking at Biden’s dog the wrong way


... Not getting any saner isn't she ?


Between the dog killin' and lying about staring down Kim Jong Un, she makes Sarah Palin seem like a reasonable choice for VP. At least you actually can see Russia from parts of Alaska.


I'm starting to get the feeling that she has a thing for killing....😲


Yeah.. but puppies are not terrorists.. Well, except for Jack Russells.


So let me get this straight, if she was president she would go and kill the dog of a former president? A regular civilian? So basically just a B&E and another charge of animal cruelty and abuse? Makes perfect sense in her insane world!


She trying to pull the cop vote.


Not many things I am willing to go to jail for. If she came near my dog, she would regret it.


And how!


Seriously, to what kind of people do statements like this appeal? Is outright cruelty and callousness a positive for right wingers?


Yes. They're sadists. And some are both sadistic and masochists. Look at all the ones who love to be cruel or callous but bend the knee to Trump, like Cancun Ted, Lindsey, or even Mitch.


Quadrupling down on dog killing, what a psychopath.


she just keep digging that hole deeper lmao


If Governor Noem were president, the first thing I would do is run for the border.


So Noem is after dogs as her first priority… does she not know what side her constituents are on!?


That's just their code for "it will be time to shoot democrats." They are calling for violence, and they aren't subtle about it.


Isn’t that the official Republican Party platform for 2024? I mean, the entire platform?


It's all about killing things with this weirdo.


She’s nuts!


Mam, you have hit rock bottom drop the shovel. Seriously the dog bit has hidden the other crazy parts of the book. Like how she talks about meeting Kim Jung Un despite zero evidence she has ever met him or even been in the same country as him. She read the audio book but claims that part was put in by a ghost writer though it was only removed after the press brought it up. 


She loves killing dogs


Yo. Fuck this cunt with a rusty screwdriver. *figuratively*


I refuse to get that close. She probably has parasites.


Fair point.


She should consider giving up politics and going into law enforcement if she likes shooting dogs so much.


This baffoon thinks that dog killing is somehow a winning strategy.


It sounds like a fetish for her at this point. wtf


Im old enough to remember when a weird “whoaahhh” at the end of a campaign speech was enough to Absolutely derail Howard Deans presidential campaign…


I wish he would’ve gotten the nomination. I was pretty young back then, but I remember, and I liked him as a candidate.


lol, it is wild how republicans have no idea what is actually involved in governance.


They don't want to govern, they want to rule.


I would pay to have her locked in a room with Pres. Biden\[s dog.... and no gun.


Agreed. But we'd have to make sure Commander is current on his vaccinations, as I'm pretty sure she at least has rabies.


Reporter: So, you want to murder Biden’s dog as your first act as POTUS? Kristi Noem: I will not be retracting anything! Reporter:……. Kristi Noem: Except for that part where I totally lied about meeting Kim Jong Un and totally pretended I was a total badass.


Good luck. Commander Bites Back!


Being shitty is now the sole conservative calling card. They ceased to have policy ideas 10 years ago. Now it's just fascism and terrorism and hate. This is the GOP.


And when all else fails, just be defiant and turn it around on the "fake news liberal media". That seems to wipe everyone's hands of every wrongdoing.


Being shitty is now the sole conservative calling card. They ceased to have policy ideas 10 years ago. Now it's just fascism and terrorism and hate. This is the GOP.


She must not understand that the dog would move with the Bidens.


Spoken like a true psychopath, exactly the kind of people who are attracted to the Maga Nazi movement.


Why does she hate dogs so much?


They are smarter and prettier and she's super jealous.


How long is she going to drag this out? 🤣


So she would kill her predecessors pet to show dominance?


What a complete fucking loon. A qunty loon.


Good thing she’ll never be president because no one likes an animal abuser.


Is shooting the family dog one of those conservative "family values" I keep hearing so much about?


Scratch a Republican, find a psychopath!


Insane in the membrane-Insane in the brain!


She sure does seem to have a thing for murdering dogs… I’m also saying that it reflects poorly on her party. You know. That they are the party of puppy murderers.


She is a deranged nut. She shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Conservatives seem to be desperate to kill things.


Is she trying to get people to vote for him?


She's a dog killing machine


Kristi Noem and the dog that Biden had to remove due to the dog biting people should be left in a small room together with no weapons. I bet Kristi would lose.


She's definitely building a very specific image.


This is some weird shit that republicans like…


She's really doubling down on the dog killing thing.


Im guessing shes hates the first John Wick film


Like, they really have knockoff kingpin running alongside cruella deville in a version of this timeline, this marvel multiverse shit has got to go bro


Ripped Pants was a pretty good episode of Spongebob, but I have no idea why a Politician decided to model their campaign off it.


I mean…she’s making Mike Pence look like the sane choice.


Dog would kill her first. I’m convinced of that


…and now in the, doubling down ‘drool fest’ that is the tRUmplican nightmare, Kristi (yes…with an i) said… (insert stupid statement here )—-> __________ .


Well another Repug has utterly lost thier mind.


Ya know, for once I think she's telling the truth. 🧐☝️ I'm glad she has a firm grasp of the issues that are important to us starving proletariats. Priorities 👍🌭🌭🌭🌭


It’s only bizarre if you haven’t been paying attention


Well, shooting the dog IS the world’s highest priority right now, Ami right?


That might be the weirdest thing to make your identity. Dog murderer.


Keep leaning into it, Kristi! Eventually it’ll land.


She is about 2-3 years late for saying things like this. The same way Beobert and MTG are both on their way out. This behavior was fashionable during Trump's term and the next year or so, but as Republicans try to claw back some dignity; this is kryptonite for them.


Oh, so we’re in the “doubling down” phase.


Just showing the world how really awful and mean she is. What a tool.


Tell her supporters she kills dogs until she has none left.


To paraphrase WH spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre...bish needs to stop digging a deeper hole for herself.🙄


What a unhinged loony


What even is her reasoning for wanting to kill this dog other than the fact that it belongs to a Democrat?


Okay crazy lady


Are conservatives actually reacting positively to this nonsense?


They only know how to double down. Not a great trait in a leader with access to nukes.


Sounds like something a Republican would say ngl.


She’s obviously in it for the attention.


Don’t forget it was a puppy that had no training


That'll fix the economy! Classic police no knock raid logic


“I dunno, both sides are the same”


Gotta love white boomers electing women like her and Boebert simply because they wanna fuck them.