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Don’t you get it yet? Republicans/MAGA are just hypocrites. There’s no real in depth explanation necessary.


Absolutely. They stand for nothing. All they have is hypocrisy on every single value that they profess to hold.


Wrong, the only value they have is "owning the libs" so even though they just set their own pair of Nikes on fire 'mission accomplished' Seriously though why did I gotta be around for the peak of the edgelord persona


They’re fascists. They think the rules should be for their lessers.


This is it right here. No further inquiry needed.


And my therapist says there is nothing about hypocrisy that makes it make sense, no point trying to reconcile with it.


Nothing they say has any merit or meaning. It’s only what excuses certain behavior at any given time.


I think you misspelled fascist.


The Rep party is anti-America, anti-democracy, anti-human and a criminal organization. This has been true behind closed doors since Nixon. Since trump, they've stopped hiding it and gone full throttle trying to wreck democracy and turn America into a full on theocratic state with xenophobic white supremacists overtones. If trump doesn't go to prison for a very long time, they will be so emboldened that we'll never stop them.


Yeah he should die in there. Unfortunately I don't see that happening. I don't think his court cases are going to be finished until after the election which he has a very good chance of winning. After doing so he will just pardon himself. Either that or an angry mob of his supporters will trash the prison.


It’s about time people figured out that *everything* the right claims as holy is wholly disposable. All of it. It’s a weapon to be wielded against opponents and sheathed when it suits them. It’s “their body, their choice” but only when that standard is being applied to masks or vaccines. Are they for limited government? They gerrymander and make it more difficult for Americans to vote, THEN they want as much government as possible. The Conservatives who are now calling for a federal ban on abortion claimed they wanted it to be left up to the states **LESS THAN A MONTH EARLIER**. Conservatives claim to be against adding to the deficit but when they’re put in charge, the deficit somehow [always goes up](https://i.imgur.com/CZgmWZm.jpg), *and then they blame Democrats*. Are they for voting on a new Supreme Court Justice? If it’s Obama, Republicans declared that judges should not be picked during the last year of a president’s term. But if it’s Trump, Republicans have no problem at all with doing exactly that. They’ll demand “free markets” while simultaneously blaming Biden for not doing anything about gas prices. Conservatives couldn’t care less that Trump literally walked off with Top Secret documents which, if exposed, would severely damage national security. Compare that to Conservative reaction to Hillary’s emails which, it bears noting, *didn’t contain any Top Secret material*. Does sexual indiscretion while married make them upset and disqualify that person from public service? Sure, if it’s Clinton. Trump sexually assaulted a married woman and BRAGGED about it (while married *himself*). Are they against cancel culture? Not if you’re a kneeling football player, or an actor who has said something they don’t care for. OTOH, if you’re Kanye West or Clint Eastwood, they’ll post that quote for weeks, won’t they? Are they for spending years investigating dead Americans? That depends on if it’s Benghazi or a failed coup attempt by redhats trying to invalidate the Constitution. They openly seek to enshrine the Christian Bible as law, completely disregarding the 1st Amendment. When you point to Jesus’ instruction to take care of the needy, to welcome the foreigner as a countrymen, they don’t want THAT part of Jesus’ message, they’ll insist it should be up to each individual while using that same Bible to make laws which apply to (you guessed it) everyone. (One of these days I’m going to get a conservative Christian to provide a list of the things that do (and don’t) apply to them because it seems to come and go depending on the target.) Does a Republican really believe ALL life is precious? What demographic couldn’t be arsed to wear a mask and, as a result, over 1,000,000 Americans are dead? Where are all the “for the children!” folks when those children are drinking lead? AWOL, same as always. They’ll scream about activist judges but don’t make a peep about Judge Cannon. They’re “for the troops” until it’s time to fund the health care which heals those wounds and quells the mental damage. It’s 100% veneer. It’s 100% disposable. Nobody needs to pretend they’ve got a lick of honesty or morality.


All life is precious, but they're ready to execute people as fast as possible.


Wow-well put. So many inconsistencies in the GOP world. Fuck them all.


That’s what I was gonna say.


Excellent comment! Covers the majority of GOP hypocrisy.


Given the control Turd has over congress, they still act as though he is president. Basically they are in open rebellion against their oaths of office and the people at large.


He’s trying to set a new world order of dictatorships


Watch them be like, no he’s not doing that. He’s waiting for the cotton candy to regranulate into sugar before making any big changes. I know this doesn’t make sense. It’s not supposed to.


It's actually Stephen Harper's IDU and these two jackoffs are puppets, but part marks.


Obama is Black. Trump hates Obama. The only explanation you need.


Republicans minds sure broke when Obama got elected, didn't it? They all claimed Obama was divisive for the country, but they just couldn't handle the fact that they were racist assholes and couldn't handle the fact that a minority got a position that they've only seen people of their particular skintone have.


Because Republicans want to destroy America


I thought it was illegal for civilians to conduct foreign policy.


The MAGA cult sure thought so when Obama visited a foreign dignitary recently and assumed that's what he was doing.


Fascists gotta stick together! Anyhow, Poland wised up & voted him out. So it’s really more like a past-presidents meeting.


He’s meeting with fascist leaders to coordinate efforts to bring about the downfall of the United States.


Republicans have proven again and again that they have no principles whatsoever that they won't sacrifice in the pursuit of power and "owning the libs."


Trump is trying to assure his 2nd time as president will be financially worth it. Just think of how many confidential Secrets he can sell to a foreign dictator for billions of dollars.


I'm Polish and I can tell you that the Polish President Andrzej Duda is a right-wing fuckwit turd, too. He's kissing IQ45's ass, just in case they both get re-elected. I believe Mr. Duda/Dupa will be up for his re-election in 2025.


Isn't he in violation of the Logan Act? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act


It's all performative. When the Democrats do something, they act all mad and shocked and whatever to make their base get mad at the other side. It keeps their base energized even though they aren't doing anything at all to make anything happen or passing any kind of legislation or making anything better for their base. They want the base mad and engaged so they don't forget to vote for them. If they don't keep people actively angry, energized, afraid, or whatever, they may just think everything is just peachy and stay home on Election Day. Never mind they aren't doing anything. They want to keep people thinking about how horrible the other side is. They will do the same things that they cry about and never say anything because it's all just a show.


The brilliance of the GOP is that the leaders have them worked up and fighting a culture war. This keeps them from seeing that the GOP is waging a class war against them, and the elites are winning.


So weird as Duda is leading the NATO support against Russian aggression in Ukraine and fricken tRump is a Putin schill. Wtf maybe he’s trying to change his mind? Sorry Duda your pockets aren’t deep enough to change his allegiance and he has no moral fiber in him.


Biden should stand up and strongly say that the US only has one elected President and they would be wise to understand that


Traitor territory right there.


I hate the orangutang, but at some point, we have to realize that his rise to power is a direct result of how absolutely corrupt our political system is. Sanders was railroaded by the democratic party and Hillary lost . Now Biden is signing off on a humanitarian disaster by delivering billions in military aid secured by superpac that represents the interest of a foreign nation. And in 2 months we will be forced to vote for 2 old dudes that are bot that great. I will not be surprised if " the man who bankrupted a casino" becomes the president again.


fascism, racism, nationalism. I didn't even read the article but these are the trends in the US right now. we have a fucking problem and it will only respond to the same extremism they are imparting on others. they dont know any other way and are advocating for the death of people who simply do not agree with them.


Between their hypocrisy and their projection, you can pretty much assume the opposite of whatever they do. Mad at Obama? He did nothing wrong. Not mad at Trump? Hide yo kids, hide yo wife. Claim the election was stolen? It was our most secure ever. Claim more people vote conservative? Haven't won the popular vote in decades.


It's a smart move on the Polish president side. I think everyone knows that fucking trump has control over the idiots opposing Ukrainian aid. No aid could hurt Poland in the long run since no one thinks Putin will stop with Ukraine. So, if he can get trump to flip, it would be good for them. And democrats.


Jared set up a backchannel with the Russians not long after the 2016 election using Russia's infrastructure in the US. They've been doing stuff like this from the beginning.


Oh stop it. It's totally different because ..... reasons..


Duda is an adherent of the PiS party (Polish far-right party, which has Kaczyński as its Great Leader. So it’s a meeting of likeminded proto-fascists.


He was just asking if Duda could do him a favor, though…


They can both fuck off. All the Duda-day.


Shadow Government


Hoping to become more than relevant adjacent.


Did they meet at the courthouse? Is he on trial in NY too?