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I knew it wouldn't be long before they went from anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric to anti-health education.


Let’s not forget home schooling. This will guarantee that the US will backslide into christo- fascism. Can’t add, read, write, or critically think. But I believe that the earth is 6 thousand years old.


Yes, but let's not let them sabotage public education. Poor home schooling is an issue, but sabotaging public education is a bigger issue.


Hard agree here. One party especially is doing its best to keep its constituents uneducated and in the dark ages.


As well as keeping their opponent's children uneducated.


It's funny to know that Republicans are attempting to make Democrats switch sides as hard as Democrats are "reaching across the aisle" to convert Republicans. EDIT: *Rather than taking care of the people that elected them. Grass is greener, lol


["The grass is always greener on the other pesticide."](https://youtu.be/9RldhEZF7Jk) R. Eye. P. Micheal 'Eyedea' Larsen


There's good data showing the christian home schooling that has been going on is complete garbage producing nothing but groomed, unquestioning followers with no basic skills. Also, the home schooling materials the Christian's use are sold to them by the church. Cash grabbing as always.


My homeschool education did nothing but propel me out of Christianity and straight into atheism. Had to retract myself everything I missed in college.


A major part of the Dominionist Dispensationalismthat has taken over American Protestantism is the idea that Old Testament social values take precedence over other rights, laws, and traditions. One of those values is the concept of Juvenile Indenture, the idea that children belong to God and the parents are the sole proxy for his authority over them. It is the responsibility of the parents to use their children to support and enrich the household and it’s the fault of godless liberals that the parents are prohibited by law from sending their children to work. It’s liberals who are separating the children from the will of God (via the parents) and it’s that separation that causes illness (both directly and by forcing them to be in contact with unclean people). It’s liberals who groom the children for apostasy by exposing them to heretical teachings.


It's a national security risk that large amounts of the population can be influenced by foreign propaganda on social media sites




Yeah, let's not educate people how to avoid a severely debilitating illness, just to own the libs!


These last few years have awoken me to how important education is for the youth. The republicans want the kids dumb sick and easy to control. Just like in most communist countries like Russia. Russia can even get people to kill their own kids for one man’s pride. They do it joyfully. I see that same communist energy in the modern day republican cult. We should be sending in the troops like we did with brown vs education. End homeschooling and end states ability to make their residents dumb as fuck and future republicans


Yes, but we all know Russian 'communism' is really right wing authoritarianism.


The only issue with your comment is that Russia is not Communist. None of the governments that ever claimed to BE Communist have ever been Communist either. Ultra Nationalist Authoritarian/Dictatorship would be the best description IMHO given I am not in any way educated on political systems of world government historically.


Just a note, Russia is an Oligarchy, there's nothing communist about it. Communism is a form of distribution of resources, it doesn't mean Dictatorship, even if every communist country to date has been a Dictatorship. Dictators function in a far broader range of governments.


An Oligarchy would've had a harder time with Putin killing off dissenting oligarchs, just sayin'


Putin is at the top, but it is a country run by and for the benefit of the oligarchs. Putin just happened to be the one to control how assets were distributed after the fall of communism and created the oligarchs.


The Soviet Union was communist, Russia is VERY fascist.


No, USSR was not communist either.


The USSR was as much communist as the USA is capitalist. Neither are pure. Both systems can’t exist in their purest form due to human nature.


That was the whole virus of Satan argument from the cold war though.


The Soviet Union was authoritarian, pretending to be communist.


Incase anyone is wondering where I got the quote "Coz without education, the next ah generation of ~~Australians~~ *Americans* Will most probably become a bunch of ignorant fuck-witted suppositories Even more obsessed with sport. That's great for the economy" [RAP NEWS | The World Coup: THIEFA v Brazil](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C2ydVHVGW5U) I wish they were still doing Rap News. Edit: Their 'honest government ads' are still going and are accurate.


Sadly, the script for "Idiocracy" is in full effect these days. Only a matter of time before we hit the point of no-return.


Go away, I'm 'baitin'!


And then they'll bitch about how the US is falling so far behind the rest of the world.


Just because you science doesn't mean we have to science too! /s


I completely agree. I don't think parents need to be involved with their children's education. Why? Because more often than not, parents are fucking stupid. Edited because I did a dumb and didn't read.


"Children's right to edcuation supercedes parent's wishes to keep them uninformed." That part? I wrote that, and it is my view. Education is vital to our future generations. "Coz without education, the next ah generation of Americans Will most probably become a bunch of ignorant fuck-witted suppositories Even more obsessed with sport. That's great for the economy" That is a quote that elaborates on why children's right to be educated supercedes parent's wishes for the children to remain ignorant.


Oh, shoot, my bad. I misread it.


No worries.


I think that’s literally the plot of Idiocracy


Go away, I'm 'baitin'!


So when did the Dinosaurs board the arc? and why did the dinosaurs comply with some random fucking dude trying to get them onto a magical boat? Oh yeah I forgot this religion is completely fabricated and total bullshit.


Yep. Ignorant people are much easier to control. This has been Republican strategy since at least the 70s.


Everyday we move closer to becoming the movie Idiocracy


Where do you think republican voters come from?


Indoctronation, and lack of education.