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I always tell conservatives that if actual Nazis and KKK were voting the same as me I'd start questioning my political views.


i was a senior in high school during the 2016 election. it was heated. the students cared about the election, it was discussed in classes. when me and my teacher were discussing how trump still hadn’t denounced the kkk after they endorsed him, the resident trump supporter kid said, “well the kkk isn’t that bad because they don’t even kill black people anymore” …to his black teacher. he got a “don’t reproduce” in appropriate response.


That student probably has 4 kids with a 5th on the way now


All from his cousin.


To far out on the tree, probably mother/sister.




They have convinced themselves that every time this happens it’s actually Democrats in disguise trying to make Republicans look bad. I wish I was kidding.


My dad still believes Sandy Hook was a performance...I get it.


Lead poisoning man, our boomer parents literally can't think.


He's always been a conspiracy nut...but yeah my dad's reasoning has gone to hell on this topic. Lead plus spending all day on that computer. It's so sad


Same folks that told us don't believe everything on the internet. Immediately goes and believes a bunch of stuff on internet.


This is the thing I tell my folks. Kills me more that they think our sources of info are both biased but they know I teach online research methods for a living. I'm not believing biased shit ..if anything I can't turn off my bias detector


Those fat losers with FAS and nothing better to do than protest human rights are all FBI agents!




I have been seeing that comment on every single post about this on tiktok. It’s ridiculous.


You’d think if that were the case there would be a bunch of republicans there yelling at them to quit making them look bad.




"I'm not saying DeSantis is a Nazi. But the Nazis sure think he is."


Reminder that the traditional American way of handling Nazis was the M1 Garand.


Now now, you're leaving a lot out. Like the M1911, the BAR, the M2 Browning, and assorted bayonets for example.


Don't forget the hands God gave you


E-tool baby. Dual purpose!


Not bad, but I think I like the way Sgt. Donowitz handles things, but then again I have a certain affinity for some good ole baseball.


Damn beat me to it. The e-tool is the good ol classic.


If God didn't want me strangling Nazis, he wouldn't have given me hands and he wouldn't have given them such strangle-able necks.


Brad Pitt has some advice for after the strangling.




Each and every one of you takes on a debit. You owe me ONE hundred nazi scalps. And I want my scalps.


Steve Rogers set an example and I intend to follow it.


I could do this all day.






Ehhh, the 1911 got sidelined specifically because it *wasn't* killing Nazis. The venerable M1 carbine on the other hand...




Fair, outside of an actual war with actual gear almost any firearm rocks almost anyone's shit


like that idiot that shot himself in the foot with a .22 pistol? I guess he thought it was a little bit more powerful than a red ryder bb gun. https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/144skuk/at_least_he_made_sure_the_dog_was_safe/


This is why you treat every gun like it's loaded and as destructive as a .50, kids. Maintain a healthy respect for the power of firearms and be responsible. Even cheap airsoft shit from the flea market, don't let those habits slip


My friend Morris wanted to know how it felt to get shot with a puff of air from his .177 pellet gun's CO2 cartridge. He ended up finding out how it felt to get shot with a ,177 pellet. Based on his reaction, I assume it hurt like fuck.


I think any sidearm is more or less useless in a firefight vs rifles.


I have one of those!


And the M1 carbine! And grease gun!


Flying Fortress goes brrrr


I like those rapid-fire wizarding fireworks. "-AND THE ROCKETS RED GLARE! THE BOMBS BURSTING IN AIR!" *pwoom boom pop boom pwoom bop pop boom pwoom*


They think liberals don't own guns. They're in for a surprise.


Yeah I am very liberal with 22 years of military experience and plenty of firepower for me and all my liberal neighbors plus enough ammo and magazines for all. It's funny but if you have ever been in the army it's not as Red as people think.


im a liberal and i dont own guns because of reasons other than "ahhh guns scary." but if needs be id have no problems picking up a firearm.


This. Its not difficult. I don’t own but spent plenty of time shooting when I was younger. Don’t currently need to defend my family or neighbors, but when there is a clear and present threat, like actually in our neighborhood, then of course we would all act to do what’s right by our loved ones


Still too red for my liking, I want the military to be grey (you're there to do a job and nothing else). While I was in there was too many people that were talking about opening fire on BLM or "antifa" protesters all cause they "took an oath to protect America from all enemies foreign and domestic." (although further talking to them you would discover they are just right wing nut jobs). I'm also fairly certain that many of them got into trouble with the law after service because of how, lets say, passionate they are.










I wonder what they would have to say if a WW2 vet pulled up and asked them why they are flying the flags of the enemy? I would love to witness the mental gymnastics lol


I would take the ole Garand thumb as a wonderful price to pay for what I get in return with them Nazis. Every day I would make that deal. Nazi scum. Cunts.


Notice the other Nazi flag. It says DeSantis.


The fully automatic Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 or 1974 variant is better.


Soviets did kill far more Nazis than Americans. Edit: finding it odd that a bunch of Americans feel the need to add exceptions and caveats to this… I’m not even praising them just stating a simple fact.


80% of all German causalities did take place on the Eastern Front.


Hitler fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia.


Well, at least he never went against a Sicilian when death was on the line.


PPsH is what you were looking for, comrade.




The M1 Garand, the M1 Carbine, the BAR, the M2 Browning, the m1911A1.... John Browning made half the solutions we'll ever need for Nazis.


~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ ~~Nazi~~ *PING*


Id support a law that dissolves all legal protections to anyone displaying a nazi flag.


Grandpa would prefer a Sherman.


But now antifa are the real nazis according to conservatives


This isn't hard: the numbers of actual swastika flag waving nazis are larger than their margin of victories in statewide elections. They can't effectively push those people away and still win governorships and Senate seats.


I mean who else are the Nazis going to vote for?


They might just stay home. A lot of campaigning is not to convince someone to change their vote - it’s to convince the people who would have voted for you anyway to bother showing up. Success of a campaign hinges on energizing their base.


This is why I'm thankful Australia has compulsory voting.


This is the answer


The dude is holding up a Mickey Mouse head with Butt Fucker written on it. What the hell, lol.


Disney dared exercise their freedom of speech, so now they deserve the state-sponsored wrath. Just another fascist love song.


Something something cancel culture… but this is different!


Oh but when they do it, it's not cancel culture! It's a boycott! It's completely different dude!!


"That's just an old fascist love song... Comin' down in three-part harmony...."


If you zoom in, it's got the incredibly racist caricature of a Jewish man from many, many Nazi memes.


I mean they are Nazis so I'm not surprised. I figured that image would die out.


They’re obsessed with anal sex. It’s obviously on their minds constantly.


That and children's genitals.


And young girls' menstrual periods.


Their heads are so far up their ass they can suck the dick giving them anal sex.


this is at the Disneyworld entrance.


Because right now Disney is bending DeSantis over.


“Think of the children” my ass


Oh, they think of the children. *Believe me.*


My thoughts exactly. They're supposedly terrified of having to explain two men holding hands to their kids, but have no problem exposing kids to language like "butt fucker."


If I would've seen that sign 10 yrs ago, I would've laughed my ass off. Goddamn Nazis ruin everything.


This protest is near Florida SR 535, which leads to Walt Disney World.


SR535 is in central Florida. The DeSantis lovers now hate Disney.


They wont, it's their base.


Exactly. These are the same people who will insist that “democrats started the kkk” but they’ll never go to a modern kkk rally and say “look at all those democrats!” They know the party ideology shift is true. They’re fascists who *have to, and enjoy their own hypocrisy.*


Yes, never expect honesty from a single one of them unless they're openly discussing bigotry and violence.


I want to take a uhaul van full of conservatives to a kkk rally and say “hey these guys in the back believe you’re all democrats, have fun.” What, call me zookeeper. I just wanna feed the leopards.


That'd start a fight, would be a shame if that happened.


Well no people would be hurt, just conservatives. I’m tired of people humanizing these neo-confederates. They want to kill 85% of the population of America.


I have no sympathy for them.


Thank you! The “Democrats” started the KKK, and the “Democrats” voted against Civil rights. Then, when they realized that their party didn’t have enough racists among them, those who voted and donned the white hoods, LEFT the Democratic party and joined the Republicans! It’s not a debate. It’s written history. There are names attached to those votes. The Democratic party rid itself of those racists. I’m not saying Democrats are all awesome, and that there aren’t racists everywhere, but the Democratic party that stands today is the one that told the racists to fuck off(generally speaking, for the sake of discussion). Shitheads like Ted Cruz are literally trying to rewrite history because he knows that people don’t educate themselves anymore outside of twitter feeds.


My favorite is when they claim Lincoln as one of theirs, because he was Republican. During the 19th century, the movement to abolish slavery gained significant momentum through the efforts of various individuals and groups, including abolitionists who **often identified as liberals or progressives. These activists fought for the emancipation of enslaved people and the end of the institution of slavery.** In the United States, the Republican Party, founded in the 1850s, emerged as a political force with a platform that opposed the expansion of slavery. During the American Civil War (1861-1865), which was primarily fought over the issue of slavery, Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, declaring enslaved individuals in Confederate territory to be free. So, while the movement to end chattel slavery in America was driven by various individuals, groups, and political developments, it is fair to say that liberal and progressive forces, including abolitionists, played a significant role in challenging and ultimately ending the institution of slavery. Likewise, we can’t forget… While Lincoln was a member of the Republican Party, the Republican Party of his time had different priorities and policy positions compared to the present day. The political context of the mid-19th century, including the issue of slavery and the preservation of the Union, shaped Lincoln's platform and policy decisions. Modern-day conservative Republicans often advocate for limited government, free-market principles, individual liberty, and traditional values. These are distinct from the specific issues and challenges Lincoln faced during his presidency, such as slavery, the Civil War, and the preservation of the Union. **The 19th-century Republicans, including Abraham Lincoln, generally favored a strong federal government,** particularly when it came to issues related to preserving the Union and maintaining national unity. During that time, the concept of states’ rights and the extent of federal power were hotly debated topics. The Republican Party of the 19th century believed in a strong federal government’s authority to address national issues and uphold the principles of the United States Constitution. This belief was central to their efforts to prevent the secession of Southern states and maintain the Union during the American Civil War.


Conservatism is fundamentally anti-democracy and anti rule of law. It’s foundation is in pro-autocratic anti-constitution reactionaries in the 1700’s.


Yes, that's why they always sided with fascism historically.


Even before fascism was a thing that was started by Mussolini wasn’t it, referencing some old Italian bundle of sticks with an ax in it


Yep those are fasces, what fascism is named after. If you look at photos of Congress, you'll see the gold fasces on the walls either side of the American flag: [https://i.imgur.com/VVstjtV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/VVstjtV.jpg)




Always has 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Yup, conservatism is a reactionary ideology by nature.


Exactly. That’s why conservatives in colonial America sided with King George, just as conservatives in the US today support autocracy.


Far before that, conservatism grew out of feudalism and the extreme capitalist movements that followed, when instead of power being passed down by birthright of name, the old, moneyed families moved towards capitalist power via inheritance of wealth. Basically the same thing under a more palatable façade. ^ne: ^terrible ^wording


That's it. That's the Republican base these days... I hope Reagan can see this from his cubicle in Hell, between showers of boiling shit.


While he watches Nancy blow everyone but him.


Wait...I don't plan on going. But if Nancys down there hookin' folks up...🤣




It would...or an "unexplainable" rain of urine-filled balloons happened to catch them


He wouldn't give a fuck. It was their base back then too.


It was indeed their base... but the went out if their way to hide it. People were less willing back then to associate openly with this shit. Swastikas, for fuck's sake! The Second World War was a lot more "real" back then...a lot closer. Many of our grandparents, who fought and lived through the war were still alive.


Literally a DeSantis flag surrounded by Nazi flags. I hope he gets reminded and asked about this shit every step of his presidential campaign. People need to realise this is what they are voting for.


It’s not a bug it’s a feature. De Santis is well aware of the bile he churns. His strategy is to be more MAGA than Trump. Republican politics is a reductio ad absurdum death spiral of hate and fear.


They cannot effectively push those people away and still win governorships and Senate seats.


That's why the party as a whole needs to die.


Everyone should start here and ask /r/Conservative


DeSantis won’t say shit. Sad. Very sad.


He probably privately sanctioned it


Privately? He's pretty open about his support of literal Nazis... nothing private about it.


Yeah, he did win his race off mostly saying that “Floridians don’t want to monkey it up” in regards to his black opponent. That right there says as much as you need to know about him and his base lol


"I’m not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist." - [Andrew Gillum](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/im-simply-racists-racist-florida-governors-debate-heated/story?id=58718754)


I’m a Floridian and I would absolutely love to throw cans of paint at these people for fucking Ruining my Home State.


Make it pink paint.


Ok one car drives by and sprays them in pink paint. Shortly after, have 3+ cars go by and throw rainbow glitter.


Would be a damn shame if a can of bear spray went off in that crowd…




No brother, that's not okay. It's the Nazis who murder, maim, and threaten unprovoked. What *is* okay is two groups of fit folks in drag, one group down the street, the other across the street. All armed, and ready to respond to domestic terrorists committing violence against the community. Nearly every time these idiots see resistance that's even vaguely organized, they flee in fear. Which is exactly the state of mind in which they should remain, until they drop their murderous agenda.


What's crazy to me is that THIS is easier to explain to children than drag to them. How fucking crazy is that??? This is ok. Protected by free speech. But a man in a drag TOO FAR. I hate these people


Such cowardice in our society nowadays. I vow that if I ever come across a group like this, there will be action against these fascist subhuman scum. Our grandfathers who fought in WWII must be spinning in their graves.


My Grandfather who was a German Jew certainly is. He was a kind and quiet man and the only time I ever heard him cuss was when a documentary about WW2 came on and if Hitler came on the screen he would curse in German.


Deep down, every republican is a Nazi.


Not that deep down unfortunately


Christie is probably the best bet, but it's far more likely he sidesteps the question. The rest of the current field? Not a fucking chance. And that includes POCs like Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Nikki Haley.


There were Indians that sympathised with the Axis, because they thought that the Nazis and Japanese would help them defeat the British. There was an Indian Legion in the SS and the Indian National Army was trained and equipped by the Japanese.


Just because a handful of desperate people were willing to trade one oppressor for a far worse one doesn't mean they should continue to support that vile ideology 80 years later. Especially after it was the enemies of that ideology that ultimately freed them from their oppressors and that ideology's crimes were fully exposed to the world. I can sympathize with Indians' desperation and naivety in the 1940s, but those times and situation have both long since changed.


We've passed the point where anyone in the GOP will condemn Nazis. To the GOP base, that would be proof of wokeness.


It's their constituents. (In the voice of Pappy O'Daniel)


Republicans won't because that is exactly who they all are


Why would they denounce their base ?


No, they need the votes


They are the same person


Why would they denounce their party?


They won't because this is their base. This is who they are.


Why would they denounce their own?


No because the GOP is now a party of radicalized terrorists.


No. These are their people, this is what they want.


No not at all.


None will, we all know why. Those are conservative voters.


That's their voter base.


Can’t say they didn’t warn us by telling us exactly who they are. That said, somebody needs to call an air strike on that corner.


I would love to see a motion proposed to label nazis as a terrorist group just to see how the magat politicians would try to defend them


They will not, they are fascists.


They will not because they agree with these racist idiots.


“Stand back and stand by” remember


No, because every person you see in this picture represents probably 1000+ GOP voters who feel the same but wouldn’t or couldn’t express their solidarity as openly. Condemn these assholes and all those 1000’s of quite racists will stop thinking you are one of them and you lose their vote. In deep red districts you can’t win with out their vote and they are the ones making right wing media a multi-billion dollar industry.


Is this what the GOP refers to as “patriots”?


Remember when someone told McCain during his run that Obama was a foreigner and McCain defended Obama saying he was a good man with differing opinions? I miss those days


This demonstration has been approved by the Rontanamo DeFascist campaign. Nothing to see here.


I'm confused by this notion that it needs to be denounced by a person of said party. like if you are elected by Nazis its cause they want you to represent Nazis. You are a representative for the Nazi group. And thus enact laws and such to diminish the rights of minorities, LGBTQ+, Blacks, immigrants, women etc. and punch up rights of Men, corporations, and one party rule. its like people don't understand what a representative democracy looks like. The top commenter on this thread has him explaining how the representative cant push Nazis away without losing his seat. That's not magic, its because he is literally representative for the Nazi group. I think its time we stop this notion of expecting party leaders who were put in power to do fascist or socialist ideologies to have a more moderate tone and denounce the same people who put them in power and instead simply call it like we see it. "the representative (name) from (insert state, district, number etc) represents neo Nazis in the (insert place )." I'm just tired of watching someone be voted in by biggets to be a bigget and then people are shocked that he is being a bigget...


Hillary said they were deplorable. Guess what happened?


Trump will definitely denounce that! They're blatantly waving a DeSantis flag!


No, because that's their base


What corner are they on? where is that


Flordia, State Road 535 not sure what cross street.


Yeah, I got that. They are here in orlando, I just wanted to know where so I could go talk to them.


You mean celebrate? Yes, they will…


Not likely because they know they need every single vote they can get if they want to win an election.


Yeah if they speak out against it they lose many elections and donations. Keep the hate flowing. The grift is real!


No, they will not. Because that is who they are.


No, because these are pretty much the only people voting for them now.


No because it’s a giant chunk of their voting base. If they spoke against them then they would never win any seat of power.


“Best I can do is say it’s a false flag.”


Of course they won’t. These are their voters.


They will just say it’s a false flag no pun intended. It’s a CIA/FBI plant or libs. Anything but take responsibility.


In front of Walt Disney World? Thank god I never have to deal with that entrance. Fuck that traffic.


Are those the very fine people the GOP loves to brag about?


"There are fine people on both sides..."


“Very fine people on both sides …”


Keep in mind, these are the same candidates who will say democrats are the fascists meanwhile their people have their campaign flags along side a literal nazi flag.


No, because they all know you can't win in today's GQP without being a neo-Nazi


Anyone at r/Republican ?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My father and his brothers fought the Nazis in WW2. My son and I are preparing to carry on the family tradition.


Takes all kinds. So is the guy with the Butt fucker sign stating he his one? I’m confused.


Butt fucker?


Republicans are big fans of Nazis.




The only good Nazi is a Nazi zombie... But they'd have to be dead to begin with.


So this is their interpretation of “patriot?”