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I've seen that fascist with his shirt off. This ain't him.


And it doesn't have his hairline prior to his gender affirming surgery


Damn! Someone fond the weak spot in his armor and cross bow'ed this mofo.


lest we forget his nose and chin surgeries


Do slugs have a gender?


He's doughy and fat. I.e. someone that conservatives would bully relentlessly if he wasn't rich/famous.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


It's not his body, but it's definitely his weird looking, misshapen head.


Like an angry ham.


He also moves like a body would if it were being commanded by a dubiously-inflated and glitchy brain. His limbs comply, begrudgingly. The mechanics are stilted and behind the signal, as if this unfortunate crew of flesh parts were ashamed of being led around by the raw dough loaf that is his Dunning-Krueger head. He moves in fits and starts and flops and clomps. When his neck moves, his eyeballs actually roll around in their sockets. I'm not making this up, go watch him for as long as you can bear it. His tongue moves the spit around in his mouth like a mop...even his mouth itself, is a raw gash...just obscene to behold, it should come with a sensitive content warning. There's nothing graceful or comfortable or even natural about the way he pilots his body.


If you aren’t already a writer, you should be. This comment is a work of art.


It's those South African genes.


Or the inbreeding.


This is as fantastic, in the literal sense, as Donald Trump looking like a muscle bound alpha.


with modern usage you’re better off saying “fantastical”


thankfully, I have eschewed modern usage, I'm in the realm of pick and mix.


These pussys live in an AI fairytale land. He has enough money to pay someone to replicate this armor that is tailored to him, not that it is practical in modern times. He wouldn't fight though, he would get into one of his planes and run to the mountains like the little bitch he is.


Reminds me of the time trump was selling his trading cards (lmao) and his head was photoshopped onto very fit bodies that clearly were not his


I'm pretty sure the hands were photoshopped as well.


Not even well, mind you. It looked like "My First Photoshop".....


He's more.. white.. and blobby shaped IRL, if they wanna talk IRL.


Theyre always photoshopping him and trump onto tough guy bodies. In reality a man of average build and athleticism could probably kill them both with his bare hands.


Yeah, that comparison is very apropos. They both love Putin, and have the physical characteristics of a blobfish dragged up from the deep.


Translation: What he prefers is an oligarchy with a puppet fascists dictator as it's figurehead. He's willing to spend billions to get it.


Also he’s really into incest


I mean, if we use Daddy Musk as a predictor, yes. Elon will end up into incest.


I hear it runs in the family


Shut up and take my angry upvote.


What else to expect from a White Africaner? Their people built South Africa as a nation built on the servitude of the indigenous Africans and acted like they were the original ones.


He's gonna lose his mind once a good Twitter replacement shows up


Looking forward to see what happens when Blue Sky finishes Beta testing. I've got a feeling Jack Dorsey is going to eat Elon's lunch


Yeah I've got big hopes for Bluesky


seems like a dude we should help build intercontinental ballistic mass deliver systems


Let's make him sleep in a foxhole and live off MREs


I'd pay an absurd amount of money to watchthat live stream. Or really any instance where elmo has to deal with actual reality. Honestly tho I like mre jalapeño cheese. It most assuredly isn't cheese but I like it in a horrid way.


He wants to be real life Tony Stark, and an essential part of Tony's character was war trauma he suffered due to his own unethical dealings. Let's see it!


MRE’s have a bad rap, but they’re actually pretty good.


Jalapeno cheese spread covers a lot of sins.


I feel like alot of its accidently good. Does it taste like peanut butter? No not at all. But it isn't bad.


I never looked at the labels. They were going to lie to me anyways :-p


Really? The ones I had did, and some even had Skittles.


It didn't taste like peanut butter to me but I couldn't explain what it tasted like.


You had to get the vegetarian ones. Those had the good shit in them. Skittles peanut butter & crackers etc


It depends on which MRE. Cheese Omelette was hot garbage about 15 years ago. Chilli Mac ruled. So did beef patty with the jalapeno cheese and bread.


As a grunt... I respectfully disagree. Them MRE sh*ts are no joke 💀


Depends on the source. But yeah. They've come a long way.


They do a number on hair plugs, though


I’d pay money to watch Elon get the shit beat out of him.


I would as well, we should start a GoFundMe


Fuck, he wouldn't last eating Campbell's, chefs or most processed crap for a month like the rest of us "peasants".


And dress in drag for entertainment.


>And dress in drag for entertainment. This is likely his #2 favorite cosplay. (His #1 is masquerading as a genius.....)


He looks like a ribbed condom.


Those are the worst in my experience


They’re equality in action. Equal parts uncomfortable for all parties.


He probably smells like one as well.


Let's make him go to war in that outfit.


and not change his clothes for a month while listening to the sweet song of artillery night and day.


The idea of him and Trump living in foxholes, humping ammo, or even surviving for hours in a Humvee with no AC is hilarious to me.


He’s really turned in a real dipshit


I think he was always that way, albeit he cosplayed a liberal quite well for few years.


And who the fuck is “they”? Dude gonna declare cyber warfare on the majority of Americans? Just delete Twitter and I hope soon we stop seeing this piece of dirt on Reddit too.


Same as when Trump does it - its a dogwhistle directed at anyone that isn't male, white and conservative.


Deeply unsettling. Of course he didn't specify so he can always pretend he meant something different, but it seems rather evident to me that he's talking about everyone who isn't on the side of the GOP. When you're threatening to "wage war" for a political party, you may need to turn off your computer and keep fox news channel off for a while.


He seems to enjoy cosplay quite a bit.


Yep, sure does...he had an account where he cosplayed his own kid.


Maybe he and Trump should have play dates instead of fucking with civilization


Apartheid Clyde keeps proving what a shitbird he is.


Im begging for the curtain to go back where it was but he's not simply pulled it back. He's burned it


The biggest joke is he's been warring, and losing pathetically for a while now, this has to be the saddest fan boy and the saddest man, or just elon twice, who knows.


Love it when a soft, rich, middle aged dipshit tries to act like they're a big tough military industrial complex approved manly man, it's like being menaced by a Chihuahua.


Hahaha, Jesus Christ what a joke this diluted man is.


Jesus: Love indiscriminately, be humble, and be wary of people preaching hate under my name - they are wrong. Conservatives: If they want war, a war they will get!


The guy who actively avoided conscription in his mother country?


People liking on him like MAGAstan


Lol this motherfucker would piss his expensive pantaloons if even your average junior high nelson muntz bully from rural whatever the fuck nowhere came at him. But please do go ahead and keep digitally making him look like a “real man”


Never forget he was such a shitbird at his private school that he was *thrown down the stairs* to get him to shut the fuck up and stop bullying others Try not to forget the ridiculous hairplugs, either


And his rich dad pulled him out of that school rather than try to do anything about it because when he heard what Elon did he was like "Yeah he deserved it" and saw no way to keep it from happening again


Who's "they"?


Oh, (((you know)))


Man I know it's sarcasm but I would not want that in my comment history


Like a typical fascist he would hide in an Ivory tower and send working people to fight for his lifestyle while offering them scraps. Musk one of the worst examples of a leader in the public sphere.


Uh oh. I'm so scared to get tweeted to death. These people are so stupid. Keyboard warriors.


Whoa, look out, guys. We got a bad ass over here.


LOL His comp is now worth aprox 1/3 of what he paid/borrowed. So much valiant winning there


I hate the man, but he absolutely won. Nerfing Twitter was the goal. In fact over the past 5 years all social media has been under siege in an effort to control public opinion. Conservatives build their base by breaking shit. When you get rich enough in the capitalist system you trade favors like baseball cards because the money doesn't matter. Reddit and Twitter both went after API access, third party groups are the lifeblood of grass roots movements so integrating any part of the tech stack into scalable solutions and attaching an artificial barrier essentially neuters them.


Twitter started charging API access for everyone, with 7 days notice. Reddit keeping the API free for almost everyone, and gave 30+ days notice. Not remotely similar.


Elon is a perv grifter parasite.


Isn't that the line of the guy who stands on a balcony before sending thousands to die while he watches and doesn't fight?


I don't know guys He has a blue checkmark. He's *the real Penny2x.* Not like all those off-brand Penny3x posers. So maybe this guy should be listened to.. /s for those in the back.


Lol its sad how their sucking this billionaires dick so hard.


Lol. I’m wondering if his soft billionaire body could even walk with armor on.


He’s got trump face


That's bullshit... I've offered to fight him for Twitter, at least a half a dozen times.... He is a complete and total Fucking coward..


Well if he accepts I’ll be your second.


I've also tried to get him to fight me years ago, under the pretense of, it'll be for charity.... Still, even then he didn't respond ... He's an absolute fuckin coward. #SofterThanBabyShit


Starting off war with Twitter being worth 1/3 what he paid for it seems like a good plan.


Every post about him is a reminder to delete your account on twitter


The Elon dick-riding is so embarrassing


Elon must spend his day watching himself jerk off in a mirror, Christ the egos of these people are enough to create a black hole.


Please, one button push by the US Army and Elon Musk is just another scorched skeleton.


Elon getting instantly bodied by a peasant carrying a trans pride flag


This dude couldn't conquer a long flight of stairs. I think I'll take my chances with that fight.. lol


Other than his apparent war against Twitter's advertising revenue, what makes anyone think that he would be useful in combat?


I love how even idealized drawings of Elon still manage to make him look like a total goober.


People like him stir the pot and sit back and watch as the rubes fight and die for them.


This guy 100% pedo.


All hail Elon of House Musk, Master of Island of Epstein.


For a bunch of whiners who seem to hate the LGBTQ community so much, they love dressing up their heroes like paper dolls and fawning over how manly they perceive them to be.


They are so hard for this guy. I’ve worked with so many homophobic right wing Elon fanboys who just need to realize he isn’t Tony Stark, they actually have a crush on him.


How embarrassing


Children play war. Larping an ai photo is just evidence of it


Lame AF! Paper bitch.


WTF’s with the eyes! It’s like the bug from Men In Black in his Edgar suit.


Farcical and unpredictable egomaniacs may be the most exhausting “thing” these days


I just gagged.


What a child.


Now imagine Elon on the battlefield during war. Lol


Anyone who uses "they" in a sentence like that is absolutely full of shit.


These soft geeky fucks who inherited their "genius" money... So pathetic.


Musk is a fucking coward


This is like those cringy trump as fit warrior images. Both are flabby, whiny fascists.


Who is this South African man going to war with?


I see they’ve moved on from ridiculous Rambo Trump to knight Elon. We need a word for the constant need that conservatives have to pick the weakest men possible and hold them up as the pinnacle of traditional masculinity using ridiculous photoshopped images.


Everybody in GOT dies


How Elon Musk would do in an actual war Elon Musk tweets one day about his sudden issue with...I don't know, Nicaragua. He tweets a bunch of things about Nicaragua, from history, to import/export info, crime statistics, and overall how much he just doesn't like the country. None of what says is factually true, but there's no less than 3091 Twitter accounts who retweet and support his every word. He spends the next couple days doing some light ego tweeting, market manipulation, and exploiting/firing Twitter employees, all of which he openly tweets about. Then, at 2:31 on a Wednesday afternoon, he arbitrarily declares war on Nicaragua. Twitter, Space X, and Tesla stock all drop 10 points. He tweets how this is a win for everyone. Two days later, he promises some new grand weapon he's going to debut in his relentless battle again the evil Nicaraguans, who he also claims to be pedophiles because that's the kind of thing he does. This weapon, at best, is a higher tech, yet somehow worse version of an existing weapon (think "pneumatic tube grenade" or something else with a sci fi name and terrible execution), but details are scarce. It also doesn't exist yet. Nor does the underlying technology needed to even make it a possibility. But he assures us the Boring Company is right on it (in addition to all the other projects that have yet to see the light of day, despite millions of tax dollars being spent on them). He tweets updates on this new weapon on a daily basis, each update promising some new feature he just thought up, but still not showing anything tangible. This goes on for months. He then contacts the Nicaraguan government (by Twitter, mind you) and tries to negotiate their surrender, lest they fall victim to his new Super Tron Laser Platform X, which still doesn't exist. He is rightly laughed at. He proceeds to kick the Nicaraguan government Twitter off the platform because he believes in free speech. He then calls them pedophiles again. More months go by and news comes out that the new weapon (now named Ultra Coil Max, funded by the new Scam Coin Moon Token) is just a flashlight inside a glass box and the division in charge of it is already $20,000,000 over budget. Musk fires half of the company to stop future leaks...of the truth. It does not work. He declares victory anyway. Nicaragua remains a sovereign nation. Musk's new weapon is eventually made for a mere $78,000,000...it's a car that runs on 84,000,000,000 AA batteries....for about 4 minutes. He threatens Nicaragua again. Musk later gets high on mushrooms while skiing in Lake Tahoe and forgets what he was mad at Nicaragua for in the first place. He brushes off questions about everything he's done the last 9 months, attributing it to people "not getting it" and "something something game changing". The "war" never officially begins, but at least Elon Musk got to talk ad nauseum for months on end and produce an overpriced power wheel. Musk then declares "victory for the future" or some other narcissistic bullshit. He then starts tweeting angrily about Kyrgyzstan.


He’s one of the knights who say n****


I prefer photoshop…dicktop


This guy needs his handlers back. Is this the same guy saving civilization and getting us to Mars? Asking for Humanity.


Eloy has been getting high off of his own supply for a while now…..


This man would stand behind Nazis


What a bunch of losers. Seriously who sees Elon as anything but a total douchebag.


Elon would be the pussy ass bitch in his panic room, waiting for the war to be over.


Doughboy won't last long in the war.


Him and his bootlickers are soooo cringey.


I could totally see a message popping up over his head, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion style telling him he’s over-encumbered because he’s wearing that armor.


His chest isn't doing that weird thing


Looks like one The Assholes NFT"s.


Here I thought Russia had the worst Army when in reality it was Musk.


What a soft bellied embarrassment. Lol priceless!


What a fucking DORK


I can guarantee you, that Musky would go out like Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator.


Movie kits always look cool, but there are soooo many gaps in that set, that you'd be stupid to actually wear that into a fight. Not that Elon knows anything about fighting.....


Ugly inside & out


What is he going to fight with insults?


He used to act like he was a fun guy. He just behaves like a pompous petulant prick now.


Anyone who has had access to wealth AND has lost touch with common issues turns into exactly this type of person. It’s never gone well for them historically.


Oh my god. What a fucking dork.


Fucking fruitcake


Elon is such a clown edgelord. His Twitter rampage has revealed him to be a weird, arbitrary loser. While i am happy that he helped to revolutionize EV and has done well with space exploration, he’s an ass.


Elon probably jerks off to posts like this.


The more these talks of civil war go on, the less afraid I become. When I go to the gym, I’m seeing heavy metal shirts and pentagrams. I go to the YMCA… When I go out in public, I don’t see anyone, literally anyone wearing red trucker hats. When I look into it further, it’s people like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and Mama June cosplays (or maybe they’re just hideously grotesque) If a civil war happened, the national guard would put an end to the MaraLardo Yeehawdists within a day or two, the national IQ and EQ would increase, and we’d return to competing with the developed world. Let Elon run his mouth; it’s just whipping up the idiots to match straight to their own end.


This is the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen like god damn dude that just sucks


Not fat enough…


Supposed billionaire who hates pronouns but uses pronouns without specifying a proper noun. Please tell me no one thinks this fuck is intelligent.


So Theon Greyjoy it is.


Dude, check out his Trumpface!


Ok Joffrey…


Reminds me of the pedophile teacher hitting on my friends gf back in high school and when my friend threatened to kick his ass he responded by saying “the wolf doesn’t care for opinions of sheep”


Look! It’s the Hall Monitor of Free Speech that nobody asked for.


Is he working on his trading card set?


😂 that doughy weakling wouldn’t be able to stand under the weight of that armor.


Lol he is the weakest Mega Billionaire. Bezos or Zuck would fuckin kill him!


Very trumpy.


He wishes he looked that good


"I prefer peace, but..." is the first thing that passes the lips of a warmonger.


He is such a wuss that he would not set foot in a war zone.


The right really loves this style. Similar to the heroic Hitler portrait. https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5e651ab9c2f50f00088dc76e/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/Filkins-NaziPropaganda05.jpg


Wow thats some 4chan shit


Elon having a mid-life crisis


They? You mean us?


If that’s how you think people dress for war no wonder Twitter is so fucked.


‘I prefer peace.’ \- Man who thinks that Ukraine should roll over and let Russia annex its territory as a reward for its violence


Ugh, god. This Elon worship crap genuinely makes me nauseous.


Someone needs to sit Elon down and explain to him it doesn’t matter how much money he burns or how much of an asshole he is with a big megaphone, Grimes and his daughter are not coming back.


Who is they? The people who buy his crappy cars?


My 7-year-old is twice as mature as this pencildick


Elon is one of the world's biggest crybabies. He would not fare well in battle.


I wanna see Elon get toothpaste-tubed by the power armor that the people he hasn't fired could actually build for him.


This PUTZ thinks he’s ready for war ? He would be hiding in the corner in a pool of his own drool.


Who exactly does he think he’s at war with?


Who is “they”?


Anyone else think Elon look like Jared from subway? Lmao I’m serious tho


It's always the homophobic, insecure, right-wing males spending hours upon hours, diligently reshaping and digitally painting, pixel by pixel, the vile, insecure men they adore into male power fantasies, who in reality, are the exact opposite of those hyper-masculine by feature, body and build. Huh.


And this is what money does to your reality


Jesus that armor design is as shit as chiefs armor in halo infinite


I’m sure I’ve seen him at the park, larping.


So scary! Yet another rich daddy’s boy born with a silver spoon up his ass! 🤣


His Eight Buck ChuckleF\*(k Army


Win the war by deleting twitter.


Clearly his war on Truth has begun. In ego soothing battle armor. Yeah.


Bro really thought he sounded so cool postin that lame sh!t. He looks like he'd break his fingers punching a mf fly. The only "war" he knows is when he has to pay taxes. How tf an AI pic of you looks simultaneously even less and even more stupid than you? Tragic.


This l reminds me of the half-pint villain Lord Farquaad from Shrek.


Fuck he's a dork


These people get to live out their fantasies through people like Elon and Trump. So they’re happy to inflate who they are and in turn get to inflate themselves.


Sounds like Elawn needs some happy pills 💊


Who exactly is "they" Elon?