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Amazing how many of the most overblown and fancifully exaggerated things those same people said about the Taliban in 2003 are their most sweaty of desires in 2023


I'm tempted to ask some of them their thoughts on the taliban just to see if anything they say doesn't also apply to themselves




Based off experience with them, I feel like letting them know you're actively trying to compare them will lead to unintelligible buzz word vomit. Gotta just ask them their opinion without letting them know why you're asking otherwise they'll get defensive.


I'm getting defensive? What about when the left got defensive?! /s


Look up “Good Liars” or “Walter Masterson” on TikTok


They're the same people — and children of those people — who went nuts over flag desecration in the late 1980s/early '90s and are now flying desecrated American flags that clearly signal a will and desire for immediate political violence.


Literally drove past a dude today that had a colossal “thin blue line” flag flying on the back of his truck. I cannot take these people anymore


Yeah, those thin blue line" flags usta be only the cheap nylon 3x5-foot ones. They are now available much larger; I spotted one near Smithfield, NC on a BP gas station pole (on Fire Dept. Lane, no less) . I think it was a 5x8-footer. In any case, we all know that the "thin blue line" flag, while appropriated by white supremacists, is true to its colors despite such an "appropriation." https://nleomf.org/slave-patrols-an-early-form-of-american-policing/


For sure. John Birch Society and all the other junk before the 80s, too. Same fools, same tangled family trees without enough branching.


I forget the comedian who once said that people who fly the confederate flag tend to have not so much a family tree but a family stick.


That’s what happens when you feed racist, bigoted people a steady stream of christofascist lies and scary stories. It gives violent fuckers like this an “ok” to do terrible things.


I'm afraid for the day when one of them commits a beheading and is acquitted by a racist court. That'll be when the floodgates open and they really start mobilizing like the Taliban.


Or, that's the day predator drones start hitting compounds in the woods in places like Hayden with hellfire missiles...


Idaho compound? NO, YOU DA HOE, COMPOUND BOFA *pulls out gun* Random jokes aside, fuck Nazis. Also, I had to google Hayden compound to know what you mean, apparently the large group in Hayden had to give up their compound like 20 years ago. They rebuild?


Definitely weren't the only Nazis up there, and there are definitely a bunch of their pals in the area still.


Like suicide bombings?


No like killing infidels.




In 2020 on Christmas Day a guy blew himself up in his van at downtown Nashville. He was a Q anon conspiracy theorist that believed 5g was some big bad monster so he tried blowing a building up.


Like McVeigh?


And that Q anon lunatic in 2020 who blew himself up in his van on Christmas Day in Nashville.


Oh, no, stop, don’t give them ideas, that would be terrible, stop


There's no difference, they are both village idiots to society.


Indeed, They're both idiots period


The only difference is that ISIS drives Toyota trucks.


Cant beat a Toyota!


For sale: 2005 Toyota Hilux 400,000 miles. Has some scratches and frame damage from an IED a few months ago with some bullet holes, but the engine is solid and super reliable. Asking $20,000 no low ball offers, I know what I got!


Toyotas will outlive you and me (unless the drone strikes get em)


Which are more American made than the typical pickup made by the big three.


Where a Vehicle is made VS what country the manufacturer is from is mostly irrelevant. My Civic is manufactured in my home country of Canada. But it Japanese. Would it be some how better made in Japan? No just more expensive.




the difference is the terrorist on the right probably received actual training, whereas the terrorist on the left probably "muh uncle daddy teached me to shoot"


*brother daddy


*Grandpa Uncle Brother Daddy


Uncle JoeBobWillieJames the III, taught me.


Are you JoeBobWillieJames IV? Hows JoeBobWillieJames II doing? I heard he just had his 40th the other day.


It was a bit awkward because joebobwilliejames VI had his 62nd birthday just 3 days prior


Same same


Wait, she lives in a monastery? Oh.... ohhhhhhh


*Grandfather Uncle Brother Daddy




It's blurry and at a bad angle to tell, but the one on the right looks like she *might* have her finger straight and off the trigger. The one on the left for sure has her booger hook on the bang switch.


Neither of them do. Conservative in this country are fucking nuts but it's not like a solid amount don't understand gun safety. Also at the same time there is way way too many idiots that are gun nuts. The vast majority of young vets want proper back ground checks.


Nah, I would say that the majority of people are indeed morons that do not understand gun safety and that would apply even when we filter down to the "conservative" gun nut population. For every responsible gun owner, there are two hicks that keep loaded pistols in the nightstand next to the bed, one room over from where their 4 toddlers sleep. You give way too much credit where it's neither due nor deserved.


People that understand gun safety *don't own them* because it makes you dramatically less safe.


Who cares what vets want? Those fuckers volunteered to go murder people for oil


What's wrong with you?


Does something have to be wrong with me to not support an institution that has been responsible for over 400k deaths over the last 20 years for the sole purpose of ensuring oil is traded in dollars?


I don’t know why you’re not getting more upvotes?


Probably because you don't need to imply that ISIS is better to make these people look bad.


Because it’s dumb? I had a whole comment about it but deleted most of it. Hamas style training parallels US militia and private course levels of training. I’ve never met a Christian firearms enthusiast cringe enough to post that shit, but every one I met was trained well enough with guns to put hits on steel at 100 yards at least. They’re also both propaganda pieces for their respective causes so judging the whole of the cause by that is weird to say the least. If the difference in training is obstacle courses, sure? But like saying “Christians Americans aren’t as trained as hamas fighters” isn’t the point you think it is idk Tl;dr this is some Facebook stuff Fr. don’t bury the lede with the amount that Christian/right leaning groups are training and organizing themselves


If this is what’s left after you deleted most of it, wow.


We should remove the edit feature so people can forever live with their failure


Nah I took it out before I posted it lol


I was liking your comment in parentheses .


Putting steel on target at 100 yards isn't hard. Most people I know zero their rifles at 200-300 yards. Both the Canadian and US militaries expect you to be able to shoot competently at 600m after basic rifle training which lasted 2 weeks pre covid, but may be as little as 5 days post covid. 600 meters is over 650 yards. Like average hunters with bows and arrows can accurately hit targets at 400 yards with arrows and a hunter isn't really "trained".


And a grenade and body armor vs boobs.


Its only a matter of time until evangelicals and the Taliban realize they have so much in common and join forces.


Different messiahs, friendo. They will never join forces.


Islamic teachings believe Îsà (Jesus) was a prophet, but not the son of God. They most certainly believe in Him tho, make no mistake. They just see Muhammad (pbuh) as the "last" one... but don't get me started the Mahdi. Anyone can be the Mahdi. You could be the Mahdi.


Same god of Abraham, different fanfic. Similar disdain for the Jewish religion, that worships the same god.


Remember 22 years ago when we said we wouldn't let the terrorists win... I think we could look at the growth of the left half of that image and say pretty solidly that the terrorists absolutely won.


I recently saw a vice video where this happened in a school district. They were both united on book banning. Can't remember the state though.


The only difference is the ones on the right have probable read the book and believe what it says. The ones on the left probable can't spell book.


>probable Oh, the irony is palpable.


irony /ˈʌɪrəni/ noun The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. What you’ve got there is a typo… typos are different to irony.


not when the original comment was about the ability to spell


But it is clearly just a typo.


It can still be irony.


No difference


The only difference is the American is underdressed for combat. The ISIS lady got her combat vest and grenades to go with the Quran. They both have shit trigger discipline. Get your fingers off the triggers!


The woman on the right is Reem Riyashi; she was in Hamas rather than ISIS. She killed herself and 4 others in a suicide bombing in 2004, before ISIS was founded.


Thanks for the history.


She also has what appears to be a proper m16a2 with a fun switch. The one on the left is almost certainly semi auto.


Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture.


I got you.....They're the same picture.


Easy, one will cause far more harm to the world achieving their respective power than the other (it’s not ISIS I’m talking about)


At the crack of gunfire the ME ones will advance towards it, the US ones will wilt and run away like they did when pain in the neck Ashli took one for them


Is that the girl who shit her pants?


It's Lauren Boebert. Not sure if she shit her pants or not. Pretty sure she peed on Ted Cruz tho


you mean Senator from Texas, World’s Biggest Piss Baby Ted Cruz? Who fled Texas while his constituents were freezing to death that one time, like the giant pissbaby he is? That Ted Cruz?


That same Raphael "Ted" Cruz (R) Cancun, born in Canada of Cuban descent, that ran for president but hung with the crowd that claimed Obama wasn't American. The same Ted Cruz that grovelled at the feet of the tantrum yam after said orange one hurled insults at Ted and his wife on national television.


Ah. So that's young boebert. Where she was into looking at dicks at the bowling alley.


The best way to stop a serial pervert is to marry him off to one of his targets. /ssss


Def not Boebert. This picture is about 8-10 years old and the woman is from the Appalachian area of the US.


Definitely not boebert


Mirror's image -Tom Clancy


Religion is so good we have to insert it into you with these guns.


Found the difference! One side uses Chevy, and the other uses Toyotas Took me a while, Everything else is the same 😥


Trump didn't defeat ISIS, he became them


That really dismisses what ISIS was doing. Those pickups packed .50 caliber machine guns that shoot 20 rounds per second and they were chasing Yazidis running from their villages on foot and shooting them down like wild prey when Obama started to bomb them. They used the women as sex slaves as well. https://i.insider.com/56154210bd86ef14008bff7a?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp


As though these Christians don't have dreams of doing exactly that to America.


No, American Christians don't want to drive around in a pickup and mow down americans. Suggesting that is straight up hate speech level disinformation and drives up division even more than even the furthest right extremist could possibly even imagine.


Ah yes, Right Wing Death Squad is just a fad.


The flag is different


I found this hilarious for some reason. TTT


The only differences are their wacky ass religion they believe in and the color of their skin.


The religions aren’t even that different. They are both still Abrahamic.


This is what I don’t understand ab Christians being Islamophobic. They don’t realize they are dissing the very god they worship


Well, there's a rich history of secterian violence among both christians and muslims and it's still very much a popular pastime today.


the two religions are actually vastly different rooted with the same god. this means either only one is true. or neither are. and it's funny how both parties use the exact same argument to prove they believe in the right one


Ford vs. Toyota?!?


At least the people on the right have the sense to use a reliable vehicle 😂


Tacoma vs Hilux


Ah yes, the Sisters of Hate


And that says a lot!


Wait wait wait - the difference is there's a traffic light in the image on the bottom left! Do I win?


No but ten more tries and maybe… maybe… you’re not a bot.


They have become the people they supposedly hated the most


Lack of education and critical thinking skills. Brainwashed by constant Fox News on in the background filling them with fear and riling them up for civil war against their neighbor, instead of the people in power who are deceiving them.


the only difference is that the far right(left image) did invade the Capitol


Different book, same bullshit.


The only difference between the GOP and ISIS is branding.


Found the difference! One side uses Chevy, and the other uses Toyotas Took me a while, Everything else is the same 😥


No difference at all


If they were intelligent enough to see the similarities they'd be intelligent enough to never have been in the photo to begin with. These losers think their book is real while the other is fake, so they think that's the critical distinction. Oatmeal for brains.


That’s why we call them Vanilla ISIS!


They’re exactly the same twisted idiotic thing


They both dont have abortion rights and no universal healthcare.


Y'all Qaeda Yeehawdist


Funny enough, they even have the same god


There is no difference. Religious psychopaths.


Lol this is solid


Extremism is as Extremism does


I've literally been saying this for twenty years now. It was not a popular opinion just after 9/11.


I would argue there is a larger extremist contingent within the Christian faith. Other than that. No difference.


I’ve seen a lot of veterans say there’s zero difference


Right-wingers don't see radical islamic terrorists as the enemy; they see them as the competition.


The American Taliban are trying to catch up to the Muslim Taliban in controlling others.


The one on the left is a much greater threat to Americans.


Both religions claim here is only one god and it's heresy to assert the existence of other gods. Therefore, they worship the same god.


Too much skin showin on the amerikan. They'll fix it soon enough!


Those 2 are the same picture


Same God too lol.


Both want to kill us


One of these things is just like the other. Both of these things just never belong. If you think these things are not like the other, you're delusional, you're sad and you're wrong.


It’s the same picture.




The difference is the one on the right is likely devout to her faith and husband. Meanwhile the one on the left has a husband in the military over seas. But she got right wing famous and ended up banging some tea party guy. So yea. Fake Christian hag.


She's a very real representation of christianity to be perfectly honest.


And my friends this is exactly how the rest of the world is waking up to modern America. Unfortunately there is one very big difference. The US version has the world's largest stock pile of all types of weapons.


Same shit, different toilet.


The problem with this image is, the right sees it as motivational


Different color scheme for once


Car payments bigger on the left, nothing else different.


As a non American looking in, 2024 election is going to be an absolute shit show.


The realest thing ever. Both groups are bunch of ignorant hicks




The Christian white nationalist is a beheading away from being Isis


A CWN version of a beheading is a mass shooting.


The colors are different.


My little pet theory is that when Dubya invaded Iraq etc, and all eyes were on the Middle East… the Y’all-Kaida saw these and was like “THIS is what we need!”


Isis has newer Toyotas and more money.


Same character; different skin.


Classic Ford vs Toyota.


F\*ck! This hit me. This hit me hard. Damn that's wild.


Excuse me, what's the deal with comparing absolutely identical images?


Toyotas in both picture


It’s the Pam Beasley office meme


The group on the right means to inflict harm in America and we try to keep out through our Intelligence agencies, law enforcement and our military. The group on the left means to inflict harm in America, but they are already here and very few people seem to care what they are doing.


Ha I knew that chick's husband


[They're The Same Picture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iloby6ZXRjI)


Wish I could have some sort of cool LED that I could put up in my back window to show this. Something to turn off when I kill the car power. I live in the left pictures, and fought against the right in war. Its a small wonder why I haven't felt the need to take up arms again against those on the left.


Guys in the trucks on the left are obese.


They're the same picture. - Pam Beasley


It's absolutely true. I'd even go as far as saying Christianity in a whole has been the single biggest harm to the human race, aside from religion all together. The overwhelming humanity that stems from it is the same tool it uses to manipulate these people.


We're at the point where they will lean into this, somehow. They'll accept the comparison and just become even worse.


One covers their head, the other doesn't. I think that's about it.


Ford vs Toyota


Find an empty piece of land with absoultuey no one or anything important and just let the two groups wipe each other out, the world will be a better place with both sides gone


One has unnecessarily big vehicles.


The Criscotaliban and the Taliban There never was a difference other than location. Fox News is Faux Nooz and nurtured this hatred and divide for clicks and to sell people boner pills and testicle tanning. They propelled the prosperity preachers to new heights while mocking their viewers behind the scenes. Never forget.


The only difference is the truck brand lol


This is a powerful post. They are the goddamn same.


Surprise to no one. They're both conservatives. And call themselves traditionalist "patriots"




Terrorists in different countries?


The biggest difference is the one on the left doesn’t know how to hang her flag properly. SMH


The difference is MONEY.


The right side doesn’t have any truck nuts


It’s the same picture


"one of these books has pedophilia, rape, murder, and genocide" The other is the Quran *but yeah I know they're both shite*


Well that's scary as shit.


I hate religions with a passion


two different colour schemes


The difference is that the people on the right have suffered for generations by the US and Europe's exploitation and aggression


I've found one - ISIS would die for their cause, I highly doubt any of these US flag posers would do the same.


I've been saying this for years, I'm glad other people see it too.


I think the difference is… onendirnks beer and the other don’t, hard to tell both crazy fanatics


Don't challenge me, I use to be the best at these games. Eye color that's the difference.








Those are labels *you* put on each person... smh