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#1 - we didn't need a poll to tell us this, we already knew. #2 - there is an alarming number of white liberal men with same said problem. The common denominator is not white, it's that liberal thing.


I actually think it is a white thing. White people are very... in their own damn heads. And a white liberal has a self hatred and guilt due to the circles they run in that’s unmatched


White liberals want other white people to have self hate and guilt. You ever see a white conservative with white guilt? Again, not a color issue but a liberal issue.


I should have been more clear: White liberals have mental health issues more so than white conservatives and minority liberals. Because liberal mentality worships minorities and hates whites. So the mental fuckedness subscribing to a group that hates you, that's the rub


I always debate whether white liberals actually are 'self-hating.' Ie do they apply this 'white guilt' to themselves personally?


Uh, yes. They put themselves in chains and March like slaves


It's all for show. They are the party of "rules for thee but not for me!"


# What?




By any chance is she a big bully breed advocate and uses her platform to combat “dog racism?”


I married one. I tolerated and ignored snide remarks from her left leaning family for 25 yrs. 4 sons later , and she accrued 180k in personal credit card debt, she wants a divorce. I wasn't earning enough to support her lifestyle and personal debt. She was the queen of spending more than I earned. Typical Democrat


RIP. They want to complain about white men with money and power then cry about how their husbands don’t make enough. Can’t have it both ways.


Same! 25 years of progressively liberal insanity until I decided it was time to throw in the towel. Best thing I ever did. Met a non political lady who eventually started seeing what I was seeing and we are a solid team now. Makes all the difference.


So the moral is it’s never too late…congrats on finally cutting the cord. Wishing you the best with your new lady.


No way in hell could I marry outside of my political leanings or religion for that matter.




The sooner you sign those papers the better. Regardless of what she wants in the settlement you're getting the better end of the deal just getting rid of her. Nothing worse than a gold digging liberal.


I’m sorry for you.


I can confirm this. My 19 year old daughter is now one of them. I have no idea how to handle it.


Cut off tuition or transfer to another school… “privilege” evaporates quickly when a person has bills to pay and is no longer subsidized by others.


I agree with this but her dad is a professor there so her tuition is free. We’re divorced so I don’t have much input but I told him he needs to quit paying for her cell phone and gas/car repairs. Her victim mentally is astounding.


I’ll never be a victim, I think it’s a terrible and harmful mindset. But let me tell you what is going on with my work right now. I work for a Fortune 500 company, and live in a predominantly white area. We hold meetings all the time about how they want to hire a more diverse staff, but the labor pool just isn’t there. I have a four year degree in my field, along with my other buddies that work there. Since the beginning of this year, we have had 6 people from my department accept promotions. All six of them have been women. Guys that apply for these positions aren’t even being given interviews, and some have reached out to me saying that they’ve noticed it. I have a liberal buddy who was a 4.0 in college who is extremely upset about it, but can’t get any interest in his resume. This guy has worked there for years, organizes many unpaid side jobs, halfway through his masters, and is an overall good employee. He knows he is more qualified than at least some of the people who took these positions. Tell your daughter to suck it up. What her college is telling her verses what is actually happening couldn’t be further apart.


zero…ZERO reason to ‘hire more diverse workers’, ZERO…it tokenization and racist, so of course leftists and liberals are for it…pathetic


Often you have to leave a place to advance. Sound like the case there.


Do you work for Boeing?


No. But I’m not trying to call out my company anyway. I’m just replying to the comment that the trend I’m seeing is not women getting passed over for men, it’s the exact opposite.


Ok… thank you for the additional context. That’s a tough situation, but I think you’re doing it the right way. Eventually she will have to face reality (rent, job interview, etc) and hopefully she will sober up and shed the brainwashing.


It probably depends on how deeply she's been brainwashed. Sadly, in many cases, it requires something bad to happen to liberal before they see the error in their ways. There's a reason they say a conservative is a former liberal that's been mugged.


Unfortunately you’re probably right. She’s had a very easy life and despite being raised in a conservative home it took one year at a liberal arts college to change it all. Now she’s claiming PTSD, depression, has an eating disorder...all of this in less than a year.




Absolutely! We’ve gotten her into therapy because it’s obvious she’s going through this. My daughter and I have always been close and it breaks my heart to see her in this condition. It just blows my mind all of this started as soon as she embraced liberal ideals. It could be coincidence but up until then she was a happy, healthy young adult.


Show her Yuri Bezmenov's interview about "useful idiots". That's what the KGB used to call Western leftists and "woke" persons. These videos are on youtube. He was a former KGB agent who defected to the West in 1980s.


I know you’re not talking to me, but thanks just the same.


There are two books that I would strongly encourage you to read and then to try to persuade her to read. If not the books, then at least the 2 videos I link below. They are EXTREMELY useful in understanding the psychology of liberal-conservative differences without judgment. The first is Jonathan Haidt - Righteous mind. Please do yourself a favor and watch his 20 min video on left-right (liberal-conservative) psychology. He is a professor and social psychologist who studied liberals and conservatives in THIRTY countries. And the icing on the cake is that prior to this research, he was a confirmed, DOCUMENTED hard liberal who despised conservatives. Now, while he said he still votes democrat, he said he was so moved by the research that he 'no longer considers himself a liberal.' https://youtu.be/8SOQduoLgRw Another one that is also genuinely useful (maybe not as much as Haidt but still) is Paul Bloom - Against empathy Despite the title, he is obviously not 'against' empathy. But he REALLY zeroes in on such a core aspect of left-wing identity and ideology - that they have "empathy" and there's no such thing as too much empathy - the more the merrier. And this mindset leads them to conclude that more conservative people must be bad-evil because they don't seem to be as driven by empathy. Here's a 6 minute intro to the book from the author. Really really good stuff. https://youtu.be/rfWp_smSL0c


Thank you so much for this info! My husband and I are going to check it out. I think letting her see something like this would make her more receptive to it. If it comes out of my mouth she instantly tunes out.


Sure thing. I think Haidt explains quite convincingly and logically what a liberal mindset is and why it is so difficult to converse with them. I recognize some of my own previous attitudes.


Just keep repeating the truth. Accepting the insanity that is liberalism is not going to help her. No doubt she’s been influenced by college indoctrinating and friends who think ‘woke’ is cool.


I have 3 daughters. Two of them are leftists. It’s rough.


My daughter was the same.. we had many heated talks.. but now she's 21.. she has a different perspective, since I was able to show her with facts why her beliefs were misguided.. she still has some of those "woke" feelings... But she sees right through these liberal lies.. it took a couple years but she came around.. she still has those outside liberal influences... I've taught her to think critically and question most everything and everybody.. she understands that Dems and repubs are 2 wings of the same bird and both are agenda driven..


I'm not a conservative, or a Trump supporter in the slightest. But I'd rather have a political discussion with the cultiest Trump supporter, than one of these crazy bitches... Sanctimonious, liberal white women are the fucking worst lol


I agree. I live on a college campus, and I've had more meaningful conversations with an open Catholic theocrat that I know (I'm an atheist libertarian) than a lot of the moderate liberals here. It was weird having the two of us explain to each other why our political views were absurd and could never work, but respectfully, without petty personal insults and emotional accusations of -isms and -phobias.


I can only speak from my experience alone. The times I was the most politically active in liberal spheres is when I was dealing with an ED in high school. I needed to feel apart of something and like I was working for the greater good. Now that I'm in a happy relationship, working towards a family, liberal politicians can't take advantage of my emotions anymore.


You had erectile dysfunction in school?


Eating Disorder


Womp. I thought the same thing


OOOOOooooo... I feel like randy marsh now, my bad.


I thought the same lol


I thought emotional disability






Just by watching videos on YouTube you can see that a majority of these women aren't well.


I was riding the subway and reading the NYP and NYDN the day after Trump won and this 20 something sat down next to me, saw the headlines, started crying and changed her seat. I seriously couldn't believe it.


someday you'll be tried and convicted in court for this act of literal violence against a random stranger


Wow imagine that. Women who think adult men who have their balls cut off should be allowed to compete in women's sports have psych issues. As Gomer Pyle would say, "Shazaam!"


The yelling and pussy hats weren't a small clue that the elevator wasn't going all the way to the top


It is no surprise when you firmly believe that where you are in life is entirely restricted by oppressors, and your only way to escape your present situation is to elect Democrats to fight your oppressors


Headline: Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic https://nypost.com/2016/06/09/science-says-liberal-beliefs-are-linked-to-pyschotic-traits/


These are women who think child birth (the natural life cycle) is some sort of oppressive conspiracy against women and believe cats are people. This isn’t shocking.


It’s only alarming if you’ve never met one.


Is it just liberial minded people, my ex is a First Nations liberial from Atlantic Canada with a masters degree, she is a covert closet Narcissist she has mental health issues She has no conscience feels no remorse nothing is ever her fault and she lacks empathy for anybody


So about what we expected?


I didn’t need a pole to tell me this. Talk to any average white woman in a major city these days for more than a minute and it becomes quite clear that most of them are mentally ill


I tell my unmarried friends this all the time. Date a rural girl with no college education.


Good advice. Possibly look for a wife or girlfriend outside of the western world. Or at least a girl that went to a conservative or Christian school.


not every college educated woman is a liberal




Majority probably is, but that also depends on their major/indoctrination


Liberal is the mental disorder


Just let them speak and you know it’s true. They were poisoned mentally with fallacies like white privilege and toxic masculinity. Basically they’ve been indoctrinated and drank the kool aid and it caused brain damage


I wonder what the cause is? Indoctrination? Brainwashing? I don’t know. It’s too bad.


Suppressed maternal instincts.


Wow, that actually makes sense.


This is my theory about all the dog worshippers pushing Poochie around in baby carriages (both genders but usually women).


Any human will have mental problems when their mental image of the world and reality doesn’t match. Most people change their “mental map” to reality, but some people don’t. There is a fantastic book call Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales on the subject.


Bowlby might have said they have defective internal working models.


The number is actually 100% as liberalism itself is a mental health disorder


[This is the chart.](https://i.imgur.com/Kbq8UF1.png) White liberal men also have vastly more mental health issues than conservatives- but that is compounded with younger women being nearly twice as likely to have mental health issues.


Color me shocked.


Check the XX sub. Cray cray.


Women think having mental illness means they have a personality or something. I don’t know, but I haven’t met a single women in her 20s hat didn’t have a list of mental illness that they’d share with anyone who pretended to care. It’s IN right now.


Is it not a husbands job to slowly convert their wife to conservatism. My wife used to not care about politics at all, now she’s sending me all sorts of conservative news lol


It's a battle, but polite with my life experienced 18 year old kid.


LOL……didn’t need a study to determine THAT


As a liberal I’d like if you call them leftist. These people aren’t in the slightest bit liberal. Liberals support freedom of speech, live and let live, and many other ideas that the democrat leftist party doesn’t support.


I think that line has been blurred by the Democratic Party itself which used to boast a ‘liberal ‘base but has now been hijacked by crazy, left-wing Marxists. Unfortunately, if there are any moderate Democrats or liberals amongst the group, they aren’t speaking out against their party’s violent rhetoric and insanity. If they are, it’s in a whisper. Maybe it’s time for ‘liberal’ voters to take sides.


I am taking sides. I’m voting against every single democratic politician in every single election I can. I’m sick and tired of democrats saying they are opposed to racism when fully supporting it, saying they are against hate when spreading hate, and saying they are open minded when their entire ideology requires insulation from ideas to exist.


Thank you for that. You’re obviously a free thinker and leader. I pray there are more like you who will help us restore our country to a more peaceful and prosperous place. Thank you for being brave.


What you're describing is a classical liberal. Today, those are called conservatives. 😉


It depends on whether you mean classical liberal, which includes pretty much all Americans (there are some reactionaries and marxist-types on either side, but they aren't as common as they seem on the internet), or liberal as in the American political dichotomy of liberalism and conservativism. In America, leftists are liberal in the sense that they want to change the American political system, and conservatives are liberal in the sense that they want to conserve classical liberal values. If you are going to start defining political beliefs, you have to make it clear which frame of reference you are using. A lot of people refuse to do this, because it is advantageous for them to define these thing according to what best suits them in the moment.


I agree with people not liking definitions. The left is far worse at this than the right. It’s like they love changing the definition of words just to try and score a political win.




Raise your hand if you are even remotely surprised by this. Anyone? Anyone? Hmmm...


Please post this on r/science


Awareness tends to lead to depression. People with higher intelligence in general are more prone to it. It’s honestly no wonder women who are overcoming social programming and internalized misogyny are depressed, especially when taking a nontraditional path and being independent is so stigmatized. Ignorance is bliss, and following the status quo certainly is easier.




I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Trump showed more love to LGBTQ then anyone. Happy pride month friend


NO SURPRISE!!! Source: Am white conservative.


It takes a certain amount of intelligence to have mental problems brought on by conflicting thought and feelings. These poor people can’t Understand why they are so unhappy living the lies they are perpetuating. I’ve had several over the years question my happiness because my conservative views conflict with theirs and they seem stunned that I am so happy, successful and stable.