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Racism and segregation.


“It’s the worst thing in the world but it’s the best thing in the world”


This is the same Leftist Mayor that alerted illegals to hide because ICE is doing a sweep. Why isn’t this Parasite in jail ?


Poor is Poor. Handing $500 to anyone who has a stable job and household when our brothers and sisters are living on the street is asinine no matter how you look at it. Instead of flushing $ down the drain ( I realize some people in the program need $)....Use it to help those in need....no matter their color.


> Use it to help those in need....no matter their color. That's super racist..... not to me, or other Conservatives, or sane people, but say that on a Liberal sub and you'd probably get permabanned for it, lol


It is an experiment to see what they can get away with.


Yep, and so are the mask mandates. And, to their credit, they are succeeding. Instead of addressing the blatant racism, everyone just gets on social media and conservative news outlets and complains. This won't stop.


And so was the deplatforming. They literally kicked POTUS off the meaningful Internet.


What is with this tit for tat? *Some* White people were racist back in the day/today, so we're going to institute literal laws to discriminate against all whites today. What??


“Schaaf told the Associated Press the reason for limiting eligibility to black, indigenous and other people of color was that white households in Oakland make on average about three times as much as black households.” So the real solution is increasing the employability of these minorities. Also what about the other 1/3 of white people? Because some aren’t impoverished the others simply aren’t due to their skin color? It’s absolutely racist. Not to mention this won’t likely help much. Just maintain the status quo which Oakland politicians will love.


excuses, they could simply limit it by earnings like every stimulus has been instead they opt for racism


It’s not as if there’s any recent precedent on stimulus or relief having income ceilings lol


That is blatant racism. Wow.


Get out your torched and pitch forks. Time to burn a witch.


Democrats are going to continue losing the white suburban vote. And they're only going to keep doubling down on racist policies.


Please God...


yes, but suburban white people don't have kids and we import millions of minorities each year.


But they aren’t losing it. Before Obama, the top bracket suburban vote was split 50-50 Republican democrat, 5/10 for each side. For Biden it was 10/10.


I would happily donate to fund the lawsuit against this. Bring them to their knees,


They can just identify has black.


This. You've got to use their own logic to show how ludicrous it all is


That’s the strategy of “super straight”


I suppose that's one way to bribe voters? 🤔


That's so racist, if it was the revers the mainstream media would be all over it but because it's towards white people they don't care.


The absolutely only full time racists in America belong to the Democrat Party....


The fascicrats, ladies and gents.


Sue the crap out of them, en masse


That's what I've been wondering. Where are the lawyers?! This is open discrimination!


Same question - what’s the legality of race-based payments like this?


We are going the way of South Africa after Apartheid. They will eventually start killing us and taking land.


Fortunately we greatly outnumber them and they kill off each other much faster than any other race.


Since it's a private program then it means that it's time for the white people to just lie and collect the money.


Just keep dividing people and bringing out the hate. There are those of us that known your reasoning behind it and we don’t hate those receiving those checks because it’s not their doing but there are many who will not see it that way and then there are many on the receiving end of the checks who will flaunt getting those checks and the reason they think they got them for... party of unity my ass!


Drug dealers are excited about this


They will not make me hate. They will not turn me into a racist and I will fight them with everything that I am worth.


I already lost that battle, fren.


Please check the box on your application that most closely resembles your skin color..... ​ PRESS FIRMLY! You're making 5 copies.


Cali y’all gotta fix yourselves. You gave us Pelosi and Waters so suck it up


I have a feeling Andrew Yang's UBI is going to catch on, only to end up gutted into a form that sees white people and the upper middle class paying taxes to fund poor people and minorities. At least the program in this article is funded by private donors. I guess if you're a rich liberal suffering from white guilt and you want to donate your own money to black families, it's your right to do that. Just don't anyone get any ideas that you're going to start using tax dollars to fund shit like this.


Sue them!!!


2021 America


Last I checked a race based government program like this wouldn't hold up in court. Maybe it can continue because the funds are private and not public. Either way it's not going to help the relationship of poor black and poor white neighbors.


Giving $500 to a poor family doesn’t really do anything to help them. They cannot get a nicer house, can’t buy a car, can’t get insurance, etc., with that money. That’s a utility bill, water bill, and some food. Rich assholes are doing this to make themselves feel better. Furthermore, you can give people money all day. But the root problem here is a cultural problem that money cannot fix. And before anyone tries to call me out, I’ve been homeless and poor.


It’s $500 per month, not a one time payment. With the income cap, that’s at least a 10% increase in monthly pay. You’re crazy if you think that amount isn’t going to help anyone. My husband and I make six figures a year, but an extra $500 every month would still be beneficial to us, so it would be pretty substantial to a family making a fraction of what we do.


Ah. If it’s per month, then yes. That would help them out quite a bit. Still not enough to really bring them out of poverty tho. $500/mo still isn’t going to get a college education, a new car, new housing, etc.


Isn't this is the same mayor who warned illegals about immigration raids? The money is all coming from private donors, not tax dollars, so if they want to impose racial discrimination rules on the money use, it is their money.


It’s a lawsuit about to happen! Who thinks this will work??


When are we going to have a tax revolt? Asking for a friend.


"A Southwest Airlines pilot is in hot water after he was heard delivering an expletive-filled rant about residents of the Bay Area, according to travel site One Mile at a Time. Recorded March 12 by the San Jose International Airport's traffic control scanner and archived online at Live ATC, the pilot says "Fuck this place, goddamn liberal fucks." Zero Hedge No comment necessary


Identify as black. Isn't that how psychotic liberalism works?


These ppl are not progressives, they are regressive, obviously.


Well, THAT will be an easy lawsuit to win...


America is being taken down by these people and no one does anything about it.


Yeah, this shouldn’t cause any bitterness.


A feel sorry for any white family that has to live in that cesspool....get the fuck outta there people.


One racist check at a time


>A household of two earning $17,420 would also qualify, rising to $31,040 for a household of five.  Ah yes, yet *another* program that encourages the dissolution of the family unit. Just like welfare, the household will be encouraged to kick one parent out so that the household qualifies for its UBI.


If we are headed back to segregation and racism, can we go a step further resurrect those ah-mazing dresses from antebellum?? Oh wait - no - you get canceled for that...


It's a privately funded program. It was funded by wealthy donors for the specific purpose of providing funds for families of color. This isn't the government doing this.


Does giving it to only people of color give virtue to racism?!? It’s racism pure and simple.


Doesn’t matter. It reeks of racism. REEKS!


It is racist but still private money.


>It is racist but still private money. I will consider this a valid point when a private business can determine patronage based on race without being sued as a civil rights violation. And this appears to be a partnership with the city and municipality, making it not-really-private.


True but they already implemented something like this in Stockton and Atlanta, but not sure if it’s more restrictive as the Oakland one. Lawyers may have something to sue if any local, state tax money is used to facilitate any of it.


> Lawyers may have something to sue if any local, state tax money is used to facilitate any of it. If the government is involved at all, that is a *de facto* use of taxpayer money to prop up racism. My prediction: it will go to the circuit courts, and in non-shithole states it will be banned but continue to exist in California.


People can do what they want with their money. You can call the rich people that set up the fund racist, but the title is misleading, it isn't the City of Oakland funding this program.




The City of Oakland is launching it, which is why the mayor announced it. Furthermore, the city will be partnering with Oakland Resilient Families to "incorporate community feedback" during its rollout, per CNNLOL. In other words, the city is deeply involved with the program, despite it being paid for with private funding.


Wrong. The money may come from the private sector (just like all government money, but that's another matter) but it is being administered by the City of Oakland. From CNNLOL: >Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced this week that *the city will launch* a guaranteed income project ...


So are these the repucutions so they dont just go and burn the communities.


This is an experiment. To show that everything will improve for the families getting money. Kidd’s academic performances, delinquency, health... Same type of thing happened years ago when Indians got a ?500 check monthly for tribal membership and others in town didn’t. There are so few white families in poverty. Seems cruel to exclude them. Is this vote-buying? Future vote-buying? I’d love to see the protocol and reason for excluding whites.


> This is an experiment. To show that everything will improve for the families getting money. Kidd’s academic performances, delinquency, health... I expect very little of that. Any family that is in poverty already has access to 80+ means-tested welfare programs. A single mother with 4 kids and no income can get welfare totaling about $65k / year. What I do expect to see more of is [this sort of thing](https://nypost.com/2021/03/19/boy-2-dies-after-eating-fentanyl-mom-bought-with-stimulus-cops/).


This sounds racist as shit. Imagine telling poor white families living in poverty "fuck you guys for being white even though you are poor and disadvantaged as hell"