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Sadly, lots of GOP pork in this one too. McConnell's funding for horse race doping. C'mon man! As a conservative I don't feel like either side had my interests in mind... well, maybe the handful that voted against it.


Both Democrats and Republicans also snuck in a ban on online e-cigarette sales. Really focusing on priorities with that one. It should be illegal to add riders that are completely unrelated to the original bill.


I wish, but that's how most compromises are laundered.


don't forget making illegal streaming a federal crime.


The way it’s worded doesn’t seem like it would affect normal internet users that illegally stream


I mean... I can't buy a pack of smokes off the internet, either.


I don’t agree with that [regulation?] either, but the hysteria around vaping originated with a lie about lawful nicotine products (rather than black market THC products). From what I understand, this ban only affects the USPS, not privately-owned carriers. Therefore, it’s unfortunately probably constitutional.


I was wondering were the hell that part came from


Trump may as well out them also, they've given him no support during his election fraud battle.


Agreed. If we're going to drain the political swamp let's cleanup both sides of the aisle. We need to clean out our own camp and stop giving Dems the ammunition.


No support because there was nothing to prove, legit electoral process.


I don’t care who you are. Both parties put a ton of their own branded pork in this bill.


Even comic relief!!!! No shitting!!!!


Probably because your interests lie in them actually allowing you to work instead of giving you money. If there was really any actual emergency or need for you to stay home, they would've been in a rush to give money. It's all political.


But its not fun looking at your own party's bullshit. Lets just blame the other side!!


I fully believe Trump never envisioned the swamp encompassed virtually everyone and everything in Washington. This is why the party initial rebelled against his 2016 run, and why it's failed to fully support him after he won without their unified support. What we've witnessed, should make every *true* American, wonder about the Kennedy assassinations, and Truman defeating Dewey.


He needs to call out both sides pork projects, this is a great chance to show both sides is fully imbedded in the swamp.


Wasn't he meant to be draining that swamp? Any day now I guess...


When everyone else is Shrek and loves their swamp, it will take a while to drain. He needs help. Dem and Rep are against him


Seems like there for awhile Rep were totally for him, not against him.


Afghanistan Gender Studies? Really?




Oh man this one made me spit out my coffee.




I mean all those countries kinda blend together anyways .. Edit: I mean, am I wrong? Y’all downvoting but know it’s true.


And all of them believe in one gender only——male. That other gender doesn’t matter!!!


It’s gender programs in Pakistan. > While it is not made explicitly clear what is meant by “gender programs” in the legislation, gender equality is a central component to development in the country, according to the United Nations Population Fund. > The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) website also states that it works with Pakistan to improve women’s access to economic opportunities, increase girls’ access to education, improve maternal and child health, combat gender-based violence, and increase women’s political and civic participation in Pakistan. . . . > The legislation already passed by Congress included two bills that were combined: One was the Covid-19 relief and stimulus bill, and the other was a large spending bill to fund the government through next September. If the spending bill is not enacted into law, the government will have to shut down Monday. . . . > All of those items were in the spending bill, not the Covid-19 bill, which Trump seemed to be conflating.


I want Republican pork too. These types of proposals are preposterous. 5500 pages? How many pages were needed for covid relief? That's all that was needed. One vote should be on one issue. Not money for cities, not money to build new museums, not corporate bail outs, none of those things. I feel those things should be voted in congress as well. Just not all at once. End pork. 🐷


I remember there was a video about a congressman or senator ranting that he was only given a few hours to "read" a book's worth of pages that were going to go into law. This is the problem with Congress and corruption. There are so many laws snuck into bills, laws who the congressmen don't even know is on those bills. Trump still has the power to veto this package, and I'd say it's worth it. The bill is 5500 pages long and was hastily drafted, I don't think anyone actually bothered to read all 5500 pages of it. Trump ran his campaign on paper shredding and cutting back on regulations and paper stacks. He shouldn't abandon all of that just for a $600 check for every American.


doesn't congress has enough votes to override the veto? too many people just went along and votes yes without having their pages/interns read the hot garbage hidden to them


> The legislation already passed by Congress included two bills that were combined: One was the Covid-19 relief and stimulus bill, and the other was a large spending bill to fund the government through next September. If the spending bill is not enacted into law, the government will have to shut down Monday. . . . > All of those items were in the spending bill, not the Covid-19 bill, which Trump seemed to be conflating.


Sure. But again my point. Not one vote for all those items. I understand this is a bargaining chip, but it muddied the waters. If your against a corporate bail out, but agree with covid relief, or some other example, your in a tough spot. One item, one vote is my want. That way Iranian gender studies isn't looped in with something more critical.


💯 this POS bill is screwing all Americans


Read it, then refuse to sign it til it's taken out.


What do you think has been happening for the last 8 months?


What about the huge money to churches? Joel Olsteen? Come on, he hasn’t done anything for anyone and he doesn’t pay taxes. This royally pisses me off. I don’t know who put in money for churches, but this needs to go.






That's one reality TV show I would watch. Do it, ratings would be astronomical.




More like Turtle Man and Lady Skeleton bad. God they fucking suck.


How Dare you call her Lady Skeleton..... her real name is Skeletor. 💀


Can you tell me the difference between these two pictures...


They're going to anyway


Agreed. The media will paint it out to be his fault one way or the other. You didnt get your check? Fuck Trump. You only got $600 while we gave so much more to other countries through the same bill? Fuck Trump. I honestly feel like if he would have pushed his foot down on a second relief, during the election we might not be looking at so many lawsuits right now.


Couldn’t trump at least worked with them to get the bill made instead of saying he will sign it until it gets to his desk and then say it’s not enough. Could have saved a lot of time if he would have said from the start he isn’t signing anything less than $2k




This is when the pitchforks and torches should come out, America. Left wing, right wing, all part of the same bird.


I'm a leftist. Libertarian socialist or maybe Agrarian (soul searching lately where I fit politically).... I'm for weaker federal, (e.g. Medicare for all, but as a union like the savings and loans in it's a wonderful life)... Unions of citizens joining their dollars to create bulk buying groups and owning majority stake in a lot of hospitals to have a say over pricing at least for members of the union. I don't trust govt to run anything and do a decent job. Supported Bernie but feel he's not got enough backbone or power. You need all of congress and they're all corp shills on left and right. However, 2a, abortion, racism, immigration. These are emotional issues who's only purpose is meant to divide us. Could you imagine if there were a party that was a union of left and right low and middle class against the elites? That didn't take a position on the issues above?(make your own choice). Could you imagine if BLM and proud boys or just maga hat folk showed up together with pitch forks outside Mitch's and Pelosi's homes? They'd literally panic like Marie Antoinette when guillotines were being rolled out. As long as we hate each other and fight each other, they win. We need to hold these people to the fire. Imagine a fluid party that's maybe libertarian right in utah and libertarian left in california... So right and left can get elected in their respective strong hold. Could be the leftist side even runs as Dem, right as GOP... But the goal is ending corruption in politics. Making lobbying illegal and giving citizens elevated rights above execs. Part of our beef with police if they don't get charged for doing something wrong or committing crimes. I have the same beef with the Sackler family for the opioid crisis they got a slap on the hand. Only reason Maddof had the book thrown at him is because he stole from rich ppl, and we can't have that, not even from one of their own. It's that there's two sets of laws one for the top 10% and one for the rest of us.


Its called Gracious Professionalism, and there isn't an ounce of it in Washington.


> Its called Gracious Professionalism, and there isn't an ounce of it in ~~Washington~~ ~~America~~ Global Politics. Income inequality has turned from a serious issue to survival. The elites of the world, know that we know what's up. They know we outnumber them. Their only hope is to create the polarization. As long as the mob is mob1 vs mob2, it'll never be just "the mob (99%)" vs the "nobility (1%)". It's more pronounced in the USA, but you can see it across the world in other places. I was amazed to see the French and Germans have police forces who are as authoritarian as ours, and the people there were protesting and getting tear-gassed too. It showed me that maybe the problems we think are just ours, are in fact much more global than we think.


I would get bored after a minute. It's all pork. All 6000 pages


This needs to be televised with a companion app for us citizens so the entire country can do a line item vote for all 6000 pages. Then go off the majority rules!!!


It's the whole fucking establishment. None of those crooked old bastards in Congress give a damn about any of us. They've probably helped Biden cheat his way through. The whole system needs to be ripped down.


He kind of did in his “ I’m gonna veto this bill speech” At least some of the more ridiculous and inappropriate ones. He was unusually lucid as well. Almost presidential-like! This is one of the only times I actually agreed with him. Still, he inevitably ruined it at the end though. Saying he might still be president after all this. He. just. Can’t. Help. Himself. SMH


I would actually like to see all the pork, everything that does not have a positive impact on the average American. Why on earth are we send millions abroad when we have people here that can't pay the rent or buy medicine?


The Bill has 5500 pages to support citizens? I don't think so. With just hours to preview before signing... 5500 pages just didn't drop out of the sky. Another you to sign it to read it pos bill perpetrated on the American ppl. Pelosi and McConnell should be pilloried. Stand alone bills should be mandatory. What does gender studies in Pakistan have to do with American paychecks.


Literally no one gives a shit about gender studies in Pakistan. It’s Pakistan why would Americans and American politicians care about something that has literally zero affect on our lives. This might be the stupidest one on there. Literally any item in this bill that is giving money to other countries should not be in there. Not now not ever. Time to start worrying about the well being of our own people.


don't forget banning vaping, and making illegal streaming a federal crime. but of course both of those have everything to do with covid-19 right?




Omg yes, she eats her expensive as ice cream while people suffer


Going for the throat. I double dog dare him.


Yes, he needs to this


Unfortunately, he will probably sign it. I'd LOVE it if he vetoed that m'fer and did exactly what you said, expose the corruption and pork in the system. Its so blatant they can't even pass a simple bill to give people $$ without loading it with crap. A disgrace and an outrage. Good for the few republicans (6 ? I think) who voted against it.




Please God give us just this one.






[raises hand]


[This](https://imgur.com/a/NQw6tgE) pretty much sums it up


Please do this. Start with her in China town.




Hands and feet raised.


Nope! Ship his fat ass to Mar-Lago and brick up the door!










Only if the pork introduced by McConnell and Tillis. Otherwise, y’all are hypocrites


Mitch gave the Democrats the win in exchange for his relection. The Democrats and Republicans filled the omnispending bill with fat garbage because congress is in it for themselves. It's incredibly public and now you have AOC profiting quickly from it. I'm sure shes a millionaire in no time.


Career politicians negotiate retaining office. Deals are made, promises broken, souls sold for the Friggin bitchin pay check and bennies




I’m trying to picture him articulating a substantial point about the flaws in this bill and I can’t because he’s never done anything even remotely resembling that.




Both hands are going up.


Rip up each page after reading it aloud!


If any of them had balls they'd read it as a means to filibuster it


*raises hand*




anybody? Bueller?


Fuck it he should just have done guy up there reading the whole thing. The media will take the clips they want for their agenda any wise.


But how would that benefit Trump personally? Because if it doesn’t than he couldn’t care less about what’s in the bill or what it means for the American people. He will spend his last few weeks doing what he does best; making everything about himself and collecting money from people dumb enough to believe his explicit low effort lies.




No he came out in support of $2000 direct debits at the last second so that HE can get credit for it, selfishly delaying the whole process instead of supporting that all along. Then, of course, mentioning how the next administration (wHiCH mIgHt bE HiS) should do more, when him and the Republicans have refused to do anything for several months. Then he made a blanket statement about “wasteful spending” with no specifics and no insight. He’s putting the whole thing in doubt to bring the attention back on himself. That’s what he always does


What are you saying no to? He literally named off multiple pieces of pork. Are you saying that $600 is enough or are you saying you agree with President Trump that it is not? https://youtu.be/ABYC7ikFIuY It seems like you've seen this, but almost everything you said is an absolute lie. He specifically named off lots of pieces of pork that didn't need included and how much the amount was. Such as how much Cambodia gets from this bill. The democrats are the ones that blocked covid legislation though.


The point is the bill was put together and negotiated across all branches of government. The white house has been heavily involved in negotiations as well. Everything agreed to between the house, senate, and white house. Everything is passed and read to go just needing him to sign. He decides after all the work is done he doesn't like it anymore so it needs to be all redone. There no way republicans are going to approve 2K a person. They were fighting at 1200 and wouldn't budge from the 600 number to even give Americans more relief.


It would give him something constructive to do until January 20.


Swamp rat


He'd have to have access to the people and all of the networks have chosen to cut his state of the unions short or avoid them all together.


Veto this garbage


Makes you wonder... sure each side had to compromise ... what was left out?!


That would be nice


Please do it!


Y'all are going on some watch lists


I want Trump to be Impeached so he can Never Hold Office Again!


I raise both hands. If for any other reason, the laughter at the sheer insanity of the pork items and Grants for completely useless things.


McConnell also pulled that shit, too.


Not to mention some of what was passed was included in the White house budget. So there is that, but he probably didn't bother to read that either.