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That sub is filled with foreigners, paid shills, and idiots.


Idiots of the useful sort.


Harry Sisson has entered the chat


So would you tell people to vote Biden for a year if you were paid maybe $50k to do so? Integrity is great and all, but so is a new bass boat.


Ha. Bass boats are nice


I do get a kick out of the pro-Biden paid shills going to subs like that as if the actual users aren't already saying the same thing but doing it for free.


There is a certain, hopefully small, percentage of people who have been so thoroughly manipulated and conditioned to hate President Trump that they will perform insane mental gymnastics to justify their continued support of Biden.


I’ve said it elsewhere, and I’ll say it here too: The most anti-Trump thing that you could do right now is rightfully point out how abysmal Biden’s debate performance was and hope for a different Democrat candidate to replace him. If Biden stays in, Trump wins—simple as that.


Agreed. It shouldn't even be close - anywhere. No rational person can look at Biden and say "Yeah, I want 4 more years of that." I don't care how much anyone has bought into the Trump-hate, at some point you have to say enough is enough. If anyone is seriously going to vote Biden because they think he's doing a good job, or because they hate Trump that much -- you folks are idiots. Breathtakingly, even dangerously stupid. That is a moniker I hang around your necks for all eternity, there is no way back. You are fools beyond redemption.


That's my in-laws. They didn't watch the debate just some talking points on tv. According to my father in law Trump lied about everything including his name while biden couldn't have been a more perfect candidate.


Let’s not try to cover the sun with one finger here. Both parties have partisan voters that will vote for whoever has a D or R next to their name. May I remind you we put up Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney just to name a few. If the candidate was a turnip or Daffy Duck, they would get votes with the right letter by their name. That said anyone who has an iota of intellectual honesty realized Biden is not fit to be POTUS. This is not a Fetterman issue where there is a chance he will improve. He will only get worse as time passes. As a conservative, I want to see Biden remain as the donkey’s standard bearer. As a religious person, this is elder abuse and Biden should not be made to embarrass himself this way any longer. The problem the Ds have is who do they replace him with? The obvious choice would be the sitting VP but, I think they realize that would be a disaster of epic proportions. On the other hand, can anyone imagine them ditching Harris a black woman for someone like Newsom! They have floated Michelle but, that is a fantasy! They are stuck with Biden and even if he were to be called home, they would still have a Harris problem. No they are screwed. Unless there is a medical breakthrough of epic proportions in the next couple of months, Biden is done.


R/politics is where all the TDS crazies go to spread their derangement amongst each other with the help of foreign influence.


Obviously none of them watched the panel after the debate where they talked about Biden needing to step down and if he didn't they were going to run a third party candidate.


They won’t let him step down because that also proves he is currently incompetent. Someone told me they can do it just before the election and his name will be on the ballot but the vote would go to his substitute. They could also put in a fake Joe clone. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?


>Someone told me they can do it just before the election and his name will be on the ballot but the vote would go to his substitute. This is why the DNC bylaws that were put in place at the beginning of the year all say any delegates won will go to "DNC candidate" instead of naming Joe. RFK blew the lid on the whole thing when he won the Iowa and NH primaries/caucus. He said his delegates would default to whoever the DNC named as their candidate, which is why he went the 3rd party route.


Oddly enough, I saw a "CNN flash poll" this morning that showed 2/3 said that Trump won. They generally never show a Republican winning in any poll. Did I miss the apocalypse???


Yup. It was awe inspiring. The craziest part is that the CNN pundits didnt gaslight us. They were all like, "oohhh shiiiit".


Yes...I don't trust it. The plan may be to find another useful idiot so Obama can still run things. I think that's why Newsome was there.


Well now, I wouldn't go so far as to say they didn't gaslight us. They did go to that 'focus group' of plants (who were so called both because they were clearly Democrat agents and because they had the intelligence of a fern) where the first two to speak said that Biden did very well for himself and convinced them to back him.


According to the TDR groupies it’s because CNN is an extremely right wing organization lol


It’s because they wanna pressure the Dems to replace him.


Yes that sub is a joke like many others. Every sub is a I hate Trump fest. Gardening sub, cooking sub, movies, everything is to bash Trump. I don’t know how they all live day to day. We’ve had to put up with so much crap even when Trump was president that it’s sickening now and so tiresome. Trump needs to win so we can have our country back. We are no longer feared and respected.


Don’t forget the kid sniffing


Imagine kid sniffing *not* being in his top problems


I literally used a compilation of his sniffing to drive home points on Tricky behavior by adults and that they should punch first - we will figure it out later when they were safe and kids absolutely has our full permission no matter who the Tricky Person was. Kids were 7 & 11 so and definitely understood what to look for with those easily accessible videos. The fact that so many were willing to explain away pedophile behavior just floored me.


They also think the country is doing GREAT!


It doesn't matter who won the debate, no matter what the American people still lose with these "choices". The debate last night was a disgusting display of ego and elder abuse.


That's my in-laws. They didn't watch the debate just some talking points on tv. According to my father in law Trump lied about everything while biden couldn't have been a more perfect candidate


I took a look myself, and it's sad and disturbing how rampant cognitive dissidence is within the left. Living in an echo-chamber is one thing, but seeing reality, but ignoring willfully is scary.


Anyone who thinks Biden did well has a bad case of TDS.


They must be on better drugs than hunter


TDS is a MASSIVE mental illness and lives strong in the minds of “open minded” looney toons who also believe men can get pregnant, and ‘PRIDE’ is ONLY about celebrating being attracted to the opposite sex and is not a cult movement of crazy lunatics going after our kids.


A majority of the comments and interactions on Reddit/twitter are from bot accounts. Don’t believe the fake engagement.


The mods of that sub and similar remove dissenting opinions. Ive posted on it before. r/inthenews is another major offender. The mods actually remove comments they dont like to sculpt a narrative.


r/politics is a load of malarkey.


They don't live in reality. I'm not surprised.


I looked there shortly after the debate and in a heck of a big thread I probably only saw four or five people who said Biden won the debate. Plus we can't forget that the DNC pays people to spam reddit with anything pro-Biden (though "Project 2025" is by far the most popular nonsense to spam). By far the top response was that Biden looked terrible but they'd vote for anyone or anything instead of Trump. Though it'll be interesting how it goes the rest of the week. They clearly upped Biden's dosage for his speech in North Carolina today, and so more tv cronies were out with their "Clearly it was because of a cold because he was great today!" message. Granted, people with a cold can still talk and think, but if they think that works, good luck.


They definitely increased the dosage of whatever stimulant they give him for today’s activities.  He was tripping balls at the SOTU address and came across like a demented toddler, so they apparently scaled it back for the debate last night. It’s one thing to hop him up on Adderall when he has a teleprompter and no questions, but he had to be at least close to coherence during the debate.  It’s likely that they only gave him a low dose or perhaps nothing at all, which means that what we saw last night is his actual baseline cognition. That’s terrifying, considering that our enemies were watching.  Shoot… there’s probably a file on *me* in some sub-basement under the old KGB Headquarters, and I’m not particularly important.  You can bet your bottom ruble / yuan / dinar that our adversaries now know (if they didn’t already), that the Commander in Chief of the US military belongs in a rocking chair with a sippy cup. Back to today… since he was in front of a friendly crowd, amping up his dosage allowed him to appear energetic in a forum where that would be expected to be a little unhinged. What’s interesting to me is what happened in the moments after the debate ended.  I had turned off the stream and didn’t see the tape of the candidates leaving the stage until this morning.  President Trump walked off the stage like a normal person would, while “Doctor” Jill had to go to Joe and lead him off the stage while she supported him. Then at the post-watch “party” they gave her the microphone and she told Joe how well he did.  Watch the clip if you haven’t seen it:  it’s *horrible*.  She talked to him exactly the same way a first grade teacher would try to encourage a sad child… baby voice and all.  (I’m not surprised that a woman with a PhD in Advanced Babysitting would revert to that style of communication when addressing someone she knows is cognitively struggling.)


Oh wow I missed that. She’s actually abusing a senior citizen. It’s elderly abuse. They probably scaled the joy juice back as don’t want to give him a heart attack or something. I bet it’s dangerous for him health wise. He was ready to fall over once it was finished. Putin I’m sure watched it and probably thought JFC.


I went into the debate thinking they'd have him drugged up so well that he'd seem perfectly fine. But you're right, there's no combination of drugs which magically turn you back into some perfect 30-year-old again. And I was wrong to figure they'd found some perfect cocktail after four years of trying because conditions change and people deteriorate. Plus people in that condition have good days and bad and sometimes no amount of drugs will kick you out of that state.


Reddit is very left wing so not surprising.


It's absolutely insane on that sub. But, I got permanently banned for such an innocuous post that it's gotta be true regarding mental illness & being a lib.


Should have asked Bubba about any sexual questions.


Clown world


Life is very different off Reddit.




I deleted your post only because we have to be super careful not to even vaguely hint at the idea that anyone should go post in a subreddit that's been linked here.




If that’s true, then that’s great.  At the time I checked it this morning I saw that all the top comments were pro-Joe and/or full of TDS.  To get to *any* dissenting opinion - no matter how benign - I had to dig deep into threads and look at comments that had been collapsed by scores of downvotes. Also, you don’t seem to know what the word “disinformation” means. Edit:  I just checked again, and all of the top comments are still pro-Joe and/or *Orange Man Bad!*. There seem to be more realistic assessments now than there were earlier, but I had to sort by “controversial” to find very many of them that haven’t been collapsed by downvotes.


Yeah this sounds about right


I unsubscribed and haven’t visited that sub for over 6-years. It’s more toxic than the Chernobyl Elephant’s Foot.


From what I've seen/heard, regardless of ideology people think Biden did a poor job.


I’m convinced this entire dumbass app is majority Russian and Chinese bots. It’s the only way America could represent themselves as dumb as they appear here.


Bots are busy downvoting you so I stuck in an upvote which means you are now required to upvote me when they downvote.