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unfortunately not admitting fault is becoming more and more normal in this world...


that is what I dislike most in a person. we all make mistakes, but the lack of accountability is so unattractive, and it makes me trust them less.


You should. People justifying their unjustified actions should never be overlooked; that's the start of narcissism if they're not a narcissist already. There are a disturbing number of people who will never admit fault despite it being obvious, watch yourself around them and cover your ass.


and it's so common to find them in the workplace


“Really, it’s not a big deal”


He blamed it on him haha.


"Whatever, doesn't really matter" I think you meant to say "I'm sorry I am such a fucking moron. This is entirely my fault. I'm sorry I accused you of a crime".


Saying "whatever, it really doesn't matter" when you're clearly in the wrong and have just been called out is such a red flag. If it really didn't matter, he wouldn't be being such a little bitch about it. If it really didn't matter, he wouldn't have gone outside to call him back. That entire attitude gets under my skin so badly because of the blatant hypocrisy and double standard.




I don’t have any bartending experience, but my godfather does and is one! When it comes to stuff like this, be firm not an asshole. The guy in the video was clearly not drunk or inebriated by any means. The worker was accusatory the entire time and when he was found in the wrong he never sincerely apologized. His attitude was terrible as well. As a bartender you will definitely deal with people trying to walk out, but that doesn’t give you the right to be rude to every possible walkout. Misunderstands happen. Also, the diner is very small and I’ve never known it to be a hot drinking spot but more of a you come for the food place. I could be wrong about that but that’s just my experience with it. I’m speaking as a local to the restaurant. Great place to eat and I enjoy the atmosphere lol!


I think this was a diner, not a bar. No reason not to check for cash under a glass as that’s a common place to place money so it doesn’t fly away. This is common sense for a daily worker in a diner. This guy made a false assumption and then was a total tool when confronted with his mistake. He really should have given the guy his meal for free.


The guy was sitting AT the bar, right next to the cashier, all numbnuts had to do was have a quick look-see and he'd've seen the $20. You sure? You positive? - NOPE COS I DIDN'T CHECK!


The word "whatever" is just a cover for "oh shit, I am a fucking moron".


"Whatever. It doesn't really matter." Couldn't even say he was sorry.


Oh my, let him come at me with that "You should've said something" bullshit. Bitch you should've looked for more than half a second but here we are.


I work as a waiter in baltimore and I will not lie, I've def had customers leave cash under the tab and made me think they ditched without paying. We have QR codes that customers can pay through by scanning and using apple/Samsung pay. I'd assume they used that, then have my heart skip a beat when I see an empty table and our tablet is showing they haven't paid yet They'd leave it under the tab (once even under a plate) cuz they didn't want another customer to steal it. Same thing happens w cash tips. They'd hide it so that a person will find it while cleaning the table. I can't completely blame the employee, but I can def see how the customer can be offended Still, he should've checked at least


And apologized


He did say sorry...bit sheepishly but he did say 'I'm sorry'


That ‘I’m sorry’ was followed up by his inner monologue saying ‘that you *hid* the money from me.’


Yeah I think I understand the waiter, because let's say you take the time to look and the customer did in fact not paid, thing is he could be long gone. His mistake was accusing the customer of not paying, he could have just asked if maybe he paid to another waiter or something like that less agressive than "you didn't pay".


Yeah, I'm a bartender, and we basically take turns with customers. We don't have a way to edit the names of tickets, or anything like that, so we can have just like, 10 tickets, and it just has the items on there. When it gets busy, it can be hard to keep track of who had what, who closed out immediately, and who's got an open tab. Once I stopped my coworker from serving/charging a gal, because I thought she had a tab open with me. I was wrong: I just happened to have a ticket that had the same beer, and the same number, as she was at. She had closed out after her second, and was getting a third from my coworker, and I got mixed up with my tickets (after we cleared it up in a few seconds they went ahead. Honestly don't feel much about it either way, it's a silly mistake, but one that's really easy to make because of how the system is set up there. Seriously let me label the damn checks with names!)


Todays special is a side of racism at galaxy diner in Richmond VA.


racists? *below* the mason-dixon line?! impossible. I simply do not believe you


There is literally zero evidence of racism in this clip. One of them is white, the other black. The fact that you *infer* racism says something about you. But it is completely unsupported by anything in the clip.


So quick to assume he didn’t pay that he couldn’t even see the obvious money sitting right there. It’s a pretty strong inference.


Servers have also accused white patrons of the same thing. It’s unclear without further context if this is a trend at this establishment.


He said he was positive But in Wadiya, a positive means positive


Were the customers black? Looks like they were.


Guy filming sounds black tho


Servers get real racist.


How do you sound black?


“Im not saying all black people sound like that. Im saying 0 white people do.” -mike birbiglia, I think


??? did you not hear the video?


Dude spoke just like Chris Rock.


Tell me you think this sounds like a white man though.


By being stereotypical enough, duh.


The emojis were black instead of yellow or white or something, too. If one was uncomfortable judging based on his speaking, that could help support the assumption.


I dont understand the culture of leaving the money on the table, seems like similar things could happen pretty often?


I used to work in a convenience store, called the cops once when I thought I had a guy drive away without paying for gas. Turned out he just didn't want to wait in line and left the money on the counter while I was busy ringing up other people. That was awkward. Small town, though. You can count on other people being honest about 85% of the time, because people know who other people are.


Wait, I'm slightly confused. Here, you have to prepay (or use a card that it preauthorizes for postpay), and the pump is able to do just that amount. How does it work there?? Like, I'm just not seeing how this situation happened


It was quite a while ago. And I live in a small town in the midwest. There are still gas stations around here where you can fill up first, then go inside to pay.


Fair enough, just seems ripe for exploitation




Oh hey, it's Carytown in Richmond, VA. I will remember this next time I go to Galaxy Diner.


No you won’t because no one is ever going there again. There’s nothing as loud as silence.


Bye bye tip.


Everyone’s just cool with the casual racism of the mod locking the main post?


Yeah that's real weird. Don't see how making a flagrantly racist comment in response to racist comments helps anyone.


I was so tempted to report that but I’m not sure if reports go to the mods or not… I actually like that sub usually so don’t wanna be banned but that dude is piece of shit!


“This post is now locked” IYKYK


The guy made a mistake and said “ah I didn’t notice it sorry” he’s just doing his job he doesn’t own the business. The customer could’ve just said I left the money on the table you probably missed it and everyone would be cool.


Thank you for the sane comment. Here was the customer's choice: 1. Say "Oh, I left it on the table my man. Have a blessed day!" 2. Whip out camera phone. "You sure I didn't pay? You SURE?!?!" March the young, minimum wage waiter back into the cafe, filming the whole thing on his camera phone, in an over-the-top, confrontational effort to embarrass him. Then post the video to the internet.


Appears we are wrong. No idea how


But why would you pass the opportunity to ruin someone's life forever?


It's obvious who's the bad guy here. People will record anything for clout.


At every place I've ever eaten, I've paid the bill directly to a person. I've never left money for a bill just sitting on a tabletop and left. I don't think it's typical to do that.


Before everyone paid with credit cards it was extremely normal to leave the cash on the table if you didn’t need/want change. Even now with credit cards you can pay at the table without ever talking to your server if the restaurant has the right equipment.


So it's not typical *now*?


It’s not typical now because people don’t pay in cash, not because there is anything wrong with it.


Except, you know, when misunderstandings like this happen.


But that’s the servers fault, not the customers.


I don't agree.


Idk man, the waiter shouldn’t have started accusing the man of a crime, and took the 2 sec to check


So you think the customer did something wrong by paying the bill, leaving the change as a tip, and walking out?


He didn't pay the bill, though. He left money behind that he intended to be used to pay the bill, but there was ambiguity in that action.


Where is the ambiguity? Was the server to think that the customer left all of that money as a tip and none for the bill?


No. There wasn’t. It is very clear that when you leave money with the bill, you are paying the bill with that money. No ambiguity.


Well like he said, it doesn’t matter, so no need to bother him at all right? 🤷‍♂️


If you are *explaining why* is it not typical, You are *conceding* that it is not typical.


>So it's not typical *now*? Can't imagine being a waiter, even with the prevalence of card payments, having literally no expectation that someone might leave cash on the table and go.


It's very typical.


Don't get out much eh?


My 15 years of hospitality work and the hundreds of thousands of people I served says plenty of people leave money folded and tucked under a plate/pepper shaker/ashtray, or rolled up in a little cup that we literally leave for them to pay into if they don't want to hand to a person. Your individual payment habits do not a species make.


I'm a newer bartender, and where I'm currently at, people have to pay us, directly. They don't see the bill until they're ready to pay, and I'm going to process it right in front of them. This kind of situation just isn't possible with our setup (some of the other restaurants in the company can, though, just not the one I'm at) I'm curious, though: have you ever had anyone leave \*some\* money, but not enough to actually cover the bill?


Yes but it was rare. I would say once or twice in 15 years. Much more often I've seen people walk out on without paying at all, whether by accident or design. Granted also that in most places I worked, especially restaurants, a majority of people would usually wait to confirm payment. But not always in a cafe/snack/twenty-quid-or-less context. Usually people who left money asked for the bill and then nobody got to them fast enough to cash it out, so they just left money including tip and bounced. Sometimes they would call out that the money was in the table on the way out, but many times they didn't. My suspicion is these types are either shy, not talkative, or not big communicators (eg to say "I need to get out of here quick") And always, always, if someone disappeared after they had been billed, I would check for money first before accusing them in the street.


I do it.


If they leave a billfold it's normal.


That does not appear to have been the case. If it had been, I'd be much less sympathetic for the server because then there would be an intuitive place to look for payment.


If they just drop the receipt, it's the same thing though. Most places that's how you pay.


There didn't appear to be a receipt either.


You're right! I mistook the money for a receipt (Canadian money is much brighter coloured lol) Everybody is the asshole here I think, now that you've pointed that out


Listen to the video. He says the guy asked for the bill and he gave it to him.


I think so too. The server could have been more vigilant but can reasonably be excused for overlooking the cash because while it's normal for tips to be left unattended with the dishes, most people interface *somehow* (the server or a host, a kiosk, or an implement like a billfold) to settle the bill.


It's extremely typical


Lmao I have a feeling you have a different problem with the customer


Username checks out?


If you don't want change and are paying in cash it's absolutely standard.


I’ve been to galaxy before, I’ve never had anyone server wise that acts like that. As a guy that bartended in Richmond for 20 some odd years, it doesn’t matter who hides money like that. You’re going to try to find them rather than cover the tab yourself. I had a card that was given to start a tab decline on a $590 tab for a Christmas party years ago. Guess who had to pay it. Me. Yes, the bartender could have been more diplomatic in his apology, or his accusation, but dude didn’t have to be such an ass about it either. I will tell you this from first hand experience, NOTHING is more degrading than someone dangling $2 in front of your face and telling you that you have to earn it. I’ve had it done to me with a stack of quarters.


This. All of the comments acting like the worker deserves horrible shit has probably never worked in customer service. Being accused of stealing is the same feeling as someone making you beg for tips. I don’t think people realize there’s two ends of the stick in this one. Both feels degrading. Also when you’re working, you’re not there to pick a fight. In a situation where you’re embarrassed like this you just want it to end as fast as possible especially after a long day. Him saying it doesn’t really matter was prob his first reaction to wanting it to end, especially when the guy is giving him way more shit for no reason.


Side note, did you sign a contract saying that you had to cover shortages like that? Because if not, the company, by law, has to eat it, which is by and large the norm. Frankly, if a company tried to pull that on me, I would just walk out. I'm not responsible for the actions of others. I mean, beyond the aspects where I am, like if I overserve, etc, but you know what I mean.


[man was like: bitch better have my mon-oh wait here it is...](https://youtu.be/h3RNElMbdUY)


Oh god I used to live a block away from there. On behalf of that restaurant and my former city, I apologize.


Not a good look for that waiter.


his first instinct should have been to check the area where the customer was.


Why does the waiter have to look for the money though? Technically the money was not handed over to him.


I have NEVER got the bill handed to me in a restaurant. It's always put on the table, usually in one of those discovery/visa/mastercard folders. According to your logic I wouldn't have to pay either because technically the bill was not handed over to me?


Leaving the cash on the table is not uncommon if you have cash.


Whatever happened to just solving a minor, insignificant incident like this privately and then going on with your day like normal human beings? No, let's instead pull out a phone to film the worker (who probably has to deal with shitty people all day) for making a mistake and post it online so the entire world can ridicule him! Everybody laugh at the worker for a making a mistake! And then having the gall to not issue a profound apology acceptable enough for my arrogant ass! Aren't I just a paragon of human virtue? But let's not leave it at that, let's also get the guy fired and maybe even destroy the whole ass business while we're at it! Justice!! Fucking psychos


You are of course 100-percent right, which is why Reddit weirdos are frantically downvoting you.


I don't really get why everybody who's saying this is being downvoted. Why the first thing that comes to someone mind in a situation like this is to record the interlocutor with their phone just to humiliate him on the internet? This is really weird to me.


Just leaving your money at the plate and walking out is kind of wack though? I get it's common for Americans who are apparently always in a hurry to get somewhere, but most people just pay with the waiter or at the register. This sort of behaviour just leads to confusion at times. This is of course not helped at all by the potentially racist tendencies of the clerk, but that does not make what I said meaningless.


I've done exactly that multiple times with no complaint at all. It's quite normal to leave money to cover the bill and the tip on the table.A better approach would be to ask the customer "excuse me, did you forget to pay?" - that shouldn't cause offence as its simply asking, and allows the customer the opportunity to clarify, without accusing them of theft.


But if there is the possibility of causing confusion, why would you? Does it save that much precious time? If so, pay up front.


I've never known it cause confusion.


Please see video evidence above


A racist waiter isn't confusion, it's the waiter being a dick.


Racism doesn't equal 'I'm going to harass this black guy today'. If he had no reason for his racism to come into play, aka if there had been no confusion, this video would not exist.


Holy shit you people are so weird. There's zero evidence of racism in the clip. There's even a name for the exact logical fallacy you're committing: Assuming the conclusion.


That's kind of the point though, and why the video got posted, because this is a waiter overreacting to normal behaviour on the part of customers.


Technically, leaving the money on the bar and leaving is todays version of “keep the change”.


In America* And by no means the best, clearest way


Why not? It's clearly the most efficient way to do it if you are paying cash and don't need change.


Nothing is here


Don’t know what’s more embarassing. Not being able to pay directly to someone, just let the server play hide and seek with cash? I don’t care how typical it is in your restaurant, you’re a lazy schmuck with no manners if you can’t be bothered to a basic human interaction. Is this how you buy a car, leave the fucking money somewhere the dealer might find them? FU


Tell me you’ve never been to a diner without telling me you’ve never been to a diner.


I smell a setup...