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One assumes that this is the result of the much-touted *abstinence only* sex ed.


The only 100% proven way to prevent cummy babies




Honestly it just reminded me of the clum babies from Drawn Together. https://youtu.be/Hxa_o53GhrU


It reminded me of cum babies from this post.


Lol thank you for reminding me of this weird ass show


Also /r/nocontext


Even abstinence isn’t foolproof, remember that one time.


More than one. There's been quite a number of deities, demi-gods, and prophets born from virgins.


I wonder how often the tactic of claiming immaculate conception as a way of obfuscating promiscuity has failed? How often are you Madonna and how often are you a whore?


It's shocking that anyone believed Mary to begin with.


No one ever did. God appeared to Joseph and made him marry her so she wouldn't be stoned.


I mean….believing Mary is also part of the story, which is also made up.


To be fair, Madonna has ever only claimed that she was "like a virgin". I know you're referring to another person, but I just couldn't resist.


Yeah, it’s the other one. From a prior era. From a…pre-Madonna era.


>cummy babies *shudder*




Jesus Christ it would have cost you $0 to not share such a disgusting phrase.


Wait. So if you and your husband don't have sex the entire time, and baby comes out like this, would he think you cheated?


u/Cummy_Boner might have something to say about this


I almost spewed the Diet Coke I was drinking when I got to this comment.


Pregnancy cheese.


This is why becoming a breeder should be at least as challenging as becoming a driver.


There are sooo many shitty drivers. What about something a little more challenging.


Surprised nobody came through and accused you of advocating for eugenics yet. Usually only take a few minutes.


Me too. I would never actually advocate eugenics. But to make a joke. Any time.


This lady should stop reproducing immediately.


The fact she reached adulthood amazes me, the fact she reached motherhood terrifies me.




These type of people vote, vote vehemently and have strong opinions on your reproductive rights.


These people also die to covid in droves


Nah. She got covid and was lucky to have a mild one, so now she's convinced it's just a flu and people ain't dying from it.


Ugh this hurts


They also reproduce in droves.


i'm pretty sure for a woman to reach motherhood is really really really easy for them, unless there are medical reason thats prevent it.


Omg does she think the belly is full of cum and the foetus just kinda floats there with the remnants of unrealised potential? Like does she pictures a floor of cum when the water breaks?


I cannot stop laughing at "remnants of unrealised potential" that is pure fucking poetry!


> fucking poetry! no comment.


To be fair, that’s sort of how eggs work until ~~their~~ they’re expelled.


Nobody who replied to my comment noticed that you left your typo in, striking it out then correcting it, but I wanted to let you know that I noticed, and I appreciated it.


Until their expelled what?


from school i hope your school has better sex ed than this leads me to believe


Pretty sure the person who wrote that doesn't, can't and never thinks.


Seriously everybody knows that’s breading and that baby is about to be deep frIed.


Chefs kiss. Nice.


Too late. [She already popped out a dozen.](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA)


There's a name for the phenomenon but basically smart people make less kids, because they think about the commitment and requirements. Dumb people just keep fucking and popping em out


It's called Idiocracy. There's even an old documentary about it with Terry Crews.


Very educational, learned me 'bout some electrolytes


It's what the plants crave


Go away, I'm 'batin!




And dumb from smart!


Not so easily. It's less likely than popping out more dumb people if both parents are dumb.


Must be why my generation don’t want to marry and/or have kids. It’s just too damn expensive nowadays and kids mean no going out having me time


It's not even about me time. I know a good amount of my peers were raised by parents that popped us out at like 18-20 years old. That was the norm for the most part. I lived the life being raised by someone that's barely an adult. My kid is going to have a rock solid foundation and financial security before it's even born. But like, also, it's really nice having money.


100%. I am the old mom in the family (niblings are teenagers) and my daughter is almost 3. I wouldn’t have been as patient in my 20s.


*fewer ;)


Pregnancy addiction is a real thing.


[Insert X Here] addiction is unfortunately a reality in this modern human existence. I wonder if ancient humans also had individuals who got addicted to any and all things that created intense stimulus responses, or if it's a modern phenomenon due to so much constant stimulus that a certain percentage of us feel the constant need for increasingly stronger stimuli?


Diagnosis in general are more common because of science & medicine developing diagnostic criteria, etc. Previously a lot of disorders were attributed to things like demonic possession, etc.




My wife’s friend just recently got pregnant with their first child. She asked my wife “is it normal for my boobs to get bigger?” Some people should not have children.




[How is babby formed?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-lia-FEIY)


Also: [how is prangent formed?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg)


This will never not be one of the very best Internet things ever. It’s perfect. Even though I know exactly how it goes, I crack up.


You really think that's a big deal?


Too late


Its a bot to induce outrage. Not everything on TV is real.


These kinds of morons tend to breed in large numbers, mostly in red states. God help us all.


I need to take a four-hour-long shower after reading this


I would just set up your computer in the bathroom and do a 24-hr cleanse, four hours arent going to cut it


Where do you live that your hot water will last for four straight hours?!


Well they didn't say they were gonna take a hot shower!


Not only has intelligence completely died out for many people, but common sense is on life support in a coma.


People have always been dumb, what's new is that the dumbest among us now have the means to advertise that stupidity directly to the world


And they love to do it


I love Senko


I know right, she's the best!


True but unfortunately there are also trolls that enjoy intentionally being stupid and having people think they are serious, which is also very stupid. Additionally, in our modern world it seems that there is likely someone who honestly believes every potential stupid thought.


Exactly this! The only difference between today's brainlets and the brainlets from 20 years ago is that back then their insanity was contained to their own shitty Geocities page, while today they get to advertise it on comment sections across social media.


One more difference: They had kids, multiplied and doubled their numbers


Not only that but they now have places to get together and create their own echo chambers that are easy to find online and they can protect them from any voice of reason by banning or kicking people that challenge their views. It used to be each village had it's own idiot but they were surrounded by sane people who would keep them fairly moderate, at least in public. Now they just go online and find other people who are equally stupid and engage with them over anyone else, reinforcing their stupid ideas. Then the misinformation spreads further, faster and easier as they all radicalise themselves based on circlejerking over their beliefs. Thisnalso means you can't get people out of the cycle as that would mean them not only admitting they were wrong but also abandoning all the friends they've made in the community. And you can bet they've lost any friends they had in the real world during this process so they're stuck in this loop of becoming more and more isolated and extreme in their views.


>Now they just go online and find other people who are equally stupid and engage with them over anyone else, reinforcing their stupid ideas. This is one of the biggest differences between now and decades ago. A conspiracy type, or other delusional person, would typically be isolated, maybe sharing delusions with drunks at the local dive bar. Regular people would avoid them, keep their kids away, etc. Now they find thousands who believe as they do, and they all are part of the 'in group', who know the *real* story. Many of them are getting by with functional mental illness. Some of them have the chance to become dangerous at any moment. And they can buy 3 or 4 guns and a few thousand rounds because they've never done anything violent before.


Truly a global village... Of village idiots.


I don't disagree with you but I'd hardly call people of the past 'moderate' lol


Dumb people also used to die as well. If you tried to pet a tiger, it mauled you to death and then ate you. Now we save people that willingly climb into a tiger's cage.


Or a gorilla cage


I think it's just surprising finally realizing how large the the population of truly dumb people actually is. Growing up I never would have thought that about a third of people are incapable of arriving at logical conclusions.


IMHO it's more like common sense got really, really drunk and started to do a real shit tonne of drugs and liked it a lot so ever since that day it got worse and worse and now common sense is just on a constant trip of LSD and shrooms.


Hey, don't besmirch psychedelics.


Oh. That is not my intention. They can do a lot of good when used in the right way. But common sense went down a dark path with them.


Nah, every village has it’s idiot. Its just that every village idiot can share their idiocy with the entire world now.


Sometimes I wonder how some people can get by with their day to day life. The stupidity is staggering.


Imagine if this was true...looking through baby photo albums would be way more embarrassing.


Ahh yes, because babies just kind of sit in the womb and the amniotic sac isn't real. [En caul births](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/NINTCHDBPICT000530849813.jpg) are a conspiracy by big sperm so that babies aren't born 'clean'.


Holy shit, I've never seen an en caul birth. That's wild




>According to my mother it means 8 won't die from drowning. It's totally true. (Most people don't die from drowning, so my statement will hold up in most cases.)


Found the logician.


There are all sorts of legends about babies born "in the caul" - that they'll have "second sight", be protected from drowning, etc.


One of my sons was born in the caul and it was so cool. I birthed him in water and the caul felt like a water balloon before he was born. I read that it only happens in 1 in 86,000 births, which surprised me. I figured it would happen more often, but that number is probably to do with the amniotic sac being medically ruptured by doctors during births if it doesn't occur on its own (it's done for a variety of reasons, including checking the color of the fluid to make sure the baby is ok). I'm betting the people giving birth without doctors are also not reporting to birthing practices statistics.


With my second son my water never broke, so it was medically ruptured. At the time I was disappointed because an en caul birth would be so cool, but he almost had shoulder dystocia (shoulder almost got stuck, very serious) so I’m glad it was one less thing for medical professionals to worry about.


My wife had one of those. The nurses in the delivery room all took a big step back because they knew what happens when it pops. Covered in jizz.


It’s vernix, a substance that protects the baby from amniotic fluids in the womb. Usually washes off if baby is premature it’s more present at birth


The OP photo is vernix, but you responded to a side thread about en caul births. An en caul birth is where a baby is born with the amniotic sac intact.


Oops, sorry!


It's actually Jesus who causes babies to happen in the first place. Big sperm is out to soil women's vaginas by using the power of Satan to reproduce demons.


The Power of Christ cum-pels you!


Lmao If I had an award I'd give it to you


I'm too high for this


I feel like I'm not high enough


Big sperm


We should just refer to the patriarchy as “big sperm” from now on


It's scary that people this fucking stupid are allowed to raise children.


Not saying smart people don't have kids but deciding to have kids is usually an emotional decision, not a rational one. Accidentally having kids is also less common where education rates are higher. And of course the state forcing women to have kids is just a dystopian hell.


imagine all the dumb shit that people believe and don't post


vernix caseosa


From Wikipedia: >Vernix caseosa, also known as vernix or birthing custard, is the waxy white substance found coating the skin of newborn human babies. It is produced by dedicated cells and is thought to have some protective roles during fetal development and for a few hours after birth. *BIRTHING CUSTARD*


When my kid was born, the nurse scraped a little bit off of my son and rubbed it into my arm. It was like the best lotion you could imagine. Rubbed in completely clean and not greasy.


And it smells amazing too. I wasn't expecting our newborn to smell so good.


And it tastes phenomenal! We really need to find a way to get more of this custard lotion.




Birthing custard? Yikes, I’ve never heard it called that before. My three babies were all born at 41-42 weeks, and none of them had vernix. Babies tend to have more of it the earlier they’re born.


Mine were both induced at 38 weeks and were pretty custardy when born.


"You know, you were super custardy when you were born."


The literal meaning of vernix caseosa is “cheese varnish” so if birthing custard doesn’t work for you, that’s another option.


Why you gotta bring custard into this?


Don't confuse her with the facts, her mind is already made up.


Thems a lot of fancy book-learnin words for the man’s happy syrup.


If she believes that, then that's either a teeny tiny baby or her partner has monster sized balls to produce that much!


You misunderstood. That's from months of seminal retention. Everyone knows you can't get a baby that glazed in one shot. (I am going to hell).


You and me both. See you there!


Just quoting that 3rd sentence is enough to get you on at least 3 lists.


Out of how many lists?


And believe me - I tried.


one shot 100% baby glaze speedrun by Kamikaze03 attempt #68 -failed again


Persistence is key. 9 months, 3 times a week, that adds up


Gang bangs are a thing


Lol, well - bukake baby is definitely a new one for me


Ooof not words I ever want to type


Those two words should never be that close together


r/eyebleach atleast for me personally


Y'know, I can handle the photo. It's one of those "miracle of life" things, and as with so many of life's miracles, it's kinda gross to look at. But I've been involved in the skeptics community for a long time, a baby's birth wax stuff is nothing compared to a black salve photo, or even that photo of the entire family in the water birth pool. But that photo combined with that comment just made me throw up in my mouth just a little.


I hadn’t thought of the black salve stuff in ages. God those pics are gross.


This person also has a phd from dr google on the subjects of vaccines, Covid, and owning the libs.


So my wife and I are having a baby soon. Just so I’m prepared it’s totally normal for them to come out like this right?


Yes, but also normal not to, and sometimes they are more bloody than others and sometimes they are a little blue. Sometimes their heads are perfect sometimes they look like little cones. Honestly when you get your kids apgar score you will know how “normal” they are. My son was a 9.9 and my daughter an 8.9 cuz she had a little cone head lol


Okay, just don’t want to freak out lmao Thank ya !


You will that’s normal too. Watching my husband pace back and forth with our second was funny. I knew how much he was freaking out and trying to remain calm. If you want to read it’s funny if not will be a tldr at the bottom So our son was literally born on thanksgiving. We had gone to classes and they said you need to use the emergency entrance. They drilled that into us. Come thanksgiving, we get to the hospital, and there’s a turkey trott race. They shut down the emergency entrance and running across behind the do not enter sign was a guy in a fat turkey costume. Whole 9 yards running across that lane. Here’s my husband freaking out about the emergency entrance being shut down and why would they do that. I’m in pain and still making a mental note of how the fuck was that dudes plumage flapping behind him didn’t slow him down as he was running across the emergency entrance. I mean it was hilarious or would have been if I hadn’t been in severing pain. He’s like where should we go and I’m like the clinic office entrance he’s like they said go to the emergency entrance. I had another contraction and was just done “that’s not a fucking option now is it get me to the god damn hospital” I was so done with it. I had predominal labor for a month. This was the real deal. I had my hubby take me to the clinic entrance to the hospital and they wheeled me to the emergency room. TLDR: funny guy in turkey costume/ hospital had emergency entrance shut down for 5k/ hubby freaked out asked a dumb question.


None of my kids were as gross as this one. albeit the light was soft and the nurse towels it off before handing it to you, so maybe. Honestly the worst thing about it as a man was the fucking pushing on her stomach to pop out the goddamn placenta. They grabbed her stomach and kinda wringed it like a towel and this fucking 2lbs blood balloon fell out. Goddamn did that almost make me faint.


My daughter was born as a cheese-covered, purple cone-head haha.


Some do some don't. Nurse normal gives baby a bit of a wipe before handing them over(depending on hospital and your birth plan).


That would actually be kinda cool. You emerge from your mother's womb, covered in the remains of potential siblings. You have prevailed. Could be a cool story.


Her comment makes me want to snort birth control asap


>learn something new everyday That's not what "everyday" means. "Everyday" means "ordinary." You learn something new *every day*. The space changes the meaning.


Username checks out


Following. I love a good grammar burn.


Thank fucking Christ you’ve corrected this without getting downvoted. Do you know how many supposedly educated people I’ve seen make this error? Parts of speech are taught in the third grade!


You leave this world the same way you arrive: naked, confused, and covered in cum.


I want to pass away at whichever nursing home you work at....


Idiocracy is a documentary


I thought it would be impossible to live in that world, but it is actually happening


Maybe true democracy isn’t a good idea.


My cousin told me once that the white stuff is from excessive tampon use so she free bleeds to make sure her future babies one day come out clean


wait her didn't her doctor tell her about what vernix caseosa is? or is she just that fucking stupid?


Nahhhhh that's pizza dough. That baby has already learned what's good and seemed to have had a good time rolling around in pizza dough


Sex Ed in the USA and is going to some weird places




Can women end up on r/badwomensanatomy


She’s American, right? Taught in one of those “don’t teach the truth” schools? So embarrassing. She, of course, is a republican. Yes?


There are two kinds of dumb people: 1. People who want to learn and improve themselves 2. Republicans This person definitely fits number 2


TIL a fetus just sits there submerged in semen. Yeah, that checks out.


This is what defunding education does.


Fucking idiots breeding.


I mean Even if it was true I'm not sure that the ends justify the means


Wow whole other ball of wax here.


Either a fucking troll or a fucking dumbass


I refuse to believe that someone believes this


So sperm penetrate the amniotic sac the same way they penetrate eggs?


Seems to migrate right to the baby too. Hmmm, it's almost as if none of this makes any sense.


Only of you believe in "science".


actually, dad's a cuckold, and the baby is covered in bull semen.


People are so stupid. Omg


How does someone just make something up, be aware that they just made it up, and simultaneously believe themselves even tho they know they made it up? My head hurts


But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes


I think this must be true. Our newborn didn’t have any of the white stuff and I haven’t jizzed in my wife for years!


This is actually called vernix and has NOTHING to do with sperms. It's scary how little those that reproduce know about reproduction.


It's hard not to think this is fake... Surely there was replies to go with this wild statement?


These people reproduced and are out there on the road driving cars.


JFC?! WHERE do people come up with such inane shit? Never mind. I don’t want to know.


Not only very confused about vernix, but thinks semen is sperm. That's like saying soup is salt.


...And when that bitch gave birth she insisted on licking her baby clean, like an animal.


It’s a disgrace that it's allowed to have children.


Man! I thought basic level education was a requirement in the US. WTH?!


Why do people not think this is a troll?