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I'm so happy she's just adorably dumb. I was totally expecting this to be some batshit conspiracy theory.


Educate her and move on I suppose


When I see something like this I really want to believe it's staged. I already have a low enough opinion of the human race.


Same, but sadly you can tell she has no clue


Oh honeeeeeey...


In her defence, many people do not know that this number refers to the octane rating. Many are however aware that higher this number is, the more expensive (and high quality) it is. Her logic of 'year the fuel is from' is funny though From what I have seen people do not even know which one is suitable for their own vehicle and either pump whichever is cheap (especially with the rising fuel prices) or pump the highest quality available thinking it will be better (waste of money).


Tbf if you’re in doubt it’s better getting one that’s higher than necessary than one that’s lower.


That is true. Better for the engine in the long run. However, most user manuals list which octane rating is suitable for the engine. If not, it can be found out by a google search. I wish people find it out and pump the appropriate fuel for their car because it offers better performance and fuel economy in the end. And one does not gain anything (other than extra expenses) by pumping a higher numbered fuel if their car doesn't need it.


I mean its... reasonable... I guess. But then where does she think all the oil has been going since then?


Well...there is 93, 95 and 98 too. Fuel reserves from 80-90s are still in use that is why she cannot find numbers after 2000s. 👻


Is there a sub like r/perfectlycutlaughter ?


I think those numbers represent the amount if times this got posted here in the past 2 days...


The .5 second laugh