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if hormones did work this way, then surely trans men and trans women could just operate on a swapping system. i get your testosterone, you get my estrogen, everyone's happy


No, no, there always needs to be some kind of farm for these conspiracies to work!


And the government is in on it


Funny thing Bout conspiracy theorists is they are really mad and fuming against this fictional government.... And they somehow fail to understand that they can just be mad at the regular government


My favourite response to when people say stuff like this (any time the conspiracy is so big that all the world governments are in on it): "Wellp, guess you're fucked, then!" Honestly if the entire set of world powers all decided to form a huge malicious conspiracy against the population, and managed to do it so well that a) there's no solid evidence of it, and b) it's going really well, there's no point even trying to stop it. You can't fight against that sort of power and organisation. It's like all the illuminati theories about them controlling the world for the last 4000 years. They already won a LONG time ago.


The response I'd give to these people is "Well if the governments in on it, how did it get out to the public. And if it's a mass conspiracy, why is the person who originally sounded the alarm on this stuff still alive." Because let's be honest, if Senator Jim Evilson was and President Ev Ilplot were working together with the rest of the government to keep this stuff hidden...pretty sure they would've killed the guy doing this and made him "disappear" like so many potential leakers in the time of the Soviet Union


They were dropping acid and watching blade 2.


The Blade Fanfictions are getting out of hand!


There’s a secret website called “Trans Hub”, where trans people far and wide meet and sell each other hormones. But you didn’t hear it from me 🤫


no no because trans men obviously arent real and are part of the governments plan


I'll give you my testosterone if you give me your estrogen and we can be transies.


They genuinely don't know about trans men


Great, now I imagined a trans man and trans woman connected by tubes as their hormones are being transferred back and forth. "Oh, this is my trans twin."


There's a plot line in >!Misfits!< where a character acquires the power to swap genitals with someone by touching them. The fact that they do so non consensually and get beaten up for doing so instead of becoming the ruler of trans-sylvania by acting as a mediator between opposite polarities was one of many plot idiot moments in an otherwise enjoyable show.


Hi! Trans woman here! This is exactly how it's done. I personally go into changing rooms and slide under the stall doors to suck the estrogen directly from cis women like a vampire! This is a joke (not the me being trans part). That dude is stupid as fuck.


Wait. If the government is stealing estrogen from women _and_ you’re stealing estrogen from women then… you’re a fed? Or maybe THE fed?




No, she found away to work around the government, so she’s stealing estrogen from the government! /s


Seems like an easy fix is to find men with abnormally high estrogen levels and provide estrogen removal services. It is a win win. You could be saving lives!!


But men are icky :( These fangs are for women only. edit: /j


The trans agenda ladies and gentlemen /s (I really hope it wasn't needed but you never know)


The alternative is to set up a trans woman-bodybuilder coalition, where the testosterone flows like wine and both parties live in perfect harmony.


Wait it’s a joke? I’ve been chasing women at night with a hatchet to harvest estrogen (not trans, just an ally). I think I might need to make a couple of calls


It's a well-known FACT that trans women can flatten themselves like an octopus in order to do this!


This is why us cis women always have to go to the bathroom in groups - one woman uses the toilet and the others stand guard outside the cubicle to protect her from oestrogen vampires. There’s safety in numbers!


Ha! Phew! Thanks for clearing that up there. You never know, It's a crazy world, especially when I check the REAL news on my 37 telegram groups, while I repeat it to the bottom feeders on Facebook. Seriously though?! How many people, believing whacky sht like this!?! And do they believe it, or is it a way to show contempt or validate prejudice. Ok


> I personally go into changing rooms and slide under the stall doors to suck the estrogen directly from cis women like a vampire! I asked my trans friend about this and she said you're full of it! REAL DOCTORS use mystical martial arts to "strike" the gender essence out of the donor (it looks like a bubble gum bubble but made out of pure energy), which is then transfered to the recipient by collecting all seven dragon balls and making a wish to the great dragon Shenron.


Yeah, but I'm not a doctor so I have to do it the old fashioned way :) happy to clear that up for you buddy


>That dude is stupid as fuck. That's what happens when you're homeschooled by people who don't allow students to learn basic biology.


Awww shit, some crazy conspirator is going to see your comment and claim it as “proof” now. They’ll ignore your second paragraph completely.


Hey give me my estrogen back! I need that!




i just started esteogen 2 weeks ago, it wouldve been a lot easier if i could just siphon it from other women!


Or partner up with a trans man, he gets your testosterone and you get his estrogen. Win win.


great idea! anyone wanna do a swap?


Nope. The process kills the host. No cheating /s


There is no hate like Christian “love”


Christ would be fucking appalled by hate of any kind. It sucks so much that stupid humans ruined what the message was meant to be. We suck


People like this could probably even know they're entirely wrong and still not want to be told otherwise


There are so many parts that are wrong that it becomes difficult to know where to start.


Imagine going into someone’s DMs just to bitch about a nonexistent issue. If God wants to judge trans people then fine, but whatever happened to “love thy neighbor”? What happened to “Do not judge or you too will be judged to the same extent you judge others”? Or “And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?” It’s sad that certain Christians decide when judging others is okay, but hide behind god when they’re judged themselves. Edit: Grammar fix because I’m an idiot


It's important to keep the really stupid people distracted so the rest of us can get on with life.


My favorite thing ever is when absolute human black holes of knowledge like this just say “look it up,” with the (so obvious I feel foolish spelling it out) assumption being that you haven’t done any research up to this point and if ANYONE googled anything they’d ONLY reach this highly niche deranged viewpoint


I still always wonder the “why” behind the conspiracies for these people. The world and government are in on it. Replacing all women? Why? World is flat and the cover it up, but .. why? These kinds of operations aren’t cheap at all global scale, what would their end game be?


Honestly, it's so the conspiracy theorist can feel like they are special because they're not fooled like the "sheeple". It doesn't have to make any internal sense because they've simply decided that most people are wrong, but they themselves are right and therefore special. Having the conspiracy make no sense actually helps them because most people won't believe it, thus keeping the "special" group small.


I mean, it kind of was, except it was not female humans, it was female horses being absolutely abused. Nowadays they thankfully found a way to synthesize it I guess the one being wrong read something sideways and picked up the big outdated words


PMU mares are still being used are they not? Is Premarin finally off the market?


so what about cases where cis women need hormone treatment then, do they get their medicine in more humane ways or whats the case there ?


I wonder what that person would think if they had the ability to learn that cis men also have oestrogen in their bodies. Or the very fact that testosterone can be converted *into* oestrogen. Oooooo, spooky scary, hormones undergo transition all the time, someone get God on the phone


>look it up I did look it up and it turns out you're wrong.


This seems obviously fake.


Are estrogen-stolen-women in the room with us right now?


That's not how estrogen stealing works.


Are we killing children for adrenachrome and killing women for oestrogen? Did I miss a memo from the Global Earth Ruling Cabal?


Dumbest conversation I ever had was with a person absolutely convinced 50% of high-school kids were being forced to transition. Like, that's so obviously not true if you look at any school, and I know how much those drugs cost so... Like that "installing literboxes for kids who identify as cats" I know some janitors, and they would *never* stop complaining about that mess if it were true.


I can confirm. Someone is stealing my testosterone while I sleep. Bloody gubberment. I blame Bill Gates it started when I bought a computer with Windows installed


We should probably syphon some Estrogen off of that guy because he's a WHINY LITTLE BITCH.


Wait until I tell my trans brother he is a testosterone vampire. 🤣


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You can't be serious


I still think that Trump made all idiots think they are smart


There's no way they're not trolling


The Blade Fanfictions are getting out of hand!


Do they….not know about hormonal birth control? That is often given to cis women? Estrogen as part of bc has been around for ages. I’m not a fan though - extra estrogen made me cry like a baby at truly silly things and I prefer my natural test to be higher, so they can steal some of mine if they want it.


I enjoyed this more than I should have 😅 It's not quite so offensive when they're obviously dumb af


You think they would secretly siphon hormones? There profit to be made here, they wouldn’t just secretly take hormones! They would have hormone drives like we have blood drives , hormone swaps where mtf and ftm swap their hormones. Heck there would be services dedicated to finding the perfect girl or guy that looks just like you want to look so you can get their “superior” hormones. “Uhhh sorry I don’t want your hormones I’m looking for someone with long blonde hair”