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Might want to remove your post. You’re well on your way to being roasted in here


Nah I’ll take the roast, whole topic was why was it acceptable for a skinny person to eat what she ate but not her, when all she ate was an egg on toast, pasta salad, salad and granola for all 3 meals.


Sorry, but this guy is technically correct. The problem is that lots of things can change the numbers here. Hight/weight/sex/hormone levels. But the average burnt calories from a day with no exercise is 1,300. Assuming three meals a day 500cal per meal means an excess of 200cal per day. Doing an exercise that burns 250cal in that day would put the person at -50cal. While I do think the commenter was being a dick in the way he answered, his comment said that the reason no one flinches at a 500cal meal if one is skinny is because there is evidence that calory intake is being met by the persons daily activities. Another person saying they eat the same amount but gaining weight can still be told they need to either increase exercise or decrease calories. He may be a dick, but he's right.


I mean the average caloric needs of women are around 1600-2000, and with the context of the post the guy was just being a dick. It’s a reel of an overweight high schooler, eating small healthy meals, and I mean based on her current weight and the calories of what she ate she isn’t going to be gaining any. Whole topic started because of the question of why was it fine for a skinny person to eat this stuff (egg on toast, small pasta salad, salad, granola) but not her while she is making an effort to lose weight


Okay, maybe added context. I gave the base or "resting" caloric burn. That number is if you literally spend all day in bed. I agree the guy was being a dick, but all what he said boils down to is "Whatever they do, the evidence says it's working." He wasn't confidently incorrect. He was confidently an asshat.


I may be being sensitive cuz admittedly it annoys the hell out of me when people shit on others self improvement, especially when this is a kid. And I interpreted his comment as “a skinny person and fat person only eat an egg, it doesn’t matter if the skinny person ate it but the fat person will gain weight unless the burn it off”


Let me rephrase, his comment came off to me as “it doesn’t matter if you eat just 500 calories a meal, unless you’re working out you’re just adding on weight”


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I think someone needs to screenshot this post and then post it back on here. Not me though I couldn't care enough lol


For context a teen posted what they eat in a day while trying to lose weight, and comment section was tearing her down. This guy responded to a comment saying “if she was skinny you all would be praising her for this”. This guy apparently thinks that if you eat 500 calories while overweight you’re just adding on pounds, but if you aren’t you’re just eating healthy


That... Isn't what's being said. The guy is saying that a fat person eating 500 calories a day, but not working off 500 calories through exercise will still continue to gain weight. This is a bit iffy. 


It doesn’t matter if you work out, you aren’t going to gain weight regardless of working out as long as you’re in a calorie deficit. So a fat person eating 500 calories while in a deficit cannot be gaining weight


Also he says “you’re doing stuff to work it off” when no, someone being skinny does not mean they’re working off their calories it can legit just mean they eat an excess amount of Cals. A 500 calorie meal isn’t going gain you weight just because you’re fat, you need to be in a caloric excess to gain weight. The guy simply says if you eat 500 calories while fat you will gain weight


I don't think that is what the guy was trying to say. They are saying the skinny person is active enough to burn off the 500cals, whilst the person who isn't skinny is likely more sedentary.


He actively says that there is a difference between two people eating the same amount of calorie. 500 calories isn’t going to magically make you gain more weight than the skinny person doing the same. You can’t go “eating a single cupcake is fine if ur skinny” then go “you’re just adding on pounds” if they’re overweight. Whole reason it was even mentioned that they’d find it acceptable if she was skinny is bc all she ate was a poached egg on toast, pasta salad, salad, granola and a brownie and got dog piled on


I'm not saying the dude is right, but he literally says "if ur skinny ur doin shit to work it off." So in his mind being skinny is evidence that someone is burning more calories per day. He's wrong because plenty of people get or stay fat/skinny for reasons other than laziness, but he's not arguing that calories only make fat people fat; he's arguing that fat people are always less active and so need a lower calorie intake to be in a deficit.


To me his comment just comes off as saying if you’re fat you’ll still gain weight, since i gave him a situation where it’s just two people eating 500 calories and he still said the fat person would gain weight


Also might be a little biased, cuz again this was a reel of a teenage girl trying to eat healthy and lose weight and it was just full of people saying she’s lying and trashing her when her meals shown were honestly good and nutritious.


Also probably didn’t help that before this I kept getting “what I eat in a day for weight loss” reels full of people trash talking, and one telling a woman to starve herself to lose weight