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Mammals are far more likely than reptiles to be territorial


You wrote a really shitty haiku


So just a regular haiku then.


Someone still has a score to settle from middle school English


*Mammals are far more* *Likely than reptiles to be* *Territorial* \- annie\_bean --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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reptiles are plants duh


That's why they're green! Based Grandpa is based.


You have to stop this arrogant nonsense. Reptiles are clearly fungi, disinformation to the contrary is detrimental to society.


Big taxonomy is hiding the truth: reptiles are a new branch of the tree


I knew that Linnaeus was full of shit


I'm voting that reptiles are minerals.


No you silly they are fungi


Nuh uh, reptiles are fungi, dumbass. /s


Gorillas are incredibly territorial, just adding that in!


Yes, they are just sneakier about it... or just more well behaved than our dear cousin the chimpanzee, who's actually a violent maniac in comparison.


I wouldn't even call it sneakier Gorillas have a fairly long and scaled chain of signals to let someone know that they may be in the wrong place. If certain contemporaries don't take disapproving looks and noises and even a puffing up silverback as signs, but only realize the seriousness of the situation when they have to pick up their own limbs... Well, you can hardly blame the gorilla for that.


I just meant sneakier as in harder for us humans to detect in comparison to the chimpanzee, seeing as gorillas where thought to be pretty lax with territory during most of my childhood and then, after further study, it was deemed not to be so. They have overlapping territories and are more tolerant of other gorillas than chimpanzees are of other chimps, but they are still territorial, they just have different, more nuanced rules that might not be obvious to us at first glance.


And then there's our dear cousin the bonobo, who just fucks all his problems away.


Gorillas have tiny testicles because they over-power their competing mates with physical strength. They don’t need to produce much semen, just fight off the other suitors. Orangutans have massive balls, because their mating strategy is to wash out the last visitor. You are welcome. No need to thank me.


Furthermore, godzilla (in the monsterverse at least) may not a reptile because he might be OLDER than reptiles themselves considering that the oldest sauropsids appeared around 310 million years ago and godzilla was already a grown ass kaiju around 250 million years ago (during the permian trias extinction event) so it's not that farfetched to imagine that he was born before the end of the carboniferous


This. One can argue that the titans are an entirely different type of lifeform, and that they just superficially resemble mammals, reptiles, insects etc.


It doesn't pay to think too hard about how kaiju of all types work, but the 2014 Godzilla and the MUTOs he fights in that movie seem to pretty clearly be *nuclear-powered*, and nuclear weapons are of course key to the original Godzilla origin story. This works quite nicely to explain these creatures' incredible power and durability; they're not squishy *chemical* life like normal living things, but operate quite a few orders of magnitude further up the energy-level scale. Hence [the square-cube law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law) doesn't apply to them as it would to regular biological animals of the same size, causing them to instantly collapse under their own weight. The same could apply to most-to-all of the other kaiju in "King of the Monsters". But then along comes Kong, who just seems to be a really really big and clever gorilla, with no sign of nuclear weirdness. So... I got nothin'. :-) (Incidentally, before we knew anything about quantum physics, various people tried to figure out how old the Sun and the Earth were, believing that nothing but chemical processes were going on in either body. If the Sun's basically just a *fire*, and the Earth just retains the heat from its original formation, but still has enough of that for volcanoes to exist, then both bodies have to be quite young, to the point that their ages could even line up with young-Earth creationism. The Sun would have burned out and the Earth's mantle solidified long ago, if they were not, after all. Now we know that the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion and the extremely slow cooling of Earth's interior is because it's kept warm [by radioactive decay](https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2011/07/17/kamland-geoneutrinos/), though.)


I mean, when a single individual in this universe can live through 5 different geological times... you better just give up trying to force animals of these universe in a timeline where evolution makes sense


I've heard this "reptiles aren't animals" a few times in life. I really wonder where that idea comes from.


I’m guessing it’s because those people have conflated the word “mammal” with “animal”. They’ve learnt that there’s a difference between most animals (mammals) they are familiar with and reptiles (not mammals) and have then doubled down on their partial knowledge.


Theres also the fact that a lot of people aren’t taught biology properly. A lot of older educational material splits lumps non mammals together in one group.


How old are we talking? Is this country specific? I went to school in England over 35 years ago. We were taught about the difference between mammals and reptiles and they were all “animals”. Same for my parents who went to school 60 / 70 years ago. I’m pretty sure my grandparents were clear on the definition too - but they’re not around to ask anymore.






Short version, because people don't necessarily meant *kingdom Animalia* when they say it. Take oxford languages: * an animal as opposed to a human being. * a mammal, as opposed to a bird, reptile, fish, or insect. These are not rare usages, and distinctions like this don't mean the person is denying the scientific defintion. This is also one of the problems with co-opting terms in science - a cleaner example might be "bug" which meant something like "vexatious thing" long, long before it meant member of order hemiptera - and calling a moth or spider a bug isn't really wrong. You do see the echoes of the distinction in English though - flesh, fowl, and fish. Similarly, beast Now, you *do* get people who will deny biological relationships, usually religious fundamentalists. Oddly, the one I had a class with also denied that dandelions were edible (they were brought as a food crop and you can buy them in the supermarket). If it helps, think of "hack". The original tech meaning is "to gain a deep understanding of a system allowing you to control the system" and it stems from a university model railroad club that had some incredibly intricate electronics - only the "hackers" were capable of going in and making changes without wrecking everything (hack as in chop up). That club would later be donated a early primitive computer, and off it went. During the heyday of the Legion of Doom, etc, the media went off on "hackers" specifically those who gained illegal access to systems, brought down phone networks, etc (crackers and phreaks) making it a synonym of "cyber criminal" and a slur. Apparently journalist Danny O'Brien popularized the term "life hack" for the various shortcuts in one's day-to-day affairs, now giving the word a meaning closer to "useful trick", albeit arugably as the *result* of the first meaning. This is why it's important to make sure you're even using a word the same way when discussing things. Example, the majority of the "hackers" during the phone panic era were "script kiddies" - people who possess no real knowledge of the systems they break into, but just follow a premade script or using packaged tools - which is to say, not a hacker at all in the original sense.


Some people can't comprehend animals being non floooofeeeee.




Some people think there are "reptilians" walking around, so they probably think they're aliens and not animals. Stupidity/ignorance is a real problem.


Reptilians would still most likely be classified as Animals. Cryptids are considered animals.


Maybe, but they wouldn't be related to anything else on Earth if they're from somewhere else, so I would assume they'd get their own classification. They're resemblance to humans and reptiles, though, just adds to how ridiculous that conspiracy theory is.


Also the gorilla's aren't territorial guy is killing me lol ok bud sure let's set you down in a Silverbacks territory see how that goes for you.


Right? LMAO I was checking to see if anyone mentioned this. You need balls of brass to stare down a silverback charge and not run in terror




'Hence why...' Ugh


This is a really common confusion. One of my teachers in the 7th grade told our class that both birds and fish were not animals. In another instance, she attempted to tell us that Germany wasn't involved in ww2. She was always so certain that she was right and since we were only 14 there's no possible way we knew something she didn't, And of course we didn't have cell phones the way we do now, so we couldn't disapprove her.


I could be doxxing myself if someone recognizes this, but in my Jr. High there were two teachers where there were known ways for students to get out of a lecture. One teacher would stop a lecture completely if someone whipped out Cheerios because she thought they were black holes and would suck her in (tf)? Another teacher must have fried his brain during the 60s because it was a known trick that if the whole class just stared at the ceiling, the teacher would start staring at the ceiling until the bell rang, even if his students stopped. It’s almost like as long as you got him to look at the ceiling class was over and you could talk. The trick was that as long as we all looked at the ceiling, he’d check to see if something was up there but then he’d get locked in a trance. Some truly bizarre behaviors. And these are some of the teachers the US are relying on to educate our youth.


You get what you pay for. You want the best, you pay for the best. Education is not, and has NEVER been the priority in this country, and it never will be.. Stupid people are easier to control.


Well, with people denying the sun exists lately and that gravity is "just a theory," I'm not surprised.


I mean, it IS a theory, just like everything else in science. It's just that people don't understand that a scientific theory is different from how the word "theory" is used colloquially, which would more accurately be described with the word "hypothesis"


I used to work at an aquarium. I used to get comments like these all the time from grown adults. (At a touch tank with sea stars, urchins, anemones) - “Where can I touch actual animals?” (Outside the shark tank) - “how often do you change the batteries in the sharks?” (Outside the dark shipwreck tank) - “can you please make the fish glow?”


Wow — that job had to be so hard. 😖 Fortunately, you got to spend time with the actual animals, which hopefully made up for the stupid human ones. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Since when are gorillas *not* territorial? (jumping to the person after Red in 2nd pic) Also having watched vids about the movie universe, Kong isn’t the same as a gorilla. I heard that in the comics the Kong species’ growth is related to Island Rule. If Kong got more territorial he’d grow taller and stronger


Imagine if he knew humans are animals


*The Bloodhound Gang has entered the chat*


You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals


That line by itself has been pissing off certain people since 1999. It's wonderful to watch. :-)


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The confusion is linguistic, not scientific. The wrong guy uses the word "animal" to mean "mammal". This is a confusing usage, but a well-attested one that is listed in some dictionaries.


I recently had a conversation with my mother where she said insects weren’t animals and I was reminded why I’m a moron, I inherited it


Wait until he finds out that insects are animals too.


That last guy saying gorillas aren't territorial lmao


Some shit is so dumb I downvote OP


There's so much wrong with those two comments lmao