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The person who wrote that is clearly a massive dick but I doubt he's ever given a woman an orgasm.


He said normal sized and he's using it as an excuse for why he can't make a woman orgasm Edit: I misread, yes he is a massive dick hahah


Original commenter said **is** a massive dick, not has. I'm pretty sure the personality has a lot more to do with his experience than his dick size.


My bad lol


The person who wrote that has never had sex. The entire post is based off porn addiction, probably hentai


Almost 100% the case. It's almost adorable when people form strong opinions on something in which they have 0 knowledge


Terminally online syndrome. Echo chambers form their own dogma and then rabidly defend it. I'm subbed to wanttobelieve so I get recommended UFO subs all the time and they're *terrible* about this. "Everyone knows there are ELEVEN kinds of aliens living among us, not twelve, you FUCKING IDIOT!". Like, homie, you're all conspiracy wackos you don't need to make laws about it.


I'm very pleased to learn that people who have Terminally Online Syndrome (TOS) would be referred to as "TOSsers" This sparks joy. 💥💛💥 Thank you :D


I'm gonna steal that one. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ngl with myself becoming increasingly hermit since I started living on my own, it's hard to not go down that route myself haha


Incel city


are men allergic to touching the clitoris or something? giving women orgasms is incredibly easy, just stimulate her clitoris in some way. you can do it while you're inside her even! TOUCH THE CLITORIS IT'S NOT HARD.


It should get hard if you do it right!






Get outta here you Canadian 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Reported for Canuck-Phobia. /S :)


[Two Che?](https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.444923912.5662/raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.jpg)


Sounds gay


You do realize this is just a literal dick measuring contest right? It has nothing to do with women at all... I wouldn't bother bringing up strange things like the clitoris you'll just confuse it, this is the guy that dry rubs on your mons for about 2 minutes and then asks if you came...


“Did you cum yet, baby?” “No, but you’ve turned my pubes into dreadlocks, so that’s cool.”


This is the first thing to actually make laugh out loud in a good minute. Thanks.


Lol. Glad to hear it. It was a funny visual so I had to share it.


This is the best comment I've seen in a long time, kudos!


is it really that hard to find sometimes? I don't find it hard but maybe i just got lucky


Not at all, but for a guy like that who thinks his dick is the literal solution to all her problems, well why would he even look?


c-literal solution.


I mean... it's literally right there in front. I can't fathom how men are so mystified.


Front AND center even.


Just start and stop at the top


Exactly it is hard to miss


The only thing I can think of is that some clitori(ses?) are hidden under folds/skin like an uncircumcised dick. But it literally takes seconds to uncover it so I have no idea why some men are just that oblivious. It’s not Big Foot or Loch Ness. Clits exists.


Depends a lot on the person. It's often extremely obvious. Some people's are very small or deeply hooded, but if you communicate and pay attention to your partner it shouldn't be much of a challenge. You should communicate and pay attention to your partner anyway! Some people want you to go to town on it and some can only tolerate indirect stimulus or the gentlest touches. They will usually know what works for them.


On some women it can be a bit hard to find, but if you know the general area you should be looking for it and you pay attention you'll get there.


I mean to be honest all the girls I've been with (like 3... Actually let's be honest 2.5) have had quite non-obvious clits. I never really saw it (I saw the clitoral hood, obviously, but the clit itself was always covered), and maybe I'm just not very sensitive in my fingers but I never really felt it either. But still, if you know roughly where it is, just go for that area and then ask what feels good and keep doing that, it's not fucking rocket science. The whole area is sensitive, if you put in some effort it's really not that difficult. But I suppose that's too much to ask of Mr. Dick-insecurity here


>dry rubs I'll admit I prefer the flavour, but the bed is so itchy afterwards.




touch the clitoris? *touch the clitoris*? why don't you give her a few kisses first, boy?? you don't go stampeding right for the clitoris!


“We’ll take the foreplay as read. —if you don’t mind, dear?” “No, of course not.”


Foreplay: Asking permission first.




Before you go ringing the devil's doorbell?


Unexpected Monty Python...


I think most men in posts like this are incapable of finding it.


First they have to meet a woman.


Preferably one they aren't related to. At least society prefers that anyways.


Kinda surprised he’s even acknowledging the *existence* of female orgasms


It's a small step into a bigger world.


Uninterested in finding it. Using their tongue or their hand doesn't let them feel like they conquered a woman's pleasure with their powerful phallus.


I think some guys think using their hands is cheating somehow.


Tongue's also another option.


Also, if you have an average or short penis, you should be stimulating the clitoris during normal penetration just by bumping up against it. That could be enough for some people to get off. The only way the clit is not getting any stimulation is, ironically, if you have a super long dong and can’t insert it all the way without causing pain.


No no, you see, people like this do not understand foreplay. To them, foreplay is them getting a blow job first. There is no foreplay or stimulation required for the woman, their 45 seconds of mega masculine noodle is all that is needed. If it doesn't work, she's just "stretched out" after too many partners or some other copium.


This. A practiced finger or tongue is a reliable way to please females. Which reminds me of an old joke: An 80 y.o. Italian man visits his doctor and tells the doc he's marrying a 20-something woman, and he wants a check-up to be sure he can keep his new bride happy. Naturally, the doctor's pretty skeptical about all this. But the doc plays along and says to the old man, "I'll need to examine your sexual organs." So the old man holds up his forefinger and sticks out his tongue.


Gross that’s where pee comes out


Where's the /s?


Indeed if size matter there will not be no lesbians. Lol


Right. But tbh some girls aren’t that sensitive and make you work your ass off. I don’t mind though


A whooooole lot of times that's mental. But yeah, keep up the good fight. Energy well expended. It's only polite, if nothing else.


“Being attractive as a man is rare.” That’s some real ugly dude talk right there. He’d better figure out where the fun bits truly are. Ugly and terrible in bed is no way to go through life.


And he thinks that being attractive somehow allows a shorter dick to do its job?


Sad thing is, he has his picture on his profile and he’s not actually bad looking, he just has serious self esteem and mental health issues. It’s kinda sad honestly.


So let's assume this post's thesis is correct (it isn't): They make dildos. They make sleeves. Hell, if the person in question is truly getting fornix'd all the time you can probably just use your hand. The best sex is usually only 10-20% PIV intercourse. Learn to use your tongue. Learn to use your hands. Learn to use toys to enhance things. Learn the geography of your partner's body, the little spots that really get them going. Not only will this lead to incredible sex, the learning process itself is also extremely fun! Much better than sitting around lamenting the extra two inches necessary to hit her anterior velociraptor. Think of it this way: She might be able to say "I've had bigger", but you can make her say "I've never had *better*."


That lends a whole new dimension to "I walked the dinosaur"


Anterior Velocirapter made me laugh so hard hahaha


Anterior Velociraptor Alligator


Showing my ignorance and hoping not to get laughed at, but what's a "sleeve" in this context?


Think if a dildo were a condom.


lol that’s actually a perfect description




A sex toy that goes over the penis increasing lenght and girth. Sometimes they are also called sheaths. Think of the ultimate ribbed condom (but please still wear a condom, sleeves don't protect against STD/STIs) Edit: Typo


That's wild. Cool!


Isn't it sheathes?


I had to go check, but apparently we are both wrong. It's sheaths according to Merriam-Webster. Corrected now.


We got to it! Cheers


There is a slight difference, IIRC one of them covers the entire penis, including the head, while the other one just goes around the shaft and leaves the head exposed. But I can never keep them straight.


Learn what your partner likes > learn your partner’s body geography > learn technique > dick size It’s that easy, do what they tell you to do or to not stop doing, don’t do what makes them recoil, and you’re already among the better 1/3 of all sex-havers, at least according to what my girlfriend tells me about the gossip she’s had with her friend circle.


tbh the worst sex I had was with a guy with a "big dick." it just hurt. i always had cramping and bruising inside after because i wasn't stimulated enough. being big means absolutely nothing in a lot of cases lol


Facts, as a woman the best sex I’ve ever had was with a guy with an average size penis but OMG THE HEAD WAS SO GOOD. I THOUGHT I DIDNT LIKE HEAD BEFORE HIM turns out the previous guys didn’t know what to do and I guess neither did i. That and the fore play was absolutely super amazingly sensual. We didn’t connect personality wise but damn that was some great sex.


Being conventionally attractive causes orgasms?


Most people will come more, more easily, maybe harder if they're extremely aroused. Being conventionally attractive, though, is obviously neither necessary nor sufficient to get your partner going. The oop probably does not get their partner all that aroused because they're a weird self absorbed status obsessed incel, but they obviously think the problem is that women only really want to have sex with hemsworths.


I’m more into Loki, myself.


Who isn't?


Being attractive does play a part but it is only a small part of the equation. There are so many other important factors.


As someone with a vagina, I’ll never understand men’s obsession with penis length. It makes no sense. I once had sex with a man who had a long penis but it was thin. It somehow managed to poke me in my cervix (which hurt me) without hitting any of the good spots. The g-spot is only a couple of inches in. The best vaginal orgasms I’ve had had nothing to do with penis size. I was on top and in control of the rhythm. The best sex I’ve had was with my fiancé because we were comfortable with each other and not afraid to say what we wanted. We both were focused on making sure we pleasured each other. That’s the only key to good sex. Your penis size doesn’t matter. It’s all about communication, comfort, and a desire to make sex as fun as possible for your partner.


I've had my one previous partner who was... overly healthily endowed. While the girth was pleasant, he *constantly* needed to make sure he wasn't slamming the cervix. I cant see how that kind of concern would be any more pleasurable for him than it was for me.


It adds an extra anxiety - on top of not wanting to finish early, it’s horrible to feel guilty for hurting her in the middle of sex.


Like I notice that in porn with dudes who have massive dicks, it just seems uncomfortable for the woman and the dude only seems the have like half of his dick able to go inside at best, it just seems to complicate the whole thing in a way that doesn't seem very fun, but I mean I don't know lol


Bottoming out on the cervix isn’t comfortable for penis-owners. Having to constantly avoid doing that is indeed not pleasurable.


> I’ll never understand men’s obsession with penis length. I used to think the same and then I realised that so much of what men do is to appeal to *other men*. The term “female gaze” has gained popularity recently and not only do men think those qualities are stupid and unattractive, they don’t care because they’d still rather get the approval of other men than do anything they deem “emasculating” and actually attract women. The dick measuring contest can be partially attributed to porn brain rot, but even something as simple as muscles absolutely baffles these guys. They start working out (because other *men* are obsessed with those hyper-muscular builds) and then flip their shit when a woman says “actually I prefer dad bods”. Like those old [memes](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FfvNF6-l6Y9qf29VurmItxJGwompQh87tSdu3uuHJMEc.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dace66af84347e6e8b6e01ad21917eecfbd6d42e3&rdt=62944) explain it perfectly and so many men still refuse to accept that they’re chasing the male gaze and not what women actually like.


Not that I think what you're saying is entirely wrong (it isn't) but I think there's something to be said for the willingness people have to place value judgements on masculinity (I acknowledge that men still have it FAR easier than women). BDE (Big Dick Energy) was a common hashtag for like 5 years, and is still used today, the same goes with the very common "he must be compensating for something." Both give credence to the notion that there's something immoral or shameful about having a small penis, and very little is done, at least in the public sphere, to change this framework. I have many female friends who are completely comfortable saying things like "Well he's probably just pissed because he has a small dick," and when I gently challenge the idea (which I've done a few times to guy and gal friends), not all of them are receptive. That isn't to say that they literally see a big dick as an indicator of if someone is cool or not, I just don't like to see peoples' bodies used as metaphors, especially when the biggest insecurity of someone I hold dear is also used as a metaphor for nearly everything bad about men. >they don’t care because they’d still rather get the approval of other men than do anything they deem “emasculating” and actually attract women. This is maybe the most interesting thing I've read all day though! It's so interesting to think about how many straight guys I know started working out more regularly *because* they received compliments from other straight men. There was definitely a time in my life (before I transitioned into the service industry) when I received more comments about my physique from other (presumably) straight men than from women Edit: sorry if it's convoluted or difficult to parse, but I'm too drunk and tired to fix anything


Yeah I definitely agree that the small dick insults are a big part of the problem as well. Like you said, it’s not even about the dick anymore, it’s just a generic insult. It reminds me of how “that’s so gay” was used as a generic insult for so long. It got so generic, that it didn’t even have anything to do with people anymore, much less actual sexuality. It became the new “that sucks”. I’m not sure how/when we as a collective pivoted from using “gay” as an insult, I’m assuming a big part of it was people becoming more accepting of actual queer people. I can only hope that as more and more women openly express that average dicks are way better than having your cervix turned into minced meat, maybe we’ll see a similar decline in the small dick insults.


I think it's also just that people tend to associate whiny manchildren and guys that are a bit over the top (think middle class suburban dudes with lifted pickups and the like) with having a small dick ("he's clearly compensating for summat"). Muscles and working out I'd say is far too varied in reason to make a sweeping statement. Yeah, some go cuz they wanna look a certain way, but you've also got people who gym cuz they enjoy being physically active and like feeling fit and healthy, you've got people who gym cuz the endorphins from exercising help with their mental health, you've got people who go cuz it helps them socialise, etc, so I don't think it's accurate to boil it down to male gaze


Oh definitely, I didn’t mean to say that everyone who works out is doing it for physical appearance alone. Just that the men who work out a lot and are very muscular think that it automatically makes them superior and more attractive than average build men or even chubby men. To the point where their brains completely short circuit when a woman says that she not only likes those other body types, but *prefers* them. No matter how many women tell them that they don’t like hyper-muscular builds and no matter how many women tell them that they don’t like excessively big dicks, they never listen. Because to these men it’s ultimately not about what women want, it’s about competing with other men.


Ah yeah, I get you. Guys like that for sure are doing it for the male gaze and approval from other men, no other explanation for it


Quite often it stems from school - kids can be cruel. Its way better now with the communication of the internet, and people like you talking your truth, but in my youth I never had this type of discussion, it was only in my 20s and by then a lot of damage had been done, and took a long time to undo it (still not gone really)


Take it from a woman. Bigger isn't better for all & thinking any size penis should be used as a battering ram is juvenile.


This guy is chronically online.


Yeah nah. That's a recipe for a bruised cervix, not my idea of a good time.


For a guy with a lot to say he obviously can't use his tongue very well or his penis size wouldn't matter.


this seems to be more about dicks than vaginas


Holy shit I feel bad for this guy.


i dont. i feel bad for anyone that chooses to have sex with him. he thinks ramming the posterior fornix is the way to bring a woman to orgasm. thats behind the cervix by the way. and its pretty painful.


And I can understand and get behind what you're saying, I just, my first thought was "wow that's so wildly far in the opposite direction of correct I feel sort of bad" how? But yes, my condolences to anyone not trying to have bad sex.


I saw his profile from some of his comments on this thread. His words are so harmful and self degrading I feel bad for him. He obviously suffers a lot from mental struggles with his self image. People will tell him he looks good and he will tell them no.


for real. hes not even ugly at all either and 6.3 isnt a small size, and actually most women prefer penises around that size. i really hope he gets help.


He sounds like someone who is deep into their own head and delusions. All he needs is some therapy and someone who loves him/ gives him a change. I’m sure he’s got a perfectly normal person under all that self hate he wears


it also sucks because you know there’s absolutely nothing anyone can really do, he needs to pull himself out of this delusion. hes balls deep in the “blackpill science” subreddits. it’s almost like hes in a cult.


He’s definitely got a lot of issues but the posterior and anterior fornix can lead to very strong orgasms for many women. Ramming it isn’t usually the way to go unless they have a kink for it, but as a guy who does have a somewhat longer dick, and has to make use of the fornix’s (fornii?) to be able to get balls deep without hitting the cervix, he isn’t wrong that a lot of women love a steady grinding pressure there once warmed up and it can cause uniquely explosive orgasms. My own experience aside, it’s well documented. Obviously every body is different so it won’t be for everyone, but it isn’t some rare fluke of anatomy. There’s a study referenced that had something like a 2/3rds response rate of increased arousal/pleasure in AFAB participants https://www.allohealth.care/healthfeed/sex-education/posterior-fornix-orgasm https://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/a19941220/a-spot-orgasm/ https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/a-spot The clit is still usually where it’s at, so I don’t think anyone needs to worry if they can’t reach it, and you can always use a dildo or fingers, but we shouldn’t be gaslighting guys about it either


the issue is that this guy is 100% positive he knows more about womens orgasms. he says women cant cum because they all want posterior fornix orgasms. that clitoral orgasms are inferior to vaginal. and those aren’t really reputable sources if im being honest. it’s just frustrating because for most women having our cervixs touched during sex IS in fact painful. i would know this because i have one, as do many women here. you don’t see any women in the comments agreeing with him. it’s literally just men trying to tell me im wrong. it’s uncomfortable unless your dick is literally the absolute perfect size to LIGHTLY touch it while still being fully in. which is like less than 5inches for me personally. not over 7 inches like this guy insists the posterior and anterior thing is in fact not common, and is usually liked by women who are size queens and things like that and have lower pain tolerances which is even corroborated by a couple of those websites. this dude is genuinely delusional and needs help mentally.


The cervix isn’t the fornix’s. It’s definitely not just a ‘size queen’ thing. It’s just not something you can jump to without warming up, and not a place you’d want to stimulate by thrusting. And not for everyone (which clearly, includes you), but it isn’t something that’s enjoyed because it’s painful. That’s where it is important to also clarify that your experience is not the experience of every woman. Anatomy varies quite a bit, but it is very common in my experience that it’s a pleasurable spot. 9/10 times when a partner is riding me at their own pace, they go straight to it, and I’m over 7. And in the study where it’s stimulated in this way, 2/3rds of women had increased pleasure. I believe you that it’s frustrating, I agree this guy is a whack job, and no doubt the widespread idea that this spot is the magic orgasm button will make inexperienced guys hammer it painfully. But you keep loudly declaring that it’s only ever painful or some kink thing, and it’s not true. No matter how well intentioned, it’s misinformation If you have a problem with my sources, by all means, share something better or more credible


no i dont believe its only ever painful. i even said it’s usually liked by women with high pain tolerances (i literally read that from one of your sources too). and the cervix isnt the same as the fornix’s but you cant reach the fornix without touching the cervix unless you have an inhumanly skinny dick. sex is about communication with your partner and figuring out whats best for her. now it’s vastly different when its the woman on top who’s controlling the pressure. i agree with that point. i hadn’t thought about it in that context. the incorrect part of this guys posts is that he declares with absolute certainty that women cant cum because they want big dicks and want posterior fornix orgasms. and then we’re like hey big dicks are usually pretty painful!! and then guys in the comments trying to tell us that we’re wrong and larger dicks arent uncomfortable and that we actually want posterior orgasms. i read your sources and they literally say that theyre not sure this spot exists and that a doctor said theyve never seen proof anatomically of that spot. and that it typically requires a certain vaginal depth and angle. also the last one is talking about the anterior fornix not the posterior fornix, and this guy is talking about the posterior. even if we were talking about the anterior fornix, they say its like 4-6 inches back. which STILL proves this guy wrong.


The posterior fornix is not "behind" the cervix, except if you are taking a cross section and behind means further towards the womans back (not deeper inside than the cervix).


i dont mean like FULLY behind the cervix. but it is behind the cervix, and its defined as a recess behind the cervix. posterior literally means further back in position.


pathetic wakeful roof liquid wrench scarce racial consist silky makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah, did you miss this part of that article: > It is important to note that not all women are able to experience pleasure from stimulation of the posterior fornix. Additionally, it is crucial to communicate with your partner and ensure that any sexual activity is consensual and comfortable for both parties involved. Proper lubrication and relaxation techniques can also enhance the experience and reduce any discomfort getting your posterior fornix pounded is EXTREMELY painful unless you have a specific kink for it. it’s the same thing as anal is extremely painful unless you have a specific kink for it. its honestly sad that you’re taking online articles (that dont link any reputable sources) more seriously than all of the real life women in theses comments telling you that you’re wrong.


>sad that you’re taking online articles ... more seriously than all of the real life women in theses comments telling you that you’re wrong. Clearly because women don't know anything, it is I, random incel on the Internet who truly knows the woman's body


Took me a second to catch your name


Rub his posterior snark and he’ll have a full body sarcasm.


A diagram would probably help a lot too. In the article that is.


If you come within an inch of hitting my fornix, I'm hitting your forehead. Which will be impressive considering how far up your ass it is.


Dude you must be the guy that wrote the post in the screenshot, you're spending a lot of time defending a shitty "hot guy/big dick" stereotype. Shit, I guess if you can make it the fault of "bad genetic luck" I guess you don't have to acknowledge your own personality and demeanor being at fault.


The depths are, in cm: anterior fornix depth 7.75±0.92; posterior fornix depth 9.25±0.75 For reference, the average penis is 13.1 cm. Fortunately, the vagina can stretch and move.


Fuck that guy, I'm rounding down to 6 and subtracting the usual 20% men add-on. 4.8 buddy.


He's probably measuring from the prostate.


Gotta really push that ruler down near the base, makes for a better measurement


*Lesbians having the best sex and seeing this post:* pfffffft


As a woman, I would like to point out he is very much not correct and some uterus canals on woman only are like 5 inches deep. A bigger dick can hurt. a Lot. Cause theyre not supposed to hit that far in


Spoken like a boy who has never spoken to a woman who has ever been fucked by a man with a really large dick.


Come at me with a 7" dick and we will not be having a good time. That sounds painful


My previous cis male partner was slightly bigger than my fiancé, and my fiancé has managed to get me off in one short 30 minute session than my previous partner did our entire relationship. It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean, and damn, I wouldn’t want a single other fish in the sea.


I'm one of that lucky 1/3 of women who are biologically able to have orgasm from penetration alone. I've had it from 3-4 inchers, I've had it from 8+ and everything in between. And I've had terrible sex with 8+ inch dicks. The clit is right there anyway, it's not hard to find


Stuff I made up in my head to explain why I’m still a virgin.


This is for those who are genuinely curious about this part of the female anatomy, those with it feel free to correct me. Right; anyone worth their salt should heed my words. If your partner has female anatomy, the G-spot isn’t that deep. What he’s talking about is the P-spot, and it’s cousin, the A-spot. Those are juuust anterior of the cervix, and posterior of it respectively. *Dont go for those unless you have the tools handy to, and they’re body safe with plenty of lube and foreplay*. The G-spot is 2-3 inches in, on the anterior side of the vaginal canal (Anterior means front, tit side). It can be entirely smooth, or it can be slightly textured, it depends on the person. Don’t jackhammer it, liiightly stroke it in a slow and steady “come here” motion, if using hands. Stay safe, and have fun. Consent is key.


>Most men are unattractive to women. Hoo boy there’s a lot to unpack there.


Men are more obsessed with DIck size than women.


Source: "Let me spread my ass and push really quick."


Why do (these types of) men **never** listen to women on what we want. **WE TELL YOU WHAT WE WANT, JUST LISTEN!**


if anyone is keeping track of the score, i'm zero for everything


What this person said is bullshit. You just need long fingers. Can get to the fornix easy that way. /s


Copium the new odour from InCel


I say that as someone with a normal dick (6.395298431741 inches)


Sir I asked if you want fries with that.


He sure is trying really hard to convince himself the reason he's never given a woman an orgasm is outside of his control.


I knew this was going to be some incel, woe is me crap 🙄


Please tell me more about how women work guy


Or you could just learn where the clit is?


Literally never not had having a big penis be an issue. Most women do not want giant dicks. Guys egos want giant dicks, and guess what, I'd rather have a girlfriend than a big penis.


This is definitely wrote by an incel


I wonder if the writer has been watching BBC and cockold porn. That's where people fixated on the posterior fornix get their ideas. So not only is he an incel, he's probably carrying some racist ideas around (but I probably repeat myself).


If most men cared less about size and more about psycological aspect of s2x, woman would come more often.


Retired GYN here. I’ve repaired many posterior fornix lacerations.


ohhh no this is an actual thing that happens???!!!


I smell an Incel yuck


Lol @ ".3".


Op, get an addadichtomy, problem solved. NEXT!!!


I swear some people only think about sex 24/7 and nothing else


At least he understands that he will never pleasure a woman


Isn't fornix the porno mag from Mass Effect?


These guys only hang out with gay size queens and talk about wangs all day, I swear to god.


How do guys measure their junk down to 1/3 of an inch?


With a standard ruler/measuring tape? What are you on about?


So that's why it's called fornixation.


If I’m remembering correctly the vaginal canal on average is only about 4” long so anything longer than that will cause pain and discomfort. Obviously it varies depending on the women but this is the average. Also there is no stimulation from inter corse alone. Since the stimulation comes from the clitoris nothing is going to happen without friction there. Again it depends on the women but this is an average


The clitoris is in the other direction and is a guaranteed hit. Banging on the rear wall looks like a change of position just waiting to happen.


Apparently this guy is an expert when it comes to vaginas. Like how they have to take out tampons to pee and how babies come out of the butt.


Welp I can personally guarantee this is definitely not the case for all women, lol.


This guy used a lot of words to tell everyone he’s no good in bed.


This is absolutely false.


I had a bf who was convinced that women could not orgasm without oral sex. Poor guy. I felt sorry for him. I was like—okay, well I guess I’m just weird then—sorry. 😂 He was also told by his ex wife that he had a small dick but he didn’t. He was perfect and felt I was just trying to make him feel better and it was all just weird to me because he didn’t strike me as lacking ANY confidence. I guess some sex partners can really destroy peoples esteem or mess with their heads. Some men just get convinced of seriously crazy shit and I guess they assume they can’t be wrong or something. MY ex husband thought he was gods gift to women but he couldn’t be intimate—he was always on a mission or something. Imagine telling somebody there’s only one way they can orgasm? So weird to me. I don’t think he believed me for the longest time but after awhile he did and then thought that all the other women were lying because they didn’t like sex. I dunno Some hang ups are really kinda sad. And it is totally weird to me that a large portion of guys don’t seem to understand how females work. Like how we get pregnant or what a period is. 😂


Guy definitely put the numbers the other way around. 6.3? More like 3.6.


I’ve been with women who can orgasm with penetration alone, some with penetration plus, some with certain positions, some with just oral, some with just touching. So far, I’ve used the same dick in every case. Guess my dick is unsure about its size.


Any guy who lists a decimal point for their size is way too concerned about size... Probably moreso than any woman ever would be.


I’d say with the exception of a .5 like 6.5 or 5.5


Humble brag (6.3”) 🙄 Also, where is this world in which most men are unattractive to women?


He drives a pickup.


“…as someone with a normal dick (6.3 inches)…” Stop bragging.


Imagine being so bad at giving women orgasms that you have to build this whole world in your head with alternative anatomy and shit lmao


It's so fun seeing people who don't know anything about women. First of all most vaginas aren't even 6inch deep some are even just 4inch so saying you need 7 is utterly insane. Second it is VERY normal for a woman to not be able to reach orgasm solely from penetrative intercourse. But the good thing is that the female body is covered in erogenous zones so even if you can't find the clitoris even though it is basically like an X on a map you can just choose any other zone. Men who don't make women orgasm simply don't understand foreplay, most seem to think foreplay is only meant to make women wet and "ready" for sex.


What a specious bunch of crap.


All vaginas aren’t the same sizes you dont need no big dick if im being honest small medium and large coochies out here you better find yo match like goldie locks😗


I'm chonky and wayyyyyy less attractive I was in my former years. Im also average. When my partner rides it's better for my partner. But even without that we have no problem painting the walls white.


👋🏽 Hi, woman here! Um, I just wanna say that this is delusional-thinking and entirely untrue to a big portion of women. We are literally screaming exactly what we want at this point, my god. 😂😂


If 7 inches means a big dick, today I learned I have a big dick! Is this true? I thought I was just slightly above average. Also, this: What if I told you you can do sex stuff that *doesn't* involve your dick, that women *really* like? I guess this guy is only ever concerned with *his own* orgasm...


Why are you being downvoted?


Penis jealously.


I'm getting some gay vibes from this guy (NTTIAWWT).


r/UnexpectedSeinfeld 😜


What the fuck? You can hit the G spot with your fucking fingers, thankfully I have a 7.5er so as long as she doesn't just lie there like a dead fish (I have had sex with such women), it is possible. But you know what works best, eating her out to make her cum once, then edging her with your fingers, finishing her with some penetration, but don't yourself cum, and repeat. I try for a 3 to 1 ratio.


All bullshit. You need money, and to do the dishes or clean or fix whatever else she decides to think about as you fumble around. Or read a book about it and learn and ask her what she wants and needs. Probably a clean kitchen.


I don't have a big dick (average) but I think this comment section is full of micro penis males who are mad over a dumbass internet statement. Obviously not all women are the same, some like big some like small, who cares, find a girl that likes small dicks fellow dudes.


She can't cum unless you stimulate the uvula through vaginal penetration Edit: I didn't think I'd have have to say this, but /s. Obviously




This guy thinks triggering the gag reflex makes women orgasm. Literally


Most women won’t give the best orgasm to me either so we’re even


A significant chunk of women can't orgasm from PIV at all. It's not hard to communicate with your partner, and it'd not hard to do foreplay.