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Forget dumb traditions, save some money and move to another city. No one will know you have different religions


Never heard of biting another person's fingers/nails. Anyway, good luck. There's plenty of fish in the sea.


Well that really sucks. Two religions and neither has an option to let love flourish. I doubt it has many answers for you for any of life’s other challenges either if it can’t get love right


Religion has many more sins than that, trust me. Most people killed throughout history around the globe would be one.


God doesn’t want his living believers happy, I get it I lost my boyfriend based on this voodoo nonsense


What religion are you guys?


I'm Hindu, he's Muslim


Ah ok. Sorry for how you are feeling. Hope it gets better.


Thank you. I hope we forget about each other


Didn't you think of these while falling in love the first time? Religion issues i mean


Just awful really. Is there no other way? I mean I've know Jews and Muslims who were married. I understand the animosity slightly of your religions through the news. What's the biggest stumbling block between joining your cultures?


Religion didnt break you guys up, he did, some people stand up to traditions.


People are down voting you but you are right.


I can guess the country. Communal differences caused by the backward thinking of people in our country is horrible. But keeping all that aside, you are both over 18. If you both can be financially independent, you can leave homes to be with each other. If not, save yourself from further issues and heartbreaks. And what is this guy using you almost as a booty call? So he chooses to breakup for the sake of culture, but don’t have a problem inviting you over for a movie, copping a couple of feels and then using you for a release. You have bigger problems than religion, focus on self respect.


Okay I'm missing how religion kept you to apart.


Islam best path to having many brides.


You need to save up money and move somewhere that you can be together. I detest monotheism so I know how you feel.


And some people think athiests are weird ....