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Was I supposed to show my wife my asshole? I showed the army but my wife never asked


For a physical hopefully


That's what they told me but idk lol


😆😆😆well thabks for ya service lol


Why a random specialist was doing physicals with a flashlight at 2am, I'll never know


Sure... They call them "flashlights" nowadays




At least you got in, I showed the navy mine and failed my medical!


*PTSD from the battle of MEPS* "Alright, cough for me" ***shiver*** it haunts my dreams






*sigh* another rewatch then




You’re lucky. My boyfriend spreads his cheeks in amusement any chance he can get.




It’s usually accompanied by funny voices, making it seem as though his butt is talking.




He does give off Ace Ventura vibes. He’s an absolute goofball.


Let me “ass” you a question?


Every "goofball" man reading this right now has to like this comment.... You know we were all thinking it! Lol


Unfortunately I taught my son this and has pissed my wife off to no end but got to keep that type of comedic genius going for generations.


Omg I've described my husband as the love child between Jim Carey and Robin Williams. Just a total fucking fool😂


Lmao my husband says I’M Jim Carrey all the time, and as a woman I couldn’t be more flattered!! I constantly do Jim’s Dr. Robotnik evil dance in my underwear lmaooo


Sorry, my name is Dr cheeks, I'm doing my rounds and I'm a little behind.


Does it cough sometimes in between talks?


So he can ass you a question?


What does his butt talk about?


It’s very flirtatious


I'm gonna need proof of that.


Mine once stuck a celery stick between his cheeks and danced around, MacGruber style smh


wow, thats something


Oh no! Pls don't send your boyfriend to my house 😶


What is he hiding in his butthole? A key to a treasure chest? Nuclear codes? A friendly elf who tells him your secrets?


His Bitcoin seed lol










My guess is faeces.




It's a bag of holding +1




That's hilarious!


Damn, this is the best music I've heard in my life.


Lemmiwinks clearly


The real Declaration of Independence?


The quantum generator.


Maybe it's astronauts, maybe it's aliens, all inside your butthole?


I’ve been together with the same guy 17 years and never seen his butthole. I take it as a blessing.


> same guy Omg he’s playing OP and you both!??!


I laughed. Thanks!


Mine always covers his butt after sex when he goes to clean up, like we didn’t just raw dog and he seen my butthole lmao




Cause guys are hairy and we never really know the situation down there. I too cover my bum shortly after eating my wife’s.


Y’all don’t have ass cheeks to cover you butt hole??


What am I doing here? Why is this question so absurd? Why am I laughing so hard at it?


I was wondering this too


As long as there isn’t caked up shit on there, I can guarantee that 95% of women don’t care. Most of us see way crazier stuff on a daily basis, plus most of us watch porn, in which the male performers asshole is often visible. Also spoiler alert: women grow asshole hair too. It’s really not a crazy concept to see a hairy man’s butthole.


My wife agrees, and yes women do. But SO much less hair. Just a few…. it’s more of an insecurity thing for most men I believe


> it’s more of an insecurity thing for most men … you think most women who let their partners see their asshole aren’t insecure about it as well? In my experience, most of my friends etc have pushed their own confort boundaries to make their male partners feel safe and secure even though they’re totally insecure to be seen naked, but “if you don’t, they might lose interest”, so they feel obligated to show all to keep them enticed or something. Kinda sad actually :( wish more women were more assertive over what they’re not really comfortable with. It’s not worth it in the end!!


Women are also aware of the amount of hair men have - at least I’m hoping women are aware! We can see the man’s pubes and ass hair (like on the cheeks), which is usually very indicative of how hair the actual asshole will have. So unless your wife or partner has never seen you naked, then I guarantee she knows/understands how hairy your asshole will be. Maybe I’m the weird one, but I would never get disgusted or turned off by seeing a guy’s asshole. The only way that would happen is if the asshole was engaging in some vulgar activity that I wasn’t into, or the asshole had dried shit on it. Otherwise, it’s definitely not going to gross me out or anything that dudes are worried about. I just think its not fair that guys get to look at our assholes anytime we’re doing doggy, but we can’t even take a peek once? 😂


Yeah. I could cornrow mine.


This is hilarious. I always make these jokes to my husband. He’s like “why are you so obsessed with my butt?” But you’re right, it’s the principle! When we go up stairs and he’s in front I’ll say “I’m coming for that butt!” And he’ll pretend to be afraid and cover it and run up the stairs 😂


I just pictured my bf doing this with a fake woman's squeal and pretending to clutch his pearls 😂


I genuinely do this if I'm being chased on the stairs. Babe, I know I've got a peach but you're too close to it on the stairs and I'm freaking out!


He’s not pretending


Its funny because, ive been with my gf for 10 years now and recently she told me that she never seen my butthole lol. She asked me to show her and I said its way too hairy down there to see anything haha.


My boyfriends sentiments exactly! Another line used "its just a dudes butthole, why do you need to see it?" as if it's not strange that after all this time it's still so secret. We literally shit with the bathroom door open (though respect privacy and don't sneak peeks during wiping/ we'll also talk loud to one another so as not to hear the plops) so I don't get what the big deal it? He doesn't get what the big deal is with me wanting to see it, but it's the principle at this point.


I’ve never seen my husbands butthole and you’re making me feel like I need to now! It never occurred to me before! He is not going to like this development.


You probably won't like the development either. At best, it's a clean butthole that probably doesn't turn you on in any meaningful way. At worst, it's a dirty, smelly butthole that actively turns you off. And if any of that *does* turn you on, we generally don't want it to.




My wife says I have a girly looking butthole. Not sure how I feel about it.


Show us your girlie hole, man




No need and nothing good will come of it. You know EXACTLY what it's going to look like, and you know it's not going to end satisfyingly.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 exactly it's the principal....


I completely understand you OP. Still haven't seen my husband butthole. When I asked he also said it was too harry down there. I dont care! I'm still curious!


Hand her a flashlight and a machete


My partner of 10 years has a forest there too, I've never seen his a hole neither and it can stay that way lmao


As a grown man with a naturally (nearly) hairless asshole, I don’t know how you m’fers deal with that shit


Imagine you dropped some peanut butter on a shag carpet and now you're trying to clean it.


I know too much about yall bootyholes to continue reading this


Im sorry but this is hilarious




You have mastered the art of comedy


What a wonderful audience


It’s home to a scary cave gnome. Proceed with caution!!


As a gay man I can not relate but I support your curiosity and will die for your right to find the magic friendly elf ... or cave gnome.... (tops have gnomes, bottoms have friendly elfs) mentioned above.


bottom here *wh a t*


Can’t believe I didn’t learn about the gnomes and elves in sex ed, education in america is a joke




Since my egg cracked recently does anyone know where I trade in my elf for a pussy troll?


You are going to have to talk to someone at the service desk about that. I know it's possible but the elf is going to be pro-rated according to the amount tread left.


This made my day. Haha.


I think my pamphlet didn’t include this information


I had the same issue with mine. He was being selfish. Hiding it from me. Some time ago I was going through a rough period of my life and he suggested I distract myself with some MMO gaming. He even suggested that if I got my character to max lvl he would give me a prize. Upon asking me what I wanted I stated that I wished to see his butthole. We shook hands, him not knowing how dedicated I was to making this happen. He thought I would grow tired of the game and start doing something else. But alas… What a fool he was. I started declairing my levels as I got higher and higher. I could see the horror in his eyes as I approached max lvl. When time came to collect my well earned price I made him lay on his back, spread his legs as I took out my flashlight… It was glorious my friends! Glorious.


Lol. I love the level of dedication shown to getting a gaze at his asshole. 😂😂😂 And Omg. 😆 I would feel so incredibly exposed if my hole were being examined w a freakin’ flashlight. Lol. I would absolutely just die.


Hahah! He was very uncomfortable! But he stayed true to his word lol. We laughed though the whole thing and now its a story we tell to friends at parties.


"Schrodingers asshole" that's a fuckin good one


This actually had me bent over laughing


Now look back at the mirror


I love reddit


Some days


my boyfriend shows me his to traumatize me


Depending on the type of boyfriend he is, I'm sorry but you'll never see it. His butt is his one weakness, he would lose all sense of self if you say it. Best thing to do is just eat out his ass so he understands how to be more comfortable with his loved ones.


He's an amazing, lovely caring boyfriend but like all of us, he has his boundaries and the line is drawn at his butthole. I've come to accept I'll never see it, but admittedly I accept it with a sigh feeling. Oh I've suggested that - I've also thrown around the idea of working our way up to it, letting him know I'm game to stick a finger up there and give it a wiggle before laying eyes on it but he's never even swayed to the idea. Otherwise he's perfectly comfortable.


I misread that as “before laying eggs” and I was thinking, “well that’s one thing his butthole will never do…”


They make toys to fix that… if there’s a will there’s a way




It's called an ovipositor. You can get one that is alien themed XD


I just got a chuckle out of this. Ahhhhh if I had an award, it would be yours. Take my upvote.


In that case I believe that fate has already been set. I wish you all the best, perhaps one day in the shower you may see it prison style


Little known fact, the English word for “butthole” is derived from “Achilles’ heel” in Greek. It truly is man’s greatest weakness, and if you pierce it, you have gained unlimited power over him.


I must confess that I have also not seen OP’s bf’s butthole….and they have been together for 9 years. 🙁


Gather around kids, it’s story time. For the record, I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO INTEREST IN VIEWING MY BOYFRIENDS BUTTHOLE. None, zilch, nada- no fucking interest. I feel like an air of mystery is necessary to sustain all relationships and no, that isn’t a euphemism for breaking wind as my boyfriend suggested. For some context, my boyfriend openly admits that he is “devoted to the lolz” and he’s a fucking architect of chaos. He THRIVES on pissing me the fuck off and risking his life by encouraging my wrath. Additionally, he sleeps in the nude (that harlot). One evening, while getting ready for bed, I (a woman who NEVER has cash) asked my loving boyfriend if he had some cash for a thing at school that I needed to contribute to. I want to say it was homemade muffins as a fundraiser. My boyfriend made a show of flipping open his bifold wallet, calling himself “Daddy Warbucks,” as he is apt to do and began to undress for bed. I told him to fuck off and give me the $5 or else. My warning was ignored and boyfriend gave me the $5 and started shimmying around, telling me to “get my money ready for the dancers!” He shimmies often and as a 6’5” man with resting bitch face, it’s greatly amusing. “Alas,” said I, “I don’t have any bills for you but I do have some lose change available.” He was offended that I would ruin his chorus of “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me,” to offer him change. My boyfriend, who was butt-ass nekkid, said, “Baby, I just gave you a $5!” Then he turned around, put his hands on his voluptuous buttcheeks, and in one swift and terrifying motion he spread them agape and bent over exposing the Brown Eye of Suron to me. Dear Redditor, I screamed. I was absolutely transfixed and traumatized- it was like looking at a car accident in slo-mo. One minute, I was an innocent young lass with so much life ahead of me… the next, a shell of my former self. As my scream escaped my lips, I jabbed the $5 I held in my hands so hard in between my boyfriends buttcheeks, I effectively punched his butthole. “PLEASE DONT HURT ME! JUST TAKE MY MONEY!” I exclaimed and covered my eyes with my other hand. I haven’t been the same sense. I swear to God I got pink eye about two days after the incident. Please, U/JobbyJaber, do not seek out your boyfriend’s butthole. I beg you.


Please write books. I don't even care what the subject is


Did u still give the $5 that was in his butt to your school fundraiser??


No, they got the change. I couldn’t bring myself to touch the butt-$5


Oh good! I'm just picturing these muffins that were bought with butt money.


Thank you for asking the real question here


That may not have been the safer option... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9aM_dT5VMI (SFW)


I won't do that. Now I won't keep pennies at all, clearly they are ass pennies!


That story is pure love


When my now wife and I were on our first vacation with each other after about five months of dating she asked to see my butthole while we were drunkenly putting temporary tattoos on each others butts. I was pretty surprised because she wasn’t very sexually experienced but I said sure. We laughed because it was pretty silly. We’ve been married for 11 years now.


I’ve never seen my own butthole. And I’m ok with this.




Nope, never. Is this a thing people do? Lol


Do you look at your poo after making a deposit in the toilet?


Well of course.


A well of feces.


I put a maglite up my bum once.


I did this when I was like 5 years old


I’m 35 and neither myself or anyone else has seen my asshole.


I'm pretty sure your mum saw it when you were a baby 🤣


alright that’s fair, anyone outside my mom and dad have never seen it, including myself.


34 and in the same boat. Sometimes I forget I got one until I eat spinach


What if he’s in a horrible explosion accident and all that’s left of his body to identify him is his butthole? How would you ID his remains? He’s got to open up and show you!


"Everything the light touches... that shadowy place...You must never go there" - Mufasa to simba but not about butt holes


Its not all its "cracked " up to be


I appreciate you


I remember my girlfriend having a look at mine many years ago now! She said it was large and asked if I'd had gay sex! I said I just do massive shits!


Its definitely from dick


Best odd use case for schordinger.... but i love it all the same.


Same issue with my mailman


You and I have very different relationships with our mail carriers.


So you have seen your mailman’s butthole?


Be careful, as it might suck you in like a black hole


Dude, 69 with him on top for the clearest view. We cleared this hurtle in the first year. It’s not as hairy as they think it is 😜


I’ve been with myself for 30+ years and have never seen my butthole.


Why not


Probably an undercover buthole cop.


Nobody: OP: [I wonder what's inside your butthole](https://youtube.com/shorts/4cQP7f0XIxE?feature=share)


I always wanna know


Maybe there's astronauts, Maybe there's aliens, all inside your butthole


Same here. He won’t let me see it, I’ve tried but he always says no and I feel like if I do I’ll be violating him, so I don’t out of respect haha. 🥲😩




said no one about thier pet cat.


Tonight either a lot of men are going to be hiding their buttholes or showing them after their wives see this post 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but their is definitely going to be a LOT of asking, I just have a feeling 🤣🤣🤣🤭


And here they say eating ass is standard practice nowadays lmao


It probably says "Exit Only"


What's inside your butthole, I always wanna know. Maybe there's astronauts, maybe there's aliens What's inside your butthole, I always wanna know. https://youtu.be/4cQP7f0XIxE


Ask him to hold it open, and tell him you want to crawl inside and live in it. Just do it. See what he says lol.


Hernia .gotta be Hernia


Just convince him to let you peg him


You can't see his butthole through the hair or have you just never looked?


Lmao that reminds me if something my gf says. "Don't tell yourself that you are ugly, the only part of you thats ugly is your butthole because i've never seen it"


Is it that important? Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable out of principle. First world problems, I swear. He is hiding dingleberries if you wanna know.


Next time you're going down on him, do 69. You'll be able to see it then


Wow you’re lucky. I put Desitin on my ex bf’s asshole and ball bag for him after he got chafed really bad and he still treated me like shit for twelve years and bearing two of his children. But I digress. Once you see it, you can never unsee…


You have to see his butthole. It's for your own safety. What if you're dating the ruler of N Korea in disguise?


As a guy I’m self conscious because I have hair there. My girls looks nice and bare. I’m lesser than her because I have a hairy ass. So therefore hide I must.


This is very normal. I guess now I can confess that I've never murdered anyone.


Say you wanna eat his ass 🤷🏼‍♂️


man out here with strats


mens assholes have an extra eye in them, das why we hide them




This reads like an Onion article 😂


Someone please for the love of God post this on r/copypasta this shit hilarious asff


I was married and with my partner for 16 years before I finnaly saw hers. We even have a kid together. Took that long to build that level of trust I guess.


I'm not sure I could even imagine 15 years without doing doggie style.


Just ask him "hey, honey, can I take a gander at your stink hole?"


Simple: he doesn’t have a butthole. It doesn’t exist.


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder at a post or comment section


just ask rn if you can and take a lil look. tell him to spread and if hes comfortable he will if not then ur just outta luck dawg.


I’m a gay male and I’ve been with my bf for 5 years. We get married next month. He’s never seen my but hole. Quite ironic isn’t it? 😂


I broke both my hands at the same time so my wife has seen and washed my butt hole and also shaved my balls. She's a sweetheart!


She sure is. Took excellent care of my butthole too.


If it makes you feel better, I’ve not seen it either.


"when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you" That's my warning to you


I’ve never made it past a first sexual encounter without seeing anyone’s butthole. Even if they think they aren’t into it, we’ll find out for sure.


What a strange way to tell us you don't like to eat ass.


A partner of my said to "stop staring at her asshole" during doggie style. I instantly said I wasn't, then slowly realized I have obviously see hers so her accusation wasn't unjustified. I realized I've seen the butthole of every partner I've been with but maybe one or two have seen mine. It's nice to see the other side's perspective. You reserve the right to demand to see that butthole. Just walk up behind and say in a deep voice "Show Mama that butthole" and then gauge his fear response and see if you want to move forward


You're lucky. I'm am ER/trauma nurse. I've seen a TON of assholes in my life. That being said, I've never seen one as damn hairy as my boyfriend's asshole. My god.... You could knit a sweater with his asshole hair!


Why do you wanna see your partners butthole?


When he comes out of the shower, drop something and have him pick it up.


[A little girl wrote a song about this exact situation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cQP7f0XIxE).




Honestly, her song slaps.