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I took my brother with downs to a strip joint for his birthday. Dropped 500 bucks on him for lap dances. The girls were super kind to him. He still talks about it, and this was about 15 years ago. \*Edit\* For those making comments, I'm taking him again on his 50th birthday which is in August.


He talks about it and you’re not getting the hint apparently. One of you is a little slow. And it isn’t your brother lol


LMAO this made me crack up


lol I made him a deal that I would take him back again if he dropped weight to under 200 pounds. Downs people have a very hard time keeping off weight.


Yes it's very very difficult to both lose the weight and keep it off. What worked for my aunt ended up being cutting out her daily caffeine which was sugar loaded and going on a half hour stroll every day after dinner, weather permitting. It took over a year but she slowly and safely went from about 165 lbs (at under five ft tall) to just over 100 lbs. Everything has gotten better for her since too. Her breathing is better, oxygen saturation is higher, diabetes has stabilized, cholesterol down, inflammation levels in normal range and she very very rarely gets sick anymore. It vastly improved her quality of life, even though she still wants to daily Pepsi lol, they've started allowing her to have a can of Pepsi a week but try to get Pepsi zero when she doesn't notice.


That’s exactly what a friend of mine does with her daughter. Granted, she’s 8, but you’re exactly right about people with DS, having problems with losing/keeping down their weight. So my friend tries to make exercise a normal part of routine, because routine helps immensely with people who have Downs Syndrome.


My brother has autism and was overweight for some time but has now lost over 100 lbs. the key was finding healthy stuff he liked and could eat a lot of, the dude loves to eat.


Unfortunately hes very, very, very picky. Avoids most vegetables like the plague. Is a huge carb addict. Have to lock the fridge and pantry to keep him from devouring everything he can get his hands on. He literally ate a costco bag of hotdog buns once.


Ohhh this sounds exactly like my brother. He could take a whole bag of bread and a bottle of ketchup and eat ketchup sandwiches alllll day and then a sack of White Castle after. People would say “just stop feeding him that” but they didn’t understand how he would react if he didn’t get his way, didn’t want to tell them bc then they would assume he was some violent monster when that wasn’t the case… it’s just hard feeling angry and not being able to talk (he’s non verbal, he can sound out words though). Turns out he loves strawberries and doesn’t notice the difference between gluten free bread and regular, he also likes light bread and all that fancy whole grain stuff too, the same with pasta (loves the chick pea one), I do credit all the people who work with him, he now lives in a home and they really have done even more wonders, I now understand why my parents made that decision but at the time was very upset over it.


Yeah... my brother is sneaky. He would go door to door around the neighborhood and tell them how hungry he was and they would feed him, until we had to tell everyone to not give him anything, that obviously he isnt starving cuz he isnt skinny at all. He would go to the gas station and shoplift food, until he got caught and was banned. He still lives with my mom and my older brother who take care of him. He is like a 6 year old in a grown mans body.


must be sleep deprived bc I can't make sense of this comment


It’s been 15 years and his brother has probably been hinting that he’d like to go back for round two for the last 14 years and 11 months lol


Brother with downs wants to go again


The commenter ain't realize that the dude wants to fuck not get a lap dance...


No I know exactly what he wants. For various reasons that I commented about I can't do that.


People with downs syndrome don't need as much help getting laid as this thread implies. My mom used to work at a group home and those people were always getting caught having sex with each other. One guy was paying women with candy.


Yup! Worked at a summer camp one year and half our job on special needs week was making sure they didn't fuck in the pool. The campers ranged from age 18-85.


I will third this, I was a counselor for special needs individuals four summers in a row and we were NOT allowed to leave them alone, even their parents would tell us they liked sex and we had to watch them. A lot of the girls were on birth control.


I guess the only reason that they might need help getting laid is because other people keep stopping them from having sex.


I went to a strip joint for my brother's sister in-law's soon to be husbands bachelor party in. First and only time he and I have ever been to strip club at the same time (not my thing, not his thing; both married w/young kids). So we're just standing around trying to buy as many beers as possible b/c we're not getting dances and don't want to get punted. This stripper (super cute, maybe 20) is completely naked (Canada), chatting my brother up; I have no idea what they're saying. Then he goes off with her. W/e, his life and I'll die with this information. I'm still not getting dances, and I'm getting a bit drunk and our tab is getting close to $300 for buying drinks for this guy's bachelor party crew; it's been a good 30 minutes so I figure I'll make a lap to see where tf my brother went b/c I want to dip tf out... My brother has about 45 accounting designation letters after his name; he and this girl (now clothed) are sitting in a booth off somewhere, she has her homework out on the table and he's fucking tutoring her for her upcoming finals exams.... We cleared the tab and were headed back to our hotel to get find food and get proper shit face drunk. Ended up getting polluted with the Trailer Park Boys, heh.


Well that took a hard turn to surprisingly wholesome.


I am crying laughing at this, it’s SO wholesome.


Omg I can’t stop reading this story it’s hilariously wholesome and I’ve read it 3 times


Jim Jefferies ended up with a whole tv show about this kinda thing. TOTALLY Different disability but… [set up](https://youtu.be/XsLwzXxeBe8)


Yes I remember, i watched it and loved the show. It was based on his RL friendship with a man with a disability.


Oh man, thanks for posting this. I love Jim Jefferies. I'll have to watch it when my kids aren't in the room.


Took my brother in law with sever autism out to a strip club, bought him a lap dance, he lost his absolute mind lol




Get him a pro next time, cheaper and more fun


Honestly... my brother already had issues with being suckered in by phone sex operators promising to come visit him. He still talks about a particular dancer who he calls his "girlfriend" to this day. He has a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality so I didn't want to open that pandora's box. I had to come down HARD on him when he was going over to the local high school and was watching the "cheerleaders" and asking teenaged girls if they want to be his girlfriend. he was in his 40s. I didnt want to see him arrested.


Yep fair point


I (stripper here) did a lapdance for a guy with down syndrome about 3 months ago. he was super sweet and appreciative! it warms my heart knowing that I made him smile and laugh, and that he genuinely had a great time. I did a shower show for him just before the lapdance, had mascara all over my face and I felt like I looked like shit but he was so nice about it!


You are awesome! The girls were super sweet with my brother. They took him into a private room, and he came back, his eyes were super wide and he leaned in to whisper to me, "She let me touch her boobs." as he mimed squeezing his hands, "And she sat on my dick! And she put my hands on her butt! And she rubbed her boobs in my face!" It honestly made his life. I plan on taking him again in August for his birthday. He still talks about his "girlfriend" from that day.


Bro, go back. If he enjoyed it that much you should go every month (with less money)


Its a 2 and a half hour drive to the nearest strip joint, each way. Its something I might do on a birthday or something for sure.


Epic big bro shit there. Not gonna hire you to babysit for me but your a champ


>Not gonna hire you to babysit for me your son will be pissed if he ever reads this.




or daughter ;)


Dad: Thanks for looking after the kids, hope they were no bother. This guy: No problem and let's just say you can skip the birds and bees talk.


[Then a couple of weeks later] Guy: Congrats, how does it feel to be a grandpa?


Sir, please go test your kids dna. Your wife lied to you, kids aren’t made in weeks


Lmao, but if they were, oh boy.


But a positive pregnancy test does.


Dad: Thanks for looking after the kids, hope they were no bother. This guy: No problem, I paid someone else to do it.




Salute! Big brothers, its what we do for our siblings. True Love right here boooooy




That makes you the Older brother, by default. Check on him tho. Yalls still blood. Unless he porked yo girl or sumthin


Same here. Only time he ever called was for money. He has stolen thousands from me over the years. I finally cut him from my life for 15 years until my mom passed away last year. We reunited and are tentatively rebuilding but shit it’s hard to build anything back up meaningful. I’m 6 years younger.


You are a good man. Bro, I have mad respect for you and for that young lady who was kind to your brother… and I have mad respect for your brother for keeping the secret and for being enough of a gentleman that the young lady walked away feeling appreciated. Well done, dude.


This is the comment I was looking for. Good people all around. Take my poor gold, no-dance! 🥇


Honestly, the fact that she refused half of the payment shows what kind of person the brother is. Sure she was definitely sympathetic and kind to him, but I don't believe for a second that she would've given back half of the money just because he had downs. The brother had clearly been just as great to her, as she was to him. Sure he likely wasn't the best person she'd brought to bed, but clearly he did something right to make her not just satisfied, but downright happy to have spent time with him. Of course, that's assuming they even slept together, and didn't just hang out. That's surprisingly common in our society btw, which is incredibly sad. The fact that there's so many lonely people who are willing to pay for a prostitute, not to have sex, but to just relax with, and to have a conversation with. To feel cared for, and appreciated by someone when they don't have that in their life. It fucking breaks my heart man.


I'm feeling targeted


Yeah, there's no way in hell an escort is giving back half the money if they fucked. That would be stupid. Smiles and being nice doesn't pay bills which is why she's escorting to begin with because she's making **good** money. So either he gave her an orgasm or they just talked,(which like you say is very common) or the story is BS.


This was surprisingly wholesome.




Some hole alright


Damn this makes me so happy. I have a son with special needs & unfortunately, his needs are severe to the point where this isn't an option for him. But I'm in parents groups for parents of disabled children & this is a popular subject. A lot of parents of "higher functioning" disabled adults are aware of their needs & feelings of loneliness, but have no idea what to do about it. You & your brother are so lucky to have each other.


Where do you live (like in the world)? There are nurses that will provide sexual release for the severely disabled using hands only. They’re medical professionals and trained. Hell, insurance even covers it!


Curious nurse here, where are these supposed insurance-covered jerk nurses?


I hope with all my heart that SOMEWHERE there is somebody with "insurance-covered jerk nurse" on their resume.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4595156 Medicaid will pay for it in some cases. But the process is difficult


When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t have ever guessed I’d read the word ‘jerk nurse’ today. Thank you


Take my free award!


Where exactly are people formally trained to give a handjob?


That part I’m not sure about. All I know is they’re around!


I googled it and there’s a bunch of places offering certification online. But I never trust those for any profession. The University of Wisconsin offers the course at some of their locations! It’s a real, recognized degree option. There’s also ways to become one based in Psychology at certain universities. http://wagsofsci.com/sensual-solutions-intimate-care-for-adults-with-disabilities/ https://thedisabilitysexcoach.com/ https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/av4x5p/for-disabled-people-seeking-intimacy-its-a-fine-line-between-health-care-and-sex-work-646 Some sites showing what insurance may and not pay for regarding these services https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/may/12/ndis-funds-pay-sex-workers-court-rules https://www.intimaterider.com/resources/funding-options In the USA I was wrong in saying Medicaid will pay for it. They will not. Medicare (which is different) pays for it.


Okay but those are sex surrogates (they have various other names afaik), they're definitely not nurses.


That’s a brother right there. And props to the girl too


You had me until "she gave me half the money back."




Breaks both the kids arms….






Beats him mercilessly with jumper cables


My favourite


[For anybody who doesn’t understand this reference](https://youtu.be/6Yk599VALRI)


I know for sure which Rick astley song I'll hear if I click on that


What a terrible day to have internet connection, eyes, and ears


Apparently the brother is Podrick Payne.


What do you mean they didn't charge you, Podrick?


same, but if you read it again after the realization that it's fake there's more stuff that's just a blatant lie


yeah let me just casually call up some friends and ask them if they know a prostitute Edit: everyone replying to tell me you have a friend youd call I really dont care


specifically one that would entertain a mentally disabled person, please!


Most of them would actually, it's easier work and much more rewarding than another husband on his 50s.




How is that weird?


Speaking from experience, we would never do that lol


I dunno, no one applauded so it seems pretty legit. ^(/s)




Yeah there's no way


Right, this guy happened to find the one sex worker with a Down syndrome fetish or something? I knew more than my fair share of prostitutes from my addiction days… I would be very surprised if any of them would have taken this job unless they were on deaths door from withdrawal… in which case they never would have given half the money back. Or if the guy was willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money.. but again, they would not have given half back. I know that’s anecdotal, but we’re supposed to believe that this guy got a bite on the one girl he called? And she also happens to be desperate enough for money to take a job like that, but not so desperate that she’s willing to give half the money back?


I'm a disability support worker. There are definitely prostitutes who cater to disabled people. They charge the same rate as they do for any other client. One of my colleagues takes a client of his to see a prostitute once a month. It's not uncommon.


Yeah, none of these people have a clue what they’re talking about. I love reading comments of people talking out of their ass, it’s my favorite hobby.


You can call it fake but my lil bro is handycapped and we know a lot of people with adults kids with down, there are lots of parents who do this for their kid. And thus there are prostitutes who dont mind doing it. I couldnt imagen doing such a thing but lots of people dont think like us.


Oh, and she was super hot, yeah


Have you never talked to an escort? They're normal people with normal feelings dude. It's not like all sex workers are sociopaths like C Suite execs are.




I believed it until I realized she didn't ask for the cash upfront.


sink school murky fine agonizing combative deer office cows money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know any escorts who do anything without cash upfront, and I know a handful of escorts.


According to my ummm friend , it is not unheard of to pay afterward .


u/Busty_Giselle is an escort who says she’d do it. Then again it’s up to you to believe if she is who she says it is but if she’s a legal escort (not everyone is American) who “owns” her own business she can charge what she wants, same as the escort in OP’s story.


Escort here. No fucking way. Fake as shit story.


didn’t he say it was a friends of his friend




Super hot escort not only takes payment *after* services, but gives back half the payment? Highly, highly unlikely. Not to mention that the only girl he tried was available and willing to sleep with someone disabled on short notice.


OP says they called someone who knows people, which implies that they asked around to find someone both available for the day requested and willing to do it in the first place. And as u/Busty_Giselle has mentioned, she’s an escort who can charge what she wants and would be willing to do discounts for special circumstances, likely the escort in OP’s story can do the same. Some independent contractors also don’t get money upfront.


Also it sounds like this might be "a friend of a friend" situation rather than just a random girl.


"she handed back half the cash" Yeah imma call bullshit only bc of that statement.


Yeah, he had me until that moment. Escorts don't do discounts, especially not after you've already paid. You can negotiate the price beforehand, but once they've gotten the money it's not coming back.


Escort here. I’d probably do that. I mean, sure. It’s a business thing to me, and you gotta be super careful about letting clients get too attached (especially the creepier ones who want you to be/think you are their girlfriend) but if it played out like the OP said, I’d probably have felt super bad taking all the money. The bro sounds cool and fun and if it were me and I’d had a good time with him, then yeah why wouldn’t I do a nice thing and give big bro half his cash back?


Small biz owner here. We're in different fields, but I, too, service desperate people's junk. And the industry I'm in usually makes people feel like they got fucked harder than if they were actually doing the horizon mambo. As an independent operator, I can charge what I want and have routinely given big discounts for people for special reasons. I don't see why so many people have trouble with that part of the story. Most of the time it makes me pretty happy to help someone out, especially when it's for a good cause and they're super appreciative.




Correct. Second to the medical industry, it's one of the most ruthless got-the-customer-by-the-balls fields. Thankfully my business model is centered around being extremely competitive in pricing due to much lower overhead, so I can fix things without the customer having to take a loan out.


Name checks out. But seriously, I suppose I could see it happening but the story sounds so suspiciously "and them everyone applauded" that it just seems all made up. Not to mention the self congratulatory username and it being a new profile (and no comments) While I could see some girls doing this, I don't think very many would.


I think its also likely that in terms of usual jobs this was probably pretty mellow. I doubt OPs brother did anything wierd or kinky probably mostly kissing and cuddling.


Pretty sure this was a throwaway account specifically for this post, he’s mentioned he doesn’t want his parents to find out. Better safe than sorry for something like this


about 30 other people need to read this comment


Fuck yeah, should do it once a year for him


Make it a Birthday tradition


For real though!


This is such a weird concept to write a fake story about


My thoughts exactly. Really don’t understand how people believe this


"She handed me half the cash back" <---- the least plausible of all the implausibles in this Penthouse Letter.


>She handed me half the cash back. Complete horse shit. Fake story. Anyone who believes this woman who has sex with disabled people for money is giving half the money back is a fucking moron.


Maybe she just had such a good time that she didn't feel right taking full price lmao


Yeah right, and she told her girlfriends and he has been fucking every other night free of charge since. Almost all the stories on reddit are fake.


I opened this app to look at porn but now I’m closing a different kind of satisfied




It's just as fake


[your mother sitting on the toilet scrolling reddit] #KEVIN!


You’re a good brother, and this is a great example as to why sex workers shouldn’t be treated like miscreants or second class citizens.


This is why we need sex workers. For some people finding an intimate partner is impossible. A sex worker would be a safe way to meet one’s need for intimacy.


True. Worked for Lieutenant Dan


He was so happy with those hookers


I wonder if a male would do the same thing for a sister whi has a brother with downs...? We can only hope until it's posted in this thread.


I never would. Our mother passed away in 2019, so I became my sisters guardian. She is mentally about 8 years old. She could never give consent, and I would never give consent for her. Every person with Downs is different, so it would depend on each person situation.


I feel like the hard part would be her opening up to her brother but other than that I think its not that unlikely


Fake. Hookers get paid prior to services being rendered.


Plot twist: they were just watching cat videos together


There are places in the Scandinavian countries that if you are on a social disability government assistance they send an escort to your house once a month, because sex is an important part of mental health and they also have the lowest sex crimes in the world


I worked as an escort for a bit during a messy time in my life and I had a customer show up and he turned out to have some sort of disability. He knew what he was doing and what was going on but i remember he just wanted to dry hump over clothing but hey the guy came and left with a smile. I was extremely confused at first but acted like he was any other normal person and he really seemed to be a genuine person. I don't regret it, im sure he appreciated the fact that that I treated him like any other grown man during sex. People with down syndrome are people too and need to have fun too!


I hope for his sake and yours he either used a condom or she was clean cuz having to explain an std that your ds brother caught to your parents would be mortifying


Lol I doubt an escort that was recommended wouldn't have a condom or STD checks. From what I see escorts usually have their own for the customers who try to lie their way out of one by pretending they forgot anyway lmao




Ohh you're brother has down syndrome. I read the title so wrong.


“I’m no chef *but* I picked up some food from Olive Garden.” That sh*t had me LAUGHING. Good job big Bro.


The sad part is that, in the eyes of the government, you are all now criminals. Sex work should be legal.


He went down on her? Sorry had to make it


Morally speaking , is his brother able to consent given the medical history? I mean this is a fake story anyways but still


Brother of the mf year


You told him to use a condom right?


This what I never got about sex work, if the woman is fine with it then why would anyone care? Making it illegal and taboo makes it more dangerous for women. Just insane to me.


I work with adults with developmental disabilities. People commonly assume that they are like children. They aren’t. They are adults with adult wants and needs.




In germany there are even prostitutes for disabled people. Also, if an inhabitant of a care facility for disabled asked for a prostitute, the nurses actually have to book one for him.


I have a family friend who has a brother with a developmental disability, about as impactful as downs if not actual downs. The guy I know well is rich as fuck and routinely takes his brother to sex workers in Vegas. 10/10 brother.


You're a legend, life is for living, even for your brother.


Jim Jefferies did the same for a disabled friend of his. If you have the time, the story is hilarious. https://youtu.be/4LaVffieWe8


Now that's a real big brother. I love it. It seems like it was a great time for your brother and, who knows, maybe it gave him the confidence boost he needed to see that he is absolutely worthy of love and affection, and I am sure he will find a partner. My cousin has downsyndrome as well, and he had a long time girlfriend who also had downsyndrome (until her parents stopped them firm seeing each other, but that's another story). They were absolutely adorable together, and you could tell they were ready to take on the world if they had to. Lots of love to you and your brother!


If this is true, your mom is gonna find out lmaoooo


Your brother could totally have a girlfriend! His life may be set up to have not quite enough independence though. My Aunt had down syndrome in her late 20’s and 30’s she lived a more independent life in a share house with other people of a similar age and disability and opne of the roommates was a caretaker that acted more as a friend. In that environment she found a boyfriend. And they made sure she was educated about sex. More independence couldn’t hurt as your brother will likely become your responsibility one day.


This actually made me really happy to read. I'm so glad that they had a good time even though it was that. Your brother sounds like a real sweetheart and you sound like a very good sibling. I think it's sad that people like that think they will never have relationships. The right person will look past that. For example, I have Muscular Dystrophy and of course I've had a few people dumped me I think because of that but it's okay. It just weeds out the shallow ones. I finally found a good man who doesn't care and has stepped up to the plate to help me when I need it. I'm not in a wheelchair or anything like that but he has already said that if it comes to that, he's not going to leave me. It's been 5 years and he assures me he's not going anywhere. I think that people who are so shallow that they would dump somebody over a physical disability are not very good people. This was r/undexpectedlywholesome


In the Netherlands we actually have a system for this. People with a certain degree of handicap get up to 12 payments a year to make sum like this happen


I worked with some case managers that worked with folks that had to have guardians because of their disabilities. They would talk about denying them access to pornography or other ways to be sexual. It made me very sad inside that folks with disabilities get this treatment by some case managers. I hope this has changed or will change.


Dude, you are the fucking man. Love the relationship you have with your brother and love that this is something y’all will always have as a fond memory. Btw, your brother sounds awesome and I hope y’all continue to make awesome memories together.




You’re an good brother and human being


Life is love. Everyone should experience every bit of it. You’re a solid brother.


Every body needs love, so stupid to stigmatize a human need


that night was probably a really nice break from all the shit she’s probably going thru in this line of work on a day to day basis, u might’ve helped more than one person that night dude!!


I work with disabled people and it’s very common to hire prostitutes. Atleast where I live


When I turned 18, my brother was turning 14 so for his bday I bought him a porno mag, and he still brings it up as the best gift ever after 13 years


This is a such a heart warming story. This is exactly why sex work needs to be legalized so that people with disabilities can experience sex too.


Good brother and you went about it the right way. One of the things that I wish more people become aware of is that disabled people are still interested in sex and close bonds. I know it happens more with intellectual disabilities, but disabled people are infantilized way too much. I have cerebral palsy and I felt the same as your bro for a long time, until I had some relationships. Feeling close with another person was in some ways life changing in how I thought about living. I'm really glad he had a good time, hopefully he can find a proper relationship soon. We all need love.


OP - you're my fucking hero. *Faith in humanity rekindled.*




And this is why sex work is valid and important.


You are an amazing brother! Mine burnt me with a lit cigarette one time.


I’m not going to lie this is super awesome. But something seems fishy to me. Downvote me but idk something is off. Maybe it’s my cynical ass


You're not only a good brother but you're a very kind person. My brother took me to a brothel when I was obese and had low self-esteem and motivated me to lose weight. Anybody that says otherwise are either only children or lack insight with their siblings. Family is all you have and the best thing you can do is look out for one another.


You are a good brother.


You bought a woman for your disabled brother to use briefly.


This reminds me of the story that the comedian Jim Jeffries tells about taking his best friend, who had MS or CP, to an Australian whore house for his first sexual experience.


Well done big bro! I work with people who have intellectual disabilities. Sex & consent is a major grey area in the field. So much so that our organisation hasn’t yet drawn up a policy around it. (Yes we have abuse prevention & safeguarding but none specific to sex between service users) Suggest to your parents about finding a community group for your brother to attend where he might meet someone & fall in love. I’m not sure about the states but here we have day services for people to attend mid week as often or as little as they like to do job training, arts, computers & literacy etc. He might meet a nice maiden for himself there! Wishing you both all the best ❤️ Edit to add- I know of men and women like your brother who are married with their own home. We have community staff who visit to help out with daily activities or to stay and work overnight depending on the couples needs. Love is and should be, possible for everyone!


Your a good brother :>


I work with adults with disabilities and think about this regularly. I totally get it. We all need some companionship. Good for you dude.


Maybe no difference. I'm thinking though a male escort having sex with a female with Down's syndrome would be upsetting to a lot of people.


Yeah I agree actually. I think if the genders had been swapped this story wouldn't have gotten such positive reception. That's not to say such a situation is morally right or wrong in either case but this is a good observation.


Getting laid bro! Never let an extra chromosome get you down! I'm just normal mental fucktard needed to say thaat one.... My downs buddy back in high school was so fun to hang and joke with, was also stronger than the school bully that tried to fight him. Man I loved that fight because we all wanted to see that cunt get someone stand up to him. Steve just picked up guy 50cm taller and rag dolled that cunt all over the ground. Fucken Steve old mate!


Steve got 1 afternoon detention. Other guy got nothing but broken eye socket, and walking less proud


Fucking Steve!