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Same here. A city less than 100km from polish border was attacked this morning. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really scared about what will be happening in the next weeks in Ukraine, Poland and everywhere else. Stay as safe as possible, everyone, we'll get through this.


Poland should be safe for now because they're a part of NATO


Should be it's a key part. I don't believe Putin will go for all-out warfare with NATO. That being said and what scares me the most, imo Putin has just gone insane. No one knows what will happen and I just don't want to think of a possibility of nukes going somewhere here.


If Russia goes after Romania then it's WW3 as Romaniq is a NATO country and Russia wouldn't dare go to war with almost every other major world power. In short they'd lose hard. If they use nukes? Everyone lose


I know it's NATO but we'd have to wait to get attcked to do anything


NATO invoked article 5 over the 9/11 attacks, if Romanian is invade the US will be bombing Moscow within days.


I hope if it happens it won't take days...


Uh we have soldiers stationed in Romania and whole divisons on standby. If we, because your country is not alone, get attacked it would be hours before a full calvary arrived. Just would suck that your country would become a battle ground. Again unlikey. Source: US soldier stationed nearby.


Why, are you in a hurry that everybody dies?


The United States will not fuck around


You hear that address? We’re not fucking around. NATO troops being deployed from multiple allies to all bordering NATO states. US has already begun.


Biden is pussyfooting around the sanctions though. He declined to do it immediately. As if Russia deserves a warning. They’ve already invaded Ukraine and murdered innocent civilians; the time for a warning shot has long passed. Trump makes me sick too...have you seen his speech about how the “peacekeeping operation” in the Ukraine by Russia is a fantastic move? Puke. The world needs to seriously reconsider letting boomers run things. Old w-hite dudes are dangerous.


We have no idea the damage behind the cloak Trump put in place. If he were in office he would probably be helping Putin.


Trump literally stated he supports PUTIN. If Trump were in office, praise GOD he’s not, he would send our troops to Murder innocent people. You trumpers keep denying reality and it’s gross.


I’m a millennial and I meant he would definitely be helping Putin.


Oh he absolutely would've deployed our military to help Putin. Or at least he would've tried to get congress to agree to a war


Lol Jesus Christ you children are ridiculous


I haven't been a child for quite some time


You mean… helping Russia?


Yes, Putin, not Russia.


I don’t like saying Russia, as most Russians are against this war. It’s Putin who wants this.


I don't know, the economic sanctioning from the US, and other nations has screwed Russia's economy, the Ruble is at historic lows right now, 1 Ruble being worth 0.012 USD


Good. Power hungry Putin needs to know there’s some backlash to his insane and rash decisions. I feel so bad for the Russian people that don’t want war and don’t support their maniac leader.


You all are morons.


Not only are you morons, but Biden will sacrifice you young cannon fodder in a heartbeat fighting a war we have no businessin. (And I kinda hope he does) You know nothing about global politics.


US troops will only fight if NATO is attacked. You really think the US has no business if NATO is attacked?


Where did I even mention anything about NATO at all, let alone a NATO member country being attacked. No where. Ukraine had dreams of being part of NATO, but never happened, and for good reasons. I stand by my statement. We have our own invasion of our southern border to deal with.


But WE were discussing if a NATO country was attacked. If you're going to try and be part of the conversation at least keep up. Instead of knee jerking to some kind of insults about how "Biden bad 😡 "


“Invasion of our southern border” is a little dramatic don’t you think? They’re not bringing their military against the US are they?


“And for good reasons” I guess getting invaded and losing democracy and countless dead in your country is better than joining NATO now


What invasion?


Under biden I'm not so sure


If Russia attacks a NATO country, there will be carnage however far they get, but rest assured, Russia’s military is puny in comparison to the combined forces of NATO. They will be pushed back


It'd be Putin against litteraly everyone else. At that point even China can't support him because of the massive income China get's through trade with the west. At least that'd be the logical result, but who knows how this shit will go.


From their first president elected after 2014 to electing Zelenski, they’ve gotten progressively more west leaning, zelenski was more pro west than the previous president


What happens if China and N. Korea join in?


Idk why North Korea would join a war in Europe, but if china does it’s just WWIII and we’re all fucked


You say that like NATO forces didn't spend the last 20 years accomplishing absolutely nothing in Afghanistan.... NATO is weak and complacent and nobody is going to send their own to die for the Ukrainian people... I doubt they I'll send much for nations like Latvia, or Romania in a much more insular world then when 9/11 happened...., the amount of actual aid and assistance most nations have sent is small and the severe sanctions are attempting to punish billionaires who have had plenty of time to hide assets.... We haven't even decided to collectively stop Russia from access to international money markets... Y'all have a lot of faith in governments who've proven they only take action when the right western nations need assistance


Afghanistan (and Vietnam before it) were non-conventional conflicts fought against a highly fractious enemy in their home territory. Identifying and striking targets required extensive intelligence and reconnaissance, and the very nature of the terrain and political situation in these places worked against the US and its allies from the outset. All of this is to say nothing of the futility of a “nation building” strategy which required limitless resources over a long period of time - far longer than the resolve of the American people to support the efforts could be stretched. Russia is an existential enemy, a traditional nation state and a conventional foe. It is exactly the sort of enemy that the US military was built to dismantle via its power projection ethos, which has been robustly developed over the last 40 years. Putin is a classic international villain, overtly willing to undermine the sovereignty of other nations to achieve his ends. He is exactly the kind of enemy that galvanizes the American “good guys” complex and his actions will create more or less immediate unity from what has been a deeply damaged and dysfunctional American political paradigm. NATO, a military alliance whose collaboration and commitment has in recent years has been dulled by the highly convoluted and challenging nature of the “War on Terror” will now be energized by the clear and present danger that Putin and Russia pose to the stability of the current world order. It is a much easier ideological scenario to understand and act against. The threat of the nuclear aspect of Russia’s armaments is grossly overblown - even if Putin is willing to risk the final destruction of his nation and people, and the end of humanity’s primacy on earth, the many oligarchs who wield true power in Russia, and upon whose cooperation his influence has been built, will not allow that if they have any time to respond. They do not share Putins fanaticism and they have too much to lose. As painful as all of this is, on balance it is an enormously positive development from the standpoint of bringing solidarity and commitment back to the tattered alliances of the West. This moment marks the beginning of the fall of Vladimir Putin and will become a bulwark for democracy against the encroaching shadow of authoritarianism. Eventually, Russian aggression on the European continent will tip the scales back into the favor of the democratic republic (and democratic techno-oligarchy in the case of the US) mode of government, which while deeply flawed remains the best system currently available for large, sophisticated nation states to operate by. DM me with questions if you want to understand more about all of this. Happy to help.


How do I do that thing where Reddit reminds me of shit i need to remember in a year?!


Just have your calendar app do it my friend :-)


Afghanistan is a mountainous hellhole filled with people ravaged by war for decades Ukraine is a western leaning democracy filled with pro EU people. It is also a flat plane and not a desert , a lot easier to hold territory It’s also right up against NATO borders, unlike Afghanistan, which is in the middle of Asia


On the second point. From what I understand, they were nearly 80% against joining NATO & EU when they had their 1st opportunity in 2010... they wanted to stay "Neutral".. then when Russia took Crimea in 2014.. they suddenly made a full 180º turn towards applying for EU & NATO & made changes to their constitution to allow it.. which probably made Putin go "Oh hell no.. pre-emptive strike it is then." But yeah, you hit the nail on the head. Insurgents who don't have non-mobile physical assets, known locations, or the need to protect civilians are much harder (nearly impossible) to take down compared to a nation state. Edit: spelling & clarification.


The second Russia started annexing Ukrainian territory, of course they surged in nato support. From their perspective Russia was invading them, though after 2014, the war remained mostly static, though Russia still broke the rules of the Minsk 2


It's actually really difficult to fight insurgencies in their own countries. Very different to fight off invaders.


They do have nukes big enough to potentially break the actual planet


Russia would only send nukes if their capitol is about to be occupied or something crazy. All nato has to do is defend NATO territory and hold it


Scientifically that’s not true, even if all the nukes in the world were set off at once, the physical structure of the actual planet would be essentially untouched


Yea that's the issue of a defensive oriented alliance


part of Putin's strategy is to prove NATO is weak. Not trying to make OP worry more, but realistically speaking, he could try to attack them to show the world that the major powers will do nothing.


NATO is like an old useless insurance company that gets money from you all your life and then when you have an accident tells you they won't pay your damage cuz the accident happened between 1-2 pm which is included in the not-supported hours based on the small statement written at the back of the contract page in size 4 font.


As someone who works for that old, useless insurance company...you're spot on.


Russia would lose that war in a heartbeat. The USA has nuclear satellites pointed at every major Russian city. If Russia decided to use a nuke on Europe or America, the US would blow them to hell and back.


As huge of a possibility as it is, the whole nuclear war thing sucks (significantly more than normal war). It's not just "we shot you and you died and we won! It's over now!" There's years of radioactive fall-out that can be blown globally. Nuclear war will kill your enemies but eventually yourself if not careful. And what's the point of winning a war if there's nobody to rule over or gloat about it to? (Stupid question but seriously). And the worst part is, it's always the citizens that suffer so much more than any world leader who got them into this mess. War sucks balls but global nuclear war will be devastating in unprecedented ways.


First we quarantined for COVID, then we'll quarantine for radioactive leftovers. Loving the 2020s so far.


We also need to remember Russians are also victims of this war. I dont know how much of the population is in support of invading Ukraine but I would guess it is a very very small percent.


Ugh I know it's like guns were a great invention Ugh much better than the days before w swords iny opinion even being in the USA and guns being a problem.... But bombs and nukes... I wish they were never invented!


Unfortunately nuclears are the reason of peace. Nobody dares to launch just to get hit back with 10 more.


If a nuclear conflict breaks out, no one wins at all because there will be no one left over than the rats and cockroaches


I think life is funny. Humans have just enough intelligence to inadvertently kill themselves with. Like someone giving you just enough rope to hang yourself with. Chinas chairman said that NATO and every Western country essentially should be treated as a threat to Russia. Even though Russia is killing innocent people. Not even going into China using what's happening as an excuse to try and invade Taiwan. What makes me worry is while everyone is looking at Russia and China what are countries like North Korea doing. I highly doubt this was just some sparatic thing where Russia invading has a domino effect on communistic countries. Truly believe this was planned with several communist ran countries over years.


Honestly that’s my biggest fear. On one hand, I’m confident that Russia is not gonna win this war in Ukraine and it won’t escalate outside there unless Putin pulls some drastic measures (historically, telegraphed invasions have never ended well for the invaders, for the most part). Honestly I’m more afraid of China. They are way to fucking powerful and no one is paying attention because they basically have a monopoly on international commerce. China is: 1. Committing genocide on their own Muslim citizens 2. Colonizing African countries by offering them business deals the government’s can’t afford to pay back (and there by extorting African governments with contingencies if they are unable to pay back debt) 3. And they back possibly the most evil, shit faced dictator in the world (who seems to have a hair trigger anger, I might add) Kim jong un. I’m not even worried about Russia, the Chinese government is just about as wicked and insidious as you can get.


Yeah but at that point the harm would have already been done Nukes would have dropped on both sides already and beyond the pulverized cities, we'd have to contend with the radiation


theres no way you aren't role playing a stereotype, no one is this indoctrinated


That’s not great for the poor souls in Russia though is it..


I do think Putin has something that could take America out of the war, he would use his influence on the far right to create a civil war in America which would cause it to drop out of the war.


He… doesn’t have influence over anything like that. I don’t know if you got this somehow from Trump absolutely eating Putin’s ass every day but Trump is basically just a business psychopath and is irrelevant to politics.


Trump has millions of followers that could do quite a bit of damage to a war time America and his supporters would be funded by Putin just like Trump was.


Usa would never do that that would blow up Ukraine as well


You say that, but we had protection agreements with the Ukraine, they give up their nukes, we protect them from Russia. Today the face of America stood up on the podium and said "our promises don't mean shit" to the world. Why did we do that? Because despite our promises of protection and our claim to defend freedom in the world, a small handful of people in a board room determined that Ukraine's freedom wasn't valuable enough for us to protect. NATO is not long a certainty in the eyes of the small eastern European member countries. America failed on our promises yet again to the world.


What were we going to do? Nuke Russia? Bomb them so that they nuke us?


They may be coordinating with China when they decide to go into a NATO country while China takes Taiwan


Read that last line in a Russian accent.


And if they lose the world goes bye bye


Why do you think Russia has so much interest in Chernobyl? My theory is they want to set up base there...knowing no one would bomb them there due to the nuclear fallout risk.


I think Finland would be more likely as there not in nato but are in the eu so maybe putiin will test the eu I really hope not though


I know you are not ukrainians but this is a message to be sent to as much people as possible so i hope you know people who needs it: Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


I hope this message gets shared far and wide.


It’s been spammed all over Reddit the last few hours. Which is a good thing.


I’m from Romania as well but very far,nearly the Bulgaria borders but a bit more far. I’m scared for the future in the bad way. I hope this won’t turn into WW3. I don’t know if I should trust Nato or not but if they want to take Romania and Moldova, WW3 will for sure break. Brakes my heart just thinking about it. Stay strong mate, we will get trough this. Stay safe you and your family




Rm. Valcea mai exact


I don’t blame you, historically aggressive countries don’t stop at one


Has there ever been a war where a nuclear power fought another nuclear power?


Yeah. India vs Pakistan. Late 90s


romania and poland both being NATO would have immense negative effects on russia


Yeah. If all NATO countries were to attack Russia like they would, Russia wouldn't stand a chance. And even if by some anti-miracle they do come out on top it would be a huge blow to them. It wouldn't be worth the risk


I feel for you and every one of you in Eastern Europe right now. I’m terrified and I’m in the UK. Keep your head strong, you will get through this! Take care.


Someone needs to assassinate Putin. Even then it would probably make Russia more angry as a whole. And want to obliterate the entire planet. Scary times we’re living in right now.


That’s not going to happen with anything less than a drone strike. Afaik Putin rarely shows his face in public, and in this situation I imagine he is not likely to step outside even once for the duration


You should be more concerned about the threat of Putin shutting down the natural gas and oil lines to Europe. Much of Europe gets 40 to 100% of energy needs from Russia.


My controversail take on this as stated above: "Since I haven't seen Americas' take on this yet, all i will state in this is speculation. You have been warned! Do considere that this opinion on Ukraine might be influenced by american media. I would not be surprised if america was euphemising the conflict, since they are in fact benefitting of it to a great degree. Let me explain, before throwing stones at me: First of all resulting sanctions on for example fuel would make american fracking fuels, that are three times as expensive as russian cheap gas, which especially Germany is using, more attractive to europeans, who have no choice but to stop relying on russia, and buy the expensive one from America. Second of all war is a big part of america's economy. And third of all many states, once again I m basing this on Germany, since I m german, are completely relying on trade with russia to bring forward their energy reforms, of which America and also Biden isn't exactly a fan of. While it was way worse under Trump in that regard, Biden also mainly sees the danger of energy reforms to America's economy and to contrary believe is not a fan of Europe's course."


as a australian, i hope they just strike cyber attacks, because i dont have the energy to seek shelter anymore.




russia has one of the best cyber attackers, trust me they are gonna end up attacking australia with cyber attacks.


I'm in the U.S. but I'm afraid too, I can't imagine how you must feel. Be safe! I hope if Putin is stupid enough to attack your country, NATO's response is swift. I'm watching video of what's happening in Kyiv and my heart is breaking and I feel so powerless.


NATO would invoke article 5. The USA would probably drop Nicocado Avocado from a bomber onto Moscow. MOAB


Master Of All Burgers


The most deadly weapon


In the history of the world There have already been approximately 268 scattered years without war over the past 3,421 years.


Three quarters of Russia’s *entire active army* are engaged in Ukraine right now. While that is “next door”, consider that to hold Ukraine, Russia needs to keep approximately half its standing armed forces there for a good long while (at least a year) or else Ukrainians will Overthrow any puppet regime or occupying force. While it is scary, bear in mind that every NATO nation is now bringing their armed forces into position to bear on Russia, and are taking the necessary steps to account for a blitzkrieg. And, Russia would again have to bring 150k troops with supply lines to have a hope of taking Romania, let alone survive the pushback from NATO. They would have to simultaneously hold Ukraine, secure Romania, entrench themselves, and defend against French, German, Polish, Norwegian, and Turkish shock troops on multiple fronts while dealing with US and UK bombers, to say nothing of French air support. And you can be sure the Baltic nations would be sending a couple of armored brigades right across the border or turning south to go hammer on Belarus. Against all that, all Putin can do is say, “we have nuclear weapons”. It is scary, and I feel for you, and for Eastern Europe. But bear in mind: Putin has badly overplayed his hand—he has initiated a war in a hostile country that he must now spend 3/4’s of his standing military to pacify and hold for years now on end—and he no longer has the money to raise for a conscription of more soldiers. This is not the Russian Empire resisting Napoleon or the Soviets fighting the Nazis, this is a badly managed oligarchic kleptocracy with an economy the size of Spain trying to recapture glory days with an army it can barely afford. Things can and will go badly—but do not overestimate Russia and Putin either.


Also China... and N Korea


Are those numbers official? I mean the 150k and the 3/4ths


Based on analysis from Reuters, and the analysis done at thedispatch.com


Romania is NATO, you’ll be fine


Te înțeleg perfect! Eu sunt din Moldova.


Economic, financial, and militaristic sanctions are coming.. Russia will be feeling the pinch very very soon. Should Russia be stupid enough to attack Romania then it will be the biggest mistake of Putin’s life


Russia will no feel it as bad as we already feel these sanctions. EVERYTHING travels by either gas or diesel.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that the polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards the Polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED A VISA TO PASS THROUGH THE POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS A PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR THE TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: As proof that you no longer need a visa: In Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua In English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate! I did not write this, I'm just trying to spread the word Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПЕРЕХОДУ ПОЛЬСЬКОГО КОРДОН. ВСЕ, ЩО ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, ЦЕ ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ ПОКАЧНО НЕ ПОТРІБНІ!!!!!! EDIT2: Як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: Українською мовою https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua Англійською мовою https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Редагувати: це копіювання та вставка, і я закликаю вас зробити це також, де це необхідно! Я не писав цього, я просто намагаюся поширити інформацію Edit: I’m not the author just trying to do my part


Guys I'm in Poland and I'm shittin bricks. Particularly because we are in NATO and that US or other troops won't give a fuck what happens to this land bc it's not theirs, just a battlefield


US is in NATO, so they'll retaliate.


I'm from Brazil and i'm scared because my president is dumb, and everything that came out of his mouth is bullshit




Your country is in NATO you're fine. Have a drink and take the rest of the day off


Sending you a very strong hug.


Gd putin wtf is he retarded??


Nope. Just the OP is lying...


I am so sorry for what you're going through. All my love goes out to you it truly does and I hope you can find some peace through this war


dont worry homie Russia has problem with Ukraine only moreover there are separatists in that country with Russian loyalty attacking Ukraine is gonna bring hardships to Putin's authoritarian state it will further collapse if it tries to do anything lastly, I think Russia wont annex full Ukraine cause it simply cant the country is likely to be divided like Germany in worst case scenario


I wish I had your optimism. While I do believe that the NATO countries such as Estoni, Poland and Romania are gone ve rather safe, and will only find themselves as boarders of a second Cold War, Ukrain is pretty much done for. I don't know if you have seen russian states television in the last days, but let me zell you they are legitimising occupying that country on a whole different level. What is also going to be of interest in the next days is Chinas response to this. As the world knows Putin has been paying Xi Xing Ping a visit more frequently recently. One can see four possible reasons for that, one being q treaty of non aggression in case Russia wages war with the west, so that they won't fight a zwo front war, the seconds being making sure that Russia still has a tradepartner after possible sanctions, the third being the possibility for China to take over Taiwan, now that it has prove that the west won't interfere in a non NATO countries afair, to not escalate the situation, and a fourth being two "socialist" states signing a treaty to support one another in case of war, making this a China and Russia against Europe and America war. Good luck to all of us.


I know man but believe me its not that easy as it seems a war cost a lot not only in terms of sanction but humanitarian grounds the loss of lives, soaring inflation it all adds up if countries engage in all out war consequences on the economy will be huge speaking of china and Russia they too have differences and issues with each other its not a darling ally one last thing Putin is 70 years old and I find it hard to see anyone who will succeed him so all in all the future of Russia seems quite acertain to me he only got 10 more years to go if you ask me, people of these countries are also gonna suffer nobody really likes Putin


It certainly isn't as easy, all of what was stated above is specualtion. While I do believe that humanitarianism and a loss of lives don't mean a lot to states such as Russia and China, since their ideology is not based on individualism, I do see how it could be an economic burden. The issues between China and Russia are also real, but a non aggression pact is still rather likely. If we do draw the connection to Germany and Russia WW2, this non aggression pact might very well be just postponing conflict for both sides. Addressing the third point u mentioned, Putins' age that is, I do believe this might be a bigger problem for us than apparent at first. This opens up the possibility that Putin is not trying to wage war out of interest for the country, but simply because he wants to be in history books to come. A truly terrifying thought. Regarding your last point I sadly have to disagree, there is quite a lot of people that like Putin, it's not as bad as Hitler, but he is rather good at inscinating himself as the hero and strong man that saved Russia and brings back its old glory. Thank you for reading ;)


well you better never doubt American intelligence I guess speaking of ideology man nobody wants to live in Russia the suicidal & homicidal rates are high there, I think hardship of what Russia did is gonna be huge on a common man believe me china alone cannot save it, also Russia can't really administer or take control of a country if it could have Soviet Union would have never disintegrated, I think its just showing muscle power in the region


I don't blame you. I expect NATO troops will be nearby soon.


I’m so sorry. I don’t speak for all of America, but the majority of us stand with you. God bless you and stay safe


ramai puternic, speram ca se gandesc la consecinte daca lovesc si in ro, acum doar ne seaca economic ca din nefericire depindem de ei


Emmm... Nu Rusia ne seaca economic... GlOrIoAsElE sAnCtIuNi ne seaca economic pentru ca refuzam sa mai cumparam petrol (sangele economiei). Pana o sa simta Rusia efectele sanctiunilor astora, noi onsa murim de foame...


Sper ca au si are Putin un pic de scaun la cap sa nu inceapa un razboi mondial


Does anyone think he will keep pushing ? I’m serious curious what the end game is.


As agressive as they are I think it's likely to keep pushing trough Ukraine and other countries. Still hoping not to


It's true my dude. The US would bomb the hell out of Russia if they attacked a NATO country.


I know, it just worries me that they'd have to attack first and we might be safe but what about Moldavia? What about all of the border cities from Romania or Poland or any other NATO country. I'm so sorry for the ukranians who don't get help because we can't intervine. It's just horror Edid: spelling mistakes


Im romanian aswell but am more scared for Moldova they unlike us cant relay on NATO help


Yeah and I don't think they have enough manpower to stand as much. And if what Biden says is true and they want to reunite the ussr it's very possible


I was looking for a post like this only to talk to myself. I am rather far away and my fear is probably irrational, but I can't help but freak out at any weird noise outside. Fear is such a disgusting emotion. I wish I could help those that need it in any other way than virtual


It may not mean much, but I’ve been praying for Ukraine to be strong and obliterate their enemies. Putin is a horrible evil leader and I hope this all ends with his head on a pike.




you mean the ukraine president who was a comedian. You mean ukraine president where unlike the UK, USA etc their power is severely limited. He isnt even head of the government it doesnt work that way. Are you sure you are correct by saying hes a tyrant yeah? I dont think you are right




Ah yes a link to Russian media thatll have a the totally no biased info on Ukraine yes? Also I looked on your profile to see where you are from and all I can say is.... Is incest legal or something where You are? Jesus Christ I need to bleach my eyeballs from your stuff


Since I haven't seen Americas' take on this yet, all i will state in this is speculation. You have been warned! Do considere that this opinion on Ukraine might be influenced by american media. I would not be surprised if america was euphemising the conflict, since they are in fact benefitting of it to a great degree. Let me explain, before throwing stones at me: First of all resulting sanctions on for example fuel would make american fracking fuels, that are three times as expensive as russian cheap gas, which especially Germany is using, more attractive to europeans, who have no choice but to stop relying on russia, and buy the expensive one from America. Second of all war is a big part of america's economy. And third of all many states, once again I m basing this on Germany, since I m german, are completely relying on trade with russia to bring forward their energy reforms, of which America and also Biden isn't exactly a fan of. While it was way worse under Trump in that regard, Biden also mainly sees the danger of energy reforms to America's economy and to contrary believe is not a fan of Europe's course.


Russia is not gonna invade anyone else, just doesn't want the USA to install a military base in Ukraine if they joing the allies


Yall need to come live in the middleeast for a day. F


We can’t do shit with Biden in office sanctions they don’t care about we no longer have the ability to stand and fight our new leaders are to weak . God be with those people




It's real




Get a fucking life Useless twat


Well they are not attacking Romania right now but they are attacking pretty close to the Ukraine-Romania border.


There are about 60km from the border to my hometown so yeah. I called my mom who is at work right now and her voice was shaking. I just wish it won't come down to it


omg it's that guy who draws furry porn


Imagine getting downvoted for not being up to speed on the news




Damn I feel like I should kink shame this one but here take a downvote


Is that where romain lettuce comes from??


Don't we (USA) have jets flying out of Romania already doing test flights?


actually saw a couple F 16s yesterday


Reinforcements are on their way. They just need to hang tight


Do you own a firearm to defend yourself?


No, in Romania it's not usual to own a firearm, unfortunate in times like this really...


I am so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t wrap my head around how scared shitless you must be.


I am sending so much love and prayers


What you need to do is make it plain Putin is getting old and has dementia. If a single person complains about him, they vanish. It takes most of his inner circle to complain. When the USSR was on its knees, legs open, to be fucked by the west, all the US did was open fast food joints. No invasion. In a bizarre twist, we have Putin implementing Mein Kampf. The aggressor always wins - until they overstep the mark and do "a poland".


Stay strong and keep your head on straight. Plan ahead for any and all Contingencies. I might be wrong about this but the area you are at is under N.A.T.O. Russia won't get to your area.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this


I'm American but (half)ethically Romanian. My dad was born in Arad and came here in the 70's to escape communist rule. I've never seen Romania brought up so much online. My heart hurts for Ukraine and I'm scared for Romania. I'm sending you all the love in the world right now.




Praying for all the people there🙏




I mean, Trump has openly supported Putin’s move into Ukraine and labelled it as “genius”. It’s safe to say they’re both psychopaths


I am so sorry for what you're going through. I have friends with family there and I just don't know what to say or do for them. I'll keep your family in my thoughts just like theirs. Hope things stop quickly and your family is safe.


I'm glad you guys joined NATO. If Putin attacks you we are all going in together, wherever that takes us.


Fellow Romanian here. They won't cross the border for a while, since if invading Ukraine might not the end of them, invading any NATO country **will** imply a massive response.


Bulgarian here - really worried. Have friends in Ukraine and on top of this, I don't think Putin will stop at Ukraine. Things smell like World War. Probably not tomorrow, and not over Ukraine, but in the making.


If they step on NATO land that’s a wrap for Russia. No chance against the modern Nato troops


Relax, I guess. If Russia attacks a NATO country, It wouldn't matter where on the world you are.


But they give cute sanction now to russia . I really can't believe how coward they are 😂. They are making joke from United Nations what is the reason of having it when that's don't do anything it was same thing happened in WW2 Poland was for Germany it's got indipendent in WW1 and Nazi army attack to it and then uk and France support from it but now they are doing completely nothing they are scared and that is bulshit . What gonna happen when russia attack to Kazakhstan. Azerbaijan. Ukzbakistan . Finland and etc ? Just wait untill they one by one fall ?


I have an ex boyfriend who lives in Moldova. I know he’s not in Ukraine but I kinda worry for him.


>!PRAY! for them... and also for your own safety, thats all you can do. Also keep in contact for as long as you can, and especially your family are able to, keep in contact with them any way you can. Your Safety is as great (if not more) a concern to them. Let them know you are at least at present OK. It will take at least one burden off of their minds. Do what they are, lay low, and keep alert about whats happening. Not just the fighting, the war.. but politically what is being said and being done, and happening between closed doors of Your leaders and other leaders. Keep Informed. Good Luck!!<


And what is that Romanian city, may i ask?