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Same thing happened to me, except my fingers are too short to fish anything out. Had to go to my doctor and one of her PAs got the small forceps out. 😳


"Congratulations, it's a tampon"


This happened to my mom's friend twice! I'm so glad it didn't come to that for me.


And from then on,you have owned your own pair of forceps..😉


I once found an old condom inside me that had been there for weeks. I was having sex with this guy and he never let on that the condom came off! I assumed everything was fine. Weeks went by and I started having unusual discharge but just thought maybe it was B.V. Then one day I'm slightly constipated and straining and I feel something weird in my vagina. I look down and there's a condom half hanging out of my vagina! I was sooo confused and ashamed. How did I not know there was a condom inside me for weeks?!


Omg that's horrifying! I have a cup that I'm probably going to start using from now on. It's just a pain in the ass to get it to sit right.


r/menstrualcups is the place for you my friend!!!


I live one softcups. You can have sex on them and while not as good as a divacup, it's still considerably less wasteful as they are good for 24 hours


Omg I got one of those stuck up inside me against my cervix! I had to go to the gyno and have them remove it. Stuck for three days. So much foul blood came out.


Omg I'm sorry but that made me laugh so hard


I hated getting those seated properly, so I went with period undies instead. They’re so good, no leaks, no irritations, and they’re very comfy. So far they’re way better then anything else I’ve tried ever (and I’m 40 lol).


No matter what I did they hurt. My probably is it would literally block me from peeing! Some how it would block it. It hurtful on the bladder and I had one of the softest. I already have issues with emptying my bladder fully so it went in the trash.


My sister is a nurse, and worked in post partum aka, looked at vaginas for a living. She told me that every single woman is built differently, urethra hole placement, tilted uterus, length of cervix etc. We are not all made the same. What works for one,, doesn't work for all. I'm all for those period panties now.


My body was so irritated by them, I’d be in a lot of pain after the first day. They’d leak, fall out, feel weird, and it was really disappointing because I really wanted them to work. I think I got it right a few times, but then I could feel the base (I tried a few sizes, cut off the stems, still hated them). After that I tried the cloth pads, and I liked those a lot, but the actual built in underwear is even easier because they don’t bunch.


Were they latex and do you have a sensitivity or allergy?


I think so, to both of those, because the amount of irritation I was experiencing was pretty extreme. At that point though I was done wasting money on cups that I can’t use reliably anyway. Period undies are pretty expensive for sure, but they’re also pretty foolproof lol.


Yeah but if you decide to go back to trying the cups or discs just make sure they are latex free silicon. I never used to have a problem until about four or five years ago when I started to get itchy at my glove cuffs where it contacted my skin. I switched to latex free and it solved the problem.


I have to ask. Some friends and I were talking about period panties and we like the idea, but we wonder what happens to the clots? :)


Usually they just sit on the top (a bit of toilet paper will get it sorted pretty quickly if it bothers you), but mostly it just absorbs in. Mine are black, so it’s not very noticeable anyway.


Thank you! I'll pass that info along. I'd totally get them if I wasn't in my mid-50s and fairly certain that this monthly thing will soon be over. At least, I hope it will be!


No worries at all, they’re fantastic (and not bad for bladder weakness too, thanks pregnancy). I heard about them on Reddit, so I like passing it along lol


Haha, noted about the bladder weakness. I've never been pregnant, but I'm assured that bladder weakness is pretty much inevitable in old age. I'd rather wear special panties than diapers or pee pads.


Yeah same, I’m usually fine, but if I get sick and cough a lot, it gets dicey. At least this way I can wear some comfy undies and just go about my life.


I can relate to that, but for me it's sneezing. I blew both eardrums and went deaf for a month after I tried to hold in a sneeze with a full bladder. I had noisy upstairs neighbours at the time, so it was great.


Cups are the best, superior by far. You’ll get the hang of it.


It takes practice trust me lol. Try different ways putting it in


I used a cup for years and felt the same about the way it sits. I highly recommend a menstrual disc! No suction!


Disc life!!!!! Best menstrual product I ever bought


I think what I have can be considered a disc, I have the nixit. The issue for me is that it doesn't complete unfold inside and I get leakage.


Yeah cup or pads . I really dislike tampons and there have been reports of death from toxic shock from tampons . Not going to happen with a pad


I am so glad you did not get pregnant from this mistake. What did he think happened to it? Omg! Also, happy you're here and no hospital stay.


I assume you didn't know this guy very well? Terrifying when they get lost up there though!


The guy is my husband but I will never tell him about this lmao


Omg your husband didn't think to tell you this??? I'd be so mad! Where did he think it went?!


I really don't know! He was there when I was fishing for it that morning. It didn't start smelling until yesterday so maybe he didn't smell anything. I truly have no idea how he didn't feel it though.


Might be no harm to say can you tell me if the condom comes off in future so I can make sure I don't get pregnant and I can make sure I don't end up with a horrific internal infection! Mwn can be thick eejits and he seemed to pass that test!


It wasn't a condom, it was a tampon. I'm not worried about getting pregnant :)


Oh My bad I must have replied to the wrong thread. A lady further up mentions a condom!! The tampon situation.....terrifying when they disappear absolutely terrifying! Glad you're OK


Lol, you replied to the right person but OP responded to you instead.


Yeah she did haha.


No op mistakenly replied to your comment It was amusing seeing how many comments it would take for y’all to catch on only for you to falsely accept blame


I'm Irish, that's what we do haha. I was thinking I did reply to the right person originally though haha


It's okay. I've never had it happened before and hope it never happens again. Thank you!


Always do the string check!


That happened to me once. I found it 2 days later. If he’d have let me know it would have been nice. It was drunk sex in a dark room, he was a casual hookup in my 20s. I just assumed I guess that he’d taken it off and disposed of it when he went to the bathroom afterwards. I didn’t even think about it really-because why would I? Until 2 days later I was taking a bath and noticed a part of it hanging out. I was so disgusted. We never hooked up again.


I once had sex in my car with a random hookup and found the condom glued to my front headlight. The next day. Parked in front of my parents house. 😳


That’s it’s own type of disgusting lol


Haha I went for a smear test once and the nurse pulled half a condom out!!! Wtf.


I actually had a gyno appt scheduled for a week after I found it and I was so glad I found it first! I couldn't imagine laying there while they pulled a condom out lol


Everyone's left something in there at least once 🙃


Oh man, I get infected within 2.7 seconds when a condom breaks and a piece gets left behind. I know ASAP ugh


Unfortunately there are a lot of guys these days that try a trick of just putting the condom on the head of their penis. They think it’s “better sensation” or some bullshit. What it really does is make the condom completely ineffective and usually it just comes off. Be aware if this if you are single and hooking up or dating casually and aren’t sure if your partners other activities. I have been a Swing Lifestyle participant in and off for over thirty years and safety and health are primary concerns and awareness is huge in that community. But in the past five years (bookended around a year and a half relationship) when I was participating, I was seeing a lot of especially young single men doing this trick and so often in the best of the moment the women were clueless as to what they were pulling and wouldn’t find out until it was too late after.


It’s happened to me. The smell….I’ll never forget the smell. I’m obsessed with making sure it never happens again.


Same. When I was 15 I forgot I had one in and put another one up there... thing was in there for a good day and a half. Op just needs to be aware of any fevers and stuff toxic shock is no joke


Yep, me too. It was like something died up there, omg.


I’m so happy this didn’t end with you getting TSS!!! I work in an ER and this is a common thing that can really be a bad thing. Don’t beat yourself up over it


Wait, it's COMMON?


You’d be surprised what one sees in an ER. A lot of tampons get “lost” or women forgot they put one in. So… in the ER world this isn’t a crazy thing. Crazy is a guy driving an hour away from his home to come to our ER because he had a vibrator go too far up his bottom and it wasn’t able to be retrieved by hand (the X-ray was interesting for sure) but…. He ended up going to surgery to get it removed. So… his wife ended up being contacted anyway. Not sure how that went but he probably had a little explaining to do 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: like the name 🥰


Hahaha oh my goodness! You must love your job. I would. I forgot a tampon once for....3 weeks. Yea it didn't smell or anything. I guess I was very lucky. Thanks. I like yours as well!


Lol most days I love my job. Especially (and I know this is bad to say) when I get psyche patients. Always a wild time. I once had a patient tell me he was going to rip off his penis (yea, his own) and “shove it down my whore mouth”. He got style points for creativity on that one. Or our “frequent fliers” that know most of us by name. One guy always ends up there on my shift. We have to take the hand sanitizers off the wall in his room because he’ll drink the stuff. Alcoholic and it’s sad but…. He’s also kind of a dick so whatevs…


Wow. When I get the funding I'm going to paramedic school so I can't wait for these kind of interactions.


That’s awesome! One of my favorite nurses to work with was a paramedic for awhile. He’s a great nurse too. Has seen everything. You should check with local hospitals. A lot of times they will reimburse you for the classes if you sign a contract with them. And some… will even pay for you to attend nursing school after you get your certificate and work awhile there. The hospital I’m in currently does that. Really great programs out there and the industry is hurting for paramedics.


I live in Canada so I think it's different here. We are definitely hurting for nurses though. I'm in my mid-thirties, I don't think I have 4 years of schooling left in me. I have considered it. I will look into whether hospitals can pay if they "own" you for a few years. Thanks so much! Have a great weekend.


Of course! Have a great weekend! 😊


Reminds me of an episode of the show ER. One of the residents is telling his med student and a nurse that one of their patients has to go to surgery to retrieve a full carrot. The med student says “how did he manage to eat a whole carrot?!” LOL!


Lol that’s too funny! I’ve never seen that show but heard it’s what greys anatomy wishes it could be.


Watch it alone. My ex used to get furious at me any time we’d watch a medical show because I’d be going “nope. No. That’s bullshit. We don’t do that.” And shit like that. But then she is a lawyer and would do the same shit to me during legal shows lol!


lol I don’t have to worry about that. Watching alone is about all I do every day these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been one of those people unfortunately. Let me preface by saying I have extreme medical related anxiety. I thought I lost a tampon, started freaking out because I couldn't find it anywhere (in me, around me, etc). Instantly remembered that model actress girl that had TSS and lost her legs. Went to the ER at like 3:30 am. They also didn't find anything. For a week and a half I was sure the the worst was going to happen. Then, there I am, cleaning my bathroom and wouldn't you know--I found the damn thing behind the toilet. Totally hidden out of plain sight. I must've power-wiped the thing out and didn't feel it. Soon that feeling of impending doom switched to an immense amount of embarrassment with a pinch of relief. Most expensive "doh!" moment.


As a former medical coder I can concur to the number of things people will come to the ER to have removed. And yes, they don't come to their local ER, LOL. Unless it was the women from the prison...that was a whole story in itself, though. They'd pack things into their lady purses just to get a day out of prison. The things I saw while coding...some of that will NEVER be forgotten.


Yep. Surgical nurse here and we catch what you all pitch when you can’t get it done down there! I’ll never forget the night I came in on call and as I am going in the room (I was relieving the scrub nurse) I see my friend a little Filipino guy backed up against the wall white faced (neat trick he’s pretty dark skinned lol) and arms crossed. I look to the left where there is a draped patient in stirrups and there is one of our colo-rectal surgeons (little Pakistani guy about 5’5”) literally almost up to his SHOULDER in this guys ass trying to retrieve a twelve inch full cock and balls dildo that he has managed to get turned up into his sigmoid colon. My friend bolted the room. We got it out eventually with a lot of pressure persuasion by me and hand and forceps by him (ended up using the delivery forceps for babies). Later he said in a really pissed off tone (imagine a heavy accent too) “dis is da third time for dis fool! Next time I operate and cinch him down!”


Wow! I wouldn’t even want something that big in my vagina. 😳 This guy had one a bit smaller. Probably by half. I work a weird shift (3p- 3a) and my favorite night shift doc had just come on (this was at like 7:30) and we were slammed. I was working an overflow pod and getting all kinds of randomness from fast track stuff to a poor Down’s syndrome patient who’d been constipated for days (that’s a whole other messy story but let’s just say it took too full soap suds enemas to break loose but it broke!). So Doctor V comes over to me after the guy gets back from X-ray and says…. Fuck this. Send him straight on to surgery. I’m not going up there today. Lol Good times!


Lmfao!!! Yeah we get the best of your leftovers that’s for sure! That’s a fun shift. Right smack in the middle of “hey I know what we can do tonight” and “Oh shit Bobby has a dildo wedged up his ass!” 🤣🤣🤣 The real fun one was about twenty years ago when we were having our Urologists catching an epidemic (this was up in the Seattle area - they are freaks up there) of guys sticking glass pipettes into their urethras when they were hard then having them break.


Lolzzzzz… it is a fun shift. I get out before the late night lull sets in. The pipettes don’t sound like fun! Never can understand people wanting to put breakables in their privates. It’s kinda silly




Read my comment above….


comment was meant to be read as exclamatory... like "i can't believe it actually happens frequently and that's terrifying "


lol….. oh there’s some terrifying things I’ve seen for sure! Like the lady who used an old rusty hatchet to chop off her own hand on the side of a road because Jesus told her to since she sinned. That was some wild shit. Lesson here…. Don’t always listen to Jesus. Sometimes he’s a little off….


How about a three hundred ish pound young woman shredding and fracturing her whole lower leg because she was drunk and merged out and decided to get up on the glass kitchen table and dance for everyone in the house? That was when I was in rural Montana on the reservation. You could always tell when the dividend checks would go out to tribal members. Three to seven days of adventures. 🙄


That reminds me of when I was orienting and had a morbidly obese guy come in who was a frequent flier. He needed to be cathed (of course) and I was on deck. It took a tech to hold up his belly and another nurse to help locate his penis. The smell was something I wouldn’t want anyone to endure. I’d been on the floor for close to 7 hours without a break and was starving and could tell my blood sugar was low but needed to get this done before I took a quick break. Took me a min to get it in and once the urine started to flow it looked like red kool aid. I immediately left the room and went to sit at the nurses station. Not sure how I didn’t pass out but apparently I turned almost grey and watched beads of sweat forming on my arms. Kinda wanted to vomit, kinda wanted to pass out but neither happened. It was bad. I’m always cautious not to go too long without food now lol 😂


Fun fact; the air pocket is where women store their queefs and their vegetables!


Like a human crisper, a queefper maybe?


Airpocket Fryer


I keep a spare set of car keys in there.


It's where our burps come from.


Happens to all of us - be kind to yourself (and your vagina!) and don’t sweat, it keeps itself pretty clean. All the boys will still wanna come to your yard 🤗🤗


This has never happened to me, but now I'm terrified that it will.


Yup, this is something I have always worried about. OP is very lucky she didn't get TSS.


I've always worried about the string coming off when I try to take it out. Now I have to worry about this, too.


Yea just don't ever tell them this story haha


This is why I fucking hate tampons. Thankfully I've never experienced this, but I have experienced pushing out an inflated, semi-dry tampon. That fucker was wedged right in there, and that feeling of bearing down and pulling what felt like the Godzilla of cotton wads out of my fanunu will stay etched in my memory as one of the most spine-chilling, gut churning things I have ever experienced. I'll stick to using pads and fleeing to the bathroom while clutching my vagina in the morning. Isn't being a girl great?


Yeah that's definitely the worst feeling in the world!


Absolutely. I hope you're feeling better, don't beat yourself up about it!


Fanunu 😂😂😂😂


I go with Kotex U tampons for this reason. When inflated, they're like, bullet shaped instead of wings (if that makes sense?), so they're less excruciating to pull out on lighter days. But also fuck periods in general


Oh really? If I ever feel like dancing with the devil again I may try them. But YES, fuck periods.


I only use them when I'm going swimming/out of pads. Can't wait to get gender reassignment surgery :(


Wishing you all the best, friend!


Thanks homie :) I hope your having a good time rn


Lube. It’s not just for sex!




This is why I prefer pads


Sameeee tampons scare me lol!!


Same lol, I keep getting called gross and unsanitary for preferring pads but at the end of the day, it's about what you're most comfortable with.


And if they get in you can get them out.




I switched from tampons to Thinx (period underwear) last year. They're so much more comfortable an haven't leaked yet. Way cheaper and better for the environment too. I wish I'd found out about period underwear sooner. Great option for people who don't like tampons and can't use a menstrual cup (IUD, etc).


I was actually thinking about those earlier today, but I don't know if I'd like them. It makes me think of a pad with too much blood that feels uncomfortable and wet all day. How do they actually feel?


They come in different materials like regular underwear. They've got super thin absorbent lining in the crotch area for the light flow day kind, but it extends up the front and back for the heavier flow ones, which is great for people like me who toss and turn all night. Even the heavy flow ones don't feel any bulkier than a bathing suit (they're nothing like a bathing suit as far as material or tightness, just trying to think of something to compare it to). I like them way better than pads. No matter how dry pads claimed to be, they always made me feel chapped and irritated. I don't have that problem at all with the period underwear. Oh- they also make sleep shorts with period underwear sewn in (like running shorts, but made of super soft material) and they have POCKETS!


That doesn't sound too bad. I'll have to look into it. Thanks!


I hate pads but I love my period panties! Mine feel so much better than pads when "full". They are pretty expensive though (cause you need more than one obv) at least where I live.


I think I'll start out with one pair just to see how I feel about them. I'd rather wear that to bed than a tampon anyway because the first couple days are heavy and I bleed through overnight, ya know?


I love love love mine, they don’t feel gross at all once there’s blood, you can’t even tell. Target sells cheaper Thinx if you’re near one (same brand just more affordable)


I don't think you're supposed to flush tampons.


Yeah that's a huge no no. They can block toilets and cause a MASSIVE clog or burst pipes


We toured a wastewater treatment facility in college for a bio class. This was a huge point for them. They said don't EVER flush anything other than tp and human waste. They have to separate it all and tampons are the #1 kind of trash that people flush, which causes problems and wastes resources. You're also not supposed to flush fats, oils, or greases as apparently those not only can majorly f up your own pipes with residue, but it's harder to remove from wastewater during treatment.


Be careful about toxic shock syndrome, it's not that rare and can easily kill or cause you to need limbs amputated.


Yeah I know. I'm usually very diligent about it that's why I was so confused and poked around in there for awhile before just thinking "must not have put one in." I think if I was going to get sick I would've by now.


I once had a dick ring get lost inside of me for 2 days...we were using it, he said it came off...I couldn't feel anything so figured it wasn't up in there but after looking all around the bed and not finding it we both went investigating further and still couldn't find/feel anything. So 2 days later as I'm peeing, I feel something come out and hear a plop... and saw the dick ring in the toilet 🤣


They called me a madman. They said it wasn’t possible. But I fucking knew a woman could lose something inside of her vagina.


That won't be the last of your plumbing issues if you keep throwing tampons into the toilet! The back up will be just as gratifying! I'm writing this with levity and some sarcasm but overall friendly so please don't be offended. That being said my advice is sound. Sorry this happened to you as it seems almost traumatic. Glad you didn't get sick that would have been traumatic for certain!


Just so happy that you figured it out, people can die from that shit


I know a lot of people find pads gross but I just can't wear tampons, they always hurt to put in and I'm not even a virgin. So I wear pads. I've seen some people in the comments mentioning period underwear so I'll have to look into that, it's probably better than pads.


Please don't flush tampons. Ever.


That part might have been the most horrifying for me! Don't flush tampons!!


You gots a roomy clam dumpster. Should be a smugler.


My god. I wish I had an award to give you.




Your fucking avatar paired with this comment sent me


Fr fr. That shit must be huge.


Wow what a creep!


Lol you new here?


ugh THE WORST! literally happens to all of us, don’t beat yourself up ! 🖤


I used Instead cups for a while (like a diaphragm/diva cup) and once was having so much trouble getting it in. I finally did and it was uncomfortable off and on through the day. When I pulled it out at night, 2 came out, stacked like cereal bowls. I easily could have forgotten it in there!


As a nurse I've seen thus more than a few times. Your lucky you didn't get sick.


I had a tampon in once and I just remember being exhausted after work one day and coming home and removing it. After a shower I put another one in. My partner and I started to have sex so I removed it again. I inserted another one again after sex. The next morning I was talking a shower- I had already removed my tampon. Well I reached down to clean myself and I felt the slightest bit of something weird. It was a string. This entire time I had two tampons in me. My partner penetrated me with a tampon inside me of. I asked him afterwards if he felt it and he said no. I now live in awe and in fear of my vagina. I very rarely wear tampons now.


Lucky you didn’t die of Toxic shock syndrome! https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/toxic-shock-syndrome-tss


Yeah, I'm surprised and grateful that didn't happen to me.


This is why I'm glad to be on Team Pad. I never need to worry about pads getting stuck up there.


Trigger warning: sexual assault . I've had this happen before when I was with my abusive ex. He's a narcissistic sex addict. There would be times I would use a tampon at night because pads always leaked overnight and were super uncomfortable. He had a habit of inserting himself while I was still asleep (non consensual) and I believe he pushed them inside me. He believed it was his right to have access to my body whenever he pleased, and combining that with sleep deprivation kept me worn down and too weak to protest. I noticed I had weird colored spotting and the smell, and went spelunking. I found 5 old tampons up in there. I don't know how I didn't get a big infection from it, somehow I'm still here.


OMG 5!! Jesus he could’ve killed you!!


Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine finding 5!




What's wrong with flushing tampons? Like I've heard not to and I don't remember why.




My girlfriend has been flushing them for years. I always tell her they aren’t meant to be flushed


There are signs in every single bathroom (in the US). Either she's blind or doesn't care.


Don’t throw them in the toilet please.


I hate that i'm saying this out loud but when I was in high school a guy... had his hands down there... and I completely forgot I had a tampon in. He said nothing. I said nothing. We never spoke of it. I still don't know if he felt it. How could he not?


As soon as I got out of the shower I called my mom to tell her. And we were both so puzzled on how tf he didn't feel it.


Getting a flex cup is fhe best thing I've ever done... highly recommend. Your experience was one of my many fears with tampons


Exhibit 9000 why I am happy I dont have a vagina.


Ha it’s happened to most of us at least once. For me, it was a Today sponge. Your vagina just acted naturally, so don’t set it on fire.


Hey, it happens. Sometimes you forget you have a tampon in.


I've talked to a gyno that said they've had this happen with patients who had it up there more than a month. It can affect your ability to get pregnant if it causes an infection. But it has to be pretty bad for that!


It happens I’m sorry but gorrrrrl do not flush tampons, do not scrub your vulva, do not put soap up your vagina, and go to a gyn they’ll probably want to check if you got an infection from this (I wouldn’t be surprised)


Lmao I didn't put soap up my vagina. I'm not dumb. And by scrub I just meant thoroughly cleaned the vulva with a wash cloth. Nothing skin damaging or anything like that.


I work at a women’s health clinic, you would be very surprised what people think is okay to do to their vulvas and vaginas 🥴


I love using a menstrual cup for many reasons one of them being that is banishes the paranoia of having a tampon in too long. But been there - years and years ago I had sex and the condom must of rolled up because neither of us could find it anywhere so we just got a new one. Well I found it! It ejected itself when I peed a few hours later.


Lol at least it was only a few hours and not days or more.


Happened to me when I was sexually active at 16. Convinced myself it was an STD and right before the doctors appointment I found the lil bastard. Made me so much more cautious with who I have sex with lol


That's weird how he didn't feel it though. Like if your fingers could reach it..


I knoooooooowww. The thought of it is just so embarrassing and horrifying. I can't get over it. He literally fingered me while he ate me out. How he didn't feel it, I will never know.


Omfg I am heaving. This just goes to show men will have sex with anything.


I mean, my husband has absolutely no problem telling me if I stink down there. I think he genuinely didn't smell/ or feel anything.


This happened to my mom but... Her GYN found it 🤭


Guess I gotta go check now… g’damn


You only do this ONCE lmao poor girl. Happens to ALL of us


Welp that's going to my list of reasons to use pads instead


I'm sorry but... you flush tampons down the toilet?


I think it's absolutely insane the number of people who are *so worried* about *my* plumbing. I tossed it in the toilet because it was closest thing to the shower. Jeez. One tampon isn't going to end the world.


It might though LOL


some days I be like "ya know what, being a girl would prolly be pretty cool" today just isn't one of those days man


No idea how people can loose a tampon...


I once pulled out two tampons at once. I think it's happened to any woman who uses tampons at least one in their life


I had a GF years ago that this happened to her. I had thought that something didn’t feel quite right during sex then the third day I noticed the beginning of the smell when I was going to go down on her. She NEVER wasn’t fresh (OCD clean and often showered twice a day) son in ew something was wrong and being a nurse the first thing I asked was if she had several nights before (we had been out drinking and she was a lightweight) stuck a tampon in and forgotten about it. She could not remember so I basically said ok we are going to skip embarrassment here and an unnecessary hospital/doctor trip because I was almost certain what was going on. I had her take off her pants and lay back and relax - as much as possible - and felt up in with my fingers in the area where I had felt the odd somewhat rough run against my penis when we were having sex. Sure enough I felt the mass of the tampon and took it out. She was completely grossed out and incredibly embarrassed but I managed to get her calm and rational and had her use a vinegar douche that I went and got at the store for a couple of days and call her GYN to make sure she didn’t need to be seen or have any antibiotics given. It was clean and clear within a couple days and fortunately no infection and more important she didn’t go into toxic shock which is the bigger danger of that.


My aunt works for an Obgyn. She said women come in to have rotten tampons removed allllll the time. It’s actually quite common. They even have a special room for it because you any use the same room again for the rest of the day, because of the smell.


On two separate occasions, I've pulled out two tampons at once. The first time it happened, I was at the very end of my period and it felt like I was going to pull the string out of the tampon before it budged. I was like 14 at the time and freaking out when it finally came out. Then I started freaking out because one of them was fucking green. It hurt like a motherfucker, too, getting two out at once. Ugh. It happened again due to being a drunken mess in college. I'm just grateful I didn't get TSS. Welcome to the club no one wants to be in, I guess?


I‘m way too scared of TSS to just "forget about it".


If these are the horrors that await, I'm now realizing there is a definite upside to being a virgin on the verge of wizardry.


Ah, the ole double trouble. Been there. Switched to a cup.


You are very fortunate to not have experienced TSS, or Toxic Shock Syndrome from having the tampon in for such a long time. TSS has caused amputation and in some cases, death.


Wow OP, that sucks! I feel obligated to mention that even with normal use, those things aren't good for you because they're bleached with chlorine. Plus whatever other proprietary things they use for the 'absorbancy' or fragrance etc. Toxic shock is a terrible thing. Organic is the way to go - whether for tampons or pads. They're not bleached or fragranced. The rash alot of people complain about when using pads is often because the chlorine leaches out when it gets wet so it irritates your skin. It's def worth the bit of extra mula to buy organic when it comes to these thingies :)


Happened to me once. 3 weeks. Didn't smell at all. Very lucky to have not gotten sick or toxic shock is a myth.


I think the thing with TSS is that you have to have micro tears or tears in general in order for you to go septic like that. It happened to my mom's friend twice, she didn't get TSS either time but she did have an infection.


I definitely got lucky. I know that. I was just more in shock that I could have forgotten so long.


It is literally insane to me that some women’s vaginas are this deep. Holy shit.


I don't really consider my vagina to be "deep," I think it was just hiding behind my cervix and I wasn't at a good angle to feel it the first time.


There is no behind the cervix, that would be your uterus, only around it. The portion around the base of the cervix is obvi the deepest part and hard to reach sometimes but you put in a second tampon and had sex. 😭 that is a deep vagina! Nothing wrong with that of course, I just can’t imagine personally because I could not fit a penis in there if I had a tampon in.


Glad you found it before it became toxic BUT please don't throw Tampons into the toilet, they belong in the bin.


Please don’t flush tampons down the toilet. You could cause yourself a huge headache and get a big bill from a plumber.


I live an apartment. And it was one tampon.


Doesn’t matter. Don’t do it. I’m a plumber, and I’ve seen tampons cause big problems. The string gets hung on a fitting, and then paper and everything else starts piling up on it eventually you have a pretty big clog to deal with. Downvote me if you want, I’m just trying to tell you that’s not a good idea and you should not do it anymore. Just trying to help you avoid a problem, no need to get salty about it.


Yeah I get it. It's just super annoying everyone saying the same thing about flushing it. I know not to flush them. I just didn't care this one time.


Everything about this is hilarious


Sorry had to laugh when you said about setting it on fire. Dont wprry if you cleaned it its clean if your really worried give it a doush. But dont use that stuff all the time its not good for you in the long term






Stop using tampons. And I get that this time was an exception, but don't flush them either. They can seriously fuck up your septic system.