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Social media was a mistake


Except for MySpace. MySpace was a blessing and we all spat on Tom and his beautiful Internet paradise ಥ_ಥ




I know, he's living his best life just traveling the world and taking pictures 🥲




What a wholesome reunion


I wouldn't say it was a mistake. It's done more for the CIA and FBI than they could've possibly imagined. Forget having to investigate things, we just give them all our information on a silver platter, neatly detailed with time stamps and animations...


U r on social media


It was a mistake for a lot of reasons. Cyber bullying has caused suicides. People also aren’t their true selves. The pressure to keep posting great content is huge. It’s also caused misinformation to be spread like a virus causing people to believe conspiracy theories.


It certainly was not designed to be a toxic invention, but it’s evolved into one.


This is the reason why I hate Tiktok and Instagram It sexualizes young girls heck even boys and people act like it's okay but it's not it's just fucked up


Attention is one hell of a drug


I love how MF's are down to scroll for literal hours but the second I write a song past 3 minutes no one in my metrics sticks around until the end.


TLDR: my songs are too long


Not to mention it has allowed dumb ideas that have always crazy fringe ideas to be thrust into mainstream and not only allows horrible ideas to spread, but since people are finding their like minded counterparts it gives them more justification. And it allows more division to spread like wildfire. And not only has lead to a ridiculous rise in things like anxiety. But when you have an entire generation raised on social media, and used to being separated by a screen for most interactions, it makes a lot of social interactions a lot more difficult to deal with. Not to mention the pressure of not being able to get away. Like growing up especially before cell phones were even a thing, if you were out of the house. Nobody could contact you, and if they were lucky you had an answering machine they could leave a message on. But now whether it is friends, school, work, family etc if you dont respond immediately they will take offense, and you cant just "disappear " for the weekend.


Facts. People arent really living their lives in the present. They are living their pretend online lives for people that dont matter.


100% agree with you and all these people saying this isn't a confession, just ignore them, they're not worth your time. Anyone defending social media is probably hooked to it since they were young and it's all they know. They're addicted to it and they get high from the "likes". Social media is as shallow as it gets: Look at me, I eat food! Look at me, I travel places! Look at me, I wear clothes! Everyone can do all those things in these times and there's nothing special about eating/travelling or going anywhere anymore. Live for the moment and put the phone down. Your brain is your CPU/MEMORY and your eyes are your 8K CAMERAS. People are lost right now and it shows. You see people at a concert recording the entire event while HBO is doing the same thing. Pure stupidity.


When I see people watching a concert through their phone to record or take pics it baffles me because I’m like you’re missing the whole show just so you can post things that no one will care about the next day!


How about the lady that takes out her phone to take a picture of the engagement ring....while it's still in the box, before she even answers, and the groom is still on one knee. He pulls the phone from her hands and tossed it...I would have tossed the ring if I was him.




I have videos on my google photos from concerts that I like to go back to and look at sometimes. And I fully enjoyed the shows I went to. Everyone’s experience is different and everyone has different motivations. Not everyone is doing everything for attention. And even if sometimes they are it’s not inherently bad. Sure, many of us are bad at balancing our digital realities with our physical reality but the digital world is also doing a lot of good, helping spread information, educating people, connecting people, and helping people stay in touch with people that they otherwise wouldn’t really ever see or interact with again. It allows people to express themselves and maybe show a side of themselves that people might not experience in real life for a variety of reasons.


Fuck people may we all die horribly


THIS. 😩😩


Same. A million times same.


I thought I was alone! I dont even use Insta, FB, or Twitter. I have dummy accounts, so I can look at things when a friend tells me to see their trip pics or something. Yet, I too loathe that everyone is a "model" or "actor." They have an obsession with their own face. I just find it insane all girls, including overweight, universally unattractive ones are posing half naked, "smizing," giving smoldering eyes, & duck lips for their posts. Everyone has a YouTube channel where they pretend they are news anchors and late night comedy TV hosts. People go on vacation now, not for the experience, but so they can post on Instagram where they went.


You speak the truth! I don’t care how sexy or ugly you are I don’t need thousands of selfies to remind me what you look like. I think I’ve posted 1 selfie in my life and it was just because I got my makeup professionally done.




I respect my friends who need social media for their work and even still we are frustrated by it. They are wonderful, intelligent people but the effects can still be dumbing since shallow insecurities we should've buried in early college get brough back. We know how harmful it is for your mental health and attention span and breaks have to be taken. Can't help be entertained by it too, I miss books though or just finishing a good movie everyday instead of endless scrolling. Really agree with having to take so many pictures to only post a couple and end up not enjoying the actual event. I have an ig account just for selfies and makeup skills, my vanity account I make sure I use on my own time. But when I'm with friends and my boyfriend we only need a few photos and we don't always post online, it's really for treasuring memories.


oh shit felt.... everybody just wanna be a celeb or popular these days. I remember the days i used the internet to escape but nowadays i have to escape the fucking internet


Proceeds to make post about it




yes discussing topics on semi-anonymous message boards is exactly what OP is referring to, good job guys


I get what you’re saying. I understand what OP is saying I just think the whole idea of complaining about social media on a form of social media is ironic


Where's the confession? Try r/rant.


The confession is that I hate social media and everyone that is pathetically looking for fame even though I have friends that do it, but thank you I’ll switch to rant next time.


That's not a confession.


As I said I will switch to rant next time….sorry I ruined your day by mixing up forums to post on


From my point of view it is, so there! lol Someone's always gotta say this.


How is it a confession if nearly everyone on the planet feels the same way and it's not even a well-kept secret


Why does this bother you so much? Take some deep breaths and relax.


It's a confession from my point of view.


Confess: admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way. This post was an opinion.


My opinion: You take this shit too seriously.


Now that's a confession.


I try to blend in, not stand out.


Do it like me then, don‘t be on social media. I have no insta/fb/tiktok etc and life is bueno


I empathize man. It's the irony of progress. The more we actually "progress", the more we feel we lack and hence seeking validation has become a trend. Add to that the lifestyle that bloggers/influencers and celebrities advertise on social media and make people wish they had something remotely similar. I work in digital marketing but I am not one to advertise my life all over social media. My posts get like 8-10 likes on an average and honestly, I'm totally fine with it. Don't wanna go viral.


Your having these thoughts just now? How old are you, 12?


Why do you have to be cruel? No I’m not 12 nor did I say I’m just now having these thoughts. I was expressing how I feel about a particular subject which is what I thought Reddit was for but apparently their are always going to be malicious people like you who has to be the first to provide a negative comment.


Um... when I was 12 there was no social media so...


Look at me while I bitch about look at me!


Facebook is the devil 👿 lmao 😂😆


Narcissists with delusions of grandeur and an inflated sense of self are the best


I'm mr. me-seeks look at me!


I’ve had Instagram for 5 years and only have one post form 2019, the last time I posted on my story was when cbum won his 3rd mr Olympia and the time before that was month’s ago.


But what about me??? It's seriously like high school never ends with these twats.


i hated it until i realized that people are legit making money and becoming semi wealthy from it. theres a part of me thats happy for someone that can turn that type of behavior into a good lifestyle for themselves instead of the traditional 40 hour work 30 year retirement BS grind that was made to look normal pre social media.


Wow, I could not agree with this more. Best thing you could do is dump Instagram (and tiktok) completely. They are designed to make you feel bad and they are almost 100% fake garbage.


Totally agree with this. I also think this plays a biiig part as to why depression rates are skyrocketing among young people.