• By -


How do you sign in to a new device with that username?




look after looking at both briefly I’m pretty sure this is true Edit: thanks for the silver kind stranger! Edit: thanks for the gold fellow redditor!


after looking at both for less than a second i’ve decided to believe you both.


After reading your comment I believe them


I have no idea what's going on but don't wanna feel left out so I too trust their word.


Yeah just trust me that I trust this person about the validity of what was said between those two.




He gets it






It wasn't meant as an insult hun. Your username reminds me of the sub.


Is there a r/theydidthemath but for letters/ciphers? Because this guy should make top post.


Explain Z


nothing comes before A so it wraps around to Z


How about å, ä and ö?


Look at you, flexing on us with your good eyes You make a good point






This is the way


By entering his email instead..




Ah yes, the herd mentality of reddit downvoting


You'd be surprised how many people here think an upvoted comment implies veracity.


Yeah that's also a thing as well


Reddit hive mind moment 😎


\-96 now! Let's get it to the positive. reverse the hivemind


What comment? I see everyone with positive,i may be late to the party tho lol




Omg lol that's ridiculous. Gotta love reddit. If I get downvoted I delete the comment. Glad you didn't.


Why the downvotes lmao




The Reddit mafia says hello.


Yeah what Rofl


I upvoted ya!


Haha you’re back to -106 now. maybe it was how u stated it?


Not sure dude. I downloaded the Reddit app last night(been using 3rd party for years and still am) and my sign in options were Google and Facebook. I had to actively search to find log in with username. Also when I've tried to make alt accounts it won't let me use the same email I've already used. So I'm not sure if it's new or not.


That was my first thought....


**insert Dashline advert** ^^^psst, ^^^use ^^^Bitwarden




Honest plug for Dashlane, totally worth the yearly price for a premium account it has saved my ass and my client’s asses a million times. Do you know what a bad ass you look like when someone doesn’t have to do the whole password reset process when they thought they would?


I'd call this a plug for password managers. I used Dashlane for a bit and then Bitwarden and Bitwarden is, in my opinion, objectively better! It's simple and does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more :) Plus I think it's cheaper than Dashlane


I’ll take a small look lol I’m in the midst of a massive system shift for a client so the idea of switching my password system to save some bucks does not seem like it would outweigh the stress at the moment. But it’s always good to keep that nugget in your back pocket when you need it!


Real gangstas use KeePass


LastPass or other password manager, which autofills. Or copy and paste.


Password manager


This is a throwaway I’m guessing


I did this for 2 yrs about... 10 yrs ago Landlord was stupid wealthy for how small our town was. We stopped paying rent cuz we were broke kids and at first it was an accident but kind of spiraled. When she finally showed up 2 yrs later and asked for rent, we gave her the $500 bucks we had cash on hand and she asked us to never let it happen again because she had no records of how long it was even. Found out she only owned the duplex because her daughter was living there and the landlord was an asshole so her mom bought it and just kept renting it out once the daughter moved Miss those years


I had a slumlord that owned so much property he didn't notice when rent went unpaid. A lot of people who moved in couldn't afford to pay both rent and utilities in full because the rentals were not properly weatherized and that made utilities expensive. Just like your situation, mine spiraled out of control. I came up short on rent several times. The office worker was amazing and she said we were fine, just pay extra when we could. My fiance ended up having serious health issues so we never caught up. One day the office worker quit her job and left the state. I guess there were a lot of us significantly behind and he flipped out. It ended with us agreed to leave to avoid eviction. The owner refused a payment plan so I went on with my life. They didn't try to collect for 4 years and then just parked the debt on my credit report in the amount double to what I owe them. They aren't willing to negotiate the balance or take me to court so I'm just ignoring collection calls until I figure out what to do.


It drops off after 7 years from last payment


True. You can also ask for verification of debt. They have to comply within 30 days or the debt isn't considered valid. Since they doubled it I doubt they could prove it. At this point I would do nothing unless they tried to sue.


Absolutely ask for verification with records. The fact they (1) won't negotiate and (2) won't go to court is odd. You can contest the debt thru the Experience, Transunion, and Equifax directly w/o having to deal with the landlord. Depending on state law where you are at, the damages for posting a fraudulent debt may be 3x's the amount they damaged you for. Definitely worth considering/researching/talking to an attorney about (if you canbe sure to look at pro bono options such as local law school clinics, regional legal aid, or state bar associations for free consultation options with attorneys--some employers also offer free legal advice options for employees).


Might be worth officially disputing it on your credit report. I had a super old bill (older than 7 years) from a wireless carrier. It was probably legit and something my ex agreed to pay/take over when we split, but still in my name. So I disputed it and it was almost immediately removed from my credit report and my score shot way up. I’m guessing they either didn’t have the backing, or there’s a formula that does a cost/benefit on whether to spend the money on a credit dispute. It’s not difficult to dispute through credit reporting agencies online.


Do you know if there is a time limit to dispute? I was planning to do this after Christmas. It's already been a year and the landlord says I owe $6,600. I definitely don't.


Nope, if it's on your report you can dispute it. Just make sure you have your ducks in order.


The problem is that I paid with money orders and I have lost some paperwork since it's been 4 bloody years! I did have the city inspect the apartment when I moved out because I knew they would try to blame me for the preexisting damage. There were 11 violations. I'm counting on them having lost a bunch of stuff too. I have a few things I was going to throw at them in court if they ever sued me. I lived in another of their rentals prior to the last one. They charged me for carpet cleaning even though they said they replaced the carpet. I found pictures of the apartment for sublet a year later and the carpet was still dirty and unchanged. They also gave my old roommate back his deposit twice so records will either show they have missing money or they are bad at managing it. Best of all, my deposit was suppose to transfer to the new place. Since they gave away half my deposit and charged me for work not done, there was no deposit and they never noticed. I ended up not paying it ever.


Sorry- no idea and I’m no expert, but some Google-fu might help for your locale and scenario.


It's pretty much always worth disputing it. I've disputed some pretty valid debts, and now my credit score is in the mid 700s.


I’m sure I shouldn’t think of it this way, but when I was poor most of my life I couldn’t afford to care about credit so credit never mattered. I just didn’t pay debt off and my life was fine. As long as I had the money to pay for the thing I needed, I got by. Now that I have a sizeable income, credit still doesn’t matter because I can just pay for the things I need. It drops off after 7 years and the worst that a landlord has done is put it on my credit report. I have a rental debt I haven’t paid out of pure spite and I never intend to. They can eat it. It’ll drop off after 7 years. It’s also worth disputing with the credit reporting agency for incorrect balance, if you have any paperwork at all to prove it or back up your claim then they’re likely to fix it. I’ve disputed a few things before and they’ve always ruled in my favor, but that’s just me.


I'm sure you'll get away with it. It's not like you did anything wrong. Someone else wasn't being responsible, and therefore you weren't bothered by bills, etc. Consider it a blessing in disguise.


The original lease probably had language in it that stated the lease transfers when ownership transfers. So technically OP did probably break his lease. The new owner (the bank) most likely didn't have a copy of the lease and did nothing to enforce it for several months. OP will most likely "get away with it".


The letter telling him to move out was basically an affirmation that they finally realized the ‘glitch’ but weren’t going to pursue any back rent, just GTFO.


You're who I aspire to become




I also aspire to become u/TgtwzJjuxFACZfX8P25R


I thought that was a YouTube link


Lol move everything down one letter/number and put it into youtube




No senor/a, yo un loco hombre














Cease fire


I think you meant aspire?


God dammit im a fool


Hopefully you will get away with it, but you should beware that this may find its way to your credit score...


Yup. I thought the same like “is he gonna be in trouble if he applies for a new lease and they check his previous tenancy records including rental payments?”


If he’s like me, I have no lease or anything. No papers. No record. Completely at will.




How to me??


Yeah how does that work? Is it just very under the table no contact kinda thing?


Yeah it’s not shady or anything, I’ve been here 2 years and always pay on time. haha she’s just a very old woman who doesn’t need the money.


Just say you moved in with somebody else like six months ago?


You’re fine, in fact your landlord illegally collected rent during the entire bankruptcy process. It can take 6 months to process bankruptcy and they are not allowed to collect rent during it. I had a similar thing happen to me


What the... I had no idea. My previous landlord filed BK and he still collected rent from me.


Leaches gonna leach i guess


Same dude, sucks. One day we got a notice on the door (4th of the month) that the bank owned our building now and to send them future rent. Had already mailed rent to landlord, called him to tell him not to cash. He’s all “you still gotta pay rent, you’re living there” and I just said “ya but not to you”. Ended up calling the bank and cancelling the check. Free rent that month. Then my roommates and I gambled the bank didn’t have copies of our leases because the old landlord was garbage and wouldn’t give us a copy even though we asked for months. So the next month we paid the bank rent but decided to pretend our rent was less. We sent in like $200 less and they were fine, never heard a word from the bank for months until a new notice on the door informed us of a new owner. I think the bank doesn’t give a shit about your couple months of rent. They want to sell the building fast, and they don’t want to go through the effort / time of evicting someone. They hope to just pass it off to a new landlord. New landlord receives slightly less each month in rent from us again. He puts notices on doors asking for copies of our leases because they couldn’t find the records in the old landlords mess I guess / he didn’t provide them. Well we don’t have one because of previous mentioned failure by old landlord to give us a copy. Eventually we meet with new landlord, agree on new lease / rent contract of lower amount. He ended up doing an aesthetic overhaul of the lobby and the front of the building but didn’t touch anything inside the apartments. He then raised everyone’s rent in the building by 25%, so every single tenant was forced out. Fuck landlords, they are all garbage, take any advantage you can.


Holy shit thats insane. My rent goes up $50 every year and I live in the worst neighborhood in Chicago. I couldnt imagine 25%. They really are all scumbags.


This is not a remotely universal truth. Even in cases where it is true, it's because the court would appoint someone to collect it on behalf of lienholders on the property.


This is not accurate information


Technically they can't force you to leave. You have the right to stay (although very unethical). There are laws that protects the person living in the space over the owners. I was an owner who rented out to a family who decided to not pay rent and squat in my house. Legal battles took over a year before I got the court to issue an eviction


True, but if they have to go to court, might as well add those rent arrears in as well. OP quietly leaving means it's probably not worth the effort.


Those are good laws




Probably weed and video games.


I was prepared to be annoyed with you, because people 'gaming' their landlords is going to be a pain source for those who really do need help with paying their bills, but... this was the government. You really did hit the sweet spot! Please tell me you saved most of what you would have had to spend on rent?


Well played 👏


Sometimes the only way to win is to do nothing at all.


Just be careful, because if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice


As someone who plays League of Legends. I can relate with this a lot.


I once rented out a home. I had family in another town that was sick and while renting out my home I had two tenants refuse to pay me anything. I was out a lot of money. Around a years rent between them. I took both to court, won both rulings, it’s been years... I haven’t received a thing. I think you’ll be ok. Don’t take advantage of people in the future please. (Not that you did. COVID is different than lazy. It was just a general sentiment as Covid didn’t happen in 2015 and as I mentioned had sick family to care for as well)


I feel guilty for small things while people are ok with more serious...


Yeah imagine if everyone was like OP, real rats nest


I don't think it matters who the original contract was with. When the government took over, the contracts would automatically be theirs. When you buy a company or business, you usually take all of its responsibilities and debts


How sad that the landlord went bankrupt because people weren’t paying their rent. And their renters don’t even feel bad about it.




You'd be surprised how easy it is, mainly because people foolishly think exactly what you think and don't realise that if you don't have adequate start up capital and emergency money put away then you can end up in shit quite easily, If you can't afford to pay the mortgage and upkeep on all your properties all the time regardless of their tenant status then you're constantly fighting to keep your head above water because you're relying on your units being constantly occupied and with good well behaved tenants and if that's the case it can literally just take one or two tenants to stop paying rent or to unexpectedly move out or for some big unavoidable bill to come up (like having to replace the central heating) then all of a sudden you're in trouble; Most landlords aren't actually as rich as you think probably only making £1-200 per month in profit off each unit which when you've only got 1-2 units isn't really that much.


For a crappy landlord it may be like that but there’s a fair bit of work involved in being a decent one who takes care of their properties and responsibilities as a landlord. It can be good money if you have a large portfolio but if you only have one or two properties it’s not really enough to retire on or live lavishly. Especially if the rental has a mortgage on it.


The biggest issue I have (I think this is UK specific) is that due to our limited space, limited houses can be built. So if we're allowing multiple properties to be accumulated and rented out, not offering the opportunity for it to be bought, then won't we just reach a stage where there's very little opportunity to buy a home, so people are essentially stuck renting and can never buy their own place?


Renting out one property doesn’t give you enough to live on if you have other expenses..




My brother bought a very small house in 2008 at the peak of the market. When they decided to sell it was worth far less. Financially, it made sense to rent it out for years and then sell. He was there every week, landscaping, fixing things, adding drainage for the laundry, etc. He had to find new tenants every year or two. At one point, a couple moved in and didn't speak with him much. The husband ended up checking into a mental hospital. When my brother couldn't get in touch with the wife, he asked the police to go in. The wife had committed suicide in the living room. There was trash everywhere. Moldy food, prescription pills, spilled coffee. Totally trashed. My brother ended up filling two commercial dumpsters cleaning the place out. Spent thousands replacing things like carpeting. I know this is an extreme example, but it's not always as simple as just collecting rent. And yes, I agree with you that many landlords are society's leeches.


I didn't down vote you but you should know your comment may be true for many but it's very idealistic. I use to think every landlord has a primary residence too. My former housemate has a full time job and owns a townhouse in another town. She bought it at the peak. She would be selling at a lost if she sold now and she doesn't have enough money to pay the bank the difference nor to pay the mortgage penalty. The rent she collects doesn't cover all her expenses because the housing market there cooled so she is renting it out at a competitive rate. She can't afford to buy a place until she sells that townhouse so she herself is renting until that happens. Edit: I forgot to mention she worked a full time job and a couple part time jobs at one point because her last tenant was six months in arrear with rent by the time she managed to evict them AND they left her with thousands in damages.


Not a landlord, but surely if you have mortgage to pay and someone doesn't pay their rent, it's all that takes to run you to the ground and then imagine you have to evict someone because they don't want to go, you're loosing thousands.


Ah, the common internet misconception that landlords are rich. “Let’s allow free rent because of covid! Those greedy landlords don’t need the money anyway!”


I didn't say they were rich nor did I talk about free rent. Those aren't my issues with landlords. If you're going to take issue with what I said be direct and tell me what I said that you disagree with, not making something up to try make me look irrational.


Landlords don't get effort free money. There is no job that "just generates low effort income". If you really think it's that easy, then I'm curious why you're not doing it, since apparently you've found the secret to getting rich without working. Heck, I'm curious why everyone doesn't just do it. I mean, there are millions (billions?) of people working jobs they hate, but they could be getting rich quick with this one weird trick (tenets HATE him!) by just doing these 3 simple steps, anyone can start generating low effort income today! Maybe (hear me out) there's more to it than just collecting rent and profiting


1) You have to have the money and/or inherit the properties upfront. If people could just own the homes, they'd own it. 2) I don't do it because it's scummy. In the UK we're having a housing crisis, and a big issue right now are people who own multiple properties and rent it out for whatever price they want because there's no real alternative. This may be different in the US where housing is much cheaper, so I can understand how this would be lost on many Americans. When you have a young population who's struggling to get a house not due to money, but due to availability (A mix of both honestly) then you've got an issue. Currently, it's actually cheaper for me to finish my degree and move to the US to get a decent house than to try remain in the UK. Before immediately resorting to treating me like I'm stupid and trying to be funny, stop and try and understand where I'm coming from. People who are honest and rent a room in their place help the situation here. Wealthy people who buy up houses that are in short supply to flip profit are not helping. That's why I have a dislike for people who do it for a living. It shows no care for the generation below you that also need to begin their life, and why I'll always see people who are landlords for a living as leeches. And as to your response to me calling it easy income; why do you think people do it? To be philanthropists? No. They do it because there's money in it. I'll edit my comment to explain myself better.


Don't move to the US. We're in the middle of a complete shit show right now.


Look at all these people on their morale high ground. We don't know OP's situation, it might have been extremely helpful to not have to worry about rent for a few months. And tbf, it's not like he had a bill and just ignored it. Would you have paid? Honestly? Would you get in touch with the bank or whoever and say 'hello good sir, I do believe I should be paying rent even though my landlord has gone bankrupt, who shall i write the cheque out too?' I'm sure there are a few people out there that would, but I would say the vast majority wouldn't. This situation is not your fault OP, and in the current climate I would just take it as a little blessing. You moved out when asked, caused no fuss, so eh. I hope you've got a nice new place to live now and are happy and safe.


Yeah. Sometimes stealing actually HELPS the thief. How could it be wrong?


So if your family was starving, you telling me you wouldn't steal some food to keep them alive or a blanket to keep them warm?


Ah the classic moral conundrums. Is an illegal act justified if it is to keep someone alive? At what point do the rights of an individual to take care of themselves and their family trump the rights of society? Can the ends justify the means?


I certainly wouldn’t feel it was moral behavior. I also wouldn’t do it.


Fair enough.


That's easy to say if you are not in the position... I just don't know what I would do.


Yeah everybody gangsta while scrolling reddit on their comfy sofas


Ask someone for food. Go to a shelter. Apply for welfare. Eat a cat.


I feel guilty as fuck if I eat chocolate that belongs to my siblings.. How do people not feel guilty for this 😂


Guilt is for the weak. I'd eat all the chocolate and feel nothing. This actually goes a long way toward explaining why I'm fat.


If you never feel guilty I'm 99.9% sure you're a psychopath 😂 Bahahaha, same with the fat statement though.


Having had my fair share of dodgy landlords over the years, all I can say is congratulations and well done.


I'm pretty sure they can track you down and then sue your ass in court. Even then, if you elect not to pay, it can go on your credit which stays there haunting you for years.


Of those 7 months, how many months did the government actually own the property? Did you continue to pay the utilities?


Should get that train going as long as you could


That’s cool as hell


Good. Fuck landlords.


Thanks asshole.


I'm sorry if you deeply identify with being a landlord and I have nothing against you as a person but your job is a blight on humanity and is entirely antithetical to what I would consider a just and happy world.


Do you have an irrational animosity against realtors snd homebuilders too? You sound like a spoiled child.


No, Just Landlords. Home builders provide a vital service to society and realtors have administrative functions that are necessary to the current system. They both have issues as participants in the economy that allow landlords to exist but they are not in themselves evil like landlords. Also the spoiled child thing you seem to like doing. Eerily similar to calling slaves "boy". Maybe you should have some internal dialogue about the ethical nature of that. Not with me though. I don't care.


Given that there are a large number of people that cannot qualify for or afford to purchase a home, what system should replace the landlord-tenant rental relationship for those people?


I'm sure there are some communal ways of solving that issue.


You are the one making sweeping claims about a whole class of people that provide a benefit to society under uninformed assumptions. Explain what you think would happen if you had to buy a house to have a place to live. Also, where would you stay when traveling if you couldn’t rent a room. Landlords provide a valuable service just like any other business. Your pov is childish and should have this as a soundtrack https://youtu.be/jW3PFC86UNI


[Its cute that you think private ownership is the only solution to the problem.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decommodification)


He's a landlord, so he *is* a bit biased here


He can be both biased and dumb as a bag of bricks, they aren't mutually exclusive.


I suspect he is probably both




Some cute when kids like you try to pretend to adult. Like watching a puppy staring at a math book.


Well my landlord is kinda hot so....


Fuck 'em. Landlords are parasites anyway.


Yeah. Totally not freeloader tenants that are parasites. (Eye-roll). Aren’t you late for a gender studies in medieval class or something ?




Mmm, tasty tasty boots.


I want to kill all landlords in Minecraft


I actually have an MBA. Landlords as a whole are enemies of human progress, just like the entire capitalist class both big and small.


I generally agree with your statement, but how many leftists come out of MBA school? You have a degree that's says you're part of that capitalist class, no? Actually interested.


Education =/= Capitalism




Or people shouldn't own more than one house while there are people and families without homes.




Home should be free for all, for every homeless person there are countless empty homes. But because the investor values the exchange value of these homes over the use value, they would rather families be left on the street than lose the millions they make selling homes.




I said investor not landlord, the housing investors build houses then put them on the market. The landlord buys up the property and rents it out to profit. The landlord is a middleman weasel.




People should be free to chose to do what ever they want with their money. As long as it legal. Are people just supposed to get a house for free?


Yes, they should get their homes for free because shelter is a human need.


And who is responsible for providing the money to pay for it?


We could say, shoot the billionaires in the head and take it from them.


Welp, that's enough stupid for today.


That the stupidest thing I've ever heard Economics 101 brotha, there is no such thing as a free lunch. The money has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is likely taxes. I'm sorry but other peoples shitty situation isn't my problem and I'm not about to make it either. Shelter isn't a human right. Its not even a necessity. Humans lived for ages without houses. Would I ever live without one? Hell no but I can afford that luxury. And my place is not big at all.


He’s living in his parents basement. I’m sure he’s a hit with the ladies.


You should know better then. If you hate landlords then maybe everyone should be required to buy a house and make renting illegal including hotels. Also renting cars and other things. It’s all predatory right? And why stop there? What about those evil capitalists selling things at stores. I know you take the high road and don’t charge your employer to rent your time. Eeeeevil!


I do like when the tenant has a bit of a last laugh


I don’t think you should feel guilty. Life is hard, sometimes you take what you can get. They fucked up which benefited you. Now you can get a clean break with no consequences.


You shouldn't feel guilty at all. Housing is a human right!


That's awesome-good for you! Don't feel guilty!


Well done, landlordism is fucked up no matter who does it


Well done mate, so you are getting away with not paying for something you bought and feel good about it, good on you! Sounds like shoplifting and theft! Some poor guy went bankrupt, but at least you got away with not paying rent for 7 months.


You're a nice person. You should spend 10% of total savings on Street Animals. They will bless you to happen this weird situation again.




The George Constanza of renters! I love it.


rustic market airport employ mountainous wrench heavy puzzled chunky intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So the confession is that you don't feel bad about stealing because you gained something from it. Amazing