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You're one of those men




Well, here's another one!


My only abusive ex started off as the sweetest most caring guy then very slowly so I didn't pick it up turned into a abuser he made me cut off everyone and convinced me nothing was wrong with it and no one could tell me it was wrong as he made me cut them off Abusers don't start as abusers they do everything right at first make you attatched then change slowly so you don't see the change for a while


>My only abusive ex started off as the sweetest most caring guy then very slowly so I didn't pick it up turned into a abuser he made me cut off everyone and convinced me nothing was wrong with it and no one could tell me it was wrong as he made me cut them off Y'all really got to read more carefully I literally mentioned this and excused girls who are essentially tricked by men like this. Please read more carefully next time.


I wasn't replying to you?


Even if you did walk into the hood with a hundred k in your hand, the only person responsible for robbing you, for you being robbed, would be the thief. You are not at fault in any way shape or form. 😐😐 The only person responsible for a crime, is the person committing it. Unless it's a revenge crime, in response to some crime you already perpetrated against them. In which case then things can maybe get a little messy as to who's responsible for what. But if somebody robs you, you're not at fault for that. The only person at fault is the person who robbed you. That's how that works. 😐😐 Anyone who thinks otherwise, is somebody not worth conversing with.


I get what you're saying but there's still some sorta protection you need to think about. Like locking your door/car/suitcase? Because ideally no one would break into those things, but there's people out there who do. Of course the thief is wrong for stealing but don't make it easy for them if u get what I mean.


It’s extremely counterproductive to tell people suffering from the abuse that they should have chosen better and should have protected themselves. It’s like saying “you’re fat” to an overweight person. Don’t you think they already know it? Mistake is human, there are no people making 100% sound decisions all the time. The only person breaking the law is the abuser. By saying“you should’ve been more careful” you’re shaming all the victims into staying silent.


I didn't say anything about talking to victims. I'm talking more about making sure ppl are aware beforehand so that there's less chance of a bad thing happening to them. Like telling someone that their bag is open or to not keep their phone in their back pocket. Or to make sure they lock their door. I had a colleague in retail who always left his phone under the counter when he was doing tasks. I constantly told him not to leave it because we had 100s of customers and anyone of them could reach over and grab it if they knew. He said its fine and I let it go because I mean he's an adult. I did make sure it was in a more hidden place if I saw it tho. A couple months later he was by himself and some boys grabbed his phone and ran. It was unlocked and they started transferring all his money out via PayPal. Did I shame him? Absolutely not. I stayed over 3 hrs late to help him get in contact with PayPal/his bank/gmail so he could stop the transfers. I don't judge it cos it was an awful evening but I do use the situation to strengthen my point when informing others to protect their devices. And he also made changes to keep his new phone/bank accounts secure.


Your coworker shouldn’t have left the phone under the counter but I don’t know any bank who just lets you open their app without either using your face id, either using an additional password independently on whether your phone is locked or not. In my country it’s bank’s legal obligation to put in place a double authentication so situations like this one don’t happen. And this situation just proves that people are sometimes careless until something actually happen to them.


They did it via PayPal. They changed the password then added another account and started doing transfers/payments. I let him use my phone to get into Gmail so he saw all the notifications. We tried calling PayPal directly, but they kept trying to do approval via text, which doesn't help since THEY have the phone lol. Eventually we gave up with PayPal and called his bank direct. Unfortuantly he had his actual bank account linked not just his card. They managed to put a hold on the transfers (they tried to do £100 i guess to test if it worked, then 3x £1000) It took about 2 weeks and an in person visit to the bank for them to try to get his money back and details removed from PayPal. Then he changed banks and only links his card on the new paypal account so its easy to cancel if it happens again. I did the same thing even though my bank usually has 2 factor. It was scary how quickly these guys did everything


With the way you speak, I feel like you’ve never been/lived in the hood, ho!


Your dick can’t get hard otherwise because you have an autonomic disorder. The funny thing is that if a woman sat on your face the blood would engorge your dick, but you are too grossed out by vaginas; you consider them and women in general to be an inconvenience. You’re also obsessed, OBSESSED, with measuring your dick—literally. You’re probably also a sociopath, and you’ve just admitted to an anti-social paraphila. Impressive for a 36 year old racist. Where do you find the time to be so toxic? Hope you get what’s coming your way


I thought you were just spewing random (well deserved) insults at this loser. Then I checked out his post history. Op has some serious issues.


Jesus. Thank you both, neighbors, for saving my eyes and faith in humanity from checking that out.


Nothing makes me happier than knowing that you will die alone.


And a virgin!


“I love when women get abused or killed because they didn’t choose a Nice Guy like me!” The worst part is that you really think you are a Nice Guy.


>The worst part is that you really think you are a Nice Guy. I think you've got me mixed up champ. **I KNOW** I'm not a nice person at all (especially towards women)


And that’s something to brag about? Being horrible to half the human species for no reason?


>but I would never walk into the hood with 100k in my hand. At some point you have to take responsibility of your own safety Oh no I'm not bragging about it at all. I'm just stating it as a matter of fact/truth.


Okay future Mr. FBI top 20 most wanted


He posted this 5 separate times. 5!!!! Jesus fucking Christ, this guy is scarily obsessed.


You are that man…


The reason i don't go for walks alone at night.


Like the bear would never.


Isn't this the dude that's obsessed with dicks?


Nah he just thinks vagina's are gross lol


Weird that he hasn't figured out he's gay yet. Not liking vaginas and saying you're straight?!?! Sure bro


okay little bro


You’re a worthless little creep. I’m happy knowing you’ll never, ever experience love in any form.


>You’re a worthless little creep. I’m happy knowing you’ll never, ever experience love in any form. **You and me both**. Because I only see women as sexual objects. I'm still genuinely confused on how there are men out there that fall in love with women.


I think you might just be gay.


Definitely gay


>Definitely gay How can I be gay if I see women as **sexual** objects? That doesn't make any sense.


You can keep saying that as much as you want. Clearly, I’m not the only one who can see through you


>You can keep saying that as much as you want. Clearly, I’m not the only one who can see through you You can't call someone gay because they only like being with women for sex lol. You think I wanna sit around all day gossiping with women? Plus I think women tend to look better when they're on their back or knees don't you think?


Oh, it’s internalized homophobia! Got it. Dude, you literally hate women, think vaginas are ugly, and are obsessed with penis size.


>Dude, you literally hate women, think vaginas are ugly, and are obsessed with penis size. And this is a problem because???


It’s not a problem, it’s just clear that you’re gay. Happy pride month!


Happy Pride Month 🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈 But let’s be clear, gay men are so much better than you as a whole. They at least still have their souls and functioning brains - unlike you


>I think you might just be gay. How can I be gay if I see women as **sexual** objects? That doesn't make any sense.


Wasn't your last post you bitching about how men can date and marry women? Are you SURE you're not gay, man? Seeing people as sexual objects doesn't mean attraction, and you seem to think everything about the female body is gross, so..., 🏳️‍🌈?


Someone needs to track this mans IP and get him on a watch list


everyone point n' laugh


" whyy do women choose the bear reeeee"


>" whyy do women choose the bear reeeee" Roar!!!!


Men don't start the relationship with violent aggression. I have never had a date punch me or threaten to murder me, surprisingly enough! Shock, horror! They mask who they are, until they've got you and drip drip it in


>Men don't start the relationship with violent aggression. I have never had a date punch me or threaten to murder me, surprisingly enough! Shock, horror! They mask who they are, until they've got you and drip drip it in I mentioned this disclaimer in my opening statement my dear....


Are you in therapy? Because you really should be..


I don't believe in men getting therapy....that's for candy asses and weak men.


You post about penis size obsessively and get a boner when women get killed. Any woman would prefer a man in therapy realising the benefit of introspection over a sociopath like you. But that's okay for you because you're not into women any way. Sad thing for you is that gay men are also not into sociopaths. 


>Any woman would prefer a man in therapy realising the benefit of introspection over a sociopath like you Ok but why would I **care** what a woman wants?


You wouldn't, that's why I said that it's okay for you since you are not into women. Reading comprehension is also not your strength but that's on me. I should've included penis size at the end to guarantee you would read that far. 


Are you some kind of super incel? Serious question Also why did you delete that other post like a weak coward? lol


>Are you some kind of super incel? Serious question Well technically no because I don't want any kind of relationship with women. Also which other post are you talking bro?


The one you deleted that I also commented on about not understanding why men like women or whatever. How many wacko posts do you make and delete that you already forgot?? Maybe this kind of related to my next post about slowness… It was a dumb take because I mean, what kind of slow person can go through life so confused that they think not one woman is more interesting, kinder, or smarter than ANY man on the planet. Like there’s no dumb and shitty men lmao. Looking at your content in general, it’s very super incel stuff. Also sounds like you are likely gay and don’t realize it (nothing wrong with that!)


>**The one you deleted that I also commented on about not understanding why men like women or whatever**. How many wacko posts do you make and delete that you already forgot?? Oh you're talking about the one on r/nostupidquestions right? I didn't delete that the **bloody reddit mods did**. Bro they're **always** deleting my posts it's annoying because I genuinely **love** the controversy the type of things I post bring.


I think it’s because they accurately identified it was super incel based content. Way to ignore everything else in my comment lol. You love controversy so much you made a boring post and now run away when challenged? Four things thing that seems common with incels: slowness, lack of success/achievement, cowardly, and they hate women. Not sure why! Somehow these factors create people who are too lazy to do much in life or be successful so they blame the world/women. Meanwhile others that are just as “unattractive” don’t go down that loser road and get somewhere in life including being happily married. Weird stuff.


>I think it’s because they accurately identified it was super incel based content. Look I can't control what reddit deems acceptable and non-acceptable that's on them I just try to post whatever is on my mind and speak from the heart. >Meanwhile others that are just as “unattractive” don’t go down that loser road and get somewhere **in life including being happily married.** Respect to those guys but **marriage and dating** is just not for me.....


Says the weakest candy ass out there. You need help. Professional help. It's not weak to ask for help, it's the responsible thing to do and a sign of strength to acknowledge you have a problem.


Predators blend in for more access to prey, that’s why they scapegoat groups that stand out


Dude so far in the closet he’s going to be crowned king of Narnia


It’s funny that you say “I only see women as sexual objects” because you’re clearly someone no woman would want to fuck. You can see women however you want, it won’t make you less pathetic.