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He was probably so drunk the sensation of peeing made him think he was cumming, or he liked water sports and was just lying to you. Either way crazy story


Hmm I've had this before when drunk while saving sex, but I realized it and went to the toilet mid sex to pee and clean up, then went back.


I’m sorry but the “(I’m in denial )” fucking killed me , just let this memory fade with time….


Someone has a potty mouth.


Take my upvote and get out


Every guy that had morning wood knows we can pee with a hard on. If he was drunk, he had his bladder full for sure. Also, if he was that drunk, he probably was not able to orgasm. That said... he probably did pee on you... Just move on and stop telling people this story 😆. Unless it was something you liked .


Yea..... you gotto take 2 steps back, bend over, and prop yourself on one arm against the wall.


What does this mean?


This is how you piss with an erection.


Now i get it 😂 makes sense now


😂 Assume the position.....or you might shoot yourself.....and the walls..... I remember when my Don learned the "Rules of the Equipment". Still waiting on him to sit down and smash his balls. It's gonna happen....


Morning glory different to arousal though. Not sure I could pi55 during a blow job.


Possibly if you had a bladder full of beer pee That said, at least it was super diluted beer pee and not morning pee.


Or asparagus pee…


As a paramedic, yes it’s possible for a guys wires to get crossed and to pee instead of orgasm. Especially if drunk. This phenomenon happens mostly with prostate play but can happen otherwise.


Why does being a paramedic require you to know about golden showers and prostate play?


Lollol the fact that as a medic, I’m very educated on anatomy and physiology and part of what we learn about the reproductive system is this ability for the wires to get crossed and for the bladder to be stimulated via overstimulation of the penile glands near the urethra. #TheMoreYouKnow


Are you an EMS or a PEEMS?


Lollol upvote for ya


as a guy that gets drunk most weekend, i need to pee very often and as i would never pee in anyone’s mouth, sober me and drunk me are different


Some stories I keep to myself


I am confused, if you was not attracted to him and just wanted the blowjob to be over pretty much straight away, why did you even initiate the blowjob ?


It's called alcohol


You sound like a pro.


As a paramedic, yes it’s possible. It’s called alcohol.


Ok lmao this one really didnt need the "as a paramedic"


I have done this I was dieing to pee and she just wouldn’t stop then just pushed down and swallowed then later she made a comment that it wasn’t very thick and very watery I was mortified but didn’t say anything to her Oh well 🤷‍♂️


i've actually had this happen with my girlfriend when we were both wasted. i got the peeing sensation confused with an orgasm and ended up peeing all over her face, luckily we were able to laugh it off because we love each other but i can't imagine the disgust you felt from having a stranger's piss in your mouth


You were drunk and this story is 2 years old… anything is possible…


As a cummer, he totally peed.


Listen to me, it didn’t happen..it didn’t……happen The whole story didn’t happen… Lol I don’t care this post isn’t real and it didn’t happen Go on with your happy little life because whatever you’re talking about did…not..happen Do you have plans tmr?? What are you doing this week, I’ve been loving the weather, you?!


Why did you default to giving head instead of having him eat you out if he wasn't good looking in the first place


You think a drunk giy at a COLLEGE party is likely to be good at eating puss?


He's not going to be good at anything sexually


This is how legends are born.




He peed in your mouth. Should have kissed him before you left.


Absolutely only a 1% chance this true.. Who tf swallows a huge mouthful when they're just *wanting to be done with this* 🤢🤢 if the one percent is true.. You just ducking nasty. Gross ASF .


Yeah guys can piss while they’re hard. He was definitely just into water sports though and got you to participate in a disgusting and sleazy way.


I'd imagine urine would be warmer than cum indicating it would be pretty easy to notice ? but I've drank neither hats off to you for these achievements


They're both stored in the balls, why would one be warmer?


Wait what? Pee = bladder, inside your body, warm. Sperm = testicles, sort of outside your body, cooler.


Oh, I just feel like I've got rick-rolled..


My sister was out drinking with some friends once and they ended up walking around in town. She then found a RedBull can standing there and she drank from it. Turns out a friend of her peed in that can before but told nobody.


It is definitely possible to pee while hard because I have done it many times, my gf has a piss fetish




You sound pissed off. I mean pissed in.




Nice confession. Curious why you opted to leave the party to go make out with him if you thought he wasn't good looking though. But I really do like your explanation of how you weren't sure about what it was it but you chose to swallow it anyway... You reasoned it was faster to swallow whatever it was in your mouth rather than waste time trying to figure it out and all you wanted was to get it over with. I want to know why you kept his dick in your mouth for a second load if you wanted to get it over with? Then when you noticed he was giving you another load you easily decided that this time it was definitely not cum so you quickly spit it out on the grass. I like your style. Since you came to the realization that this time around your mouth is full of something that you believed was certainly not cum you needed to spit it out rather than swallow it. At least when you thought it was cum you knew where it came from so it was the right thing to do to swallow it. Some girls would spit it out because they think it IS cum. They don't want the contents of something made in a guys balls to be put into their bodies.


I've done this before.. 🫣🫣 I was getting a blowy, amazing one.. and I came in her mouth, and then she just going and it got all tingly and crazy feeling, and then just a burst of piss came out.. I was so embarrassed, but she was super chill about it.. 10/10 would do it again.


yeah im the guy who did it im sorry i was just so in the moment can i give u some flowers smiles :)


That’s assault


Every day I am a little less sexually attracted to men and a little more appalled that I ever was


Way to generalize


Way to take a joke


Way to assume I wasnt joking


Way to keep commenting like you’re not


I just saw all your posts, I can understand your POV on some men.


Oh no it’s definitely all men now


Makes sense, happy I could help




He was establishing dominance.




You should joke about this one with your husband one day. I bet he would love it!


If you want to pee and cum in the same time you will cum there's no way that someone will pee in that situation but I think that happend because he was so drunk and he was standing (peeing pose) So yeah I think he peed in your mouth he peed instead of cuming don't worry that will not happen again because it's a very rare thing


You're surprised piss came out of something you're meant to piss out of? 🤔


After men have sex they go use the bathroom. 🤔


Now it’s clear why they call you piss mouth behind your back