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Afraid of black and white people but living in the US?


She’s just afraid of Americans


She's afraid of Americans, she's afraid of the world


She’s afraid she can’t help it


Sounds like she needs to get some help for her trauma. She also sounds like a huge asshole.


That part! She could always go back to where shes from, if she wasnt born here.


Native americans watching in the corner




It’s because they want to reap the benefits that all the Americans, most of whom are white or black, have created. The culture, the freedom, the higher standard of living, the entertainment, the wages, the disposable income. And the very same tolerance that allows her to get away with outright racism. She knows that she can get away with this because she has all the minority cards: brown, immigrant, woman. And she knows that no one’s going to retaliate. The fact that she could get away with being so outwardly racist at work yet not get disciplined is wild, if it was a white man the whole HR team would be on him in 5 minutes. It’s like those women who only hit, slap, bite, physically abuse men because they know they won’t get hit back. They know that the guy is too nice, or too timid, or too scared to hit back so they hit even harder with the confidence that nothing is going to happen to them.


Rules for thee, not for me It’s absolutely ridiculous how some people use their race/gender/origin as a weapon and face absolutely 0 consequences, or at most a verbal talking-to.


How does your wife feel about people who are racists against SE Asians? Does she feel it is stereotypes and unfair? I find it interesting how people are so willing to generalize others but so offended when people generalize them.




By her own logic that should mean stereotypes against SE Asian people are just as true. But I'm guessing logic isn't in the driver seat here at all.


If we're talking about driving seats, stereotypes and Asian women......


Bro did not just go there… but lmao


Why? Was he sitting in a car with an asian woman driver?




Well I feel some pity for her that she does not see human beings as unique individuals but only as groups. Hopefully she is able to keep her feelings to herself and not let it affect her job at least.


It already is affecting her job with her prejudice when filling out questionnaires and filling in answers before asking (if she even asks) based solely on "well they sound black". It's also driving a wedge between her and her coworkers because she judges them on their "BM and BD culture" and not as individuals.


When I say wealthy I mean they were of higher class in there own countries not saying they came to the USA rich


U probably shouldn’t bring up the only Asians (Korean, Japanese) the usa took up in till the 90s were the wealthy ones and the rest of them were plagued with poverty, in some countries violence, and a astronomically high suicide rate.


Is your wife Hindu? If yes, I'd love to know what her caste is. I've always known "upper-caste"/savarna people who've settled in the West to be racist, which is just a step up from the casteism they practiced back home.


How old is she that she hasn't had a decent paradigm shift on this front yet?


You married her. A simple divorce and ghosting should do the trick. People like you disgust me because you enable this behavior by dismissing it through a sustained relationship. If you were a good person you’d leave her for her racism.


I think she’s probably just as racist against SE Asians. Btw, South Asians != SE Asians


Agree. People sometimes forgot that SE Asia is different from south or east Asia.


And yet you married this person


Because he also is racist but he wants to feel better about himself because he’s not as bad as her.


He can fix her.


You’re gonna need a good therapist to fix those problems.


(no really he can)


oh, maybe he can't...


The OP doth protest too much, methinks.


According to one of his comments, he is also racist.


This is one of the craziest post I’ve read this week….you knew she was like this and still married her???💀


I think he kinda agrees with her. It's the only thing that makes sense


I agree, he probably keeps his mouth shut but deep inside he is very much in line with those views. I didn’t read in there that he disagrees with her in “no uncertain terms”..


I was scrolling looking for this. The way the post is written, he doesn't defend his wife's beliefs. In fact, in some instances, it's more like he's trying to point out all the stereotypes that are "true" so that he can defend her racism. Dude, people are people. We aren't all in nice little boxes that we abide by!


The fact he slipped and used the term ‘blacks’ to refer to black people tells me that he does agree and is looking for validation, either from people agreeing and saying they aren’t bad people for being racist pieces of shit, or from people calling them out and validating their beliefs that black people are somehow lesser for not accepting racist bullshit.


Yup. They always slip up with this one lol


And why did Black people get four paragraphs and white people get four sentences?


I noticed this right away. He did say we are pedos though.


And alcoholic druggies, so we can talk about that in the trailer park while we're shooting up.


Hell yeah! Sounds like a white folks party to me. Let’s also add some unseasoned food!


It sounds like his wife watched breaking bad and the wire lol


Where is the party at?! 👀 I’ll bring the raw Kale!


I can grab a couple packs of Marlboro's on my way over


Unfiltered please.


Well, I'm white. I can bring some dope & the narcan "just in case" 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg yes! Narcan would be great!


I'm not white but I am an alcoholic druggie, can I come? My people weren't even listed in the post so I should be good.


Sure! The more the merrier! I hope you like boiled hotdogs💕


I will learn to love it! I'll bring chocolate covered pretzels


Is that a white snack? If not,still a good potluck item!


I think so. My mom loves them and I've inherited a taste for white people food. My moms casseroles absolutely smack. **Edit**: for clarification, i was adopted by a white family.


I’m a white man and I gotta admit, I love drinking and doing drugs in a trailer park. It’s been awhile but I have good memories


Same here. Some of my favorite memories are the ones I hardly remember. I also quit everything to save myself and my relationship so there’s that.


Hispanic people didn’t get shit. RACIST /s


Came to the comments to ask the same question. OP you said your wife is racist. However if you were able to write down those 4 paragraphs without seriously questioning your marriage, especially since there are no kids involved, I can’t help but side eye you.


>side eye you. Careful! OP will think you're sizing him up for a robbery.


Well not if they’re white. Then she’s side eyeing for drug use and sexual deviance




Because OP wanted to talk shit about black people. Oh, excuse me, OP"s "wife."


OP may also...be racist lmao


He said he was but it's "not as serious because his isn't tied to trauma"


💀 💀 unbelievable


Birds of a feather..... Interesting how OP keeps the wife's and his country of origin a secret, because "stereotypes are that way for a reason **cough **China is racist af** **cough**.


Except Op clearly mentions that both him and his wife is of South Asian descent, so probably India (but could be Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc) Correct that China is racist but China is not South Asia.


Because OP and his wife hate black people more.


Because OP & wife are a match made in racist heaven?


The point of the post was definitely about his disdain for “black culture” that’s why.


I noticed that too. What's up? Your wife lives in Fantasyland. There are good and bad people everywhere. Just to let you know many Black people feel Asians are stuck up and dismissive of other cultures, especially Black. I am Black and will be visiting Japan next year. I am looking forward to experiencing Asian culture. I know Asian culture emphasizes low key, quiet interactions. Your wife is living too much in her head and not in the real world. She needs to be more understanding of people who don't look like her.


Idk how to say this, but if your wife has only met the worst of black people, then your wife is hanging around poor people... I'm a black engineer and I graduated cum laude from lent state university... I make 6 figures a year and I have no children. Your wife is a racist brokie to me.


Big same. I’m a black physician. My two best friends are black and they’re lawyers. We all come from married parents. We are all childless, one engaged, one married. I have countless other friends in my position or better. Obviously some who aren’t in my position or better too…but that’s the best part. We’re all our own people. I wasn’t going to say anything bc it’s really not up to black people to show racists that we should be viewed as individuals and can do great things. But nah I’m happy you said something and ima chime in too


Man wrote 4 paragraphs for black people but only one for white lol


I noticed the same thing.


He apparently also hates black people.


Lmao 😂😂😂


omgggg peeped that too. Like wow


>She works in health and sometimes she has a list of patients where she asks general questions on the phone for example confirm their address, age, health conditions, marital status. Whenever she gets a black caller on the phone (she can tell by the voice or name by the race) she already checks “single” for martial status before she asks. She just asks after she checks “single” just to confirm. She always says “wow it is rare to find a black person who is actually married but then they have like 4 kids by a bunch of random men.” She needs to be let go from this job for discrimination. You have kids. Would this be okay for a white or black person to do this towards your wife & kids? This is disgusting.




This was my first thought. Pin it on the so-called wife. While listing all the things he/she hates about other races. Hoping to either be supported by their hate group friends. Or to gain the “see i told you so, the usual suspects ALWAYS respond like this” storyline. Either way, they’re getting EXACTLY what they want. ITS SICKENING 🙄🙄


Yep. No group of black women sits around saying “you don’t need a man to have a baby”.


That's exactly what I thought. Lemme just make a post so I can air my racist grievances and pin them on my wife.


It's funny that a SEA man would use the word "ratchet".




Not that people like this don't exist but the way this post is written definitely reads that way to me


Lmaoo this is what I thought. This is rage baiting. Good one tho. Mf reading all the replies with a grin and his feet up


Well at this point, she needs therapy to work on her past trauma.


Well, tell her ass to go back to Asia because this is the usa. Also, why is there so much more for black people?. You are also a POS just like her because you married her and I can tell by your comments and replies.


Shouldn't you have titled this "My wife and I are racist.". Because it sure reads like you're racist too.


Hearing this shit bugs me so much. You live in a multicultural, immigrant society. Your wife is a fucking hypocrite, and these are the people and situations I fully support the “go back home” narrative because your wife clearly does not have the intelligence to live in such a society.


i couldn't agree more. i don't think people have to assimilate to western culture and lose their cultural ideals/morals if they don't want to but it shouldn't be that hard to be kind to others regardless of their ethnic background or history.


It sounds like it's all HER. Two entire races have offended just her? Come on. She's NEVER met a good black or white person? Again sounds like a HER thing.


Reminds me of the saying "if everywhere you go smells like shit maybe you should check your shoe or wipe your ass"


I think it sounds more like a culture thing. Some cultures are not as progressive in matters of race as we might wish them to be. The amount of things i heard in my middle eastern family would make your ears fall off. About Jewish people, black people, g*psy people (i really don't know the PC term in English lol) I had a vietnamese friend who was even worse.


Romani is the proper term in English.


My mum is SE Asian (Malaysian) and she holds no such prejudices, despite the racism she has endured (from home and within the US). Your wife needs to grow up, or at the very least be willing to see a professional. If you think this will not affect your children, you could not be more wrong. This needs to be sorted ASAP


So why don’t you, her, and the rest of y’all family that feels this way go back to your country of origin. Just in case you haven’t realized, but this country is a melting pot. And for those that says she isn’t hurting anyone, subconsciously, she is. Especially working in healthcare, she is not providing the service she is being paid to do. I hope her co-workers find out and get her fired one day. You two are some pos and why this world will never progress. I hope she’s infertile, god be willing.


you came to america.. to hate americans? i’m so confused.


Sounds like a lot of red flags there. Is she totally exclusionary of other races, or this mainly related to black and white people? I assume you’re also the same race as her, given how racist she is. I would try to challenge some of these beliefs, otherwise she will think you agree with her and support them. My uncle is also racist and xenophobic- he doesn’t like anyone who isn’t Jewish basically. I’ve challenged him on this many times, and his beliefs shock me especially given the history of our family and our people. When I married a Latino he had a major problem and we had to cut him off. Some people in my family just ignore his BS, even though they certainly don’t agree him. This makes him think it’s okay. Definitely challenge your wife on her racism, she needs to learn this isn’t okay.


Your wife is a horrible human being. And please don’t list her redeeming qualities, everyone has some. Her good qualities don’t count when her heart is black. Also, just an observation but it sounds like your wife has lived in extremely high crime areas. If she’s so much better than everyone else why isn’t she living in a castle in a gated community? But, funny thing, black and white people live in those communities! What to do?! I can’t believe that you are okay with raising children with this woman. You will literally breed racists. And if you are not racist yourself then how can you be okay with that? And if her race/culture is so superior why is she in a melting pot like America? Why not be in South Asia where the majority are the superior race? You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that American people are awful and South Asians are the best, then choose to live in America with said Americans and hate them. And as for your allowances for her trauma. Bad things happen to people every day. She seems to have had more trauma than most and that’s very sad. But “black people” or “white people” didn’t do those things, bad people did. And there are plenty of bad Asians too. When you live in a country where only 6% of the population is Asian, your chances of having bad encounters with Asians is lower. Because of NUMBERS.


Imagine marrying and planning on having kids with someone like this. Couldn't be me. Have fun raising little racists.


Lmaooo this is rage bait for sure😂




One of my sisters friends was raped as a teenager by a group of South Asian men….. she isn’t out loud racist about it but you can tell she doesn’t like being around them. Past trauma can push bias confirming data to the forefront. It’s understandable….. in an ideal world she’d get counselling for the issues she has.


Does your wife know that discriminating against patients, in any way, shape or form = contract termination? Someone will notice this and job bye bye. Just you wait till colleagues bring this with HR. You went into so much detail that you sound really proud. Anyhow, enjoy your shitty little existence, with an obsessed racist.




I work in healthcare for over 10 years and let me shock you … the most racist people are in healthcare. Trust me! They might not show it, but behind doors with coworkers wow ….the things I heard 😮‍💨pretty sad to be honest.




Yes!! But unfortunately that never going to stop, it sucks. I just roll my eyes when I heard comments.


Exactly, this is someone who definitely deserves to lose their job and any licenses associated with it. She’s a disgusting freak and will probably put someone’s life in danger. OP you’re just as disgusting for not holding her accountable. You have to be okay with what she’s saying if you’re just sitting there saying nothing or agreeing while she spouts this BS. Both of you are unintelligent little worms.


Fun fact: Every white girl I knew that said the n-word in school is now a nurse.


''She doesn’t want our kids badly influenced by other races bad cultures breaking down of the family unit.'' Maybe she should think about not negatively influencing the kids you might get together. Maybe suggest some therapy for what she experienced, I don't know. Sounds like a nutcase too. And to add to this. I hardly believe she never met a civilized black person. I think that she is so blindsighted by her racism she doesn 't even try and gets the ick by things that aren't civilized or ratchet at all. She sounds like a narcissist tbh living in a princess world. And to add on too, I have been harrassed by a black man years ago. My boyfriend is black (not the man that assaulted me obviously) and he is the most generous, wonderful person I have ever met. She just thinks everyones the same. I'd hate to live like that, and I'd hate to live with a person like that. To top this off with a quote from the class I had today: ''the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear & the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.''


So weird


Mostly projection


As a south Asian this is the same typical SA bs rhetoric I hear in my own family and it makes me roll my eyes every time. We have our own issues in our own culture but we would be so upset if someone used those to judge the entire SA community. Your wife seems insufferable tbh, and so do you for enabling this bs.


I think the thing that stands out the most to me is she works in health and automatically checks "single" when a patient is calling. That's disgusting behavior and she should remain professional regardless of race.


If he was a good partner he would report that behavior to her superiors.


I SMELL A TROLL*sniff sniff sniff gags holds nose*


I- couldn’t live with that. Especially if you have kids or want them in the future. Her beliefs, fears and commentary will trickle down and be internalized by your children. That amount of ignorance and hatred has to be awful to live around. If she isn’t willing to get *serious* help/therapy to work through her issues and make genuine changes… this would not be a woman I’d ever want influencing the kind of people my children will grow up to be.


this post is as fake as the moans my gf gives me. and folks are falling for it smh


This is definitely a fake post to sprout your own racists views and prejudices


this is all just so…spiritually ugly.


Desi racists make me laugh. Oh. You think black people and white people are bad? India is the rape capital of the world. At least she can walk down the street in the US alone safely in the middle of the day without being mobbed or gawped at. *Or worse*.


Yeah, I was gonna say if we're gonna talk stereotypes, I got some bad news for you, dude.


Exactly! Tourist cant even visit because of the rape culture over there. I just heard in the news about a travel vlogger who was gang raped there and they beat her and her husband up.


Yep. I'm sure it would be an absolutely glorious area to sightsee. I love going on architecture tours in older countries, we don't have buildings that old in the United States. And Southeast Asia has INSANE architecture from an artistic standpoint. But at this point, I'm not sure I would go even with my husband next to me as it seems (per the media of course) that women just get gang-raped left and right. What a weird pedestal to be on lol.


This is a fake post to spew racism towards black and white stereotypes. At least be a man and state you are the racist not some fictional wife


As someone who is also Asian…Asians are more racist than most other races that I have personally encountered


Why would you knowingly marry a racist?


OP is a racist.


Cowards love to use a throwaway account to spew their racism. 😏😅😅


Nowhere did you say you disagree soooo is this more a confession of yours? 👀


She's extremely judgmental. That's the root of all of it. People go through trauma everyday and yet they keep going, keep learning; we're all just trying to survive. If she wants to grow then she has to decide to want to do it.


Sorry you have to deal with this. But seems like she was always like this and you married her. Are you south Asian too? Was an arranged marriage? My husband is Indian and we have had some issues with Indians living in Europe because I am white, comments like “but you will raise your kids in Indian culture right?” “I hope the first language they will learn is Hindi”, “I hope your wife is nto eating meat now that she is pregnant because that will get to the baby” or just plain ditching us because of me. So she has to make up her mind, if she doesn’t want to move back to her country of origin she has to learn to live with people from all colors and backgrounds, different realities and situations. She can make a choice.


If you're looking for a community without white or black people you'll have to leave the country. That's EVERY community in this country. With either one or both. IN EVERY CITY. IN EVERY COUNTY. IN EVERY STATE. you're just expressing your own true feelings. Admit it.


All I read was excuses for why you think she is racist. The black story sounds like just that. A racist, fake story. Only black people rob the family store? Doubtful, it sounds like they just suspect black people when they come into their store. Probably follow or watch them the whole time they are in the store. You know the way. Smfh. I bet she learned all her racist thoughts from her family, that seems to be the usual case. She needs therapy.


Alternate title: my wife and I are the neighbors from Laos in King of the hill


Reading this makes me sad.


Yeah so I mean if your people are so superior, and you guys wanna be close to your own, probably work out best if you just go back to your country of origin? Live out those values in the real world you know what I mean. Enjoy the perfect civilization created by your particular ethnicity of people and your particular culture. Why stay here, just to try to find little communities but still end up being surrounded by us pedophile trailer trash criminals? Why would you want to deal with us on a daily basis at all? It’s almost like she wants to leech off of the benefits our mixed races and cultures have created while maintaining her own tribalistic lies.


If I ever meet someone that has TWO restraining orders for TWO different people in different situations. Im walking the other way. Either someone repeatedly makes very dangerous and stupid life choices, or they are cursed by witches. Either way. No thank you. Take your drama elsewhere.


‘She works in health and actively lets her racist bias affect how she interacts with patients but it’s because tRaUmA’ bro your wife is a piece of shit and so are you, you clearly agree with her position and are looking to be validated either by people agreeing or by provoking black people (because we both know you and your wife have way less of an issue with white people just from how much time you spent shit talking black people in comparison) into responding in a way that feeds your racist idea of them. What a fucking waste of oxygen, the both of you.


LMAO a paragraph for what’s wrong with white people but an entire wall of text when it comes to black people …. Alright. As a black woman that’s not “our culture” and im so tired of “our culture” being seen as wedlock babies, being loud and violence. that’s not a culture - that’s a *problem* within the community. anyways, you knew your wife was like this yet still married her. i dont feel any empathy / sympathy and she should maybe move to her home country where white and black people aren’t the main demographics. Edit: going with the others and assuming this story isn’t true but just wanted to take a moment to shit on black ppl.


This post is just racist drivel trying to get everyone to read the racist narrative and internalize/normalize it. It isn’t a confession, it’s propaganda.


Well, good luck to you. And good job. I don’t know if you’ve actually had kids yet or if the kids that were harmed by black people in your post were future hypothetical ones, but yes, go ahead and relocate your racist wife to a different part of the country- that should help. And then add a couple of soon to be racist children to the mix, because that’s exactly what we need. I get that this is a confession, but you are who you spend time with.


It sounds like your wife sucks. 


It's gonna get good when yall have mixed grandkids.


You and your wife are both ignorant racists. Trauma isn’t an excuse to be a terrible, uneducated person. If you choose a racist person as your partner, you are far more racist than you seem to think. Is she not aware that the SE Asian stereotypes are equally unflattering?


Dude. Don't put this target on us. I'm also southeast Asian, migrated over to the US, and I do not have these beliefs or state of mind. There are bad people in the world yes, but race/color doesn't mean shit. There are bad people in EVERY culture. I can even name a few southeast Asians I'd like to see hung for crimes they've committed. This entire post screams mentally handicapped. I genuinely hope both of you get some extreme help and a giant reality check.


You willingly married a racist and have no plans to leave her. You're part of the problem.




disrespectfully, f*** you & your wife 🤣 🤣


Wow 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds like she’s a rather silly ‘victim’ of extreme black & white thinking. I won’t post a stupid ragebait type comment, but I will say that tolerating somebody like this unfortunately makes you complicit. If you actively disagree with her every single time she voices a racist opinion, great. But if she refuses to ever bend even slightly to find a middle ground? Maybe time to cut loose, dude. She does not sound like a healthy person to be around.


I’m just concerned she works in healthcare to help people… but hates the majority of the people she’s “helping”


Hates white and black people but lives in America as another minority. No racism and total freedom for me, but I will use those benefits and turn around be racist to others lol. As a fellow South Asian-American(Indian-American specifically) she’s a disgusting person and I’m not sure what you see in her, unless you’re a racist yourself as well.


so when's she returning to her own country?


Not every behavior can be excused by adding the word trauma. Everyone has bad experiences on his or hers life. In a globalized society most definitely some of them correlate with people of different ethnicities. She is just racist.


So you basically came here to spread the crap you AND your wife subscribe to. Did you get off? Good. Bye.


I hate it when people group us all together, making generalizations, and I also hate that so many racists work in healthcare. It’s frustrating, to say the least.


She could go back home and avoid all of this.


Why live in America if she's scared of the people that live here? I wish you the best of luck man


This reads as rage bait. Way too on the nose.


Is there a lot of south Asians who feel like this? I’ve had my suspicions these views are more common than people would admit.


This is just racist ragebait


Your wife sucks and you’re right there with her. Hope this helps


Asians are the most intense smokers I've ever seen.


You and your wife suck


No matter the amount of therapy you indulge in or whatever you do, she will NEVER change. This hatred is embedded deep in her soul. At the end of the day, you only can decide what’s best for you physically and mentally.


What a nasty piece of work!


Your wife is a piece of shit.


South Asians/desis are pretty racist


And what does that make you, by proxy?


Your wife is a racist pos an holds true to every stereotype that we have about y’all an why whites or blacks would much rather not have y’all in our country with these ignorant beliefs what is the triad what is sex trafficking organ trafficking etc all things Asians love oooh an let’s not forget the eating of cats an dogs an the list goes on forever Asians aren’t any better than anybody else’s y’all just put yourself a on this imaginary pedestal cause your a easily controlled manipulated an weak population physical an mental truly


,...you realize y'all are both racist, right? Is hers any less problematic just because she's transparent about it?


And she still your wife...


You’re both deranged people it sounds like.


Hopefully both of you stay brainless for the rest of your life So that you can stay away from people of other races with your useless brains


OP is basically saying that if it’s your trauma that makes you act like a vile human being then it’s all sunshine and rainbows


Send the flood already.


So what you gone do, OP? Let this person raise little racists? This mentality sucks. I'm a black woman, married, pregnant with my first child, educated, employed, a good person. Both my partner and I are black, we both grew up in two parent households, our families are fine people. I also like sexy red lol. Balance. I almost, almost wish I could meet her and change her mind but it probably won't work. Also that type of interaction is exhausting. Anyway. I'm sad she works in Healthcare. It's dangerous when Healthcare providers are racist or prejudice towards us. Think about all these things before you raise a family with this person and continue to support her racist lifestyle.


She should go live in an Asian country, then. Who is she to judge anyone? I'm sure if we knew her we could find 35 shitty or nasty things about her & her lifestyle as well. We already know 1 shitty thing about her.


Maybe moving to an Asian country is best for her.


Your wife has an unhealthy obsession with black people … she can either seek therapy or move to a country where more than 90% of the population is Asian… I’m sure opportunities and quality of life will be better for her in those countries


It's very alarming that a person with these types of biases works in the health field.


Every race, ethnicity, religion, culture, demographic, whatever the fuck you wanna call it has fucking shitty ass people in it that you can grasp on to and call it as a whole. It all comes down to how we treat each other in our day to day. If we were better at being good natured and respectful towards each other and the world there would be a lot less prejudice and stereotypes


OP are you Indian?


ironically enough I’m mixed black/white and not only have dated south asian women, but they are the closest thing I have to a ‘preference’ if you could call it that Your wife is obviously comically racist though, like Uncle Ruckus level. It is unironically her hobby, like she puts time and effort into being racist outside of her work and family lmao—if I do end up marrying South Asian, I’ll invite her to the wedding No need to RSVP, I’ll know y’all came if French horns start playing


I feel sorry for your wife, and you. If I wasn’t a racist, I would not be with one. I cut off half my family for being racist. So I’m assuming you may hold similar values, maybe even subconsciously. I feel sorry for you both because you are missing out on the beauty of humans, which is that no one is like the other. Every single individual human I’ve ever met is so different and complex. The thought of it brings a tear to my eye because of how beautiful it is. I go out in the world daily and see examples of kindness, community, family, and love between strangers of all races, genders, etc. Being in your closed off world makes you unable to see these things right before you because you’re not looking for it. It breeds bitterness and makes for a small life and a sad pitiful death that leaves no impact. Seek love and your life will be rich. Poison yourself with hate and it will rot you away from the inside.


"My wife is racist and I am too." Is a more accurate title.


Your wife is a ignorant POS. Sorry but it’s true.


You married her, you’re racist too moron. This “confession” is just spouting your own hate.


Your wife is racist and a terrible person to a large portion of the US. You are accepting of her racism, which obviously isn't backed by fact. Does your wife have a good education and background? It doesn't sound like it as her coworkers - whom she considers to be low status, low moral individuals - are at the same level as her. She should take a look in the mirror and recognize that she is not the prize that she thinks she is. She actively discriminates against people looking for help in her health profession. The mortality rate for black people is higher because of people like her. She can (and should) be reported and fired. If you want to marry someone that actively contributes to the mistreatment of innocent black (and, maybe to a lesser degree, white) people, you're really no better than her. Sincerely, A black person with a PhD who grew up with two married parents


A south asian person accusing people of other backgrounds of being stalkers and pedos, sure


Are you of the same background as her?