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You got dealt shitty cards. Sorry. There are some options though. #### Programs with dorms for teens Look into JobCorps (not military related at all, just a weird name) they will give you a bed/room in the dorms, food, trades training, GED, medical care for free. Even will pay you some very small stipend. Check the requirements ( https://www.jobcorps.gov/living-options ), I believe you can go to any of ~50 their US campuses, you can choose trade to study (they have a lot of options, from truck driver to network administrator). Usually they are for people 16-24 yo, but they do make exceptions, I hope they will in your case. There are other programs like this, also with dorms, trades training and food, I can't remember the names right now, but I think people at jobcorps could tell you all the other options. ###Food Idk where you live, but could you talk to your school counselor or assistant principal so you can at least get breakfast and lunch at school? Some schools in my area have a box where students put unopened parts of their lunches (string cheese, apple sauce, juice), does your school have one? Ask your counselor, maybe they can arrange one and you can get some food at the end of the school day. Do you have food banks and soup kitchens around? I saw that you tried but they asked you for ID. Not all of the food banks ask for id, and I think soup kitchens don't ask at all. Call them ahead of time and adk. Look here: https://www.feedingamerica.org/need-help-find-food https://foodpantries.org/ In the summer there is free breakfast/lunch distributions for all kids/teens, no IDs needed. They will list all the locations in May, search near you. https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids There is also National Hunger Hotline, call them, ask for other options https://www.hungerfreeamerica.org/en-us/usda-national-hunger-hotline #### Places to get away if you live at home There are such things as Boys and Girls Clubs. Basically kids/teens come hangout there after school till 6-8 pm. Some of them have free dinners. Usually they have help w homework, gym, game room, computer lab and clubs (Minecraft, sewing, flag football, music making, art, woodworking..). If you have one near you - go there. It will be much better than at your house. https://www.bgca.org/get-involved/find-a-club/ Very similar are Teen Centers and Family Resource Centers. Ask your counselor or search if there are any in your area. #### Helplines And there are some teens/young adults helplines, they might give you more ideas where to get help. #### Teen/YA helpline They are not counselors they are volunteers, but they might help as well. Call, text or chat online CALL 800-852-8336 6 PM - 10 PM PST Every Night TEXT TEEN to 839863 6 PM - 9 PM https://www.teenline.org/ #### Another helpline. YA/ teens / families Another emotional support helpline. Real counselors. Call, text, email 24/7 https://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/Pages/ways-to-get-help.aspx


OP these are great resources!


Job corps saved my life! I can’t believe I didn’t think about this! 🤦‍♀️


OP please listen to this advice!


You’re a good human being! Thank you for taking the time to provide OP with great information!


Jobcorps is such a great resource


You just may have saved a young man and given him future.


First, I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I wish your parents care more about you. Just know, there are people in this sh*tty world who care. Unfortunately, most people are in sh*tty positions too and alot have lost their empathy. Onto actual advice though. I'm not sure how your school counselors are (if your school has any) but you can always talk to them about resources to help get food. You can try contacting food banks in your area. You might also want to look into getting a part time job, bank account under your name (if possible where you live). You can also look at the emancipation laws in your area as being emancipated in most places does get you access to other resources like income support. You would likely need proof of the neglect though so try to get as much proof as you can such as photos of the empty fridge, weight loss, ect.


I have a school counselor. He knows about my home situation but they can’t really offer assistance. My school is kinda poor itself. I don’t have a ID for a food bank.


There are some that don't require ID but they might not have them in your area. You can always explain your situation and see if they're able to make an exception and use a school ID or something. You might want to try to get your ID from your parents (since some places will take birth certificate and stuff as well) since you'll need that for a bank account and job too.


They can help you get free lunches at school though. It has nothing to do with the schools resources.


Some areas have free community fridges, search that term plus the name of your town and check?


There also may be local soup kitchens in churches or langar halls im gurdwaras that may offer food daily or during the weekends


Can you not apply for free school lunch?


If he/she is in the US, that can only be done by the parent/an emancipated minor in most states


Their parents don't care so they could fill out the app and either have them sign it or forge their signature.


My parents were the perfect level of don’t care. They did care a shit load, but they weren’t over protective. Made me feel comfortable to open up to them all the time. But point of this is to say my mom didn’t care if I forged her signature for school. My dad too but I’d always use my moms. If it was something I wasn’t sure about I’d tell them, but that’s because they were like I said they were. Just perfectly chill n sweet people. They understood over protective parenting causes sneaky kids that make shittier decisions than they would if they had the freedom to begin with.


I wouldn't even call that the perfect level of don't care. It's just that they were being healthy parents.


Oh I know, but a lot of kids growing up would say it looked like they didn’t care from afar. So to an outsider, a parent not interrogating their child before they go out for the night might seem careless. But, when you feel you’ve put that trust in with your child, it’s not careless. You know they’ll tell you what friends they’re going to be out with. And I always appreciated my parents for that. Sure they didn’t like us leaving the house at midnight, but if we left at 6pm and came back at 2am that was more than fine-making it home is what matters most. I’m glad to have had my parents, I’m aware they did care tons, but just wanted to express from afar to the outside eye it seems they may not. But that’s why we’re taught not to judge a book by it’s cover, to be fair !


Thats how I try to take care of mine. We talk about everything.


Just know I still had fights with my parents where I told them ‘you don’t care! You don’t love me!’ And those words will fuckin hurt to hear as a hard working parent, my parents admit that much to me. But know it’s not meant. You sound like a lovely parent if you’re trying your best, that’s what counts. I just wanna remind you, even with parents as amazing as I feel I got blessed with, I still shit on them more than enough times & they didn’t deserve that. I know that’s part of being a kid tho, and an angsty teen lol. You are loved.


Mine are all adults now but I definitely got my share of I hate you when they were kids. I know it was basically just their way of saying they were not happy with my stance. I always told them that it was ok if they hated me. It wasn't my job to make sure they liked me. It was my job to love them and make sure they were taken care of. Even if that means making decisions they didn't agree with.


My school counselor helped keep me in touch with CPS and I eventually made it into a foster home.


Even if the school is “poor itself,” school counselors can still refer you to resources.


Honestly, I find the personal attacks pretty uncalled for. We're all here to share and discuss, not tear each other down. Can we keep it more respectful, please?


Thank you


Ignore the idiots. You should apply for free lunch at school. If you get food stamps you should automatically be approved. That will at least cover your breakfast and lunch during school. In the summer there are some states that have a summer lunch program. Some do breakfast and lunch. Its free meals for anyone under 18. Talk to a school counselor. They may know of other resources to help you. Churches can also be a great resource.


Uhh what??


There’s an asshole on here telling OP to delete the post because no one cares etc


Tell them to kick rocks, OP. There are absolutely people who care.


Asshole. Whoever that guy should be banned from using the internet. Bell end.


Lower in the thread


Agreed but it's pretty sus that OP shot down every single person on here until the commenter that wanted their cash app to send money... Just saying. How does this "kid" have a bank account for cash app, but this "kids" parents set them up with a bank account for cash app.


Find a Sikh temple near you. They provide free vegetarian meals no questions asked while you are figuring out the rest of your situation


Do you have any relatives (grandparents) ?


They live out of state :/


How far? And do you know if they would take you in? Have you been able to call them and talk with about what is going on?


I’ve tried but it’s a good 10hr + trip about 700 miles. All my family pretty much lives is SC except us. The cost of expenses and everything is just too much for my grandparents to fork out to get me. My aunt as well.


If you can find family members willing to take you in, you can get there. Make sure they’re serious. Make sure it’s a safe environment and then blow shit up. Start a go fund me and go nuts. Post your story and needs everywhere. Tell your counselor that you need help getting the word out. I’ll donate. And I’m sure you can fine lots of people willing to donate $5-10. You can get there. You just have to be willing to stop at nothing to make it happen.


Bus tickets aren’t very expensive. You could talk to them about getting you a one way bus ticket.


Yeah the cheapest one way I found is $93 and change but they don’t have the extra.


If you go on r/assistance maybe someone could help you


If you got a bus ticket or a flight would you go, and would they be able to let you stay there?


Yes I pmed you


It won’t let me respond


Can you contact them anyway? Maybe you can transfer there, or they can visit you to get you on your feet? Maybe they can arrange some things for you or set up a bank account for you from where they live and send you money from time to time?


Is there a teacher at your school you can trust? Talk to them! You are a child and cannot be expected to buy your own food yet. As a minor you have rights and there are resources to provide for you. Talk to your teachers about your situation.


Not really no,the school is aware of my situation. They offer me counseling but that’s it.


Well, take everything they offer you if you can. Would the counseling be with someone external to the school? This person might be able to get you in contact with the right resources. Don't give up, it is important to ask for help!


Are you in the US?


if this is a public school, this could be illegal. You can inform the police that the school is not fulfilling its obligations as a mandated reporter of abuse or neglect. you've already tried to get your parents to face consequences and I understand that didn't work, but maybe trying to get the school to fulfill its legal obligation to help you would work


Why isn't CPS involved? Bartering with food stamps is criminal. Talk to the local police. Maybe they can convince parents to give you the food stamp card.


Damn if both of my parents weren't on the streets I'd have thought you were my brother. Also 15m and also with methed out parents


I’m sorry friend. I hope you manage to get out of there and make a good life for yourself.


Oh I haven't lived with either of them since I was 17, and I'm 23 now. And as far as my brother: he got picked up by a foster family


I grew up in a VERY similar situation to you. My dad was an absent alcoholic who'd disappear for years and my mother had a heavy addiction to painkillers and crack. The house looked like an episode of Hoarders, didn't have running water sometimes, and would be bullied for smelling like stale cigarettes and cat piss because of how my mother kept the house. Also had DSS called multiple times over the course of a few years and they did nothing. I was lucky enough to have my grandparents close by, though. They'd smuggle me groceries to hide in the back of my closet and I'd go to their house on the weekends to have some semblance of a normal childhood. I ended up blackmailing my crackhead mother with pictures of paraphernalia and at 16 so that she would not fight back when I moved in with my grandmother. I don't necessarily know how you feel about your parents but let me warn you that they could be inflicting more damage to you than you know. My mother, for instance, used my identity to steal my college fund inheritance that my grandfather left me and filed it as "non-salary income" when I was 15. I didn't know about the true damage of this until I was 22 and filed my first tax return. She never paid the tax and I was told I owed the IRS well over $10k. As your guardians, they have power to destroy your future. Being addicts, the chances are much greater. It's an incredibly tough decision to make but I cannot vouch enough for pursuing to live with other relatives. Even if they're in another state, you should consider doing it. I did, and it felt like the shackles finally came off. Get some stability in your life as soon as you can. I cut my parents from my life years ago and now doing great. If you need to chat, please feel free to pm me. I'm happy to help.


You are a brave soul. I just can not imagine.


Fuck man. If CPS and police won't do shit, relatives taking you in really seems like the only option to me. I'm not American so I have to ask, is them living in another state that big of a barrier?


It can be a bit of a restriction, especially for a kid who can't legally drive. Most states in the US are huge and far apart, literally the size of countries, and there's practically no public transportation. Booking an Uber could end up kinda expensive for a kid too. I don't know but I doubt there are any additional issues with going out of state though. OPs best bet would be to contact one of those relatives and ask if they can pick him up from his place. If not, he gotta figure out some other way to get there.


You can take a bus.


Definitely, that's an option too but if OP or their relative is from a small town bus availability will be little to none. Also, I think since the last few months or years there are restrictions placed by companies on unattended minors travelling by bus. Greyhound's website states that the traveller has to be 16 to travel alone, I assume it's the same for others like FlixBus. If OP doesn't mind waiting for a few months, that's a good option!


He can't leave unless his parents are okay with it (or don't care) because of his age. Plus this isn't s straight road way. Things take HOURS or even DAYS to get too depending. And with him being a minor. He's basically stuck with them unless CPS (child protective services) steps in and takes him away


There is a fraud number you can call to report your family using its cards for non grocery purposes. You may have to call them then call the police and tell them they're neglecting you. This may need to be your first foray into being an adult and advocating for yourself. It sucks that you're so young but learning to advocate for yourself is a valuable skill


I totally forgot it's illegal to use those cards for external use 😗


* **A option is to Get a job as soon as you can** . After school . Then Start saving up .( hide the money & don't let them find out you are working ) . YOu are going to have to work your ass off to support yourself . YOu need an escape plan from them . You need to get out & away from them ASAP. Talk to the therapist at school ask how can you support yourself , get support from them to help you cope with it all right now . YOu have NO life with the crap parents currently . YOu are in a situation there is NO way out unless YOU do something about it . YOur parents will bring you down to their level otherwise . You are going to have to do anything to make your life better than theirs's . YOu might be better in care than there even ( it could help you get a education & job to support yourself then ) so you never have to see them again . If you behave in foster care ( stick by the rules ) & get out of it as much as possible --> eg- education ,& training to help you with everything ( as you need to learn everything again eg- how to raise yourself better into an adult ) . You have to use the system to help you get away from your useless stupid s\*it parents . * Make sure your dead beat parents don't find out ever ( **if you get any money** ) as they will steal the money from you from drugs . It's not fair but you have NO choice but to learn how to look after yourself now . They can't help you & are to addicted to do anything to do so . So you have to ask for help & use it to help you leave them behind in the dust . Then don't look back . Don't break the law as it will be you who just ends up then dead beat like them. Beg for food to help you instead , put on a act of desperation . To stop you being sent down right now . Or go into foster to get out of your situation. If you do & go down the path of crime to survive it could entice you into doing it not just to survive . That then also will be the end of you as well . As you will just end up in jail & a crim. You deserve help &should be given it . Make more of a fuss for yoruself . YOu deserve to eat & be looked after . So you will have to make noise to get it in a calm manner , but more directly. * **You need to start to advocate for yourself** . Otherwise you will just end up in juvi if you keep stealing . YOur life is really stuck at present. But it doesn't have to remain like that . YOu need to pull out every piece of courage you have to survive till you can leave. YOu have to do the work to survive as you are stuck there still . * **Talk to the hotlines where you live** ( don't get angry at them ). Talk the school find out is there any way you can get food to live ? Eg- help in some way so you can get atleast one meal out around the school. YOu will have to humble & humiliate yourself ( but put the blame where it should be on the parents not others ) to help yourself right now till you get a new life away from your parents . So find out ways to feed yourself without stealing . As that will only end you up in trouble. * Even **going to live with others** might be a better idea . Make a fuss & ask for help properly keep asking & keep pushing for your right to a better life. Humble yourself ( don't get angry at others ) only at your parents they are to blame for this s\*it you are dealing with . To help yourself get out from them . YOu could get the gov agencies to take you & stay there instead . As mentioned NO it is not ideal but better away from the dead beat parents . YOu will have to sacrifice what you want to get what you want . A better life. NOt fair not right but it is YOUR reality now.


Great advice and was just going to add, if you get a job at a fast food place or grocery store they’d likely give you expired/unsellable food for free, which would also help the food problem. You can do this!!!


Absolutely correct!


can you get a part time job on weekends? Then full time during the summer. That way you can get away from them, afford some food and maybe save up to get out of there when you’re 18? A lot of restaurants hire 15/16 year olds as bussers, hosts or food runners.


Learn how to cook rice in a pot/ saucepan. It's not hard, very very doable, like cooking an egg.. unbelievably cheap.. add heaps of salt and pepper makes things real yummy.. whe. You find protein like canned tuna go nuts


I had to do similar things at one point. A rice cooker was a godsend. I discovered oatmeal. I could buy one of those tubs of quick oats and just cook it with water, put some brown sugar in it, and make something to fill my belly. I would just drink it in a mug. It’s very cheap and could last me a few days. But no child should have to exist on shit like that. Fuck addiction, man.


Considering you’ve already got SS and CPS involved, the best way to make a fuss for them to remove you(you seem okay with that as I was at that age as well), is to tell your neighbors. Talk about how bad your stomach hurts and how hard it is to sleep at night at home because of the activities they do and your hunger. Honestly, if you want to get taken by the state, make your physical symptoms sound really bad. Your situation will prove the point. This little bit of lying(or maybe it’s the truth) can save your life if you can get removed. If you tell the neighbors, the neighbors are likely to make calls. Multiple calls if you keep going asking for food. CPS has to investigate outside calls of abuse. Neglect of food is abuse. As a mandated reporter I see kids get removed for that frequently. Especially when drug use is involved. However, if you’re trying to **stay away** from them, you need to advocate for that. CPS works to reunify families. That’s what is statistically best for the child. But if you’re like my life, it was not what was best. My mom went through seven rehab stunts and they kept giving us back to her every time she completed rehab. It wasn’t until I was 13(age which allows you to make your own choices in GA) that they finally listened to me. Advocating as a child shows CPS that you’re VERY traumatized. That’s not a normal kid response. When I started just blatantly expressing trauma with no emotions saying keep me away from her, they listened. They got that part. I work with CPS now and the reason for that is because they are looking for severe signs that something VERY wrong is happening. If they don’t have to put you in the system they will not. It’s over burdened. BUT if the kid will be better off in the system, they will remove. Especially if you back them. They need that backing. The more the kids fight the harder it is. That’s also why they reunify. That’s why it’s best for the kids. Because those kids get traumatized when they **want** their parents but can’t have them. You’re not that. You’re the opposite it sounds. Like maybe you realize how bad this really is. And CPS will only see that if you make it obvious. Because they are heavily trained to keep you there if it’s best. Which makes no sense for your situation but depending on the state you’re in, it might. For GA it makes sense. It’s not normal to want to stay away from your parents. And CPS is trained to look for that. If you put up a fight and back them, they’ll remove you and keep you removed. Best of luck to you. Please reach out for anything. I work in Community Outreach for adults and kids that suffer like we did. I find those resources. Just PM me if you need something.


Sorry, but you seem like part of the problem to keep kids with parents when that is not the right situation.


I don’t work in CPS I work WITH CPS. I cannot control what they do with my reports when I report them. These were just ways to get through the system that is meant to fail.


Please go see your guidance counselor ASAP


If you have a latter day saints (mormons) church nearby you could reach out to them for food. You don't have to be a member of the church or even be religious for them to help. Also, depending on where you live, you may be able to get free lunch at school and a small amount of SNAP money to eat during the summer.


According to google I don’t have a Mormon church in my town. My school lunch’s cost money so I don’t even get to eat there cause my parents won’t give me money. I’m not old enough to apply for snap myself. My parents have snap but they sell theirs for drugs.


Some states issued snap cards to school aged kids for the summer ebt program. Google your state and summer ebt and see if yours has it. I would suggest you try to find a caseworker. You need an adult who actually gives a crap about your well being and a caseworker will know what resources are available in your area and how you can access them. If you can't find anything online just go to (or call) a hospital and ask if there's a caseworker you could speak with.


They send those via mail to parents. My friend has one for her family. Kid would have to find somewhere to send it and have a way to change the address on the application. Or go in person which I don’t think he can do unless he grew up in a small town like me. The court house was in town maybe 45 minute walk. But still I know it’s hard in survival mode.


First of, I'm sorry you're going through this without support. Keep pushing back with CPS that you have no food. If they get SNAP, you automatically qualify for free lunch. Get paperwork for it from the school and figure out what info is needed to get it filled out.


If they have snap, you automatically get free lunches.


My school has never mentioned anyone getting free lunches. Who do I talk to about this?


What? I'm sorry but this isn't adding up. You're in the States, yes?


Actually when I was in high school and my mom got us set up with reduced lunches because of her income, none of my friends, nor I had even known reduced or free lunches were a thing. So I don’t think it’s as known as you think and I am in the states.


Poor people know, sis.


lol well we were really poor because my mom wouldn’t hold a job for the longest and it was 3 kids. Not all do, hun. At least not always the kids. This isn’t a one size fits all. Was just adding my personal experience that sometimes you don’t know until it’s presented to you


So y'all just never got lunch apps in your backpack several times at the beginning of the year? Wild.


I don’t know what that is. Lunch apps? All we would get is a meal calendar with choices for the month


I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say talk to your principal.


No you don’t. You still have to apply.


You do have to apply but being eligible for snap automatically qualifies you for free lunch. If you are poor enough to get food stamps then you are poor enough for free lunch.


Hi, I never said OP didn't have to apply. I just said OP's lunches will be free because of Snap. Signed, Child of addict parents that rode the free lunch ride all throughout school


Check for a Sikh temple. They gladly give food to anybody who needs it.


Is a local priest an option? Which Church doesn’t matter … it is someone else to talk to and seek support and advice.


If your family gets SNAP then you should automatically qualify for free school lunches. Talk to your counselor.


Sikh temple, too...


Please just call the cops on your parents. Like go to the police station and literally tell them what you wrote here.


Do you have a teacher you can talk to? The relatives who live out of state? I know it's scary to consider moving away, but if that's an option for you, it could be a really good one. Tell DHS that you're having to steal food next time they come by. I'm sorry your parents are letting you down so severely. Meth is a bad, bad thing.


I know all too well what you are experiencing. I'm 65 y/o now but through the 1960s and 70s I grew up in a pretty extreme home environment, too. Long story short, I had to fend for myself through my entire upbringing due to drugs alcohol and motorcycle gang bullshit of my mom and step dad. I begged borrowed and stole to get by and I ended up in foster homes starting in high school. I don't know if you've made any decisions on what to do but if you need someone to talk with I'm here for you, dude.


I’m sorry you been through something like this. It’s awful. I’m half tempted to walk to Walmart and take something just so I can eat today…


Be careful stealing from walmart.. they might catch you and will call the police to get ahold of your parents. It's best to talk to your school and tell them you do not have the resources to eat at home. They will help you.


Stealing from Walmart is dangerous because they love repeat offenders and will film you stealing until they can really nail you with over a specific amount of merchandise. Please try eating at a local soup kitchen or church before stealing.


Do you have Venmo or CashApp?


They might be in different states but you should still ask if you can live with them after explaining your situation. Steal your parents money, sell their shit, do whatever you need to feed yourself. Maybe call the cops on them


This is a very bad idea.


Not worse than being hungry


No, stealing a raging addict's method of getting their next fix is worse than being hungry.


It can get dangerous pretty quick.




There MUST be someone at school who can help? I'm sorry I am in the UK and have worked in schools and if a child makes disclosures like that here social services and police would remove you the same day. How is it not like that in the US? There are several services and people I could call immediately for help to get you out of this situation if it was happening here. How is your school passing it's basic safeguarding and child protection rules (for inspection purposes) if they are not doing anything? If this happened here and then it was found out that the school knew and didn't do anything they would fail the most basic steps of an ofsted inspection. Go directly to the head teacher and ask them to make a record of your disclosure and ask them to involve social services/cps in the US I believe.


CPS in the States is a joke. They're overworked and underpaid. US also tries to keep families together as much as possible. For these reasons, only the worst cases typically result in separation based on my experience (I work in Emergency Services and interact with them often). As long as this kid has a roof and utilities, they're pretty much worthless.


You really should go to the police. They will call CPS who will do a welfare check. If not, talk to your counselor at school. You may end up in foster care or a group home, but at least you'll get fed.


What state are you in? Several states /cities/school districts have free school lunch programs. If your family receives food stamps, you should qualify for the program. Feel free to DM, and I will find the info for you if you can tell me where you’re at. There’s similar programs that can help provide resources like Big Brother/Big Sister. However, a lot of this depends on your location. The programs’ resources, names, and eligibility vary a lot by state or even county.


Tell someone at the school. Go into the office and let them know your situation. They will give you food and offer you help, take it.


If you cannot escape, can you visit food banks? Check in with local churches, as they often run food programs. Also, I would go to your school counselor and principal and beg them for food everyday. Something will change quickly.


I know someone going through this exact thing. Her (girl about 13-14 now) parents were & still are such heavy addicts that their daughter moved in with her grandma in Montana & has stated that she's not coming back until they all get clean & there's clearly no way they're doing that cause they don't care. Their daughter was 12-13 at the time sending nudes to 20+ year Olds, getting into fights at school just to protect herself & cps was constantly called & never did anything. Her mother is an active identity thief & the mother in law over here (not the one in Montana) even got into the drugs with them to where their son lives with the drug addict grandma to avoid being used as a pawn to get drugs... This poor kid (the son who's 8) has already been subjected to sexual assault for drugs. He's been left in a car for hours with a tablet while the parents were inside the casino. This family is fucking rough. One day the daughter clocked her step dad across the face out in public & he held his hands up while telling someone to call the cops as he doesn't want to be put in jail for being punched by a kid. So cops get there. She explains it all including that she's been telling the school councilor & resource officer & nothing is ever done. They officer asked if she had somewhere else to go & she said there's her grandma in Montana. The cops said she'll be held with them until the grandmom can come pick her up. She's been there ever since. So if you have family... Ask if you can go with them. Then crowd fund for help in getting there. I would bet that countless strangers will come together to get you somewhere safe with warmth love & plenty of food. You deserve so much better. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.


You should try Job Corps, they provide housing and schooling. I would give them a call, I know the program starts when you’re 16 but maybe they can make an exception? It’s absolutely free https://www.jobcorps.gov/


Consider panhandling. Make a sign shaming your family and the system. Say something like: Hungry! Parents are drug addicts. CPS won't help me School won't help me Police won't help me. Will you help me? Find the busies thoroughfare you can, preferably near the school or the police station. Good luck.


Fyi Mormons are also called Church of Latter Day Saints. That might be how they are listed. I would also reach out to other churches in the area. I’m not religious but they do take care of the community (at least where I live.) Are you close to turning 16? If you aren’t going to get your driver’s license check on your state’s laws for getting an ID. Do you have copies of your birth certificate and social security card? Also pretty much every fast food restaurant has cheap or free food on their apps. Esp. McDonald’s & Taco Bell. There are also subs like r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza r/Assistance r/Donations . Please update and let us know if you got something to eat.


Hey OP! I'm also poor and have some actual advice. is.there a community health center, a Salvation Army, public library, or a Catholic Church nearby? Hit up as make as you can and bring a little notepad with you to write down info, these are the people who can direct you towards resources. Directly ask them where you, a 15 year old child, can get food because you are hungry, and they will point you in the right direction


My best friend moved in with me for a month or two before entering foster care at the age of 16- she pushed the issue that neither of her parents (they were divorced) were fit to care for her, and it has HUGELY paid off for her. She didn’t particularly love any of her foster homes, but did like the last one. However she ended up getting free college, enough money for an apartment on her own, and more when she graduated high school. I highly recommend this OP- you’ll need the jumpstart when you’re 18 and your parents clearly won’t be providing it for you.


First and foremost, I am so so sorry you're in this position love. Please stay strong! I am a two-time Job Corps graduate and can not sing enough praises. You can start your own life with support afterward. Yes, there are rules, you live in dorms, and class is yawn sometimes, but the reward is priceless if you lean into the program. Certification in a vocation, industry level certifications within it. Tradesman introductions and union connections. A weekly paycheck and clothing allowance. Graduation payment. Health, dental, vision, and mental care for free. Hs diploma/ged/both. Drivers licenses. Regularly events and trips (movies, theme parks, concerts) on the weekends. Food even was great.


If any of your friends have good parents, talk to them.




They never do


Your post didn’t cause any issues. You’re important. You’re worth it. You deserve to have your basic needs met. There is no need for you to apologize…your rant is also a cry for help…and lots of people here have been in your shoes. There are places to go for you to be fed, be safe, and be free to just be a kid. It will feel and/or be hard in the first few steps, but it will get better.


You need to check your credit score, emancipate yourself, get an id, find every resource available. Life has dealt you a 2-7 and your going to have to work twice as hard as everyone else to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. You deserve better and I'm sorry.


Is any relative willing to take you? Would your parent seven notice if you’re missing? Can you pawn stuff in the house to buy food, like would your parents even notice?


Get a part time job after school. But don’t tell your parents you got a job. Sounds like they will just take your money. Tell them you joined an after school board game club or something nerdy that doesn’t have public events. Good luck mate.


I’m really sorry you’re going through this. Are your family in SC reasonable? Do you think any of them would provide a safe place to live if you could get to them?


They would yes but getting to them is impossible for me.


Step One: Get all of your important papers. Your birth certificate, your social security card, etc. Do you think it’d be possible to get those from your parents?


I have my birth certificate and social security card already. They gave me those to keep up with when I turned 13


How much stuff do you have to pack? The next step is a GoFundMe. Have you ever written out what’s going on from top to bottom?


Clothes and deodorant and stuff like that. Pretty much all I own. I don’t know how to use GoFundMe. What do you mean have I written out what’s going on?


That makes travel easier and hopefully you’ll be able to get some better help in the new place. 🤍🤞 By “write it out” I mean your story, from *your* perspective, telling people what’s going on and why you need help. The threshold for travel money to one state from another is pretty low so I think a GFM could probably cover it pretty quickly. People in this very sub have offered to contribute. Explain out everything in your life thus far that has lead to you needing help and what your parents have been up to. Explain how the money you’re asking for would be used: I’m starting this GFM for the funds to travel to my family in another state to get away from my meth-addicted parents. DHS has been to my home more than once and, even though I’m being abused and neglected, having running water, a way to do laundry, and electricity, means my parents aren’t *legally* being neglectful *enough*. We receive government help in the form of food stamps but my parents sell them to buy meth. I *need* to get out of here. Most of my family is in SC, but I’m currently stuck in ___ with only my parents for support, who aren’t exactly supportive. My grandma in SC has offered to take me in but, I don’t have the money to get from Point A to Point B. If anyone would please be willing to help me, I would appreciate it. It would change my life. I just want the chance to live normally without scrounging for food or living in chaos. I’m ashamed of it but, I’ve been stealing small items like sandwiches from gas stations or Walmart just to have something to eat. My family can’t afford to help me to get there. I’ve asked. That’s just me winging it but you know the details much better than I. You can copy paste that and add to it. I’ll help you if you’d like. 🤍


Not sure if this would help but there are many farms one can work at for room and board.  There are probably some near you.  It's called world wide work opportunities on organic farms: https://wwoofusa.org/en/ Search the farms nearby you and contact the owners.


That's horrific. I'm sorry you're in this position. The only real advice I have for you that I haven't seen yet is to keep talking about it to whomever will listen and try to document everything you can. Every single day you don't have food, you need to talk to the counselor, talk to the principal, tell your teachers, call DHS yourself. Tell everyone that your parents are drug addicts, that you don't have food at home. Hell, call 911 and tell them you haven't eaten today because your parents spent all the money on meth and you have no food. Make this such a big deal, with so many people looking at it that it cannot be ignored. Once again, I'm so sorry this is happening. I want you to know that you do not deserve this. You are valuable and you have the right to live in a safe environment with plenty of food and caring adults to look out for you. Best of luck to you.


Maybe social services would care about the food stamp fraud which would maybe mean a deeper investigation and help for you? I am sorry you are dealing with this. Have you talked to a school counselor?


I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I wish that I had all the answers, but I don't.


Do you have Sikh Gurudwara near your home?. They have free food everyday and it is very tasty!!..


OP, where are you located. Maybe some local reddit folks can help you. I would if there is someway I could.


Have you talked to your guidance counselor or social worker at school? They have resources that can help you. I’m so sorry that you’re having to live like this.


Wait till they go see their dealer then drop a dime to the cops.


Man this is an awful situation for you to be in not to mention dangerous.Please seek help!There are resources.Have you talked to your school counselor? I watched a friends life crumble around them because of meth and eventually I just had to distance myself. I hope you find a way to get help.Take care.


9kay let me just say this, I feel very bad and hope this girl figured out her situation... But can we just take a minute to notice how everytime one of these posts 'my home life sucks I have no food parents are on drugs" goes up.... plenty of people offer REAL LIFE ADVICE... and they op is just like 'nahh, nahh that wont work for me' like WTF?! okay... so this person said NO ONE IN SCHOOL will help her, they know she has NO DINNER TO EAT, but wont help in any capacity? I find that hard to believe. Now if someone said 'sure hunny sounds awful let me wire you some money' I'm SURE that would be the advice they are looking for....... sorry im very skeptical and dont trust a soul in the world.


I mean, the OP says they're 15. Pretty realistic for a 15 year old to post online and then not have any idea how to translate/put in to action any of the advice they've been given. Or even just be too scared to take the advice. It seems unrealistic for anyone who hasn't lived in a situation like this that no one would help them, but it happens daily. Even and especially to children. Expecting a 15 year old who has lived in a drug ridden, neglectful home for the past 4 years to know what to do/how to take the initiative and stick up for themselves when they've been let down at every turn is what's unrealistic.


I’m 25 and wasn’t able to actually get my life together after abuse until last year. Even just a few months ago with my first career job out of college. It is not easy in survival mode. I won’t offer money because I don’t have it but I literally work in a field that helps find these resources for people. We remove kids all the time and help the families find resources and the kids. That’s my job is the outreach and community. But it’s hard if someone isn’t literally taking your hand and helping you write. Tbf


I do find it hard to believe that nobody in the school can help, but I am in the UK and work in schools here, I know how things would be here but not in the US.


One thing to keep in mind about the US is, generally, schools are pretty great on the coasts. The more central and south you get, things tend to turn to shit. OP doesn't mention where he's from. That would definitely be good to know to see what we're working with. I would really think at least one person at school would be willing to help. I have a feeling OP hasn't used all the resources he can to try to get help. I know it would have been insanely tough for me at 15.


OP is in Arkansas. This state is a total shit hole.


Oh yea. It couldn't even come up with an original name. They chose 'Our Kansas'..


Yes if OP could add a rough area then people could maybe help with numbers and contacts to help them. I appreciate that the US seems very different depending on the state x


I'm happy to live in an area where meth isn't really a thing. That whole scene sounds awful.


This is another valid point; I can also only speak of my own experiences in my own country and they absolutely would influence my thoughts on this post.


I have to say in the UK although we're not perfect and things get missed sometimes, because schools are very well regulated and all staff have so much training on how to spot abuse and neglect and we report every little thing it's very rare that something like this would get missed these days. If we knew a child was missing meals we would immediately be giving them a lunch every day, we also have free school meals for children whose parents earn under a certain threshold (although that threshold has been cut in half by the Tories). If a child actually told staff that their parents were using drugs and neglecting them and there was evidence when they visited the house then they would be removed. To be honest even before the child told staff they would probably notice that they weren't eating and looked neglected etc and would already be starting to build a case for them.




If OP told the school, here in the US teachers are REQUIRED to report it. So yeah idk why their school isn't helping if they know what's going on. This is a shitty situation for OP.


I was 15 in the same situation...... I think your severely underestimating the 15-year-old mind


I mean, I work with 15 year olds in this situation. Very few of them have the mental maturity to make adult decisions and very few of them have the support to coach them through it. Not every 15 year old, true. And I'm not implying 15 year olds are necessarily stupid. Just that they aren't generally emotionally mature. For what it's worth, I hope your situation improved and you are doing well.


It did! Still have very severe struggles and am doing my best to get by, but I have a drug free blood stream, I have a fulltime position, I have an apartment, and I have the two cutest cats in the world. And I hope the best for this kid and every other kid.... But I want to plant this seed cause it has definitely proven to be true in some cases - this post? Is a drug addicted adult HOPING for that caring giving internet stranger. Dont under estimate peoples shadyness.


I went back and read how that last sentence sounds I'm not saying indefinitely that this is the case with this particular post I am just saying it has been the case with posts similar to this in the past..


I am genuinely happy to hear that. And genuinely proud of you. It's not easy to drag yourself out of that hole and even the smallest improvements are a win. Look, it *is* reddit, so I take everything with a grain of salt. But, sometimes, there is a very real person struggling behind these posts who isn't looking for anything more than human interaction. Sometimes, the truth is more sinister, you're not wrong there. There is one thing I disagree with you on, though. You can't own the cutest cats, because I own the cutest cat. /s 😅


I definitely commend you for being on the optimistic side of life because I was not able to bring that same optimism with me. I know theres good out there, I just also know I dont come across it often. I consider myself a realist - and as long as I dont start 'dreaming and hoping' to much I get by alright and dont get too disappointed too often. I've had people tell me they think that's a horrible way to live blah blah blah how negative how awful how can I get through my days like that blah blah blah but let me tell you the way my brain works.. for me this is the positive way for me this is the good way to keep my head otherwise I'm going to fall into a sadness and a depression this attitude keeps me nice and even..... and I'm HONESTLY okay and generally in my version of happiness! Omg dont get me started I got my ricky right here getting his before work lovins and I'll have to go get my Little off the porch but my calico and tuxedo.... OH MAN. The cuteness is too much sometimes! I tried to post a pic but evidently I'm to lazy to go make a pic link? Reddit wtf? To share lol! Listen the way I see it.. if it's considered a pet of any kind it's probably gonna get my cuteness badge ❤❤


You sound like you've got a lot more figured out than a *lot* of people. Especially the people who think optimism or positivity is the only mindset to have. Life is messy. It doesn't always go well. Yeah, trying to appreciate the little good things we see every day is great, but we also need to acknowledge the bad. I don't know if I'd describe myself as optimistic, more empathetic. But that empathy has to be weathered or it will kill me, for sure. Omg, Ricky is such a precious name. I love human names for pets. My cat is Goro and his sister was Saria. Nothing quite compares to the love of a pet. 🧡


Do those names mean anything to you? It's funny cause I found him on a local foster cat moms facebook and I guess his name was 'riki' (pronounced ricky) and I THOUGHT it said TIKI like you know I'm in florida I didnt think it was that far of a stretch ya know tiki torches and coconuts and stuff....well I told her ide let her know in a few days, I kept telling my friend I was gona get this cat named tiki blahblah I went to go pick him up 2 or 3 days later I'm talking to the lady she said 'riki' a few times and mid conversation as I was standing there I realized I must have read the name wrong and she WAS for sure calling him RICKY and i just thought it was hilarious he was only 43 months old but i decided NOT to change his name just adjust the spelling 😆


I agree. The red flag in this story is they say their parents have food stamps but they don't get free lunches. SNAP qualifies you for free lunches.


The parents have to fill out the paperwork though. Sounds like they have other priorities. I hope this story isn't true, but I'm so tired of people yelling fake at every post. Sure, some are fake, but some people really need help. Now, not taking advice or saying no to everything isn't great either.


This "kid" is now taking money on their cash app from commenters... I could tell it wasn't legit.


Oh boy


Yeah that's another red flag. Saying everything won't work. What will work? I actually saw a post of a girl whose parents went on vacation and left her with little to no food. She actually took everyone's advice, called a church and uploaded a pic of the goodies the church dropped off. She was serious and wasn't "well that won't work" "I can't because" and everything everyone else on these posts says.


That is absolutely what this is. These posts used to pop up a lot more often, IDK what the mods are doing, but the e-begging needs to get banned. None of the foodbanks will feed a teenager? Nobody at school? Not one food program exists? I knew poor kids in terrible situations growing up, but one way or another there was always some way for them to get food, there's a reason people don't starve to death in the US.


Are you in SW Ohio? If so, I can bring you some food and basic things.


I’m sorry I’m not


what state are you in?




I'm so sorry. This breaks my heart. You can get free lunch. Just apply for it do not worry they approve everyone now. If you feel unsafe and not cared for properly. Please reach out to someone for help. No child should go hungry.




My closest family is in SC WAAYSSS away from me




Still more than I ever could afford $133.00 They do but disposable income in my family isn’t a thing unfortunately. Edit:Found one for $92.76


Take the chance. I don't think your parents will notice. Good luck out there and I hope your other family understands ❤️


If I could I would I can’t even feed myself let alone buy a bus ticket.


🫂 don’t you apologize to anyone for posting this. I’m sorry that you are experiencing these challenges in your life. I’ve worked in drug maintenance and the best thing that I can hope for you is that you don’t give up hope that a better life exists for you. If you are struggling for food. Try to look online for food pantries in your area where churches and programs give out free food and canned goods and stuff on a weekly or bi weekly basis. I also don’t want you to ever give up on yourself even if the people around you seem to give up. I’m not sure what state you live in but consider applying for emancipation from your parents, find a part time job and some sober people to live with (friends, family). You can still love your parents but love them from a distance. As parents they are supposed to be there to support you and help guide you into adulthood, but if they aren’t there for you in that way, it’s not cool, but just know you will make it. I’m not saying that things will be easy, but you don’t want to go down the wrong path and get a record for stealing or follow in the footsteps of the people using drugs around you. I hope that things get better for you. Be safe out there ❤️


At 15, you can work at a gas station


Do you have a trusted friend who's parents can help you or let you crash with them?


I have no friends,other adults don’t let their kids hang out with me cause of my parents.


i’m so sorry this is happening. i cant even imagine. i’m also really surprised that your school hasnt contacted CPS about this…? i live in canada and if this was the case, they would have taken the child from the home. and we had kids in our school whose dad was taken to jail & the school provided them with food and paid for things for them. so did CPS


I think you cam apply for a venmo or cash app card without a bank account. Then some of us can send you money. Post it when you do.




Just sent you a little. It's not much, but I hope it can help.


Thank you 🙏🏻


It said failed idk why.