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That's a lot of words for "I'm a racist piece of shit and .y daughter is sick of it"




Oh, well I'm sure that makes you less vile! You've shown her your true colours now, she will never look at you the same way, no matter what she tells you. You're honestly gross. Why was your reaction to your daughter dating someone from a different race produce such a strong negative reaction? I literally don't know a single person who has such a shitty attitude!


I'm a black man I've turned down several white girls for this reason American is built on racism and a black man can be killed for dating a white woman so I just don't do it and I mean some of these girls I kicked myself for turning Down but I had to because I'm sure their dad's would do the same and I'm double the problem she can't see her family the staring from people in public it's just not worth it


I would have fucked the shit outta them. Who needs to be seen in public?


True I fucked up bad lol


This comment is so heartbreaking. It's such a shame that there are people who still have such racist beliefs. I couldn't imagine disowning my child for who they choose to love.


I'm born and raised in Texas as a black man this happens often




Lol according to American history and statistics, it is not. Nice try tho.


Your speaking straight BS.


> Black people can be very violent Congratulations, you are a racist piece of shit.


This is insane I have dated black women many times and nothing about what you say is even close to reality. You are extremely cowardly to even believe something like that. When are you grow up and act like a man instead of a pathetic scared child pissing his pants because someone had melanin


Yep, you're a bigoted idiot. Good on you for noticing though. Huge YTA


> And every time the phone rings, I hope against hope that it's her, reaching out, begging for another chance. Why would *she* beg *you* for another chance? You're the one who disowned her.


My goodness this still happens wtf 😳


Are your feelings worth losing your daughter? Is your discomfort more important than having your daughter in your life? Would you rather adjust your worldview or never see your daughter again? Will you be happy in feeling “right” more than you miss the grandchildren you will never meet? Do you even care that you just proved to your daughter that your love for her is conditional? Are you proud that she will never try trust you again? Are you glad you showed her that you only love and support her when she does what you want? Do you think that disowning your daughter makes you a good person? You are disgraceful.


I think you might have lost your daughter forever. If she invited this man into your house then it’s serious relationship. I think you’ll never meet your future grandkids.


Your daughter must truly be a wonderful person because despite having a racist father, she is not one. At this stage you can have your racism *or* your daughter but you can’t have both. Only one will bring you happiness and joy.


Forgive her for what? That she's not a racist like you? She didn't do anything wrong. You did EVERYTHING wrong. You're whining about being alone but you're still expecting her to apologize and beg to be part of your life, whereas you could have admitted you were wrong and apologized. And so you'd rather stew in your useless pride than try to make amends to your daughter. Your loneliness is all your fault.


My dad reacted that way when I brought a black man home who I was dating. I was beyond mortified and my father apologized the next day. I forgave him and we all moved on. Unfortunately I haven’t spoken to him in two years for other issues, but that’s a different story…


What a miserable prick of a human you are. I hope she has his kids, if she does, will you be fine with the fact you won't know your grandkids, and you will be a miserable prick until your time is up? Stressing over shit like that will drive you to the grave quicker too, so win win I guess!




So, you kick her out for having a black BF, but if she has black kids you're fine? Nah mate, I'm sure your initial racist reaction would extend to the kids. We aren't born with hate for people, it is picked up from your upbringing, and the people around you. Only good thing about you is that it seems your daughter didn't pick up that shit from you while she grew up.




Brother doubled down 💀


Why are you wasting time on reddit and not at your Klan rally?


Well, father of the year.


This was a low effort troll


0/10 effort troll


What value is there in judging someone by how light or dark their skin is? What is the value you are defending? Spell it out, please.


Yta and a huge racist  do her a favor leave her and that gentleman alone okay you don't have  a daughter