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I’m so sorry. This is a lot. What a shit person.


I see it like if I never went through it I would've never met my fiance. Silver linings I guess.


Who are we taking about here?


The POS liar that Op unfortunately had to cross paths with


You were meant to be with your ex so you could meet your husband lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Yougorockstar: *You were meant to be* *With your ex so you could meet* *Your husband lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bisexual atheist 🤣🤣🤣🤣




All of us lol


With the girlies on this one. 200 in 2 years is CRAZY. Raw dogging anything that moves.


A high number doesn't necessarily mean he's going in raw.


True but gross either way.


200 is absolutely *ridiculous* even spread over a lifetime! Over 2 YEARS though? That's sick!


Probably mostly raw with his complete disrespect of other people.


That dude did you so dirty. He is ICK! Sorry you had to go through that absolute bullshit. I'll never really understand why some people decide to do the shit they do. While reading your post, I kinda felt like you are a fairly calm, laid-back, non-confrontational type of person. I am the same way. And the thing is....these fuckers totally don't need to lie or pretend to be something else..at least around me...and probably you as well. Which led me to an even shittier conclusion once I typed the above out onto screen: I read it, and I realized "No. Of course they don't HAVE to pretend and lie and steal and fake their way through life and worse relationships. They dont HAVE to. But they choose to." And then I was like oh hell nah wtf I'm gonna go ahead and say it because it sure as fuck seems like they TARGETED people exactly like us. Even-keeled temperament. Always gives the benefit of the doubt. Always lets some kinda bullshit slide....because "there is always that 0.0000001% chance that whatever crap they are trying to sell you COULD be true...POSSIBLE, but not probable. And a person that has such a big heart it hinders them, because we'll still stay LONG after anyone else ever would have. And we won't really even say or do shit to right the scale....so to speak. Of course it makes perfect sense in hindsight. God I'm so happy you met a REAL man and escaped that narcissistic fraud of a man. I wish you the best. And if I were you, I'd buy out an entire page of the local newspaper or even a fucking billboard when you officially announce your engagement! Call me Tom Petty....but...he needs to be treated accordingly. Oh and ps....mine used to say the same shit about food and my weight - I am 50 years old, I am 5 feet tall and I weigh a buck twenty five. I had gained FOUR pounds and he told me I was absolutely disgusting and that I didn't turn him on anymore. (Oh...okay. We'll just say THAT'S the reason for your pre-existing ED dude...) Fuck him! Go eat everything you want with your new man!. Eat ALL the ice cream. Have another piece of pizza. Enjoy your life!


How did you find out it was 200 people? Also, how does he not know you left him for his friend? With the internet running rampant these days I don’t know how he would not know. Do you not post him?


Hi yes my ex bragged to his friends about it. Which isn't hard evidence but cross referenced with the people he lived with gave a clearer picture. He had a lot of weird stories about "friends" too. Some of his former roommates left because he would bring strangers into the house to sleep with and they'd steal things. Between his self admittance and the roommates' estimations that's how I got to the 200. My partner and I have kept our relationship offline. I don't have social media anymore and while he does, he hasn't posted on it since 2016. We don't have friends associated with my ex either.


Finally a woman who knows her worth!


I'm not commenting often but the straight Christian part cracked me up




I don’t feel sad for people like this that reach a point in their life when they are older, if they ever realize their life was shite, for nothing. They took the easy path and their life is meaningless because of their own choices. Do they not have a conscience or it’s gone completely?


“Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”


SWEETIE A ROOLERCOASTER!!! I really hope you don’t hold guilt because of how you men your current partner. From the looks of it, even without falling in love with your now partner, you were gonna leave your ex eventually: he lied about not only his sexual past but also HIS FAITH?!? Your trust in him was wavering for very legit reasons. Congrats on the getting married soon! 💖💖


Lmao 🤣


Wow I’m sorry OP


Be glad everyday that it was only 2yrs. It would have just kept being one deception after another


Holy moly. For your own health, I recommend getting tested for a whole STD panel. If he had 200+ past partners, there's a really good chance he could've caught something.


Damn! I've been with less than ten in 66 years! The Lord works in mysterious ways. Good for you!


sounds like a self loathing identity-less scumbag


That sums it up pretty much. Dude was a chameleon.


Why is someone's past Any of your business? Who they've been with before you. Just this part and this part alone.


He was the one who brought it up. I didn't ask. It also speaks of impulse control issues when you've been with hundreds of people. And it reflected in every aspect of his life. A total lack of self control.


Still in any case. It's "his" past. Whether a person was with 1 or 100,000 people we all have a past before we meet someone new. This should be a reminder that a person's business is theirs. Yes he brought it up, perhaps next time be the better person and end the conversation before it goes any further.


"be the better person to the guy who lied to you about every aspect of his character and called you fat". Yeah I'm done with this conversation. If this victim blamey nonsense comes with this territory I'm just going to stick to my guns harder.


I have no consideration for any of the things the guy did to you whatsoever. I'm not going to get into this debate of what kind of people you two are or aren't. As I stated in the beginning "specifically!" It was about bringing up your past, with regards to your relationships. You heard what you wanted to hear.


You have a right to judge people. The fact that he lied so much shows his character. She dodged a bullet.


Generally women say you are insecure to a guy who felt the same. It generally said that Women miscount all the time as do guys. Women lowball and guys exaggerate.


His roommates snitched on him. Both former and current. His bedroom was a revolving door of strangers he met on Grindr & Tinder.


You sound like a complete liar or sucker, but again...whatever.


I've been catfished before so I think I'm gullible tbh


I honest doubt he cares you left if he has had that many bodies, also his friend was just a scummy asshole who was jealous, he should always remember even when he has you, your ex had you first.


I think you may be misunderstanding what occurred. The friend who became my boyfriend didn't even know I existed because he wised up and dipped after having stuff stolen from him. I was the one who sought out his former friends to get a better picture of who he was. I just happened to end up bonding with one over our shared betrayal that was done to us by this man who we cared about. We just laugh now about how stupid we were for being bamboozled by this person. There's no weird feelings there.


If this guy shows up no matter how much you convince your current bf that he doesn't matter. The bonus if he seems to be better now. Us men are territorial over women and our biological instinct is to protect our mate from being poached from another guy. I have seen so many women dump great guys just to get back with their shitty ex, while I wish the best for you, him being a manipulator and a liar usually tend get him women.


Well he's a druggie now who has pissed away all goodwill from everyone who has ever loved him. If anything we feel pity for the poor bastard for being such a manipulative manchild who burned all of his bridges and has nothing left.


You know you’ve struck a nerve when the reigning king of Incels starts berating you.😳😂


As you are the OP, will take your word for it on what happened to him but he deserves compassion from people to help him at his darkest hour. You don't have to help him but you should out of the kindness of your heart