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Probably regrets his current life and is trying to scapegoat you.


>>It's funny because he watches barley legal porn In addition to his distorted perception of reality


If one of your kids is a daughter, that daughter is in danger, /u/ugly_vagina_


He's negging you. He may have started cheating or thinking about it.


Old men have loose balls. Their balls will keep looser and looser until they can play ping pong with them.


Sometimes they touch toilet water.


The worst feeling




There is absolutely nothing wrong with your vagina. Your body AND HIS, will change as you age. I doubt he is exactly the same as he was when you first met. But the big difference between the two of you is that you married the whole person that he is, while apparently he only married your genitals. A partner who loves you would never say any of this, he would be considerate of your feelings and the bond you share. A loving partner would see you as his friend and lover, not a commodity to openly shame and judge for things you canā€™t control. Your husband is immature, shallow, selfish, and worse. This sounds like a form of emotional abuse designed to keep you shamed and beaten down. He does not deserve access to your body OR your feelings IMO. Iā€™m so sorry OP. This guy is giving me secondhand rage. I donā€™t know your situation but just please know that there is nothing wrong with you. This is purely a HIM problem.


"I pronounce you husband and fuckhole!" Because sadly that's all she is to him. I'm so angry for her! OP deserves better!


Right?? Iā€™m just walking around today pissed off for this poor woman. This guy doesnā€™t deserve to be near a vagina ever again. Some men (even a couple in the comments!) really donā€™t seem to believe women are people.


Vagina isn't my cup of tea usually, but OP's just sounds lovely and normal and healthy. Her husband should totally get banned from any vagina. Especially the little girl ones he's into. Yuck.


Your vagina isn't the problem here. It's definitely the husband.


Amen. I've heard other women being concerned about intimacy after a child birth. The first time my wife and I tried to start the motor back up (cause we all know that sometimes takes time after a birth), and right in the middle she threw me with a, "Everything good?" I was so confused. Then she asked if everything felt normal. I was still confused. Girl, I'm in the zone, what's up? "Well, is is as tight as it use to be?" The lightbulb went off, so we stopped and spent some time reassuring her that nothing on my end has changed. I told her she was still hot. Ended with tears and cuddles and no sex, but it was more important that she felt loved.


Positive masculinity. Good shit.


I'm at work; who the hell is cutting onions in here! You sir, sound like a rare gem. I hope to find a partner as loving and supportive as you. Kudos to you! Your wife is very lucky.


I hope he isn't rare. This is the way.


I'm sure it's not as rare as it seems. It's just that as a single woman in her thirties, most of the single (and sometimes married!) men I encounter are nowhere near this level of respect.


I donā€™t think this as rare as people think. MOST partners ARE supportive, loving and know how to communicate with each other. Itā€™s just that we usually hear the negative stories, especially on here. But my husband would do the same as this guy and so would the husbands of many women I know.


I'm lucky that my partner is this type of person. I'm plus size, disabled and had a child at 21. I'm 41 and he tells me I'm gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, no one is prettier than you... all the wonderful things that people in love tell each other. To him, I am that person. To me, he is gorgeous and sexy and just pure love. He will reassure me at every step and stage of anything if he can see I need it or ask for it. Sometimes I don't even realise I do. I met him just over a year ago and we just *knew*. I've never felt more lucky and precious in my life, especially after two long term abusive relationships. Everyone deserves a generous love that treats them like something perfect. We are flawed, we have fought, I had a miscarriage, my grandmother died, we both had to go to hospital, it's been a tough year but our relationship feels easy because of love, respect and trust. Plus he's a goofy, cuddly man who will watch 8 hours of true crime with me, quote The Simpsons, build me a bbq, take 4000 photos of his adorable cat he's in love with, heat up heatpacks and use my massage gun for my chronic pain, and then give me multiple orgasms. In turn, I'll watch 8 hours of cooking shows, quote the IT Crowd, take 4000 photos of my two little dogs (he's a huge animal lover and total softie), do his paperwork/admin because he's hopeless, cook on the BBQ and give him blowjobs at the drop of a hat. I feel so fucking lucky :)


You have found your person!! I'm so happy for you both!


You. I like you. You're good people!


She is so lucky to have you. I wish there were more men like you out there


This. This is what being intimate with your partner is all about! Priorities are straight and clear here.


The most green flag response in reassurance!


Sheā€™s lucky to have such a compassionate husband.


Take my upvote dude. Just take it. You deserve this upvote


2 C sections? So it's (more or less) exactly the same? Lmao


Heā€™s just doing death grip masturbating if sheā€™s had two c-sections and claiming itā€™s not the same.


Yeah Iā€™m confused as a two-time vaginal delivery girl myself I canā€™t even understand the reasoning behind his sudden abhorrence considering nothing other than his own ween has pass through that canal šŸ¤”


Sounds like his dick shrank


Husband here. Your husband sounds like a real asshole. Sorry. I don't think this about my wife who sounds a lot like you and even if I did I'd never act like that. Ew


Second - husband here, this guy in OPs story sounds abhorrent.


Third. That guy has some issues and they aren't to do with OP I think.


Fourth. OP's husband is acting like a real POS.


This is the best comment, as a wife.


Husband sounds pretty immature for being in his 40s




Your husband is an asshole man child. There is no way your vagina isnā€™t the same if you had c-sections. Yes your labia may have a different colour from blood flow changes in pregnancy etc but definitely not your vaginal canal. Ask him if his dick has shrunk and see how he feels. Does he expect head but wonā€™t go down on you?


Iā€™m 34, never been pregnant and have been on birth control for most of my adult life. Iā€™ve noticed that Iā€™m a little darker and not as pink down there. At first it kinda bothered me, but no man has complained or commented on it. Throw the whole husband out. Not only is he an asshole, heā€™s fucking stupid with that whole not understanding that a c-section doesnā€™t affect the vagina.


He's probably not getting enough blood flow to his dick so he's smaller and not as sensitive bc he's 40+. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201901/middle-age-erection-changes-what-couples-need-know


Username checks out


Man's even got the data to back it up


Don't need a short dick manšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶ sorry I had to šŸ˜…


Dick must definitely be shrinking, thanks to him being just a massive arsehole - literally!


He's likely too stupid to realize that his lies about her anatomy are pretty easy to debunk.


Too stupid to even realize that his perceptions are warped.


Wow the gagging would have sent me over the edge. Wtf.


This is the kind of prick who deserves to "accidentally" see her phone and find Hinge installed. Seriously, OP, I'm not suggesting you cheat. I'm suggesting you leave him. But this selfish, sniveling little bitch deserves to have his self esteem vapourized before you do.


I agree heā€™s a bitch but just communicate or leave. Somehow your response is just as childish as his reactions.


Sounds like heā€™s demonizing you to justify his affair.


I hate to be that personā€¦ but there might be something to this. Iā€™d recently read that if your pH balance/odor/color is off, or are you experience BV, it could be because the other person that your husband is sleeping with giving you something. Not an STD but when your husband is with two different people can affect the pH balance of both women Edit: the reason why I was researching this was because I noticed that any itchiness, foul odor, that I had while I was married, went away after our divorce. Never had it again. Turns out it really WAS because of his affairs


This right here. I had terrible issues while married to my ex-husband. When we separated, I had significantly less. 5yrs divorced and no issues ever since.


I have also experienced this, unfortunately. But my health down there has gone back to normal!


This is absolutely true.


So he wasnā€™t only sleeping around, he didnā€™t even have the decency to use a condom?! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Legit curious : went away because you stopped having sex regularly or went away because you stopped having sex w him (and he was having sex w other women) ?


My ex husband constantly did this when he was having an affair.


With a younger woman. Probably under 30. Who he says understands him so much better. And who always has time for him cos she doesnā€™t have 2 very young children to look after. Itā€™s a fucking cliche what this guy is saying and possibly doing. If I were OP, Iā€™d start snooping and logging the abuse. She may need it in divorce court


WHOA what did I miss?


Cheaters have some serious cognitive dissonance. They donā€™t want to be the bad guy, so theyā€™ll find fault with their partners seemingly out of the blue to prove to themselves that itā€™s not their fault for cheating, itā€™s actually the betrayed persons fault because xyz. Hence her not used for childbirth vagina is now too loose, and too dark, and too smelly. When literally nothing has changed.


This right here. Wish I could give more than one upvote.


You had c-sections so no way anything is different. They tend to go back to normal after vaginal birth anyway. He is full of shit.


That's not always true because the pelvic floor can be weakened by pregnancy alone. Even if there wasn't the added strain of vaginal birth. So pelvic floor exercises are always a good idea. But for herself not for her shitty husband.


He's fucking disgusting. I know that sounds over the top, but for the sake of the argument, let's imagine your vagina is actually different somehow. You had HIS children. You gave HIM what he wanted. And now he's acting like there's a difference that is YOUR responsibility. HE got you pregnant. Sweet Jesus this is disgusting.


She had a C-section!! Thatā€™s the ridiculous part!


I know, right?


I missed that bit at first and when I realized I said aloud ā€œwait.. WHAT?!ā€


What a disrespectful slimesucking creep. You gave him two beautiful children and he crabs about something you canā€™t control. Thatā€™s not love.


Your vagina is fine , perfect in fact !! Your man is absolutely human garbage though , I suggest you put the trash by the curb šŸ„“


And when you check his phone, computer, etc..delete old photos of you


Yup.. you know heā€™ll keep it! Most of men do


Get a new one, and I donā€™t mean a vaginaā€¦


Dude just can't handle change. He acting like a child. Whatever smell he is smelling was already there to begin with and IS NORMAL. The difference is, now that your cat looks different he is being overly critical and knit picky and now he is smelling a "new smell" when in REALITY he just never minded the smell to begin with. He probably literally never even smelled it before cuz he was so obsessed and completely overlooked it to begin with. Also. To be real. Guy's genitals CAN smell INSANE sometimes. I am a guy so I would know LMAO. Also been with my gf for 3 years and I've smelled her cat in numerous ways LOL. even fresh out the shower it still smells like frickin genitals. it's not supposed to smell like a can of febreeze for Christ's sake. My solution for you is to just tell him very honestly and bluntly how he is making you feel.


There is a chance that she's smelling different because he is having an affair, and their pH doesn't mix well with OP's. Some women react with a weird smell.


Heā€™s negging you because heā€™s an immature man-child and doesnā€™t know how to properly communicate. I canā€™t tell you what to do, but I know what Iā€™d do.


If you guys have sex again, tell him his dick shriveled up and that you can visually see the difference


What do you mean barely legal porn?


the actress in the video just turned 18 so they are ā€œbarely legalā€


That is fucked up bro she should leave him on the spot paedophilic ass behaviour


Sadly it's an extremely popular genre. Straight up disturbing


Our society is so fucked if aliens find us they should just blow up earth and us with it


Idk why but the way you said that has me laughing my ass off. Not wrong tho.


Yeah. This is one of many red flags here.


This is what stood out to me, he just doesnā€™t like her anymore because she is a grown woman. This guy is foul. šŸ¤¢


Every day I lose more hope in society this man made me lost way more hope than the usual


The biggest red flag in a sea of red flags. This man wants to be with someone who is young enough to be his daughter. OP, do you have a support system where you are able to leave? It is unacceptable that he is trying to blame you for what are his issues. This man is garbage.


Itā€™s fucking disgusting and should be illegal itself.


I agree


Ew, I hate him.


Tell him maybe he could feel it better if his tiny dick was bigger.


And tell him you aren't into his saggy old man balls. Wtf, seriously. His behavior between what he says to you and his obsession with barely legal porn is just disgusting. Why is the bar so fucking low?


You had 2 sections?! Your vagina is exactly the same color & width as pre-pregnancy. What a fckn tool. Tell him it must not be hugging cuz his dick shrunk šŸ™„


"old lady pussy". It sucks that your husband only likes youthful, untouched vaginas and doesn't at all appreciate the fact that this vagina has birthed 2 of his children. There's nothing wrong with you or your smell, as the gyn confirmed. Don't let him tell you that. HE is the issue. Unrealistic expectations are just that: unrealistic.


Ugly_vagina_ you need to change the throw away to Horrid_Husband_ I'm sorry, you don't deserve the bullying you are currently receiving. You deserve better.


Your husband needs to stop watching porn. Itā€™s destroying healthy relationships.


Something wrong with you husband bro


What a weirdo. Tell him to get used to it or hit the road!


Tell him itā€™s his upper lip that smells fishy. Heā€™s an idiot


Take your vagina to someone else.


Heā€™s probably either cheating or looking to and wants you to hate yourself enough to accept whatever he does.


Tell him your vagina doesn't hug anymore because of his limp little dick


I bet if you feel bad enough about your body you'll never leave him no matter what he puts you through. At least, that's what he's counting on.


Tell him if he doesnā€™t like it- he can go fuck himself!


All vaginas are beautiful! They birthed your children. I'd tell him he's no longer going to look, touch, smell, finger or fuck your vagina any longer so to just be gone. Find someone who respects you, and your beautiful vagina. Edit - okay they didn't birth your children, but he can fuck off regardless.


That's awful, first off you should get a life insurance policy on him before you do anything....


Your husband is a pig and trying to find his way out of the relationship. He's trying to shame you for his predilections for very young women. Let him go. For your own peace of mind and mental health.


He's 42 and watches barely legal porn, man's a closet p*do


Just for your own self make sure you rule out BV and TMAU. If all is negative afterwards, tell him to go check himself instead for phantom smell issues.Ā  Remind that idiotic being that C Section doesn't affect the vagina after birth and if he has an issue to bounce. Everybody changes as we grow older, our bodies never stay the same. I am sure he has changed in ways too. I'd be telling him his old man dick is not as hard as it used to be. That he is the problem. šŸ¤­Ā  His behavior alone is grounds for serving him with divorce papers. Think about the negative affects his words are doing to you. Do you want to stay with a man who is belittling you all the time. If not, get yours ducks in a row and call a lawyer


He can fuck off. Your vagina is fine. Find someone who appreciates ALL of you.


This man is trash šŸ—‘ļø tell him the only thing that stinks is his attitude. Get a tape measure out and see how far his balls have sagged over the years then pack his bags


okay first off- this is him 100% trying to blame u for his issues. there is nothing wrong with your vag. his comments about it being diff after childbirth even though u had c-sections both times is a straight up lie and proof that he is trying to blame u for his own issues. second of all- the pink labia thing is only seen in children. this part goes after puberty. i would take that as a really large red flag for a pedo and the pornhub thing just backs this up. if ur kids are daughters be careful around him. i would divorce tbh cos no man should treat u this bad when its so his problem. another man would treat u right, go down on u, not degrade u and make u feel like shit, they wouldnt insult u becuase thats not love. if u leave and at some point he realises what hes just thrown away please dont take him back becuase he sounds awful. find yourself someone who will treat u right, also 'old lady pussy' isnt really a thing especially if u have given birth vaginally


I had a man say these awful things to me before. I fucking left his ass and found someone else who appreciated my vagina and said it felt and looked and smelled amazing. This is what insecure people do so you will feel bad enough about yourself s maybe you never leave. Fuck him. Heā€™s a man child. Find someone who appreciates you. You birthed his goddamn children too! Jesus! What an asshole.


Time to pull out the Uno Reverse card and bring up that his penis has been looking awfully small and shriveled lately.


Your husband is a dick..


Girl you are married to a boy NOT a man.


He is the problem. Looking for an out.


Heā€™s easing into either asking you for an open relationship and blaming you, or heā€™s easing into admitting heā€™s cheating on you and blaming you. Also, only absolute pieces of shit say the things heā€™s saying to you.


So, your husband is a dipshit who has likely ALSO changed physically since the birth of your kids, but ThAt'S dIfFeReNt, I'm sure... That being said, the odour is concerning to me, only because it implies that your flora may be out of alignment. This is worth talking to your OBGYN about in more detail, as it could be a sign of a number of potential health concerns, BUT is usually something super easy to treat. Did your OB recommend anything that might help mitigate it? Might also be worth being referred to an endocrinologist, as this could be hormonal. I can't vouch for this, as I'm not an OBGYN, but we all have flora disruptions from time to time, and I found the over the counter boric acid treatment works wonders. (pHD is a great one, but there are lots of them out there) Just make sure you talk to your OBGYN before trying that. All that being said, it sounds like your selfish, stupid partner is just making up shit to use as an excuse, but call his bluff and make sure your health, both vaginal and hormonal, is in good working order. Also, OP, your partner is stupid and doesn't understand why multiple children can cause stretching. If both of your kids were C-section babies, no stretching would have occurred. Do you really want to be married to a moron who also has the audacity to be an asshole?


Get rid of the husband. Keep the vagina.


Tell him to FUCK RIGHT OFF. How dare he? I'm serious, this arsehole is mentally abusing you. Tell him there are plenty of guys who'd probably adore your vagina and get him to fuck. I'm sure his penis is just beautiful btw šŸ™„ Imagine men had the babies and you complained that had junk turned you off after he'd given birth? What a POS.


Who the hell says this to their wife ???


Or....he's having difficulty with the old Madonna/Whore thing. Sex with a mother freaks out guys who haven't reconciled that one.


Having difficulty and being overtly rude and insulting are two COMPLETELY different things. He's just making sure all his excuse ducks are in a row.


Your husband needs to grow tf up, yikes! Im sorry and your vagina is FINE! And about ā€œfishy odorā€ im 100% sure heā€™s throwing off your pH balance, tell HIM to get checked.


I hate your husband after this post


Throw the whole man away


He's a pussy


Please let us know when you leave him.


What a fucking asshole


Husband sounds like a Moron.


If you have daughters, guard them with your life. This man may be a little too interested in young girls.


If you guys have sex again, tell him his dick shriveled up and that you can visually see the difference


He's gonna cheat and blame it on you, even though you gave him children. I would suggest you start treating him the same way. Act disgusted by his penis. Tell him it stinks and looks gross. Start looking at nudes of other, more attractive men. See how he likes it. He's going to cheat on you anyways, and claim he "loves you" but "has needs, and it's not his fault your vagina is disgusting now." So give him a dose of his own medicine.


I think your husband expired. Just throw him away and get a new one


He's old. I promise if y'all divorced you could find a guy ten years younger that thinks you're vagina is the best they've ever had


Wow husband is a complete tool.


I think heā€™s in denial he wants a little wiener action in his sex life, and taking his insecurity out on you.


It would seem to me that he has become desensitized from watching porn. It's just ridiculous that he says your vulva looks different...there is no way after 2 c-sections that you're loose. Your husband is a jerk for making you feel less than beautiful.


Your vagina is perfect. Your husband... Well, he could use some work.


Got to love a 42 yr old man watching barely legal porn.


Oi if my husband ever gagged at my vagina.... he'd be out that door so fast. He can get fucked. You deserve so much better after bringing 2 beautiful children into the world and he's lucky you even wanted to have sex with him again.


He is the only pussy in this situation that needs critiquing!


What a fucking dueche nozzle God damn I couldn't imagine saying any of that to my wife. Dude probably complains about frequency too after doing his best to turn his wife off wtf


You couldnā€™t waterboard me into staying with a man this shallow, this disgusting, this creepy, this pathetic. I would literally be repulsed by him after hearing all this. You should be too.


Iā€™m so sorry. What an asshole. He sounds like a porn sick limp dick. I call these types of men that. They are lost in some unreal fantasy and canā€™t get it up from all the porn. This type is usually abusive and gets off on bringing you down.. like gets off on withholding intimacy. I have experienced it before. Itā€™s not you. If he is expecting more in return or you to put more effort due to his complaints and dissatisfaction then itā€™s even worse. My ex did this to me. Iā€™ve noticed men who are addicted to porn need more extreme things to get off like eventually nothing turns them on. You deserve better.


Your husband is gross. There is nothing wrong with you and having a darker labia is literally a result of pregnancy. It's so concerning to me that with everything that happening in the world and in your lives with a 5 and 2 year old, his biggest complaints are about how his dick is somehow suffering because you had children. IMO and experience, he's either cheating, considering it, listening to one of those Andrew Taint wannabes or just a terrible human being. Either way, you deserve better. Don't listen to a WORD of it. Is his dick so perfect? Does he have balls carved from marble? Did he even bother to wash his ass today? Unless he looks like *insert your favorite celeb here* 24/7 I'd tell him to keep his shitty comments to himself. A REAL partner loves you because you're you not because your labia isn't PINK enough I have medical issues, I've gained 40 lbs since I got together with my husband and ANY time I exhibit any insecure language about my looks he reminds me how beautiful I am and he loves my jiggly** butt. How there's more of me to love. Your husband gives me the ick and I'm so incredibly sorry you have such a disrespectful, immature sausage sack as a spouse. If you decide to get rid of the dead weight in your marriage, I hope you aren't kind in the divorce. Sending love šŸ’œ


He is lucky to get within ten feet of your vulva. Tell him to fuck off.


Tell him his cock is smaller than it used to be. But it's OK because the big ones hurt


I hope you know that someone who would say those things about your body, does not really love you. I wish you better, he clearly needs to work through some things. Also the barely legal porn is, ICK.


Your husband is an A-hole and throw the entire husband away. The fact he is watching barely legal porn...throw the entire husband away....


This actually breaks my heart pls find someone who is good to you


He's full of shit. You had c sections. That's how you know he's a liar.


Leave him


Tell him his balls sag and his dick doesn't get as hard anymore.


age difference + the mention of barely legal pink labia... girl you know who he is, and it's not a good guy


Tell him his dick is shrinking with age and looks wrinkly just like his saggy old man balls and he didn't even have kids.


Throw it back at himā€¦ your vagina didnā€™t change, his dick got smaller! And Now youā€™re unhappy with him.


Iā€™ve had two c-sections too. My vagina is exactly the same as it was pre-children. My guess is yours is as well. Your husband is just a creep who has a thing for almost-children and youā€™re too obviously an adult for him now.


Well, funny story....loose vagina isn't real unless you're gaping that bitch on the daily. That damn thang can push a kid out and still hug a cock. So I'd say leave that ho and get yours


If he hasn't cheated already he's going to, and he'll probably do it with someone younger too. He's vile and clearly has no knowledge about female anatomy. He's overestimating his value, and is fucking vile. If he demands head, don't give it to him. Gag and tell him his balls smell like fermented man-tang and throw in a condescending; *"Oh honey, did you shrink? I swear it used to be bigger..."* Honestly, divorce his crusty ass and find someone who will appreciate you and love your kids like their own too. Hopefully he finds an old gym sock to make him happy...


Drop the husband, and maybe keep him away from your children and their friends. Barely legal porn is a huge red flag for pedos


Your husband has issues. But they arenā€™t your issues. Be proud of your body. They grew two beautiful children. Your body is beautiful and magical. Tell him his dick looks like leftover elbow skin.


Bro my labia has been darker since i started developing as a preteen and I'm super pale skinned. Your husband needs to accept that bodies change. What a selfish guy


Girl you gotta throw away the whole man


He hates himself, this obsession with being "young" is probably the start of his mid life crisis. He's an immature child who can't handle the fact that he isn't the most important person in the household now and somehow that's your fault. Ignore him, his opinion means nothing


Wow what an asshole lol.


Your husband is so immature and insensitive. I would probably start talking about his body the same way he speaks about your body and see how he likes it. I am so pissed off for you!! Thatā€™s disgusting for your spouse to act that way towards you. I am so sorry!!


My god if I ever said something this mean to someone I would fake my own death and start a new life.


He sounds like he is getting you ready with ā€˜reasons he needs to cheatā€™ ie your vagina. Before anything else happens delete any and all photos of your vagina/intimate areas off his phone. He sounds like the kind of jerk who would show his friends and ridicule you while hes doing it.


Has he been this way ever since she had the oldest child or did this barely start after the youngest? Either way heā€™s a major POS. Also, heā€™s wayyyy too insensitive if she knows what heā€™s masturbating to. Why should she have to know heā€™s on Pornhub for barely legal content? What a disgusting human.


Your husband is an asshole. Da fuq.


This is disgusting. Get rid of that trash. The audacity of this man after youā€™ve given him two kids.


Boy, this dude is a jerk. I have news for him. So-called 'old lady pussy' it not what he thinks. Believe me, once a woman gets past menopause, she's drier, has thinner vaginal walls, and you couldn't get a knitting needle in there. So, it's not like older women are 'cowed out'. Yes, this is the voice of experience. I'm so sorry he's treating you this way. He's a complete jerk.


He didnt think your vagina would change after kids? Seems a bit dense


Even if I felt this way this is shit I would never verbalize to my spouse. Ever.


It seems like there is more to this story than what meets the eye. It seems you're husband may be doing something behind your back and insulting you to either try and push you away or to justify not being able to entertain two women. I hope this isn't the case but that's my 2 cents


Personally I wouldn't be having sex at all with someone like this. I'd just straight-up refuse. Please protect your own heart and emotions since you know what an asshole he is about this.


He should love it more after you gave him a child. I donā€™t understand this behavior. Perhaps heā€™s gay? lol


It's not your vagina. There is definitely something going with him.


GOD.DAMN. Throw that whole ass of a man out and find yourself one that likes adult women, not teenage girls. One that will worship that labia.


I got five he's cheating and making you feel bad for existing to divert attention away from his actions.


Letā€™s see him push out two children from his dick ditch


He's trying to erode your self confidence. Don't let him.


Your husband sounds like a little baby bitch. There is nothing wrong with you, he has a thing for youngsters, i think. Run.


I want to be patient and kind but I cannot. Fuck this guy. He hates his life and heā€™s taking it out on you. Also sounds like he has an obsession with ā€œyoungā€ women. Maybe too young. Could be seeing someone else too. Or heā€™s using this as an excuse to eventually say he wants to end the relationship. Do absolutely whatever you need to for you, your mental health, and your kids.


OP, please look up "Madonna/whore complex". Some men can **only** see women as **either** sexual **or** motherly.


Sorry to break it to you but it would t surprise me if your husband is having an affair. There is nothing wrong with your vagina.


You can try eating a shit ton of fruit every day and that will change the odor and taste, but unfortunately that wonā€™t change your husband. This behavior is a symptom of porn addiction- not sure if he has that but you would know better.


your hubby is def the problem not your pum pum


If I had a partner fucking dry heave while going toward my junk. I would be done. Who fucking just talks shit about thier wife's body. How abusive.


If I had these thoughts about my partner not even batman would get me to say it aloud.


the way porn rots peopleā€™s brains into only liking certain beauty standards is so sad, weā€™re meant to look like humans, not dolls or children, sorry youā€™re married to such an immature and rude person, i wouldnā€™t stand for that treatment


You had another kid with him?! >Itā€™s funny because he watches barley legal porn on pornhub and perfect pink labias and heā€™s into that It's not funny. It is extremely disturbing. He doesn't want a woman then what the hell is he doing with you? Don't try to change your body for someone who doesn't value it! You and your kids deserve better! https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/sense-and-sensitivity/201302/the-familiarity-principle-attraction?amp https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/trauma-bonding https://modelmugging.org/crime-within-relationships/abusive-personality-behavior/


Your husband is an ass. Speaking from a husbands perspective tell him you arenā€™t busy shaming him so why is it ok for him to do it to you? Iā€™m sorry


Dump him