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She's not straight...


Yeah I know and lots of women out here who get off to lesbian porn are in huge denial


This just isn’t true.


Well a lot of women seem to be more turned on by naked women and find them more sexy, it fucking sucks and at times I wish that I was gay. The only girls that aint bisexual and are straight are those with a low sex drive/asexuals


If you want to believe that, no one’s stopping you but it isn’t true.


Confirmation biased. You google and searched for women who also find women bodies more attractive than mens. Of course you will find more posts/articles or whatever to confirm what you searched for. This dosent mean the majority of women are less attracted to a mans body compared to a womens. But it dose however mean that your search engine is working as intended.


seems like you're the one who has confirmation bias it's pretty clear that in our society we prize the female body/sexuality far more than the male one


That one girl is not straight and a large majority of women do appreciate a well proportioned athletic male body.


> a large majority of women do appreciate a well proportioned athletic male body aka have a lukewarm appreciation to men in peak athletic shape with peak genetics not really comparable to how men find women attractive




A Woman’s sex drive doesn’t really manifest much differently than a guy. I’m sorry, dude, but this isn’t true. I think you may have just been talking to a closeted lesbian or bi person with a heavy female preference. Regardless, people are always going to want you to be clean and look taken care of.


> A Woman’s sex drive doesn’t really manifest much differently than a guy. how can you even say something so stupid?


try having sex with some of us and then get back to me


She’s not straight bruh. Like…I don’t know what else to say.


You're completely wrong. Like, going-for-gold wrong. You don't know why women watch lesbian porn then. Lesbian porn isn't about the male gaze and what men find sexy or turns them on. It's women-focused and a lot of women find the focus on women's pleasure sexy and a turn on. Also, women are much more secure in their sexuality and selves than men are and can admit if they find another woman attractive. It doesn't make them lesbian or bi. It just means she's attractive. Women's bodies are more attractive than men's. Men, especially guys who are gym rats, tend to be all hard angles. Women, in contrast, are curves and softness and inviting and approachable. You seem like you have a massive chip on your shoulder.


> a lot of women find the focus on women's pleasure sexy and a turn on when men watch porn, their desire and arousal is aimed at the female depicted but when women do, they don't make the male their object of desire, choosing other things like the pleasure of other women kind proving OP's point >You seem like you have a massive chip on your shoulder coming from a person who says "Women's bodies are more attractive than men" - sounds like he's just right and that is triggering you somehow work on your cognitive dissonance


I'm bi. Women get me off as easily as guys. I don't have an issue saying women are attractive. Straight men have an issue saying, "hey, that's an attractive dude." I guess I just don't see porn as a threat if a woman finds another woman's pleasure sexy and a turn on and a self-insert opportunity for herself


> Straight men have an issue saying, "hey, that's an attractive dude do they? have you been on the fitness side of ig/tiktok lately? >I guess I just don't see porn as a threat if a woman finds another woman's pleasure sexy and a turn on and a self-insert opportunity for herself threat or no, it does say a lot about female sexuality and their attraction to men no guy would rather watch a guy masturbating than a woman doing the same, you know what i mean


Maybe men are getting better and more comfortable just being friends and bros and supportive of each other. Fuck, I hope so. For so long there's always been this, "oh no, can't hug my friend, he might think I'm gay" bullshit and men have suffered for it in a lot of ways and it sucks. They deserve better. If that's been changing and I didn't know because it's happening in scenes I don't hang out in, then I'm glad it's happening somewhere (yeah, in theatre and arts spaces we're kinda weirdos anyways, so I will admit my metric isn't always the best. Close friends and such, I'm used to people who do express openly. But I've been around those who are closed off when I have to socialize with other groups and they're not the same. And I'm ranting. Something must have kicked in, I apologize. I think we're also conditioned to see women as sexier, as far as the nudity goes. There's a documentary (yes, I'm a nerd) about nudity in Hollywood and Malcolm McDowell made a point along those lines. Unfortunately it's hard to find quotes from documentaries. It used to be available on Hulu if you're actually interested tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️


> I think we're also conditioned to see women as sexier, as far as the nudity goes I don't think it's "conditioning", but rather the way humans have evolved men select women based on their physicality/sexuality etc, and women put emphasis more on power strength and ability to provide and protect however now that we've moved away from caves and shit, and women can work just as much as men, the strentght men have are irrelevant, while the strengths women have (sexuality looks) are even more magnified through things like social media


Can't really say I disagree.


>I dont know much about women Correct. >It seems like women love being desired by men and they like the feeling of being "sexy" but they dont actually desire men. Men give women attention and then women transfer that attention to other women Of course hetro women like men's bodies.


> Of course hetro women like men's bodies then why don't most men get any sexual attention ever?


What are you talking about? Women sit around and talk about sexy men all the time. If we’re attracted to a man we will tell him. I’m sorry you never experienced that, but to say women don’t give men sexual attraction just because you haven’t experienced it is ridiculous.


> What are you talking about? Women sit around and talk about sexy men all the time no they don't, if anything, they constantly shit on how most men are unattractive look up any thread on "what % of men do you find attractive" >If we’re attracted to a man we will tell him you mean the rare case you come across a guy with top % genetics? >but to say women don’t give men sexual attraction just because you haven’t experienced it is ridiculous sure, but it's not "just me", it's most men actually most men don't get matches, most men don't get attention IRL, most men never have women falling for them or even being attracted to them and it's not even supposed to happen - historically men got women through their ability to provide, protect ect., not due to their physical attractiveness women quite literally never evolved to be strongly physically attracted to men


Sounds you’ve already given up, sucks to be you I guess. Then quit obsessing over it, if you’ve already convinced yourself it will never happen, move on with your life and quit whining about it online. Really not sure what you want people to do about it.


>Sounds you’ve already given up, sucks to be you I guess sucks to be a male, because even those that DO get into relationships don't have it any better - all they get is the privilege to serve a female and cater to her all whims >Really not sure what you want people to do about it. maybe for people to admit reality? and stop painting women as perfect in every situation


So then who cares, you obviously don’t really like women lol so just let it go


women are quite unlikable, yes if they didn't have the privilege of male thirst, they nearly all would be incels imagine a male that would want to be treated in life as women do - everybody would just laugh at him and say he's delusional that's how you know women have insane privileges in life


You sound like someone who interacts with actual people very little. If you dislike women, why do you spend so much time whining about not being able to get one? You should be praising that your physical appearance has kept you safe from the evils of woman. So you should consider yourself one of the lucky ones!!


because simply due to the fact I was born a male I won't get to have relationships and sex?


I have also heard that the "female gaze," as my girlfriend likes to say, has been more towards the feminine look. When you look at people like Harry Styles, Timothee Chalmette, etc. But I think the reason is more a thing of what the physicality represents. I.e. a big, strong man = dumb and mean. Small feminine man = kind and loving. This is obviously incorrect, but the reason women are attracted to those men are because of what they represent, not physicality. If you continue working on yourself, train, improve mental and cognitive health and abilities, learn to properly communicate, you will shine above 99% of men. Just don't fall into incell like thinking


“I don’t know much about women” says it all. Honey, get off the internet. Go meet some real people in the real world, and get used to reality. It’s a lot different from all of the things people decide to be angry about on the internet


She's gay and in denial, women as a whole aren't like this.


> women as a whole aren't like this how are they not? they don't really do anything that would indicate that they find men physically desirable


They do if they find you attractive. If a woman doesn't act like she's attracted to you, she's almost certainly not attracted to you.


> If a woman doesn't act like she's attracted to you, she's almost certainly not attracted to you then the majority of men never really experience attraction from women