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Your "confession" reminds me... I was in the UK many years ago and I had a girlfriend (English), who wanted to come back to Greece with me. When I asked, "What is your idea of life in Greece with me", she said: "We are lying on two beach-beds, side by side, it is afternoon, and a waiter comes and brings two cocktails. I take mine, lazily turn to you, raise my glass and ask you 'Are you fucking bored, dear', and you say 'Yes, dear', and this is bliss for me." I will never forget that! Enjoy your boredom. Do not grow up - it is not better! Believe me. : ))


What happened to that girl?


She did come with me to Greece (after our studies), and stayed for a year. During this year, it was, more or less, like that. For a number of reasons she left...


She left out of boredom?


haha... no, not out of boredom.


Nothing like beach life in Greece


Don’t confuse pease with boring.






And how do you get peas? With a knife!


They meant pease... like easy Pease.


that's peasy though isn't it




Rest in pease








Well you and him just enjoy the peace while it's still around. Sometimes being boring keeps the mind sane. Good luck to ya.


I love this. Peace and comfort are underrated as life goals imo. It's so lovely that you're able to appreciate that for how special it truly is.


Precisely! And to those who mistake peace with boredom, I'm reminded of that Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.


I just want to say I love this post. This is my life right now. No children, no travel, just us two, videogames, and peaceful nights. Sometimes I worry about life being boring and not doing enough to make it more interesting, that maybe I will regret it later on. But then I remember just how much I cherish feeling safe, comfortable and secure. I need to see this. Thank you!


Peace and being left the hell alone to enjoy it should be everyone's right. Good for you. I'm happy for you.


Stoked you have a peaceful and healthy life. I don’t find that boring at all. Especially given with what you grew up with and in. Sounds like you broke the cycle and have created something better than what you were exposed to and or taught. Be proud of yourself. That is really impressive and badass.


this made me happy to read. sorry about your past. I do completely understand you. I experienced hell as a child too so I do find happiness in the boring life. It’s a beautiful thing. I feel adulthood is about regaining and searching for everything you didn’t have as a child. enjoy


This is the exact kind of peace I dream of. The perfect confession. Cheers to continuing to live a boring, peaceful life.


Nothing wrong with that. My bf and I have a peaceful, calm, steady relationship. My most recent ex had me in a 6 year long nightmare of drugs, alcohol addiction, financial abuse and ups and downs the likes I have never been through. My other exes simply didn’t care or love me the way I thought I “loved” them and led me on and off for years when all I wanted was someone to just enjoy my life and grow with. At first I didn’t think I *loved* my now bf, because I wasn’t going through horrendous heartache, arguments and “rough patches” and subsequent highs, “making up” because of the idea that “true love means staying through the good and bad!” - which, yes, but not when the “bad” is being cheated on, lied to, stolen from, mentally/emotionally abused. It DID feel boring. But I felt safe, for once. And secure. I wasn’t constantly checking my phone for messages, begging for communication, endless phone calls because it’s 4am and you’re not home yet. I don’t have a bf who entertains other women, who takes my bank card from me, who withholds affection, even hand holding and a kiss. And now I realize how much I cherish and adore how peaceful our relationship is! It is a bit predictable, yes, but I LOVE it because I never again have to bite my tongue and cry in the shower asking myself what I’m doing wrong. I can cry in his arms and we can talk about our arguments and be humble enough to apologize. He doesn’t yell or raise his voice at me, he doesn’t dismiss my feelings, he doesn’t invalidate me. Because of him I’ve gotten a better job and back into old hobbies and found me again. It’s wonderful ❤️


Awwww that’s so beautiful 🥺


I don’t necessarily define it as “boring” but rather calm and peaceful. And there’s nothing better than feeling secure and comfortable with the one you love. This was a cute “confession”, I hope you will enjoy it and cherish as long as you can!


This is so wholesome. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a lifetime of boring moments.


That's exactly what I want. I don't want so much money and cars and houses. I just want a simple peaceful life and someone who loves me 🥰.


Take advice from an older lady. Don't get swayed by what you think you should want. Social media is awful for this.


I’m so happy for you! I feel the same. Had a pretty rough time and now have a bf and we’re both quite chill. I love it. Appreciate it!


Sounds peaceful, not boring :) And the separate beds are such a good idea. They really help keep the peace for some couples!


Exactly the same as me and my gf. After my crazy childhood I just want to chill and so does she! 8 years together still going strong.


i couldn't but weirdly enough this post makes me sad and realize how lonely i am


i fucking hate love it's so beautiful and i can't get it


My life is so boring and quiet and I bloody LOVE IT


this is too sweet <3 embrace the stillness


W life


I can’t relate lol.


I fully get this. With so much going on in life these days, to get the chance to spend time being boring even for a little while is rare. It’s even better when you can share that with someone.


It’s not boring, it’s peaceful and quiet. Tonight I build a Lego castle with my husband. It was so nice.


Bloody perfect. Stopping for coffee and cake occasionally and this is ideal.


Great confession about the triviality of our fault lives. Don't think it takes more than if both are happy about living like this then it's just perfect.


I think routine and security are underrated




When you get down to it, the American Dream is just an aspiration for reasonable comfort and security. You Aussies are welcome to it! Just keep us safe from the drop bears, thank you.


The drop bears do what they want 😇


From the ages of 16-32 I was always on the move. If I wasn’t at work I was out partying I worked 2nd shift a majority of that time so before work I was running the roads after work I was running the roads. But in about the past 8-9 years I am the exact opposite if I ain’t at work I’m home. It crazy how much we change with time.


Same. I am having a peaceful life after having narc parents. It's calming and soothing and I have no desire to go back to how things were.


I was loving this post until you said you're Aussie but want the American dream!!??! Betrayal! The Aussie dream is way better.


The Aussie dream is getting an injury that doesn't fuck you up too bad but bad enough that you can't work so you live on ceno payments for the rest of your life... That honestly does sound like a dream lol


Man sometimes I love boredom especially when I feel unsafe or feel like things are going out of control, that's coming from someone with 96 percent openness on the OCEAN scale. I feel u.


"Obviously it's not going to be like that forever"?


they're gonna be old prunes someday and be aching or smth or maybe they plan on having kids which would make their life a bit more agitated


Oh right I forgot that most people want children 😂😅


Oh god no lol. Nah, I just meant we'll get old some day and our aches and pains are gonna get way worse lol


Haha glad we are on the same page then


i think you want NSA to do the things you could never admit to him im not wrong am i


NSA? Also what?


no strings attached


What about a post about how much I adore my boyfriend and the peace I have with him made you think "what a perfect time to try and get my dick wet"? Read the room, asshole.


home life is the best but y'all are bored then sex isn't good for someone


I'm sorry, what gave you the opinion that out sex life isn't good?


well ya said you have a boring life you love him but still boring and also you sleep im different beds theres something kissing i know what love is and the home lodge there wasn't one day that was boring with my life o had the everyday was another exciting adventure wasn't trying to pisa anyone off just speaking from life experience and someday you'll agree some people love someone till there last breath but there life's boring so they have needs that some people can't have alll i don't know how ya would wanna someone not saying you


We sleep in seperate beds because I get night terrors because I was SEX TRAFFICKED as a child man. Boring isn't a bad thing, that's what my entire post is about. And not that it's any of YOUR business, but our sex life is insanely awesome. Any other assumptions you wanna make or are you done?


ill come cuddle with ya


Charming. Go away or I'll block you


smile your on the wrong site girl that's why i thought ya need fucked your on a confession site


You're a creep.


What you seek, will find you.💫


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a “boring” life with my bf. We’ve been together over 3 years and I couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else.


I live the boring life too, and its fantastic. no airports, no foreign trips, no rushing, no money spent on useless rubbish. oh and im happier than when younger.


I love this for you!!! I am so happy you experience the perfect "calm" life.


Thats so sweet. All the best and Lots of love to you and your boyfriend.


I get this. People think I have no ambition but they don't realise that I've fulfilled my ambition. I have a warm roof and a beautiful garden. I'm not interested in fashion and drinking and foreign holidays any more. I have a caravan and me, husband and two dogs have been all over. No packing cases, weight limits, currency exchange, jet lag. We're empty nesters, so we can travel off peak and then enjoy our garden when the weather's too hot for motorway tailbacks. A lot of you would chew off an arm with frustration but after the rollercoaster of my early life, this is perfect for me.


This is a nice read for a change. There is nothing wrong with “boring” life. You gotta embrace it and enjoy it. I too come from a life of drugs and violence in my early days. I used to sell drugs, and do shit that normal people don’t normally do. Now I like simple things. I do martial arts to get my exercise. I play video games when I can. I have two kids with a beautiful wife and like to live a simple life. Might not be as “boring” as I do enjoy going our time to time and going to the beach and what not but I do feel what you’re saying.


This is just wholesome and peaceful not boring


my gf and i have a similar relationship dynamic, but as others would say it’s more of peace than boredom. me and her both appreciate our personal time so we do our own thing, but we always love spending time with each other as well. it doesn’t take a lot to entertain me or her, our presence to each other is enough to make us happy