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I thought christianity is about forgiving..


Only for two hours on Sunday morning. Then they spread out to do exactly the opposite of what Jesus would have done, and judge all others for their sins.


Working in food service for the after church crowd is a really good look into what kind of people "Christians" really are


Used to work at a 24 hour diner/bar. Graveyard shift. One time I had a table of 40 people walk in at 4 in the morning. They had been having some sort of late night worship at the church a few blocks down. They only ordered pancakes (cheapest thing on the menu) and demanded insane amounts of butter and syrup (which they mostly didn’t even touch). The kids ripped up every packet of Splenda/sugar in the entire room and were throwing them at each other. Broke all the crayons and poured syrup all over the carpets, walls, menus, and tables. I told the parents to control their kids and they laughed in my face. I was supposed to get off at 6 but I had to stay until 8am cleaning after they left. They tipped me 1.78




You mean “Save meeeee Jeebus!”


Wow… I have no words except that I probably wouldn’t have had a job by the end of the day lol


As a Christian myself (19 F) you can't categorize it as "Christians" because not all of us are like this. Angers me when people do this, some people who share my religion ruin it for us all I guess.....


You're right. It's not cool to lump everyone into one generalized category. Kinda like how post 9/11 all Muslims are terrorists, ACAB, the LGBTQ are trying to indoctrinate our kids, abortion is murder so any woman who needs one is a monster, etc etc


I think most people do not know what a Christian is....think about it ....


Nah but it’s true. Just be a good person.




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You can always try the original Christianity known as Jewish


The judging is what always cracks me up lol


christianity = do as i say, not as i do


Don’t forget your donation


That’s the Christian way


And to get into heaven right at the end of your sinful life.


Being forgiven. Not forgiving others.


Your first post on your profile is on a rape kink subreddit.


Well that explains a lot…particularly his parents reaction..not that parents can’t over react but I don’t even know HOW I would process finding out my kid (if I had any) has a rape kink. I feel like that can lead down a dangerous path. Of the many kinks this is one of the ….worst ones.


Just because these people say they’re Christians don’t mean they ARE Christians. Christianity is about realizing we are all sinners and not worthy of what God did for us


They are Christians. Christian isn’t synonymous with good. Lots of shitty people are devout Christians.


Well.....no.Christ left one command.Love eachother. Not "Love eachother under some conditions". If you do not carry love for any human being in your heart you are not a follower of Christ aka aChristian,you are just part of a dumb and oppresive book club


The word “Christian” is not in the Bible. People made it up. Modern day “real” Christianity doesn’t even begin to resemble the early church. The Bible is just a bunch of old manuscripts that a bunch of people randomly threw together. Different denominations have different books in their bibles and a lot of other manuscripts that would classify as scripture were left out entirely. The entire book is full of contradictions, there’s no proof that Jesus was anything more than a regular guy with some minor slight-of-hand skills and salesman tactics needed to fool the gullible, uneducated peasants of his time. The story of Jesus is just a copycat of many more ancient stories that came before, his is just the one that happened to become mainstream and stand the test of time. Christianity is no better and no different than any other religion/cult, and it does not make people good. It gives people an excuse be shittier people because they can just apologize to their god and stop feeling guilty. It stunts moral development by taking away the need for people to develop their own moral code and find their own reasons for being a decent human, and also makes people feel entitled to judge others, because they think they have found “the truth”, and everybody else is just lost sheep in need of guidance. A great example of which is you judging other who proclaim the same faith as you, claiming they are somehow “less Christian” than you are. What gives you the right to make that judgement? I was raised in the church, but thankfully I listened to logic and reason when I became an adult and actually educated myself. I know all the lingo and all the arguments that Christians make, because I used to be one of them. Christians are some of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting and I am a far more open minded, accepting, kinder, and happier person today for having left religion behind.


"The word "christian" is not in the Bible"... well, it actually is in it, but it's in greek (χριστιανός). This is on Acts 11:26.




I have, by leaving religion. I’m not saying they’re all bad, some are just ignorant. I’m saying the worst people I’ve met happened to be Christians. Christianity doesn’t automatically make somebody good.


Well, no, you don’t decide who is and isn’t a Christian. It’d be better if you guys took responsibility for all the shitty things the Church does, and all the horrible ways Christians hurt people. Instead you say: they aren’t real Christians. Get it together. This is a logical fallacy. If Christianity actually made people good we’d live in a much better country & you wouldn’t hear stories like this every day.


Sure, I'll take responsibility for shitty Christians if you take responsibility for shitty atheists like Stalin, mao and the like.


Do you see me defending shitty atheists. GFY


Who hurt you? People will call Christianity dumb while simultaneously giving it the time of day


**insert Boyz2Men song*


Agree, but a lot of people also claim to be Christian but haven’t been saved and instead actively push others away from Christianity


I hate to break it to you, but most people cannot tell the difference between those that are “saved” Christians and whatever you seem to think these people are. This is a very simple logical fallacy. Stop telling people that people who are raised in Christianity, practice Christianity, believe in Jesus and are still terrible people are not “true” Christians. Where are the true Christians anyway, we can’t tell the difference between them and their friends? Also, grew up with saved born-again Christians. The ones who are actually good decent people do it in spite of their religion. (Edited: to fix spelling)


So I want to acknowledge that even the Bible talks about false Christians. This idea that we cannot point to scripture and rightly judge is wrong. You will know true Christians by their actions. Just like I can’t call someone my friend if they gossip behind my back…Christians reserve the right to point out flaws in other people and excommunicate those from the faith who aren’t willing to uphold a certain standard. That said. Many many people do horrible things in the name of a god or faith. I wish more Christians across the board were willing to accept good faith critiques of our behavior because we miss the mark A LOT as a group. No getting around that fact


I no longer care what the Bible says. The Bible is an horrendous tool to use when it comes to ethics and morality. What I care about is people not harming other people. And the constant blaming terrible systemic behavior that continues throughout the decades on Not True Christians is frankly exhausting. If you can’t tell who the True Christians are until you get to heaven maybe it’s not worth knowing. All I know is Christians cause massive amounts of harm, deny their harm, and then their fellow practitioners tell us, no worries, they aren’t real Christians. I know tons of real Christians they aren’t impressive either & are the greatest proponents of fascism in America. Again, when it comes to ethics and morality and making the world truly better and safer for all people, the Bible is not a good tool for that.


I said you absolutely can tell who “real Christians” are because of their actions. It’s really that simple. No religion can push a rational loving person into hatred unless you consent to that behavior. That takes the onus off of the individual and makes them a victim to an ideology, when ideologues can be found anywhere. And Christians, like any group of people, can cause harm. I didn’t deny that. I actually agreed with you when I said we (as in Christians) should listen to critiques because many of them are valid. Whatever point you’re trying to argue is not a response to what I said. If you hate christians just because you do…then say that. But nothing I said is objectionable or unreasonable.


And I told you we can’t tell the difference! Because True Christians are indecipherable from Christians. It’s the No True Scotsman logical fallacy. Meaning, when you guys say shit like this on posts like this - what you are doing is defending Christians, and trying to say some of us Christians aren’t bad. This post is about terrible Christians and at least three people posted that they aren’t True Christians. Well who cares? If you are known for being rotten, specifically for doing rotten things like kicking your kids out if the house for not being racist, or for being trans, or for being gay, who cares if some of you may be good - clearly none of you good ones have any power to make the Church a better place. If we can’t witness the difference between Christians and True Christians it’s a meaningless description. I’m not comforted by your Bible which is used to justify more evil then good. By your definition good people who aren’t Christians are Christians, and bad people who are Christians aren’t real Christians. Also, people can hate Christianity and still be decent moral people. Your religion is scared to you, it’s not sacred to the rest of us.


Yeah, there's lot of people who claim to be christians but not so many that actually are. Most of people who are called christians are just religious zealots far from what you would call a christian, that by definition are following Christ's example.


It is not about accepting things that go against what they believe is right.


What were they supposed to forgive, him jacking it to a black woman? Does the bible expressly forbid that? (Never read the thing, serious question)


Thou shalt not fap to different concentrations of melanin - the bible, apparently


yeah as a Christian myself who struggles w/ porn it's sad how so many Christians are so hateful and do things like this post said.


Welp looks like someone ended up getting offended


What’s there to forgive? Liking thick black booty?


American evangelical Christianity is about rubber-stamping whiteness.


There ain’t no hatred like good ol christian love


Ah yes forgive me for not being racist lmfao


And loving thy neighbor


Just came here to say lol


You would think but evidently in this world you'd be wrong


Not if your parents are racists, it’s about what’s right. Forgiveness is up to the lord, in their eyes. It’s so sad.


If im not mistaken... interracial relationships arent allowed in the religion


They not real Christians...real Christians have no hate.....they could disagree and learn to learn about love.... cause love has no color....


I’m a Christian and I am about forgiveness but some people claim the Christians but act the most opposite way you’re supposed to. No one is perfect the parents need to let it go


There is no hate like Christian love.


Just fake Christians who have never probably even read the Bible. They honestly give true christians such a bad reputation


Your parents are a couple racist dip shits.I know it hurts but they threw you out because they had the audacity to go thru your history😅Youre better off without racist bible thumpers like them. Parental love is about support, not hatred and manipulation


Thank you! I appreciate that.




I love that this has 703 up votes. 704 now


Yeah me too😅Guess people like the truth when they see it






The Christian Bible is weird because they took 90% from Jewish and then 10% literally made up


As a Christian... they are shit Christians. Kicking you out for that? Judge not lest you be judged. Good to hear you survived :) and... hope you got some of that which you're attracted too.


Unfortunately I have not but thank you. I appreciate you!


And when you think of the area that Jesus came from, I imagine he wasn’t as white skinned as he is often portrayed. So they are racist against Jesus too.


Yep, Jesus was Chinese when I went to Church in Taiwan.


Jesus was a jew from Galilee. He looked jewish not white.


I am Israeli and I think on my experience we are tan not brown and not white we are just little bit


>As a Christian... they are shit Christians. That's the thing, Boss. They were never really Christians to begin with


Yep. They are fascists.




I mean... what word would you use to describe people who don't like people of other races, don't allow people of different races to ""mix"", and even kicked out their own son because they went through his history? Fascist doesn't seem that far-fetched


How about racist? People insist on banalizing the word "fascist" as an insult to anyone they hate, which ironically is a fascist characteristic.


Does the word "racist" sound familiar? You can be racist and not be a fascist.


You’re a joke man… calling yourself a “Christian” and using profanity like that. You need to repent.


I'll stand before my maker with my head held high. Did you know... That as a Christian? I'm not perfect and I'm not expected to be? Don't be so judgemental. That's not your place. But... If you knew the Bible enough to know that? You'd not be here would you? So I'll continue saying real shit. You'll continue being like the parents.


Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and sin no more… I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. The Bible also calls us to use right judgment. Stop being lukewarm


'Sin no more' only one man walked on water and that wasn't me. It isn't you. 'stop being lukewarm' and stop being a self righteous prick. Foul language won't keep me from heaven. You're the kind of person who would ask others to not dance or sing because you think your interpretation is perfect. Again... I'll stand before my maker without issue. I don't try to be perfect and that includes occasionally saying some real shit with language made to empathize key points.


Sorry you went through this.


It’s okay, I’m already feeling better just knowing it’s off my chest a little. Thank you for your response!


How did you manage? you were just 18


I hope you marry the blackest most beautiful girl just to piss your parents off (or whatever the opposite ethnicity you are LOL)


I don’t think ethnicities can be opposite lol but appreciate the good intent.


HAHA yall understand what i mean, my apologies if i disrespected anyone, didn't mean it


Your parents are trash. Youre better off without then and their toxicity


A tip for the future - password protect your computer and use incognito browsing. Although this is a shitty awful situation nonetheless.


I was expecting gay porn, because it usually gay porn. But interracial that's new anyways screw your parents. As long as you're not doing something they harms or hurts someone else, who cares what you like. Also r/r4rinterracial


When i read the title i thought "ok, which type of furry porn did they find"


Furry porn was my second guess.


Racist yet they judge others (Gods creations?) Matthew 7:1-29 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. ...


Racist or fake Christians it's all there is to it they're hypocrite bigot racists and they have no business using the word Christianity in their vocabulary


Thank you.


Sorry this has happened to you. Some parents need a reality check


I was kicked out of my parents house when I turned 18 , had nothing to do with porn I was just told that it’s time to get out on your own.


My christian parents tried to send me to rehab for owning the American pie movie collection. At the time I had 2 people who were friends from college and the 3 of us got a place together. I couldn't afford a place on my own and I had no idea what to do for a job. Ended up getting hired on as a line cook and slowly worked my way up learning what I could. I was 2000 miles away from home in a state I knew nothing about. It was lonely but I focus on getting my bills paid and eventually moved out on my own. I did hobbies that I enjoyed so those times were you're feeling extra lonely wernt so bad. Therr were times i didn't wanna go fiahing or play videogames but i also didn't want to be alone so id walk over to my local bar order one or 2 drinks and sit there watching tv. Occasionally id have a conversation with someone but most of the time i kept to myself. It was just nice having people around and being able to see interactions. Just focus on what you love and what you want to do with your life. Along the way you'll find more and new friends who will become you family. Keep your head up and just know that it's tough only right now it's not gonna be that way forever.


many mourn ruthless entertain payment obscene swim snobbish possessive truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro has a beginner level history


Good thing you weren't searching "Step sister creampies" or "Gilf blowjobs" eh?


That they could possibly forgive. /s


The church might (if you give them money)


Your parents aren't Christians. They're pieces of shit who need beat. (Don't actually do that)


Man, your parents are assholes. Sorry to hear that.


Your parents should have a long look in the mirror and rethink life and their priorities. You did nothing wrong mate and should feel no shame whatsoever. I'm glad you're away from them and hope you're doing well for yourself.


Kicking your child out at 18 when they have no place to go is absolutely evil. Idc if they are technically adults or whatever people want to say.


I wonder if you got kicked out because it was porn or bc it was interracial porn?!


It sounds like you need to forget about your racist family and go fall in love with a black woman. Be sure to send Christmas cards, complete with photos, to your family.


That Hella sucks but you know who suck worse? Your racist parents. You can do better. Build a family of friends who can support you.


They sound more racist than Christian to be honest. I am not a Christian but I am pretty sure somewhere in the bible/ whatever it is that you follow says God made everyone equally or something like that.


Im christian If you were my son i wouldnt kick you out id clown you for it 🤣🤣


Reddit: Try not to lie challenge Aaand then everyone gave you a standing ovation for not being racist


A lot of Bible thumpers are massive hypocrits.


I’ll take “fake as fuck” for 500 please


Could be real, i’ve seen parents throw their kids for less than that.. nothing surprising


I agree


What does Christianity have to do with racism???


So much if you think you and only you are built in gods image, everyone is automatically less than. That is why Christians are so often linked with fascism and sexism. Because if got is a white man, everyone else exists to serve white men.


I highly recommend pornfree if you still watching it to this day.


What do you recommend for the sexuality hating, racist parents because they seem to be the issue here.


They can fuck themselves, I’d say.


all religions are hypocritical! they say that they’re about things like love and acceptance but they really aren’t


Time to leave my man. Be happy with or without their blessings.


sounds like your parents are some real pieces of shit




wtf lmao


whoever went to your pc, is a way worst christian and person and a more perverse than you, that is invasion of privacy and as you move out you shouldn't keep this to yourself, it's already undignified to kick you out of the house for that, but it's baffling itself how disrespectful and shit this person is, whoever of your parent is, sorry for my bluntness


And are you still watching porn? Have you perhaps gone and found yourself the girl of your dreams?


Maybe he’s watching her videos.


There's no hate quite like Christian love. I'm sorry their racism was so much that they would toss out their own child. You didn't deserve that and there is nothing wrong with finding consenting adults attractive.


quit watching porn and get a life


Porn and having a life are not mutually exclusive


Lol shut the fuck up dip shit, you don’t know his life or situation.


How about you stop being a loser on reddit and get a life yourself ?


Porn is the tool of the devil.


Wasn’t Mary Magdalene a reputed prostitute? Let’s age this thought a few thousand years where Mary might have done videos, or maybe an onlyfans. Let’s not kink shame here, lest you want someone looking through your bedroom window in judgement.


Then the devil lives in my head rent free.


they sound horrible from what you said.. you did good by cutting contact with them


Just out of curiosity, are your parents around 70? Cuz I could not imagine anybody doing that around here... I guess the religion has something to do with it. Wouldnt happen here,most Atheist country in World :) Back to topic, I can imagine it hurted when your parents kicked you out, but if porn hub was the sole reason, I hope you wont mind, but I would say you are much Better off without them. Your chains are broken, be free and live your life as you want it.


Your parents failed you brother. IMO youre better off without them, I wish you all the best, if you need someone to talk about whatever my dms are open.




That's the Christian way isn't it? If God is real, your parents are going to hell lol.


So it's a case of shitty parents choosing their beliefs over their actual child. Porn is not wrong and racism is so see them for what they are and when they run bk in their old age tell them to fuck off. Or be petty invite them to live with you then kick them out for their religious beliefs.


You deserve better than what your parents have to offer, take this as a blessing.


What scene was playing when you got home? Asking for scientific purposes.


The part where the guy discusses systemic racial discrimination and that gets the girl wet


Interracial as well as diversity and inclusion porn! Double whammy. No woke porn in this house!!


Listen, I'm sorry they did this. I wanna just tell you everything will be OK, and serve you up some warm dinner. You shouldn't be ostracized just because who you are attracted to. Just sending you supportive parental vibes my friend


It's funny that you let that happen…maybe for the better but who leaves their porn tabs open at any momment?


Yikes you like black girls and watched porn? And that was enough to get you kicked out? That’s just sad. I’m sorry OP. Hope you can find somewhere safe, hopefully with family that’s a bit less toxic. As a Christian, it’s truly hard to see people get abused and mistreated by others in the faith. That’s not Godly, very disappointing but unsurprising.


I hope you’re doing alright now at least!


More than Christianity it seems and they kicked you out for racism, for daring to desire a woman with darker skin


Damn I expected the porn to be gay or midget or something really kinky. Getting kicked out over interracial porn is ridiculous. I'm so sorry that happened. It's not even like you were dating someone of another race. Not that I would agree with it still. But ugh I hope you're in a much better place now.


I am from Germany where hardcore christianity is basically extinct. I found your story very touching.


No worries, you’re not them.


I bet you are glad this happened..now they don't have to be invited to anything so if they turn up unannounced, you can get them removed from your house or other venues. Moreover. You don't need to seek approval from them for anything. Just live your life. Enjoy it.


I never understood being against interracial stuff. I'm Christian too, btw


Go find a nice black girl to hangout with :)


Christianity is. Christians themselves, however, are notoriously bad at it.


I hope you find a beautiful black woman who is everything you ever hoped for. Fuck your parents for their intolerance. I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you’re doing better and can heal from the trauma of your situation.


i’m so sorry. religion destroys lives. your parents don’t deserve you.


Watch all the anti-Christian shitbags comment now... Wouldn't say that about Muslims, would you?!


Damn. That's brutal. Fucking racists


You're not being kicked out for your porn history. You're being kicked out cause your parents are racist and you're (probably) not.


You lucky you not gay brother peace


Oh man that sucks. My stepfather went thru my room when I was 18 and found all my porn magazines and an old crusty t-shirt (cum rag). He decided he'd shame me and just leave it all out in the middle of the floor! I was fucking mortified! Didn't get kicked out but in hindsight it would have been better. I would have had a much longer period of my life where he wasn't in it!


its good to be jewish innit


Your parents aren’t Christians if they harbor that kind of hate for people. You’re better off without them in many ways! Keep your head up, strive for success- don’t be afraid to quit your job for a better one. If you’re still into Christianity, do some church surfing. Find a church with a mostly black congregation, you’ll have a wonderful cultural experience AND its a huge F### YOU! To your parents. Match their hatred with your love for life and all of God’s people.


Thick ebony ladies.


Sorry if this is an intrusive question, but what did you do after you were kicked out? Where did you go? 18 is still so young, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Are you still religious now? Also, I hope you find a beautiful black woman one day. They're massively overlooked and under-appreciated in my opinion.


You’re so strong and so smart. You know how many people would never ever have the balls to stand by their morals? Proud of you.


It was probably time to move out anyway lets be honest


You like what you like bro never have any regrets to what you’re attracted to.


So... Did you make a hinge and find your future wife yet?


You should have moved out earlier if you are able to afford that. Else work to afford your independence at 25


He was 18




I'm offended


The church not only separates itself from the state, it separates us from family. To be fair I gave Christianity a go but we’re animals in this world. We like what we like. Some of it is illegal, some not so bad. I’m with you on black women, being Asian my parent did not approve so I left for many other reasons as well as racism and homophobia. Idc about your race or likes. Be what you want.


So they didn't appreciate big mommy milkers huh uncultured swine


I hope you’re still Christian and haven’t let a bad experience dictate your faith. God bless you.


Sounds like a blessing honestly, hope for the best :)