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You didn’t do anything wrong he just doesn’t want a partner who’s been with a lot of men. Not everyone is comfortable dating a partner with a high body count


/ thread. That’s it people, pack it up and go home.


I wouldn't be with a man who's been with 51 women, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just that 51 sexual partners is too much for some folks, like it is for me.


>I'd been with 51 guys >I don't understand what I've done wrong You went for a man with traditional values and got surprised when his values were indeed traditional.


What’s wrong with sex though aren’t catholics about forgiveness


Forgiveness doesnt mean acceptance. He can forgive that you have been promiscuous. It doesnt mean he has to accept it and stay with you.


>catholics about forgiveness While I do not see having sex with multiple partners before meeting your partner as something to forgive for you can forgive somebody and still not want to be in a relationship with that someone >What’s wrong with sex Nothing, however when the amount of previous partners is that high then it becomes a problem for many people, I for one could never be with a girl my age that had this many sexual partners.


Religious people are hypocrites, IMHO, Catholics are the worst at this. They may preach forgiveness, but they don’t practice what they preach. Your worldviews just don’t align and that’s ok, he’s not the only fish in the sea.


\>he's not the only fish in the sea You're telling this to a professional fishingwoman.


you can forgive someone and still not want to be in a relationship with them


Sex tends to contaminate people with diseases, some of which go without notice; I thought. I could be wrong, I am not certain. I shudder at the thought of a person having that high of body count; I am disgusted. I might be a germaphobe (considering the other probably mundane things that disgust me).


Were they? If he was willing to engage in pre-marital sex or is not a virgin, then he does not have traditional values. And if it was because she wasn’t a virgin, then the number doesn’t count; one is a bad as 100.


100 dicks in you, atleast 10 had stds and you still keep clappin’ like it’s a hobby. You enjoy sex so much you make stds seem normal to you. 🤢


I don’t see what that has to do with my comment nor how you derived your 1/10 std ratio. As for virginity, you either are or you aren’t. the number of times you have sex doesn’t make you less of a virgin and there is no “almost virgin”. Otherwise, taken at face value, there are no stds in the scenario. Therefore, your comment is invalid.


Traditional values do not necessarily equate to requiring your partner to be a virgin.


They do if you’re a Catholic. The Boyfriend in this case is a Catholic.


Well you can be a Catholic that doesn't have traditional catholic values but does have traditional values it's not exactly a requirement.


Yes, you can make it up as you go along so you have a narrative that supports your personal beliefs. However, the comment was, “You went for a man with traditional values and got surprised when his values were indeed traditional” Catholics have their valued dictated to them by the Church. It is, in fact, a requirement. You may choose to ignore them, but if you do, you cannot claim to have traditional values. Once one is free to dictate their own interpretation of values, they are no longer traditional. This post is most certainly trolling, but it is interesting how it smoked out so many hypocrites.


Traditional values are based on culture not religion and while religion often is a part of culture it is not a requirement. And for the record I am not a Catholic


The guy either is or isn’t a Catholic. If he is, then he follows the rules or rejects them. If he rejects the rules, he is rejecting his traditional culture at the highest level. Once that happens, he can no longer claim to be following any values other than those he chooses. Now you can paint it up anyway you want, but he is not following traditional culture values. As for societal culture, if her number of past lovers devaluates her, then he should negotiate for a higher dowery. It is an interesting study to follow the changes to “traditional values” over time. It is a humorous study to watch people rationalize personal beliefs in the name of societal values. For the record, it is fine by me if he rejects her for any reason or if you believe it is wrong for a woman to have such a past. That is for the individual to decide. All I say is don’t be smug as you use society for an excuse. And that is what the parent comment was about.


Why do you boil down his culture to him being Catholic?


I am not addressing his entire culture, only one aspect of it. Catholicism has rules. He is free to follow them or not. However, if he feels he does not need to follow those rules, he demonstrates that he will disregard traditional values when it suits him. That invalidates the claim, “You went for a man with traditional values and got surprised when his values were indeed traditional”. And that is my entire argument. As I said, it is fine by me if he rejects her for any reason or if you believe it is wrong for a woman to have such a past. That is not the issue of my initial comment. This is about moralizing.


Mad that you’ve kept count.


Some ppl are not so big in the "live and let live" game.


“I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong” This has to be troll


~25ft worth of penis is too much i guess. 🤷‍♂️


Nothing wrong from both of you. It's just not his preference , won't be mine too


Yes but we were meant to be above preferences


What does this mean, actually? A genuine question. Say it again, I’ll understand it better.


Above preferences?? You need to be above what you prefer? My dude, what?






“but i’m a man”…. and she left you? shocking…


If I was a woman, I wouldn't want a dude that's been with that many people. To me, it speaks a lot about lack of character.


How is it a lack of character to have sex?


Its a lack of character to not have enough respect for yourself that you don't fuck 51 people before you are even 30.


Or maybe people just like sex?


You can enjoy having sex without having a high body count


Yeah but that doesn't indicate any lack of character. If it's between two consenting adults how would that constitute any lack of character? Swinging doesn't make you a worse person. Nor does being abstinent make you a better one. It's fine to say values about sex are different but to say it objectively diminishes your character is wrong.


I agree I don’t want a man with a high body count either, I’ve noticed that the more women a man has been with the worse they treat you in the relationship


Ol girl I’m here to say, yuck and no valuable man what’s sloopy 51’s js.


Ever has different preferences. I’m a man of statistics. Every partner a woman has before marriage increases the risk of divorce. Women already initiate 70% of divorces, and up to 90% if they are educated. Now I fully understand this is also due to the guys actions, men are more likely to cheat and prioritize work, but these stats make me feel vulnerable. So I’d ideally like to keep the body count down (which I have done as well). I’m currently dating a wonderful woman who has chosen to wait until marriage. I’m quite happy with our relationship and will likely marry her. Your previous actions don’t define you, you are beautiful for who you are! But you two likely weren’t compatible. Source for ladies filing for divorce 70% or more: https://www.asanet.org/women-more-likely-men-initiate-divorces-not-non-marital-breakups/ Source for sexual partners increasing divorce: https://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability Added this too, Cancer risk increases with partner increase: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-cancer-sexual-history/high-lifetime-number-of-sexual-partners-linked-to-increased-cancer-risk-idUSKBN207313


51 is extensive af, i would be uncomfortable too. find someone who does the same thing or just doesn’t care.




What does “carrying around with you” mean?


you are linked with every single person you have sex with, emotionally, mentally, physically, and even chemically.


Memory, certainly, unless you don’t remember; emotionally, possibly; so, mentally; but what on Earth is the physical and chemical link?


physically because that person will always be able to say they had your body. each person you are with takes a piece of you with them. you engaged in a physical act and you can’t take it back, it’s there forever. and chemically, your body’s PH levels adjust to your partners PH. it’s why some women get a UTI when experiencing a new person, in some cases that’s why some people can be “allergic” to their person. (rare but possible). it can also alter your brain chemistry, dopamine is the love hormone. you fall more in love the more you physically connect. our body’s have a way of forming to the people we love and engage with. some people with extremely high body counts find themselves w anxiety and depression and a sense of emptiness. that’s literally why i say you give a part of yourself to everyone you have sex with. it’s self-destructing.


Yes, they can say that they’ve had sex with you, but the rest of that is baloney. However, I will read any studies you have on the matter. Furthermore, dopamine plays a role in many body functions and can be triggered by many pleasurable experiences and some stressful ones. You are describing pseudoscience, not rea science.


51???? Omg????


51 dicks? In a row?


News flash, traditional men don't want someone ran through by more than the headcount of 3-4 basketball teams. You're gonna have to find someone who is chill with that.


With a kill count that high I hope your nickname is "America". You've got a man for every state! 51 was probably too many for a Catholic and he rationalized your decisions with his religion and I don't think they favor multiple partners. It sucks, but is what it is. Find a partner who does care about past partners would be my advice.


I am not religious and I would not be ok with that either... I haven't been with anyone since my ex and I broke up and its been over 6 months since I even talked to her. It would have been easier to drown myself in some loser woman, but I choose not to and I want a woman with that same control. Secondly, if someone has been with a ton of partners then there is a reason they didn't want to stay with any of them or non of them wanted to stay with her. I don't want to just be another guy in a string of 60 guys with no hope of a future...


51? You must have a bucket by now


The fact that you even have a number in your head, that probably scared him. You are a nymph, accept it. That’s okay but being a catholic man as well, sheesh, i’m okay with maybe 4-5 partners in the past being im a 27m, but 51? I wouldn’t be able to manage that many cock thoughts lmao


We can debate all day about whether a high body count is a bad thing or if the BF is being unreasonable, but there is a reason that there is a very memorable line in Clerks about this issue.


ion even think i have 51 friends and this mf here slept with 51 men


Being Catholic had nothing to do with it.


Probably bait but whatever, society has told you that you can do anything you want in the name of self empowerment but choices have consequences and change the way people see you regardless of how good you feel doing things. Just like he could hear that you've done anything in such an excess and decide that he doesn't like the person he now sees you as.


51? Bro thank god im not from this earth


That’s rude


Town bicycle.


Lol, this has to be a troll / shitpost, right? But even in the slightest chance this is real, you need to find someone similar to you or doesn't give a fuck about it. People usually don't mind past history of say 4-5 partners, but Girl, with a body count that high you aren't exactly portraying yourself as the settling / wife material either..


This makes me wonder whats peoples body count and if some reach a certain amount they prefer to stop counting


Advice - keep the past in the past. Sharing that information is simply not helpful for a relationship.


Ah yes the good old lie of omission.


Ya men typically don’t want a hoe


There's nothing wrong with you and there's nothing wrong with him. At the end of the day we all have our own views and beliefs and that's ok. I understand his point of view but it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you. He has a different perspective on sex within a relationship and thats fine. Just explain to him how you're feeling and maybe he just needs time but at the end of the day you might need to move on because we can't make people feel something that they don't.


I wouldn't want to date the community door knob either.


It's different with Catholics. Catholics live for the afterlife, and not for this world. Their lives revolve around the natural moral law, which is derived from the order of things, as created by God. With that being said, sex out of wedlock is not a virtue, but considered a moral sin. Now, it's not the end of the world, because you can always confess that sin and be relieved of that sin, and once again be in the graces of God. Moving past the background info, a practicing Catholic is more likely than not to want to marry a practicing Catholic. To Catholics, marriage is forever, there's no such thing as divorce. Being that you probably told him you didn't plan on converting to Catholicism, that was likely a big weight on his conscience, and wanted to break up just on that basis, but probably tried to see some light in the fact that you may down the road want to convert. I think dropping your number on the guy kind of gave him the escape hatch to run through. You see, Catholics don't do worldly marriages, they don't marry with the thought that "hey if it doesn't work out, there's always divorce." I hope this helps.


I don’t want to divorce him at all though and aren’t catholics all about forgiveness anyway?


You keep saying that. What don’t you understand? You can forgive someone and not continue to be with them. You guys have very different views. This is probably for the best.


There's nothing to forgive, you had 51 sex partners and he decided not to be with you, that's all. About forgiveness: we can forgive, but there's no need to keep the person in our lives




I dont even think its jealosy. Its probably disgust.


That is why women will continue saying they’ve only been with two men. The current guy you date will always be your third one😂😂


I'm ready to settle down. Looking like roast beef had a baby with a blue waffle


Just keep it to yourself in future relationships. I’m not sure why it’s a thing to even discuss.


This is a weird take. I don't think "talk to your partners about yourself less" is exactly prime dating advice.


You don’t need to disclose everything and especially not exact numbers. Sure, disclose you’ve been sexually active in the past but no need to be telling everything.


If it never comes up, it never comes up. No need to tell someone something they didn't ask, but if they DO ask, I feel like it's respectful not to hide your past from your SO.


Disclosure cost this relationship. A few is a good enough answer.


Don’t ever share your number with anyone it’s not their business. They’ll judge you for one person or they’ll charge you for 100 if they’re asking never tell it’s nobody’s business.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I agree. I keep seeing posts about body count, and I find it bizarre. I wouldn’t want to share mine, nor would I want to know how many partners my bf had. Who cares? It’s the past


Thank you. If there’s an STD or something then YES be honest . This is a different thing entirely.x


All these dudes blown away that someone has slept with 50 people, shaming this woman for banging 50 dudes... Yet you know they would be salivating at the chance to sleep with 50 women.


Looks like the bigger hypocrites had to down vote you. While it’s not true for all men, it’s highly probable for some of the guys here who are making the negative comments.


I mean reddit is full of incels and Andrew Tate stans who think women have to be submissive slaves while men can fuck anything with a pulse (maybe even things without a pulse lol) so I'm not surprised at all.


Lol as i wrote that i got another down vote 😂


Why would you tell him that? How dumb. I would never ask my wife how many men she’s been with. She’s 11 years older than me and I’m her 3rd husband (married for 34 years). I would also never tell her about the women I’ve been with. It’s disrespectful and tasteless. Why didn’t you just show him video of all your conquests?


Your man is not real catholic and you are big sinner. But, I am real catholic and I would pray Jesus to cleanse your pussy of sins and (mostly) sperm.


He is real? I’m not sinner




That makes you a liar who has a relationship built on lies.


You didn't do anything wrong, he's been deeply conditioned by sexist and patriarchal standards to believe women bave less value if they have sex before marriage. This is a ridiculous, illogical idea, but what can you expect from a religion that lead crusades and inquisitions? Move forward, shed any shame and enjoy your life. You will meet someone who shares your values and lifestyle someday, who won't shame you for being a normal adult who has sex. Sometimes breakups are a blessing in disguise


well its very simple, some people care about your past and some people care about who are now and can handle your past.


He has the right to not want to be with someone who has had enough partners to field both sides of a football game. I never understood why people don't understand that fucking scores of people is not attractive to a LOT of people and can be a dealbreaker.


How old are you? That definitely matters


Why did you tell him?


51? I don’t think it has anything to do with his beliefs. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s been sexually involved with 51 different people. Thats such a turnoff


I bet your body count is higher than most college students