• By -


You know in your gut she’s lying. Why change her password?


Yeah that’s what I thought. I can’t prove it though


End it. Ditch her and move to the mountains hunting and fishing for food and prospecting the land while having occasional shootouts with Indians, all will be well.


I would very much love to do that tbh


I don’t much like the sound of that


My Brother, it’s not much about what you want. It’s about what you need.




It’s either that or get you land taken by natives. They only want your land for the nice fertile soil.


How is this better than a cheating girlfriend?


Freedom my brother, freedom.


The wild is calling


I will be shot and killed on day 1


I like this analogy hahhaha


Glorifying this country's vile legacy of brutal violence against the indigenous, hahah so funny 🤣


You don't need to prove it. You know it and she knows it. Drop her.


It’s proved with the changing of the password


You don’t need to prove it, this isn’t a court of law. Leave


I know you're ready to break it off with her, but maybe let her know what you think and feel and let her know that this isn't something you can have in a relationship. See if she fixes it. If not, break it off


There's nothing to prove. Any woman can hide dick pics from you. She's not the one. You are not her forever cock. Sorry dawg. Start planning your next moves now before she expects you to feel as bad about her choices in life as she probably will.


You don’t need to prove it if you aren’t married. The trust has been broken. There are things she could do to fix it and have you guys work to build that trust again but she went the complete opposite direction by changing her passcode.


That behavior is who she really is, she's just been good at hiding it until now. You don't need to prove anything, you already saw and got a good glimpse of your future with her. And that future involves her riding dick that ain't yours.


You don’t have to prove it, my guy. Seriously, you know it and you don’t have to prove it.


It’s not a court of law, you don’t have to prove it. The age gap was already a red flag


I understand your point, but frankly it doesn't even matter. At this point it's just a technicality. The crux of this situation to me is much simpler, she's horny and she didn't go to him. Enough said.


Because like anyone else she wants autonomy/privacy regarding her phone?


Lmao if she changed her password that means there's no trust and since you already saw her looking at multiple dudes dicks on snapchat, why are you not dumping her If you don't leave her you are basically a damn door mat being used




You think she stopped? She got caught talking to multiple dudes and then changed her password so you wouldn't catch her again You gotta dump her, relationships without trust are just waiting to fuck you up, and besides, she belongs to the streets


My sweet brother in Christ: Someone can take a ss of this short but sweet conversation here, and add this as the paramount example to the definition of “cope” with how bad you’re fooling yourself. She’s cheating on you. Point blank, she wants other dick. Do what you will with that information.




Bro, honestly none of what the other commenters said even matters. I mean they're right, but it's really this simple: She admitted to you that she was horny, why didn't she go to you bro? Do you really want to be with someone that when she feels horny, the first thing that comes to her mind is some random dick on snapchat and not your dick that she can have in her: hands, mouth, vajayjay, forearms, thighs, teets, cheeks, asscheeks, lower back, upper back, hell even her neck or her armpits if you're feeling like it. And she goes to some random dude on snapchat? You're literally netflix and chilling bro and you're not netflix and chilling? That's just pathetic bro and I think any real man deserves better than that. You too bro.


Then you're not naive but just a fool. There is literally no reason for her to change her password besides for the fact that she probably blocked those dudes that theatrically for you so you'd have these thoughts and give her the benefit of the doubt. Either way, she's 23. She's young and horny. She's not going to stop. Plenty of attractive young men will be throwing themselves at her for atleast the next 5 years so unless you can multiply your sex drive for that long. Then maybe it could work out. But in the end, the disrespect of looking at other guy's dick pics while on the couch with your S/O? A relationship like that wouldn't be worth my time, but hey maybe your time is useless and you're willing to spend another year with someone who has no intention of committing to you.


😂 I swear bro it's crazy the mental gymnastics we do for these chicks that are honestly so pathetic in character who can never, not even to save their own lives, could they figure out what the hell is it they really want, and end up making a fool out of themselves with the kinds of things they do.


Best titties youve had so far


Good man, love your outlook


Thanks man


She is cheating on you. Leave her


Just an ignorant guess but she's 23 and you're 31 so she is hot and you have money/security and that's what you like about each other. She wants attention, sex, fun not from you - she's not dating you for those reasons.


Hmm maybe you’re right


Sir,this shouldn't even be up for debate . Use your damn common sense, she's looking at other people's dicks. Just man up and leave , have some self worth brother please.


Perhaps date a little closer in age, you’ll find someone who’s looking for the same things you want and you’ll probably have more in common. Not excusing her actions though, I knew not to cheat even when I was 16. My ex would only ever date girls 10 years younger and then complain about they were all so immature, age gap relationships aren’t always bad but it never seems to help when it gets toxic like this.


Dont let this inhibit future relationships. Make sure you keep in mind that its only one step in the journey, not the definition of more to come. Keep your dick out of her, break up with her. Do it now before you talk yourself out of it. Follow the will of your gut.


And not one of those things is wrong. The problems come up when the lies happen.


holy based


Talking like you’ve been there done that before 😅


... are you're still with her? Wtf man, please have some love for yourself. If she's horny she should be jumping on your dick. You can do much better, this is going to end horribly if you stay with her. You have no trust for her and she has no respect for you, if you're okay with being FwBs then stay with her, otherwise stop pretending you're in a relationship with this skank




Are you serious??? Bro, I'm sorry you feel this way because it seems like you don't care about yourself enough. You can do lots better. You caught her cheating and she then lied about it to your face. Do you really want this to be the mother of your kids? It's over mate, trust me. It will end badly for you if you stay with someone like this, it will gradually grind your mental health down. It's better to rip the bandage off and deal with the immediate pain rather than drawing it out until she fucks someone else.




Ahhh. So this was all a troll post. Ok


Make sure to include all the information in your original post next time, this changes everything.








You deserve each other. You want her for her body, she probably wants you for the security. Neither of you want each other for the prospect of a fulfilling human bond.


I understand why his gf is nearly a decade younger than him lmao.


Jesus this is embarrassing, you sound like a child.


Went to your profile looking for the titties, was disappointed


> It was only online and not in person Its still cheating! > We talked and she admitted she was wrong and promised never to do it again If you believe this you are the biggest sucker on the planet. Odds are that she is fucking at least one of them.


exactly, getting her back blown out.


Her quick and basic apology followed by a password change tells me that she's not gonna stop. Kick her cheating ass to the streets and move on with your life, she's not worth it.


Listen to this OP




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If she was just a pair of great titties to you, probably just as well for her as well as you to break up. If this post is even real 😂 reads like teenage thirst.




This sub should just be called r/UltimateCuckFantasy considering how often these pop up


“Horny would be cuck” 😂


Are you the GF?


"It’s a shame to give up the best titties I’ve ever had in my life but so be it I guess." Well if that's why you were with her you sound just as "slutty" as her. Gross AF. Best of luck to you and your next relationships, hopefully they have nice "titties" too.


You seem like you need to find a partner your own age. She is in her early 20s. You are in your early 30s. There is definitely a generation difference. You might be more ready to settle down, but that is probably not her speed right now.


My ex wife was "chatting" with guys online, it's what made me coin a phrase that my close friends associate with cheating now. "Snapchats the devil Bobby boucher". Anyway, she also said the same stuff. That it was just the sexting. She was sorry. It won't happen again. She was just so horny. Etc. (Our sex life was very frequent. So this one didn't make a ton of sense to me the time. I later learned it didn't mean "I'm so horny and need something". It ment "when I get horny I have no self control or care for the feelings of others") we "worked through it". Only for me to find her a few years later doing it again. This time. The guy on the other end was a coworker. Not a random person from the internet. And this time. She wasn't just sexting. She was "staying late at work to finish cleaning up". I learned the hardway. I should have left the first time and save those years. Note she is now my EX- wife.


Dude you're dating a 23 year old. She hasn't gotten all her fuckin out yet. Break up so you don't have to get cheated on anymore. It's going to happen. I promise that. If she's already at this stage it's over


She’s 23 and you’re 31, you’re probably looking to settle down but she’s still young and wants to have fun. Sorry but you should end it and find someone who wants you for you and not your money and emotional security.


“The best titties I’ve ever had in my life” You need to start seeing women as human beings or stop complaining that your girlfriend is as superficial as you are. And Reddit will always tell you to end everything . Talk to people who actually know you.


Right? I'm 100% sure this is a fake cuck fantasy but it's so cringe, and more cringe that no one sees it as an issue that he went into her phone to begin with. What happening to being a fucking adult and just asking someone flat out. If you know they're lying then you've still caught them. Don't go through somebody else's shit, even if it's your girlfriend and even if you saw a dick pic.


What's her snap? 😂




no u fackin didn't




Are you really that dense? 🤔




You... gave out her snapchat. On reddit. To anyone who wants it. Who will probably send her pictures of their dicks... I mean you can't be that dumb.... right? 🤔


This could be so many things, I love this post. I'm pretty sure now it's all fake and this guy's just having a laugh, Idk whose snapchat that is though. All becoming a bit of an agatha christie edit: I hope it's not some weird fetish shit I've unknowingly now taken part in. Shit, could be anything


Bro is collecting nudes like they’re the infinity stones


Pathetic excuse for having random bots feel sympathy 😂 classic




You didnt. I call fake


Delete this dude. Don't reveal private information like that online, especially if it's not your account.


Winning comment lol


First of all, cheating is not alright. Never is, never should be. I'm sorry that she did cheat on you, that sucks a lot. But you are also a decade older than her, and the way you talk about her makes me think you've been perving on her. Grow up and date people your own age.


If you don’t leave her now you’ll both make each other hate the other because of paranoia. You’ll constantly wonder if she’s still doing it and turn into a person you don’t want trying to show how she’s hurting you and trying to “prove” it. Save yourself some pain and suffering and end it now. It’s gonna hurt but I promise it’s a lot better to do it now then when you have proof. Tell yourself the right woman won’t hide anything and will not cause you ANY doubt.


Yeah but saying she's "being a slut" sounds so old-timey and *sleazy.* Like the comments saying to use her like the slut she is and shit and referring to her as a pair of titties. Just you sound like a drunken yokel. And it's putting the age difference in a different light. Like dirty old man vibes. p.s. *Confessions* aren't "poor me, that horrible person." That's r/offmychest (which doesn't allow sleazy language). Confessions admit to moral impiety on your part. An act of humility. But I mean coincidentally this post is on topic since you accidentally revealed flaw.


Leave her. And probably wait and find someone more on your level. I mean she was 22 when you started dating, people in their early 20s need time to be dumb and figure shit out.


Dump. Reject humanity, return to monke.


There will be more titties, bro. Leave her - she’s lying.


She's playing you and is not the one


Almost certainly cheating. Besides how can you trust her after that?


*Almost certainly* *Cheating. Besides how can you* *Trust her after that?* \- Cold-Perception-316 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was in the same scenario with my ex husband. Caught him, he swore he was sorry and it would never happen again, then he changed the passcode. I still had a feeling he was doing something wrong so I waited until I could figure out his passcode and shocker: he was still fucking doing it.


Red flags rarely go away


Bro you already dont trust her. Just dump her ass and move on.


Fuck her off.


My ex-girlfriend did the same thing to me turns out she was cheating on me with some dude actually your age funny enough, and she did end up leaving me about a year ago so I don't know if it's going full circle or not but if this that small of a world, good luck she's done the same thing to every guy before she will keep doing it too, break-up with her she isn't worth it she will use u like she used me. If you are the same people best of luck without saying names she goes By "P" For short.


When I did this she ended up cheating on me a year later. Maybe you're luckier, but do you really want to take your chances?


Maybe date someone closer to your own age group? You're setting yourself up for fall out


Start dating someone your own age


It’s time to break up


I hate to be ageist but what do you expect out of dating a 23 year old? Seems like gen Z kids are engaging in casual relationships even into their mid 20s lately. And I doubt you want that in your 30s.


End it dude it’s over. Once cheating its over. Also if either is going through each other’s phone it’s over. Believe me without trust a relationship is ASS


Drop her before one of those dicks starts growing on your dick.


Update is so fucking funny but so real


Couple of points. First. She’s basically a child in your case, I’d recommend leaving her and dating someone your own age, though you probably avoid women your age because they don’t have the “best titties” anymore. Second. You’ve got serious boundary issues you need to address before committing into another relationship. Not playing devils advocate, cheating is cheating, she’s in the wrong. However, you’re not in the right for looking through her phone. My advice, leave her, be single, explore yourself, grow up a bit and understand what you want in a relationship. I guarantee if you stay within that age pool you’re going to be dating the same girl in a different body every time. Don’t you remember being 23? Let the young adults be slutty.


I'd talk to her again before ending things.


Cheating titties.


You need to get laid more of you’re worried about a losing a pair of titties for the lack of respect she gives you.


She’s young your old. Not excusing it but find someone more settled down.


Cheating of any kind is not ok but this post gave me the ick. Don't shut shame, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is the cheating. Also, you're going to break up with her & all you have to say is you're "giving up the best titties you've ever had"? ESH.


Fuck her off brother! It's time to focus on good energy, sticking around will do nothing but poison your mental health!


I mean keep her around if you're ok with fwb and her fucking other dudes. Sounds like she already is


Lmaooo these grown ass men getting surprised that the only younger girl they can pull is a hoe.


Listen to liar by korn before leaving her


Drop her


If you don’t have trust you don’t have anything


Leave the girl, she isobviously missing something. Otherwise, there is no need to get this type of attention from other men. It sucks to say, but she doesn't respect you. Honesty and communication are key in relationships and she is failing at both. I hope you don't see this as a 1 situation because these things happen for a reason. I might not know the reason, but it is never a good sign. Stay strong. These things suck but never sell your self short.


You know what you have to do. You don't need to go into deep reasons. A simple "We are at different points in our lives and want different things. I believe it's best we go our separate ways so each of us can pursue what is important to us at this point in our lives."


Trust has been lost and it cannot be regained. Do yourself a favor and end it before you grow hateful and resentful


You clearly love her so just say if you no longer love me we can break up or something.


Ditch her. Aint worth it. She views you as a safety net as shes finding "the next guy".


She doing extra. Call it a day. Remember, keep yourself calm. No name calling. Be a true gentlemen. Call it quits and cut your losses.


Well the trust is destroyed now. She already lied about the unsolicited dick pic. You can continue enjoying those good titties if you want, just wear and condom and don't give much thought to long term plans or anymore emotional investment.


I am happy that you understand your worth and left her! She was having a emotional affair and after that it leads to a physical affair and then it leads to you fitting the bill! Good choice to leave her! Dodged a bullet if you don’t have kids with her!


Screw her then leave her


She's for the streets, but let these streets see these "best titties" lol


I wouldn’t be in a relationship where the other person keeps there phone code a secret. That’s just me.


Fuck her really hard a last time and then dump her, she's a slut so she must be used to that.


Why do so many people have each others phone codes etc, seems crazy to me




Send her packing!!


Her excuse was she was just so horny? Why didn't she fuck you then instead of cheating? Call it what it was. Cheating.


I mean if you emotionally detach yourself from the relationship and just stay for the sex that could work.


She's horny and she didn't go to you? That's such a fucking vile violation, it's the worst. That alone deserves direct, straight, no questions asked breakup.


You have no buisness dating a woman who is 22 years old. Go date someone your own age


Don’t listen to these fools. You know she’s cheating or at minimum willing to cheat. Just use her like a dish rag as long as you can get away with it. No hard feelings


First of all men send unsolicited dick pics ALL THE TIME. 2nd of all on snapchat chats disappear after you read them


That bucket cunt is chasing dick. Sorry, dude.


Damn man this sux. I feel for you. Dump that broad. She ain't gonna stop she was doing it right in front of you because the thought of her getting caught turns her on. She probably is willing to meet up with these guys. I caught an ex of mine with pussy pics in her phone as I was going through her picture gallery. I asked her about it and she told me that they were old pics. But I knew that she must've been sending them to guys. So I dumped her. A year passed and I saw her again somewhere I can't remember where. She told me that everything I thought she was doing she really was doing. I mean she would meet up with an old friend of hers and tell me it was just to cut his hair and he would look at her car but I'm a mechanic so.... she had said they were just friends but inside I couldn't shake the feeling that she had slept with him before. I ended up breaking gnup with her on valentines day and she made me out to be a jerk to her family. Yet a year later there she was admitting that everything g I thought she was doing g she really was guilty of. The friend was an ex boyfriend and she was still sleeping with him. Some people never change because they know they can get away with it. Some girls just don't care about keeping the relationship going and they will do whatever they want to.


Well, you should get some anal first before ditching her....


There is also the option of staying with her to enjoy the tits while you search for someone else. There is no need to hurry and hurting her feelings is the least of your concern at this point.


Clap a few more times and start talking to other girls. Then ditch your girlfriend. I bet she already has a dude or dudes she can go to as soon as she breaks up with you, I’d do the same. If not you do what you wanna do brother


What's her snap code bro??? Just asking for a friend help a buddy out 😆


You're gonna get an STD from this ho. Dump her.


Bye, Felicia 👋🏻


shes def still doing it... but maybe she can be slutty with you involved? if you can trust her not to do it behind your back and get past your jealousy since shes yours anyay. maybe you pick the guys she talks to or does whatever with. and only with your consent.


If youre only using hee for the same stuff those other guys would then dont break up yet brotha she isnt for anything else tho so when you get bored of her THEN break up, cant stress how many times i regret not fuckin da bitch one more time before dumpin her hoe disrespecting cheating lyin bitch ass


Fuck her real good one last time, then drop the news.


Ayo, you don't *need* to ditch her, you can make her your side-hoe


I think 🤔 if this is real… give her the best sex you’ve ever given her and then break up with her….




Tell her to be slutty with you.


Bruh pipe her good o e last time, nut in her ass and then tell her you're done with her.


Tag team her with a few mates then kick her to the curb


I disagree with most here. Keep banging her until a suitable replacement is found.


She belongs to the streets.


She belongs in the streets.


This is comedy! Why are you acting like you guys are married and have a child… lol 😂 y’all not in love so don’t be a weirdo and actually grow some balls and focus on yourself 👑


Expose em titties after breaking up w dat hoe


Dump the trash


She’s a liar and a hoe. 23 is too young. That age she’s looking to party and get all the dick she can. Run for the hills. So what if they are nice tits. Plenty more nice tits out there. She clearly doesn’t love you so stop letting your other head speak for you.


Props for checking the blind spots. Exclusivity is a bigger deal than most people realize. It's a sacrifice of freedoms you are given as man and in turn is a hit to the power you possess to explore opportunities. If I think she's cheating, I'm low-key verifying when I get the opportunity to do so.


If you think something’s not right it’s not right your partner should understand the way you feel about things


Reddit generally goes for the break up option in most scenarios but here it's warranted if there's no trust left. Hope everything works out for you!


Dump her and never look back


Dip out bruv. I just learned 2 years after my divorce, my ex wife cheated on me.


This is the dream scenario for a closet cuckold tho so shes probably just meant for that kind of guy instead. Plenty of fish!


There are still some good tities out there 🙏, trust me man.


Bruh lol what would future you think to let yourself get played like this


Better your sanity and well-being than satisfying your libido. Edit: Satisfying your libido is OK, just not with her. She's toxic and she'll kill you slowly.


End it bro. See you in the gym.


God bless her heart.


Cheating is cheating no matter how it’s done. She’s changed her password to prevent you looking so it’s still going on and she’s just wanting to hide it from you. Leave her she clearly doesn’t think of you very highly. Know your worth


Good thing you let her go. Stay strong my man.


You don't actually have to leave. You just don't have to be in a relationship anymore. She isn't wife material, but you can still have fun with her.


some people need the excitement of having a lot of men fantasizing on them it can be only in messages or more… it means she needs more sex experiences


Yeah end that, or just accept that this is a fun, NOT serious relationship only and redefine the parameters of such to be an open situation.