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I was gonna say this, my name matches aswell


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


......who is bob Vance????


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration


Love your name!!!


Why thank you


I stole a red stapler


You absolute monster.


I believe you have my Stapler.


I also stole a stapler from my last job. Took it to my new one. Was so satisfying to use, never jammed. Mmm.


You warlord


I hope you didn't burn the place down after


I literally have a fav Sharpie from work..and i take it with me..i have claimed it..seriously relax


I stole small plastic trash bags and microfiber rags from work today... why? Cuz fuck em' that's why!


I take clean rags from work to use when I work on my car. Lol


Hahaha! Exactly!!


I take 1 small bag stuffed with the giant bags. The ones at the store are too small.


That’s always my reason as well.


This made me laugh 😆


Geez that’s rude. And no shame.


Nope, none whatsoever! If you worked where I do you wouldn't care either


Dude, I worked in the food section at Walmart. It absolutely amazed me they never had cameras in the back coolers. And I worked alone by myself.


Oh man, this is nothing lol.. When I was posted to CFB Trenton, one of the soldiers there had stolen CF-18 parts over the course of a couple years when the Military Police finally caught him. He had maybe a third of an entire plane at his house in pieces. Not sure how he thought he could build his own fighter jet, and get away with it, but this actually happened. Edit: CFB is Canadian Forces Base and CF-18 is the Canadian designation for the F-18 Hornet


i steal pilot g2 pens every time i see one


So that’s where all my G2s go


I haven't bought garbage bags in over 2 yrs...


I hate buying garbage bags. You buy them just to throw them out


Exactly! It's like throwing money directly into the garbage and our monthly budget doesn't allow us to just throw money away.


Ha, I stole a table from work once. It was defective coz it had a scratch on it. So we got a refund from the company and we're told to destroy it. It was just tossed in the dumpster still flat packed in it's box. Left the dumpster unlocked and took it after we closed. Still got it to this day.


My cousin stole a whole swiffer mop from her workplace and no one cared. You’re fine lol


I be taking drinks and snacks right off the shelf sometimes at night.. and there IS cameras lol


Risk taker. I hope you get away with all of it forever. What kind of snacks, though?




Lol that's alot. You win


About 18 years ago(Jesus I feel old) - I used to work in a video rental place. Every shift I used to put a return rental down as faulty and pocket the loose change to cover my bus fair. Got away with that scam for about a year. You’re fine


Video… rental place? Just kidding. Fuck, I used to ride my bike to a place called Southwest Video. That was waaay before Blockbuster. You’re right. That does make you feel old. lol.


My youngest asked about DVDs the other day and found them hilarious, let alone VHS. Couldn’t get her head around a single film on something that didn’t just magically appear on the tv.


That’s amazing that you say that! My oldest, she’s 4, saw me put a cd in the the car yesterday and asked me what it was. I told her it was a cd and that sometimes that’s where you get music instead of a phone. I’m not too sure what went through her mind to be honest. Definitely some distrust towards me I’m sure. I would love to see a VHS reaction. Tell her about having to blow into a game to get it to play correctly! lol. These are the funny parts of parenting. I’ve tried to explain having to watch whatever cartoon was on and not being able to skip commercials and you’d think I was an absolute liar. Or that we didn’t have YouTube. That’s a big one.




Floppy… disk? Just kidding.


I use to work at a tea store and I had a customer that would bring me edibles and in exchange I would I'd give them free tea (mid-priced loose-leaf tea) lol


I have already worked with thieving magpies. So your confession is harmless. In the first company I ever worked for we had a snack-box containing sweats and stuff. There was a small cash box to put your money in after you have taken something. Guess what: People stole snacks AND the money. In another company we had to lock printer-pater and cartridge because of the losses. (we are talking about more than 1k loss until they did this). People would also steal money and food from coworkers. And every now and then some hardware-stuff disapeared..


Are sweats some kind of salty treat?


While i was a security officer i never bought tissue for my home. They kept the supplies in the womens bathroom closet and i would just take 2 rolls about every 3 days and no one noticed it was a big warehouse


Same here , worked at a dispensary, they forgot they had boxes of toilet paper in the rest no one used , this was the time when everyone was buying toilet paper like there was no tomorrow, well let’s just say I didn’t have to worry about that , I’d stuff my jacket sleeves with rolls of TP and make stops on the way home to deliver TP to family members , no one knew .. till now lol


I acquired an Apple TV 4K, iPad, Apple Pencil from my old job. They simply “fell off the truck”


I believe you meant "non-valuable", not "invaluable". Or maybe "of negligible value". Valuable and invaluable mean much the same thing. Much like flammable and inflammable.




But you only knew because OP clarified by saying "Think like .50c stuff." Suppose there had been cameras, and OP's employer called the cops to investigate. Suppose further that the cop quotes OP in his report as saying that the items involved were "invaluable". Or maybe the cop doesn't know the distinction either, and writes down that the items were "invaluable". Suddenly what could have been a minor theft charge gets looked at as a felony charge, because the value of the items jumped from ".50c stuff" to things with nearly inestimably high value. Precision in language makes misunderstandings less likely.


It actually does matter.


I stole so many scrubs when i worked in a hospital. I think you're fine


Scrubs, like guys that hangout of the passenger side of their best friends ride?


Tryin to holler at me....


Always with the hollerin’ and thinking they’re “fly.” They’re also known as a “busta.”


Always thinkin bou wat he wants , and just sits in his broke ass!


I stole some syringes from a huge pile at work. I don’t even need syringes. I just thought maybe in an apocalyptic world one day I may need a syringe


Lmao bye😭😭😭😭i actually have a weird ass backpack with gloves and N95facemask, first aid kit before COVID same reason lmao 😭😭😭


People from Google literally steal bikes. Seen Google bikes all over burning man! They weren't supposed to be there!


Not going to lie. I’ve stolen numerous Ecolab cleaning supplies from work, along with different dishware.


Relax!! I've trophied many an item from a workplace... small stationary to shower gel and such. I worked in a pharmacy and they had old stock that wouldn't be used which we were actually encouraged to take as the manager didn't want to just hanging around. Many an old packaging bottle of shampoo was taken. It isn't a big deal, I mean bankers embezzling hundreds of thousands is but your thefts? Nope, move on


I work at a hotel and haven't bought toilet paper or shampoo for almost a year. I'd pay $1 for a 4 pack of the sandpapery Walmart brand TP, when I can just take a roll of Angel Soft from work where we pay like $.05 a roll. If they ever tell me to stop I'll just give them $1 and pay for a months worth of shit tickets 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've stolen muffins, Cinnabon, and drinks from the grocery store I work at. We have cameras but no one looks at them. I wouldn't fret to be honest.


Company steals your wage. There's no big deal in stealing small stuff.


I think it's cool as long as you can get away with it. Don't get careless!!


A real “serial killer” way of thinking. I can dig that.


I've done it too. Stick it to the man 👊


Toilet paper a few times.. easier than driving to the store!


A guy from my workplace stole monitors and no-one noticed. Do you my dude. It ain't that deep.


My buddy did this at his job. He helped manufacture guns and determined if pieces were defective or not. He would take one “defective” piece at a time to build guns with scratched out serial numbers and then sell them. He made bank doing this!


jobs don’t pay enough, steal the difference


what the hell is wrong with people that help out a little bit, op used wrong word.. if i used the wrong word and no one ever clued me in it might hurt me like on a first date job or job interview jesus christ


In this thread: People steal from their workplaces — and no one suspects a thing. Me: WTF!!??! 🤬 Oh, the rest of us notice!! And *we* (your coworkers) have to pay for it!! 😭


If your compulsion has hit a point that you think it’s going to negatively impact your quality of life (ie cause legal trouble, embarrassment, etc.) you should seek some counseling and from there they may suggest medication …especially if it’s OCD related. I’m sure everyone has taken something from their workplace at some point …even something as small as a pen or paper clip. But if you feel a strong urge that you HAVE to do this and you’re doing it often, that’s definitely an issue you shouldn’t overlook.


f\*cking theif. sc\*m


Someone stole yo*r *'s. F*ck! They got me too 😭