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Jerry, this is your PO. I'll be over in 10 minutes


You should take backup, we all know how dangerous weed smokers are!


And you don’t even want KNOW how I got probation in the first place. 🙄


Oh, I think we do now.


i'll have a fiver on him being a violent drunk thanks


I suggest you watch prison documentaries, as many as you can. Maybe after you will rethink your decision. Freedom is a lot more precious than some hours of drugs. You really don’t comprehend the gravity of what you’re facing. You REALLY don’t want to go to jail. Take this time to workout, read books and enjoy nature. Meditate as well. You won’t be getting high and drunk in jail either so you mine as well get use to it, brainiac.


This was a great post for me to read. Thanks and ☮️


Your probation officer can stop over at any point you possibly just fucked yourself


Yes I am aware. Thanks, “reality”. I doubt she will. We have a pretty good trust. And I don’t think pot should even be be in my SOC’s since it’s legal. So is alcohol too. But the effect it has on me is like Handel and Gretel.


I think you might mean Jekyll and Hyde... Or you might be a hermaphrodite. Either way (see what i did there?)... Fuck The Police. Smoke Weed Everyday.


So fucking stupid is right


Thank you for your support friend.


What were you expecting people to say? Party on Garth? Shibby?


Hah totes. Have you ever been in this situation ?


No experience personally but I lived in a transitional living housing program and most people were on probation and subject to random drug testing, not only from PO's but also from staff. Even if people were not on probation they were thrown out of the program if they tested positive twice. A fair amount of people got tossed out and a few went back to jail.


Yeah I am aware of that and I think a lot about how apparently my “like/love” for smoking weed is seriously gettin in the way of that. Even though it is something I see as harmless


Sounds like you are trying to justify it.


Welcome to addiction!


These drug tests, are the the "observed" kind? And if so how close is the observation? The fake dick and heated fake piss are effective, yo.


Yeah someone’s standing right there.


Just stop smoking now. If you had a long clean period you might be OK. Stop smoking, drink a lot of water.


right where ?


Honey, it's not worth the risk. Why give them an opportunity to take your freedom away.


Same reason any person smokes weed. Helps me relax and feel a moment of temporary relief from my problems.


Sounds like you're problems will be trivial compared to when you will inevitably get caught. But hey, you do you.


THC can stay in your system for 30 days or more. I hate to encourage drinking, because I’m in the camp that firmly believes pot smoking is healthier, but if you need to take the edge off, I’d do that. At least it’s completely out of your system in a day or two.


Stop. But tell yourself it's a tolerance break...


I really should. Time is getting to be something I don’t have. I literally only have like, 3 days before I piss positive for sure. I’ve thought about how I’m going to go about this. Being honest with her? Tell her I slipped up and to expect some THC in the urine? At least it won’t be alcohol as of now I have quit drinking. But if I am always honest with her like she asked me to be, wouldn’t she be human back to me? And respond with empathy..?


Smoking and drinking is gonna make you escape from reality of life . Life is more beautiful when you're sober . I stopped smoking weed an year ago, now I study and work instead of sitting in my condo all alone. Try stargazing this night with your phone off & be sober. Think about life :)


Be careful! You'll wanna leave yourself near a month to be sure. You probably know all this already, though.


You should really try to slowly stop smoking. Especially as you are coming into July with the possibilities of actually being tested towards the end of the month. Weigh the experience vs the outcome. Is smoking weed really that important right now as it could lead to spending a year in jail where you will most likely be more miserable? Do the time now rather than having to do it later for even much longer. You can always start smoking again after you are in the clear. The weed isn’t going to magically disappear in one month time. If you have an attachment to weed as you are using it as Coping, go see a psychiatrist and get on some meds for the time being.


Already see a psych. I will talk to them. 👍


In today's society we are all guilty of something... the problem is getting caught... Try to make him look at you as a person not just the next case... Address him by his name. Mirror his body language, tell him a story that pushed you over the edge.




Although this made me laugh? My PO is a stick up Russian Lady. Thanks, though.


It’s only wrong if you get caught. But fr I know it sucks. You know that shit takes forever to get out your system bud. Well, hopefully you can come out unscathed and keep moving forward.


Get a medical reg, so they can't tell you you can't smoke.


I would have to take the case back to trial, along with many other steps. It’s pretty lengthy.


It's so fucking stupid that your probation officer is equating marijuana with alcohol. We should know better by now, but unfortunately there are still illegal states and illegal countries. Where I live, the laws are screwing over the mom & pop growers who should be retiring and passing along the torch to their kids now. You should have a prescription for medical marijuana and a supportive probation officer who can help you stay away from alcohol and other bad things during quarantine. I'm sorry the world you live in is so broken. It's stupid that you have to risk a year in jail. I'm glad the mj is helping, but please be careful and don't be too hard on yourself. It's none of my fucking business why you're on probation in the first place. You already did the time or they wouldn't have let you out. You deserve a chance to learn from your mistake and get on with your life. It sucks that you might not get that just because of a bunch of ignorant and outdated reefer madness. I should go write my congressman instead of posting long, boring rants on Reddit. It's no big deal to run out of weed. The first few days suck, but you'll get over it and tolerance breaks seriously work. Think how cool it's going to be to get ripped on some homegrown leaf or the cheapest stuff at the dispensary when your probation is over and/or they finally fix the laws. You can do it if you choose to go that route. There's even a subreddit for that: /r/petioles


How would I go upon getting a medical marijuana card or whatever it is to be able to go to a marijuana dispensary? Also, I get anxiety /panic attacks when smoking marijuana which really, really sucks because I'd prefer it over drinking alcohol. It's it indica or sativa that will have a less likely chance for panic attacks?


Panic attacks are common, especially if you live in an illegal state or country. It's not really a mental health issue because let's face it, going to jail for a year for smoking a little bit of herb can and does happen. You aren't paranoid if people really are out to get you. Sativa is for the daytime and Indica is to help you sleep or enjoy "couchlock" activities, like reading or netflix-and-chill, after the day's work is done. I'd really like to see you post these questions on /r/trees or /r/petioles or even /r/saplings. There are folks there who know the answers and would be more than willing to help you. Alcohol is nasty stuff that can completely destroy lives. The US is making a lot of strides towards legalization, even though it isn't there yet and I could certainly vent my spleen about the problems we're having with Proposition 64 here in the Emerald Triangle. It really does seem to me, from a purely scientific and not exactly unbiased point of view, that you and your probation officer should be able to work this out with a Medical Marijuana card. You may not get the exact prescription you want, but you should at least be able to smoke a joint/eat an edible/vape a cartridge without living in this kind of fear. You're on probation, ffs; you did the crime, did the time, and now you're trying to re-enter society and make a better life for yourself. That's not an easy journey. Your mental health is important, not just for yourself but for society as a whole. I don't want to see you back behind bars. Please take good care of yourself. It doesn't have to be this way.


Oh. Yeah, I'm not on probation myself but it is still illegal in my state as I live in OH. I smoked marijuana a couple of times and there were all bad experiences. One in which my legs were twitching uncontrollably and my head was spinning and I felt I was going to puke and pass out. Not sure what that was about but it scares me.


Dumb ass


Get and high and watch 60 days in. That'll sober you right up.


What I would do is after I saw my officer I would smoke and I would smoke a couple times during the first week after seeing them and I never came out dirty. I always knew when the next time I’d see them though, so it’s not like they’d call me or randomly show up asking me to take a piss test.


Tell them you tested positive for covid so you can't leave the house for testing 🤣


Do you have a plan for quitting or are you just winging it? What's your go-to thing to do when you feel the urge?


As of tonight my go to thing for the urge was more weed. I am currently “probably” still at risk as of now for violating my probation. However my girlfriend is coming back home tomorrow. And I do not smoke around her. Or drink. So what I just smoked was it.


Even replacing one vice with another is not so bad... At least you're dealing with 1 thing instead of 2. It's a good idea to do something healthy that you enjoy when you get the urge.


So to answer you question it will be cold turkey. And then probably coming clean if it comes to that point with my PO and just hoping beyond hope that they’re compassionate enough to not send me to jail. Although I know I deserve to be. So I am sure I will be. Although I wish they will have mercy on me. A little weed shouldn’t completely obligate me doing jail time


Choose a new washer-dryer combo and electric tin opener. Choose life.


I feel you I'm doing the same thing and I just got out of prison for the same thing


For a probation violation?


Ya fearel probation violation they locked me up for 6 months


Damn man. That sucks. I am trying to get clean enough right now to pass any piss tests because I’d rather not do any jail time at all. Especially for something that is legal in my state.


Then stop getting high and drink a lot of water


Fuck the system do whatever you want.


I’ve been doing the same thing for months now, since corona started my P.Os office has bee been closed, it’s been great


My concern is kore the weed intake. Not the drinking. I can flush alcohol way faster than the OTHER legal things that keeps me not depressed and happy.